Roy Morgan has unveiled its unpredictably timed fortnightly federal voting intention poll, which on this occasion shows Labor leading 54-46 – up from 52.5-47.5 a fortnight ago, and almost back to the 54.5-45.5 result in the poll before that. Both major parties are on 36% of the primary vote, which entails a three-and-a-half point drop for the Coalition and a one point increase for Labor. With the Greens down half a point to 12.5%, this makes room for an increase in the independents/others category that has been a pattern of recent polling, in this case gaining one-and-a-half points to 12%. One Nation is up half a point to 3.5%.
The state two-party breakdowns show Labor leading 53.5-46.5 in New South Wales, for a swing of 5.3%; 56-44 in Victoria, a swing of 2.9%; 54.5-45.5 in Western Australia, a swing of 10.1%; 58.5-41.5 in South Australia, a swing of 7.8%; and 52-48 in Tasmania, a swing to the Coalition of 4.0%, though here the sample gets very small indeed. The Coalition leads only in Queensland, by 52.5-47.5, a swing to Labor of 5.9%. The poll was conducted over the past two weekends from a sample of 2752.
Also out this week was the regular fortnightly survey from Essential Research, which does not on this occasion feature the monthly leadership ratings (we are also about due for its roughly quarterly dump of voting intention results). The poll tackles the nuclear submarines issue and related matters, finding 45% believe the deal will make Australia more secure, 36% that it will not affect Australia’s security, and 19% that it will make Australia less secure. Further questions find respondents taking a benign view of the issue generally, and also surprisingly (to me at least) towards nuclear power: 50% say they would support it for electricity generation with 32% opposed.
The poll also has the regular fortnightly questions on federal and state government responses to COVID-19 management, which give the federal government its best numbers since July: good up two points to 45%, poor down five to 30%. The good ratings for the state governments, in descending order of reliability due to diminishing sample sizes, are 53% for New South Wales, up seven; 44% for Victoria, down six; 62% for Queensland, down three; 82% for Western Australia, down five; and 55% for South Australia, down twelve. The latter result is that government’s weakest so far, but here the error bars are particularly wide. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1094.
I’d hate to own a castle. Must cost a bomb to heat in winter. 😀
The Age 03/10
The Victorian government has overturned the ban on public toilets at outdoor sporting facilities, including golf courses and tennis courts, following widespread backlash.
Did the Victorian government expect the older lady golfers to just take a shit in the trees ?
Lovely stuff that.
Thanks Ballantyne!
“Tiara of the month” isn’t satire? Wow. Just Wow.
I’ve just baked a banana loaf that turned out to be an exact replica of my mother’s “heavy cake”. Too moist and my father was the only one who would eat it. I think my problem is partly because of the cups to mls and grams conversion. Or perhaps it’s just that I’ve lost my baking skills. I’m sure the dogs will help me eat it.
The Age suddenly finds enlightenment. Wonder why?
“Tiara of the Month
The fabulous Astor Tiara featuring the Sancy diamond”
Shit, missed out again!
This “Tiara of the Month” competition is rigged!
Bolt also on form in the Hun.
Andrew Bolt: Time for bully Daniel Andrews to resign
Daniel Andrews needs to resign not just for his obvious failures, but because he cannot learn from his mistakes, and is simply the wrong man for the job.
No comments as yet. I may not have a sub (thankfully) for much longer. We have been having delivery issues for the last couple of weeks. If tomorrow’s is late OH has agreed to cancel and pick it up at the shops when wanted (never as far as I am concerned)
Oh god, Miranda Devine is a Rabbitoh’s fan (vomit).
Too moist is better than too dry… Slice it and zap the slices in the microwave.
Worst case, the dogs still get a treat. 🙂
Photo taken from outside the cafe with the French bread and excellent coffee. One of my consulting clients is diagonally across the road, and a few years back I was there all the time. Haven’t been to Sydney since early 2020.
Do it for Wayne, bunnies!
OK, thanks. I might try that. It’s sort of like a sweet steamed pudding !
Argyle peaked too early:
“POA Free shipping included*”.
* Made you look.
What about face masks? Too boring?
Notice how the corrupt media is ignoring the number of days Sydney has been in lockdown since the pandemic started last year
Greensborough Growler:
[‘Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 4:18 pm’]
Yes, I will.
As for penalities, failure to act in accordance with s.11 of the ICAC Act, which imposes a duty on a public officer to report corruption to the ICAC, is quite serious depending on the circumstances. I’ll have to have a look at the legislation. If it’s found by a court that Berejiklian was aware of Maquire’s corrupt activities, she’ll be in more trouble than the early settlers, a gaol sentence not out of contention.
As for whether a partner/spouse can be compelled to give evidence against their current or former partner/spouse, although there are some limited exceptions (eg, disability), a witness who is competent to give evidence is compellable to do so, with the result that Berejiklian is compelled to give evidence against Maquire if required, and Maguire against Berejiklian, failure to do so constituting a contempt of court.
[What about face masks? Too boring?]
Pick up guaranteed:
Dandy M
The cafe is still there and thriving. I get my baguettes from there. All out of baguettes after lunch today, so I bought cakes (and made the obvious joke). They were delicious.
Deal done
Perrotet Premier
Ayres Deputy
Kean Treasurer
Alex Hart
· 28m
Lots of division in Liberal moderate ranks… I’m told a deal done to install Dominic Perrottet as Premier, with Stuart Ayres as his deputy. Matt Kean as Treasurer… BUT the Kean camp rejects the claim, others saying deal not finalised. Hopefully know very soon. @7NewsSydney
ICAC hearings are not subject to the rules of evidence
I doubt that face planting would have much effect as most of the technology would work single colour scales like grey scale. It is about the ratios of facial features (width of nose to eye width). The paint is not changing facial features. Maybe they should try botox on only part of the face.
Actually, the victory was over Murdoch but Murdoch appealed and won – returning them the right to kick out teams as they saw fit. They sort of did it with the North Sydney Bears who were dudded in their merger with Manly. The Packers were on the ARL side and James Packer eventually bought out Peter Holmes A’Court and now owns 37.5% of Souths, along with Russell Crowe.
The bitter truth is that for all George Piggins did for Souths, on and off the field, he was one of the causes for their near death experience. He simply refused to acknowledge that things began to be done differently in the 80s and 90s and Souths went from minor premiers (out in straight sets) to wooden spooners in one year and never recovered. Even when they got back in, they were headed for the scrapheap because George simply kept on doing things his way. If it weren’t for Crowe, they would be dead and there would be no Lazarus act a second time. They are now one of the best supported and financed teams in the NRL but a far cry from the romantic “Old time Rabbitohs” that D&M speaks of. They may have been once but the times really have moved on. Even though the area has changed dramatically, they still have fantastic junior players and six of the starting thirteen tonight are local players.
As for the new set up in Maroubra, I went to school literally across Fitzgerald Avenue from Heffron Park. What used to be there were old WW11 huts and hostels that were turned into migrant camps in the 50s and 60s. Some of the poorest people, mainly English, spent their first months in Australia there and a heap of them ended up with us at Pagewood Marist Brothers or up the road at South Sydney Boys or Maroubra Girls. Or no school at all in some cases. It was my first real look at abject poverty. In some cases, the only clothes some kids had were the school uniforms. Heffron Park has certainly changed. You could just about hold the Olympics there now but there are definitely some ghosts there.
Douglas and Milko
I’m not fan but that’s a speaking cloud. We’ll see if it was lying!
Selfish Melbourne protestors contract Covid and infect their parents and family as a bonus!
Kos Samaras
· 34m
Am aware that now numerous people who attended the protests from the Hume LGA are now in isolation. Symptomatic. Many of them Timorese. Their elderly parents have COVID as well.
Now we have a person time to give him a cruel and disparaging nickname and let the games begin. PB’s a gooo.
This one is a man so the nickname wont have anything to do with looks like Gladys being the binchickin.
Maybe we should really insult him and call him Steely Dan.
What makes them so susceptible to misinformation?
Roy Orbison,
You’re correct. The Packer interest was in World Series Cricket.
Afternoon bludgers. On climate change policy I have been reading some of the work of Saul Griffith, an Australian-born energy expert working on Biden’s CC policy. He has a not-for-profit called Rewiring America.
For those who don’t want to read it al, there is a good summary of Griffith’s thoughts applied to Australia on this Australia Institute webinar.
Sydney’s been in varying intensities of lockdown since June 26, with the first few weeks relatively loose (“mockdown”), loose enough to allow Delta to break out and run amok, first in Sydney then spreading to the regions, Victoria, NZ and the ACT, with incursions elsewhere. Today is day 100. Funny, that’s not being mentioned anywhere.
Nutella have launched something with rice crisp shell & nutella inside, its in the biscuit aisle
Fun fact: Biscuits attract different tax to chocolates
NSW supposed to have been the gold standards of no lockdowns,yet NSW particular Some parts of Sydney ,the 2nd most lockdown state and city around 140 days
That doesnt suit Morrison and cronies or the corrupt lib/nats propaganda media units narrative
Sounds like Timorese have been revved up
By whom?
Herald Sun – have reading skills to absorb, but not analytic skills to discard Andrew Bolt incitement. Neither does my friend a former hairdresser now on an aged pension
Trusted faith leader?
Casting my eye over tonight’s TV offerings, I see ABC has “The Fires”. Would anyone who endured the horror really enjoy reliving it? I can’t even watch the shorts because they are so scary.
sprocket_ says:
Sunday, October 3, 2021 at 5:10 pm
Deal done
Perrotet Premier
Ayres Deputy
Kean Treasurer
That should help Labor at the upcoming NSW election , out of that lot
Victor Dominello , was the only one with the name of a leader
The inadequacies of Trump employees rolls on.
“Grisham follows into print Michael Cohen, Trump’s ex-lawyer; Omarosa, former Apprentice contestant and Trump White House refugee; Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, former friend and aide to Melania and rival to Grisham; and Stormy Daniels, adult film star and alleged recipient of $130,000 in Trump hush-money.
To know Trump is to blab. As Grisham frames things, working near and for the first couple was akin to being in a “Hunger Games-style environment” and Melania morphed into a modern-day Marie Antoinette: “Dismissive. Defeated. Detached.”
“Clive Palmer’s United Australia party has been sending out mail about Covid-19 and the vaccination program since earlier this year.
The yellow and black flyers, similar to text messages sent by the UAP and advertising it has taken out in newspapers, warn of “adverse reactions” to the vaccines, based on a TGA report which documents every reaction experienced after vaccination, regardless of if there is any connection to the vaccine itself.
Joseph Haweil, the mayor of Hume in Melbourne’s north-west, one of the hardest hit areas in the city’s current Covid outbreak, told Guardian Australia that the mass distribution of UAP flyers had “not helped” amid efforts to reduce vaccine hesitancy in the area.”
”In a word, the Linneys’ Argyle Pink Diamond Tiara is breathtaking. Elegantly composed of 182 of the world’s finest Argyle pink diamonds, the tiara combines old-world royalty with modern-day sophistication.
Nestled at the centre of the incredible 20-carat tiara is a 0.80ct Fancy Vivid pear cut pink diamond. This masterful centrepiece can be detached and worn as a ring, with all the splendour of the tiara distilled to a single, elemental piece…”
No 50% off plus a free set of steak knives, so I might give it a miss…
Roy Orbison,
My great grandmother bought a house in 1929 in Stanmore and I can still remember visiting her (my great grandfather died from Cirrhosis of the Liver or Liver Cancer, can’t remember which, he was Irish-Australian, and an alcoholic), and the Rabbito would actually still go up and down the back lanes in his horse drawn buggy! Which my nanna would dutifully go out to him and buy a rabbit from him and cook Rabbit Stew with. Yuck! So many bones! So little meat!
The Rag and Bone man would also come by regularly, or whatever the name of the guy who collected old pots and pans, was. He’d repair them and sell them back to people for a reasonable price.
She also told me stories about how all the families would help each other out if they fell on hard times, giving them food or looking after the kids when there were troubles at home. It made real the meaning of ‘community’.
On the other hand, people are just so damn selfish these days.
I spent the first part of my life living in Ashfield. I went to Ashfield Public School. However, when I got into Fort Street Girls High on Observatory Hill, mom and dad moved to Stanmore so it was easier to get to. Also because my nanna had passed away.
I still remember watching every single Souths game, every season, and, if Souths got into the Grand Final, off they would go to watch it. They said I was too young to go. 🙁 😀
Speaking of which, it’s getting close to kick off time. 😉
SMH reporting that NSW Liberal factional bosses have struck a deal that will see Dominic Perrottet become the next premier and Tourism Minister Stuart Ayres his deputy. Matt Kean will be Treasurer.
Douglas and Milko @ #2159 Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 – 4:53 pm
Oh well, there’s always one bad apple in every bunch. 😉
“Casting my eye over tonight’s TV offerings, I see ABC has “The Fires”. Would anyone who endured the horror really enjoy reliving it? I can’t even watch the shorts because they are so scary.
Yeah I couldn’t bring myself to watch “The Fires”. The events are too recent – and I lived a long way from the fires.
I felt a sense of obligation to watch, because it features a stellar local cast, and the ads look enticing. But I just don’t want to think about all the lives lost and nature destroyed in this horror.
Instead I watched the entire series of “The Newreader” for the second time. Absolutely brilliant. Stars Anna Torv (also in “The Fires”) who took my breath away – for all the right reasons.
Jaeger @ #2122 Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 – 3:28 pm
Thanks again. Sadly, he/she didn’t make it. The adult male is back out there running off a few of those lovely downward cadenzas as I type. Yes, there’s Patersonia everywhere at the moment (the white patching is artefact; a quick phone snap) and what’s really really rampant is Pimelia, greats swathes of white with a pink blush. It’s never been so prolific, and I can only think: bushfires.
zoomster @ #2125 Sunday, October 3rd, 2021 – 3:41 pm
Lovely. They seem unusually tolerant of trespassers, don’t they. Jonquils for that extra little bit of flair! Our bloke ‘s got a few Pandorea bells.
Just saw a grab of his news conference. He looked pretty pleased with himself.
Sorry to hear that.
Every time a bird is injured by hitting a window here, I feel so guilty that we have built obstacles within their habitat to kill them. Juvenile rosellas are the most frequent (not weekly, thank goodness) as they fly so fast and haven’t yet sussed out the shape of the house.
This is crazy. Covid crazy.