Spillover effects

Another Nationals leadership spill may be brewing, amid growing discontent with low-key incumbent Michael McCormack.

A big but not necessarily good weekend for former and current Nationals leaders:

• Moves to topple Michael McCormack as Nationals leader could come to a boil at today’s party room meeting, which The Australian reports could see a spill or no-confidence motion being moved against him. Barnaby Joyce, David Littleproud and Keith Pitt are all identified as potential successors, though presumably the latter is a long shot. The Australian reports Littleproud will not challenge McCormack directly, meaning he will only nominate if the motion passed is one of no confidence, which would exclude McCormack from contention. Samantha Maiden of News Corp says she “can count to ten votes” for Joyce, which is one fewer than he needs. A spill motion moved by Joyce’s backers in February last year was unsuccessful.

Andrew Clennell of Sky News reports former Nationals leader John Anderson has failed in his bid to return to politics, having lost a preselection vote for the New South Wales Senate ticket to former state party director Ross Cadell by a margin of 42 to 39.

On the other side of the fence:

• Labor’s national executive has endorsed former state party secretary Sam Rae as its candidate for the new seat of Hawke on Melbourne’s north-western fringe, after a process which had been delayed by a Supreme Court injunction and may yet be overruled should the court strike down the national executive takeover of the state party’s preselection process. The Herald-Sun reports that Rae won 18 votes against three for rival candidate Sarah Carter, a former mayor of Maribyrnong.

• Labor’s leadership selection process in Tasmania, which was determined half by party members and half by state conference delegates, has been won by David O’Byrne, a powerful figure in the Left faction. Adam Langenberg of the ABC reports O’Byrne easily defeated rival candidate Shane Broad with 72% of the votes from the ballot of more than 1200 party members and 75% of the state conference votes. A similar process in New South Wales did not proceed after Michael Daley withdrew from contention, leaving Chris Minns to be elected unopposed.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,613 comments on “Spillover effects”

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  1. Morning all. Samantha Maiden is a highly reliable source so assuming this is true, there will be a spill, and National MPs have been on the phone all weekend while at their ski chalets, I mean farms.

    “ Anyway I reckon I can count to 10 votes for
    – he needs 11. Let’s see what happens tmw!”

  2. While Gladys has been working on her Gladys Koala Killer title Bruz has gone for the title of Bruz, Kosciuszko Killer. Or maybe it is Bruz the Brumby Bastard.

    Barilaro’s ‘brumby bill’ has been a catastrophe for the high country

    Sometimes sheer bloody-minded politics overrules hard science. A good example is Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s “brumby bill”, passed by the NSW Parliament three years ago.


  3. I can’t believe Barnaby Joyce is even a consideration given his conduct over the years. He really should’ve retired from parliament in disgrace, but there are no standards in politics these days.

  4. Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    An emergency meeting of national cabinet has been called for this morning with one topic on the agenda – the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines – as the Premier of NSW warned that the next few days will be critical to halting a growing outbreak in Sydney.
    Rob Harris tells us that Michael McCormack’s grasp on his job is slipping, as a growing number of Nationals weigh up whether he should be replaced by former party leader Barnaby Joyce ahead of the next federal election.
    David Crowe reckons it is now or never for Joyce to reclaim the leadership.
    Greg Sheridan argues that the National Party is a dysfunctional mess, losing its support and losing its identity.
    And Dennis Shanahan reckons it’s all over for McCormack.
    But Phil Coorey reports that Michael McCormack has warned “they’ll have to blow me out” as he urged his divided party to shelve growing talk of a leadership spill and focus on the needs of the people.
    Dumping Michael McCormack for reheated former leader and rural populist Barnaby Joyce would be a backward step for the party of regional Australia, the Coalition government and the nation, declares the editorial in the AFR. It sees Littleproud as the man to take on the job and to mark a generational change.
    And Michalle Grattan believes Littleproud would be tougher with the Liberals than McCormack, but would go along with the 2050 target, provided there was a positive deal for agriculture.
    To avoid Australia underperforming again after a crisis, the 2021 Intergenerational Report needs to set out a comprehensive economic reform vision to boost productivity, wages and prosperity, urges Jim Chalmers in an AFR op-ed.
    Nick O’Malley writes that the NSW state government’s plan to spend almost half a billion dollars in a bid to ensure that by 2030 half of all new cars sold in the state are electric has won an odd but loud chorus of praise.
    Sophie Aubrey explains how anti-vaxxers are weaponising pregnant women’s fears.
    Concerns about the new coronavirus cluster in Sydney makes the slowness of the Morrison’s government vaccination rollout more like a stationary target for criticism, writes Jennifer Hewett who says time is running out even for Berejiklian’s “commonsense” approach, given the unhappy collision of more infectious variants and a much delayed and confused national vaccination rollout.
    Dominic Perrottet has urged the federal government to set a clear herd immunity target as business confidence wanes and Australia’s borders remain closed.
    Australians who choose not to get the second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine in response to updated federal health advice are “almost wasting the first dose”, the vice president of the Australian Medical Association has said.
    The Government needs to focus on building proper quarantine facilities and stop relying on hotels to eliminate COVID-19, writes Dr Afzalur Rashid.
    Farrah Tomazin has a close look at the polarising figure of Kim Carr and his future.
    Property developers are pushing ahead with sales of off-the-plan apartments even though the NSW Building Commissioner has slapped them with orders to fix or monitor defects that real estate agents are required to tell potential buyers about. What on earth could go wrong?
    Nick O’Malley writes that, according to a complaint made to the government competition watchdog, to Major Australian energy generators are driving up electricity costs by not generating extra power when demand surges thereby creating price spikes. That’s a bit naughty!
    Jennifer Duke reports that the federal government’s planned repeal of responsible lending laws has come under attack from the Greens who are trying to force it to take the legislation to a vote this week. Greens senator Nick McKim will move a motion on Monday to get the planned changes knocked off the notice paper unless it is taken to a vote by the end of the week.
    Alan Kohler argues that Your Future, Your Super is a solution in search of a problem.
    A bumper crop of babies conceived during the first COVID-19 lockdown last year resulted in the busiest start to the year for NSW public maternity wards in the past decade. A different sort of bingeing to what was expected, perhaps?
    Melissa Cunningham writes that the outgoing Australian Medical Association Victoria president Julian Rait has called for a royal commission into the nation’s response to the pandemic and taken aim at the Victorian government’s culture of defensiveness.
    Mattew Elmas writes about the Morrison government plan to rip millions from job-seekers in social security overhaul after the proposal cleared a Senate Committee that had a dissenting report.
    Locking people away in detention centres for indefinite periods, then releasing them unsupported into the community is not the way to build a successful multicultural society, writes Dr Sabrin Farooqui.
    Peter Martin writes about Australia’s top economists overwhelmingly backing government measures to speed the transition to electric cars in order to meet emission reduction targets.
    In 2014 intensive lobbying by travel agents got rid of protections for the travelling public when companies went bust. When Covid hit, many thousands of people lost huge amounts of money. Pressure is now growing for travel agents to set up mandatory trust accounts. Tasha May reports.
    Susan Connelly laments that Witness K became a scapegoat of the powerful.
    Sometimes sheer bloody-minded politics overrules hard science. A good example is Deputy Premier John Barilaro’s “brumby bill”, passed by the NSW Parliament three years ago, says Clive Hamilton who complains that the situation has become so dire that the conservative federal government is now threatening to step in and overrule Gladys Berejiklian, who has stood by and watched the disaster unfold, evidently cowed by the fear of offending her fractious Coalition partner.
    Joe Biden’s far-reaching domestic agenda in the US is facing serious setbacks on a range of issues as the political quagmire of a tightly contested Senate is seeing Democratic ambitions sharply curtailed in the face of Republican obstruction.
    It is safe to conclude that neither China nor Russia will be intimidated by shows of US strength or alliance solidarity. They will keep on strengthening their military capabilities and continue to use every bit of soft and hard power to advance their vision of a multi-centric world, opines Professor Joseph Camilleri.
    Today’s nomination for “Arsehole of the Week” goes to the company director who owes businesses $20 million after his company went broke on an Andrews government road project and has been accused of siphoning cash from a company he partly owned.

    Cartoon Corner

    David Rowe

    Johannes Leak

    Michael Leunig

    Alan Moir

    John Shakespeare

    Glen Le Lievre


    Mark Knight

  5. Keith Pitt a potential contender for The Nationals’ leadership!?!

    He certainly knows how to get a message out, I’ll give him that. Certain dinosaurs could bellow loudly too.

  6. And, as we are in the Killing Season for Leaders, can I just point out that there are zero, zip, nada rumours about Albanese’s leadership of Labor? I’ve heard more grumbling about Morrison’s leadership recently and he’s the one that so many believe has it all over Albo. Think about it.

  7. Like many, I’d like to be in Europe exploring my family roots – and enjoying a beer in a country pub (sans entourage, which is somewhat bourgeois).

    But not our sQomo – one rule for him, one for everyone else..

    “Contrary to the idea that visiting the Three Tuns was part of a pub crawl, he had come straight from a meeting and was on his way to another event.”

    Morrison was then driven to Newquay Airport, where he held a press conference with Australian journalists before flying out to London for a dinner at Stoke Lodge hosted by High Commissioner George Brandis.

    The Australian press were never told about the St Keverne trip and Morrison’s official photographer, Adam Taylor, did not publish any images from the pilgrimage even though he was there.

    Nothing was mentioned on Morrison’s Facebook page or Twitter account.

    The trip only came to light because it was reported by Cornwall Live.


  8. C@tmomma

    ……..can I just point out that there are zero, zip, nada rumours about Albanese’s leadership of Labor?

    Which could cause some to wonder…………..

  9. What could go wrong…?

    A federal judge said Friday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention can’t enforce its rules for coronavirus-era sailing against cruise ships in Florida starting July 18.

    The decision was hailed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — who filed suit against the public health agency in April — as a “major victory.”

    “The CDC has been wrong all along, and they knew it,” DeSantis said in a statement, alleging that the agency was trying to “sink” the industry. “Today, we are securing this victory for Florida families, for the cruise industry, and for every state that wants to preserve its rights in the face of unprecedented federal overreach.”

    Under the 124-page ruling from U.S. District Judge Steven Merryday, the CDC’s conditional sailing order will become a “non-binding ‘consideration,’ ‘recommendation’ or ‘guideline’ ” when applied to Florida sailings on July 18.


  10. It looks like Victoria are going to have to find an ‘operational partner’ with expertise in manufacturing mRNA vaccines, someone who can put all the pieces together into a seamless production facility, before they can launch their project to make Pfizer/Moderna-type vaccines:

    However, Professor Trent Munro, one of Australia’s most experienced biotech and bio-pharmaceutical experts, told this masthead last month that the Victorian government’s investment was not enough to ensure commercial manufacturing.

    “The money is only one part. You need the operational partner to do that,” he said.

    “In simple terms, we know what all the steps are [to make a vaccine]. But it’s like saying you can go into a Michelin-star restaurant and make the dish.”


  11. Scott Morrison will be sweating if there is a national party leadership change to Barnaby Joyce

    1- Peter Dutton & Stuart Roberts will no doubt , start to put his leadership numbers to a test

    2-It will be like Turnbull and Joyce all over again

    On a lighter note

    If David Littleproud becomes the national party leader

    Morrison will have to watch out for Ian Goodenough

    Goodenough/Littleproud team for the lib/nats ?

  12. ‘fess,
    Ron De Santis wants to be President. He is the Evil Twin of Donald Trump, but without the bronzer and with better hair. He is also hoping Donald Trump doesn’t make it to the 2024 nomination.

  13. The Nats should bite the bullet this morning and make Littleproud leader.

    Staying with McCormack or bringing back Joyce are equally unviable moves.

  14. Littleproud has little to be proud of and Goodenough’s just not good enough.

    EDIT: MB “ The Nats should bite the bullet this morning and make Littleproud leader.

    Staying with McCormack or bringing back Joyce are equally unviable moves.”

    If I wished the Nationals well that’s what I would want.

  15. meher baba at 7:33 am

    Scott: Littleproud and Goodenough both sound like characters out of the Pilgrim’s Progress!

    Some may say well named characters…………..

    Last name: Littleproud
    SDB Popularity ranking: 25735

    ………………since the name literally means ‘No value’.


    Goodenough………………..nickname from Middle English gode ‘good’ + enoh ‘enough’ (Old English genoh). Reaney suggests that it was bestowed on one who was easily satisfied; it may also have been used with reference to one whose achievements were average, ‘good enough’ though not outstanding.


  16. Does this bring back memories of the bushfires

    Scott Morrison’s office spent weeks planning a G7 side trip to explore his convict family roots while the Prime Minister publicly argued Britain was too risky for Australian travellers.

    Morrison should lose his job for lying to the Australian people again during a crisis

    Morrison knows he and the liberal party are protected by the corrupt foreign owned NEWSLTD

    Look how Brett Sutton was attacked by the media

  17. In ‘normal’ circumstances, the visit of a famous person to their ancestor’s birthplace would have been an opportunity for a gathering of the living descendants.
    Our secretive PM didn’t want anyone to know, and apparently had no interest in his distant relatives.
    So why bother?

  18. Trump’s announcement of rallies with Bill O’Reilly sets off furious backlash among QAnon supporters: report

    According to a report from Newsweek, Donald Trump’s announcement that he will be touring with former Fox News personality Bill O’Reilly in December was greeted with dismay and incredulity by QAnon followers who believed he would already have been reinstalled as president in August.

    According to Newsweek’s Ewan Palmer, “Supporters of the radical movement expressed concerns that Trump going on a speaking tour later this year surely means that he will not be returning a president—a false claim they have continued to believe since he lost the 2020 election more than seven months ago.”


    “So nothing will happen until December?” wrote another, with a third adding, “Man I sure hope we don’t have to wait that long before you’re back in office.”


  19. Confessions @ #3 Monday, June 21st, 2021 – 6:33 am

    I can’t believe Barnaby Joyce is even a consideration given his conduct over the years. He really should’ve retired from parliament in disgrace, but there are no standards in politics these days.

    …..but there are no standards in conservative politics these days.

  20. mundo
    This for me epitomized where we are at when it comes to ‘standards’ both of pollies and the public. Both score ‘pathetic’. This is the government taking the piss but the public are happy to take it.

    National Covid aged care plan did not exist before Coalition published ‘7th edition’ in late 2020

  21. Unless Joyce regains the leadership of the Nationals this week there will continue to be noise and discontent.

    If the party changes leader to “ anyone but Barnaby” there will still be noise and discontent.

    Joyce will not give up until he gets the leadership. And there lies the conundrum for Morrison and his crab walk to net zero by 2050.

  22. boerwar

    The Nationals are buggering Kozzie with feral horses and coal and the Liberals are letting them do it.

    The Liberals don’t care about the environment, as we know. I’m wondering how much of a ‘leader’ Gladys really is. Is she “cowed by the fear of offending her fractious Coalition partner” as suggested?
    Is her “sensible stance” on Covid really driven by the reluctance to come out strongly as other Premiers have?

  23. Morning all

    Link to video below

    Dr Zoë Hyde
    This interview with
    is astonishing.

    Australia really was at the front of the queue for vaccines, but we walked away from it!

    If the states and territories hadn’t adopted an elimination strategy, the death toll would have been horrific.
    Quote Tweet
    · 22h
    “The level of incompetence is breathtaking”


  24. Nine/Fairfax always has to put a negative slant on a positive move by the Victorian government. Of course the government would be taking the necessary steps to make this a reality. Unlike their federal counterparts who throw money at maaates!

    (posted by C@tmomma)
    However, Professor Trent Munro, one of Australia’s most experienced biotech and bio-pharmaceutical experts, told this masthead last month that the Victorian government’s investment was not enough to ensure commercial manufacturing.

    “The money is only one part. You need the operational partner to do that,” he said.

    “In simple terms, we know what all the steps are [to make a vaccine]. But it’s like saying you can go into a Michelin-star restaurant and make the dish.”

  25. For once I agree with the Murdoch press. Have the Nationals had a really credible leader since Tim Fischer and John Anderson? They are mostly a group of urban educated elites pretending to be rural to appeal to farmers. It is a career path that attracts grifters, not leaders.

    “ Greg Sheridan argues that the National Party is a dysfunctional mess, losing its support and losing its identity.”

  26. 8 cases from overseas. Goodness me

    Heidi Murphy
    It’s a ONE.
    The new locally-acquired case is a primary close contact who has been quarantining throughout their infectious period.
    Quote Tweet
    · 19m
    Reported yesterday: 1 new local case and 8 new cases acquired overseas (currently in HQ).
    – 10,921 vaccine doses were administered
    – 16,290 test results were received

    More later: https://dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorian-coronavirus-covid-19-data

    #COVID19Vic #COVID19VicData [1/2]
    Show this thread

  27. BB
    You wish is granted. ABC is the first new outlet to use the ‘word ‘scamble’. I don’t know whether other news outletswill use that word. 🙂


    Western Sydney.

    “NSW Health’s list of coronavirus hotspots has grown and contact tracers scramble to track venues visited by confirmed COVID cases.”

  28. For all youse doubters, I happened to hear AM this morning – I don’t usually bother. Albo was on. He smashed it out of the park. Got exactly the right tone. Not whining, but enough grunt and humour to even have Fran on the back foot.

  29. Whilst the coalition MPs once again focus on themselves, there is serious shit to deal with.
    Especially their bloody failures on the covid vaccine.

    Emergency national cabinet meeting taking place this morning for a reason.

    Expect that there will be decisions relating to borders, quarantine and the vaccine that need immediate attention.

    The indulgence on leadership in the nats is frankly offensive.

  30. The new locally-acquired case is a primary close contact who has been quarantining throughout their infectious period.

  31. VicLib and the Herald Sun are succeeding in their efforts. I haven’t seen it, but I believe there is a H-S poll that ‘proved’ that VicLabor are losing support because of all the lockdowns.

  32. Lizzie

    The Herald Sun is best ignored.

    I saw the front page yesterday whilst lining up at checkout. It triggered me.

    I then had a rant about it with the young man who served me. He went on to tell me he is studying media and communications and he totally understood my reaction.


  33. Lizzie

    Apparently the poll was taken during the lockdown. Labor still leading 52 to 48.

    Prior to last election, they had a similar poll with that result.
    Actually Labor ended up winning roughly around 56 percent.

  34. William Bowe writes
    Andrew Clennell of Sky News reports former Nationals leader John Anderson has failed in his bid to return to politics, having lost a preselection vote for the New South Wales Senate ticket to former state party director Ross Cadell by a margin of 42 to 39.

    Thank you NSW Nats being less classy in your selection. I was afraid that Anderson could be selected and make Nats look like a reasonable party. Will I be sued for posting this? 🙂

  35. It was the weekend and testing amount reflects that.
    Hopefully NSW had at least 45000 tests yesterday as they need to have a clear picture of what is out there.

  36. BITB

    Yes we do. But hotel quarantine is not fit for purpose. The chance of leakage goes up when they are more cases to deal with.

  37. I guess mexicanbeemer will be demanding Scott Morrison resign forthwith.

    Bevan Shields
    Scott Morrison’s office spent weeks planning a G7 side trip to explore his family roots while the Prime Minister publicly argued Britain was too risky for Australian travellers.

    Last Sunday’s pilgrimage to St Keverne was never disclosed to the media
    Scott Morrison’s secret G7 side trip to explore his family history
    Scott Morrison’s office spent weeks planning a secret G7 side trip for the Prime Minister to explore his convict family roots.

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