It’s time for a new general discussion thread, but do take note of the other important new posts below this one before diving in:
• New state polling from Western Australia suggests there will be little left of the parliamentary Liberal Party after the election there in March;
• Guest contributor Adrian Beaumont offers his weekly situation report on the ever-eventful US election campaign;
• I launch my Queensland election guide, and in doing so provide a thread for discussion of that state’s October 31 election;
• I humbly plead for donations, as I do every two months.
Other than that, there is one further poll to report on in the shape of a Roy Morgan SMS poll from Victoria, following on from a similar efforts two and three weeks ago. This finds the Labor state government’s two-party lead unchanged at 51.5-48.5, but Daniel Andrews is down nine on approval to 61% and up nine on disapproval to 39%. There has also been movement in sentiment against existing COVID-19 restrictions, with a 61-39 split in favour of lifting the five kilometre rule (50-50 last time), 59-41 in favour of visits to immediate family members (55-45 in favour last time) and 56-44 in favour of a resumption of table service (63-37 against last time). The poll was conducted Monday and Tuesday from a sample of 2223.
interesting info re trump and covid19
‘ trump leading driver of misinformation’, Cornell University.
We have Trumpers in Australia.
I was thrilled to be awake 10ish of the clock last night and to be able to watch what purported to be Channel Nine News – purported because somehow the latest offerings from “The Betoota Advocate” seem to be front and centre with the program.
Primary colours to the fore, stiletto heels and mucho trowel appliquéd make-up for the “presenters”/”journalists” (the women were much more subdued in appearance) and a talking head the envy of dumb-asses everywhere – the show rolled on with the centrepiece that seemed to be a load of old cobblers in the story mentioned by Victor Scholar” – the reimaging of bullshit about security guards and hotels (and that).
Good morning all. I have learned my lesson yesterday – nothing from “The Daily Telegraph” today.
Went to a garden party to reminisce with my old friends
A chance to share old memories and play our songs again
When I got to the garden party, they all knew my name
No one recognized me, I didn’t look the same
But it’s all right now, I learned my lesson well.
You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself.
Of course they did.
Kremlin says Navalny works with CIA, after he accuses Putin of poisoning
Test for edit.
Edit edit edit.
Edit working for me today. 😇
To forestall complaints may I suggest the use of a code word in relation to Colesworths discussion.
Perhaps “WoolCo” would do the job, seems innocuous enough for all but the most dedicated malcontent.
You’ll have the squatters up in arms!
Morning all. I mentioned before the cramped and high disease transmission risk conditions of domestic flying, with social distancing and mask wearing not enforced. This story highlights that the Morrison government is doing nothing to make airlines obey the rules. Flights are a proven risk of spreadin* covid, but if they do it will be the State’s fault.
KayJay @ #7 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 6:46 am
Fantastic! What a creative brain you have! Me? I had to put my barber’s brain into gear this morning and trim my son’s beard before he had a shower. 😀
puffytmd @ #1 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 5:56 am
I’d throw the hat back. 😐
victor scholar says:
Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 10:45 pm
The Age is as bad as the Sun these days. I have read a story in the Age that there is a new private security guard scandal at a Melbourne city hotel. Well what a load of BS, Lies Lies Lies!!! The reporters Towel and the Muslim women are making it up! Firstly the company and the Police both say they are NOT security guards which great reporters mention in there big news story! Secondly I know this story is lies as my son is a policeman and has worked there many times and there are NO private security guards there. There are heaps of police , prison officers, PSO’s ,nurses, and a doctor and Spotless staff!
The other BS story is that Labor will lose 5 Upper House seats with an election 2 years and 2 months away ! I will ring them and ask for next weeks Tatts Lotto numbers for this week.
These people are just idiotic!
The photo shopped images of Danial Andrews the age posts on their front page are cartoons highlighting how desperate and stupid the age has become. You don’t have to read the nonsense they write to work it out.
They really do have to make up their mind a shallow attempt to be the sun ( why they have the stupid market) or a newspaper.
As for the sun; there is just no words.
From Lawyerly
“Government challenges expansion of Robodebt class action
The Federal Government is appealing a judge’s decision to allow the expansion of the Robodebt class action to include claims against five public officers, including Federal Minister Alan Tudge.”
The Robodebt Class Action must go ahead before the law wrt Class Actions gets passed in federal parliament. The courts are the only places this government is accountable for its actions!
Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 7:25 am
Comment #12
I guess you mean the Herald Sun -I’ve just had a look at the web page.
I’m not sure that BK makes regular use of this source but I guess I can get along quite well without it. Looks a lot like The Australian to me.
Is BK OK? The Dawn Patrol is usually up by now. I hope nothing is amiss.
Farewell to Sandy Aloisi on NewsRadio
Good to hear from Lyle Shelton. What’s the latest from Cori Bernadi?
Aw, The Proud Boys even have Black Polo Shirts. Bless!
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
Rob Harris and Shane Wright think businesses battered by the coronavirus pandemic could get a temporary tax break in the federal budget to enable them to stay afloat until they turn a profit. It’s called “loss carry-back”.
David Crowe tells us that we should expect the budget to deliver yet more stimulus on a grand scale.
It took Labor a decade to take John Howard seriously. To defeat Scott Morrison, it needs to start thinking its way back to office from next week, opines Phil Coorey. He says that for Labor, next Thursday night will be show time.
In similar vein Grattan says that next week will belong to the government, but Albanese needs to make an impression too.
A former NSW auditor-general, Tony Harris, gives us the reasons why we must not forget the shameful episode of the sports rorts. A good read.
Alan Tudge, Richard Colbeck and Paul Fletcher are the latest Morrison Cabinet ministers to be mired in scandal, but no one is responsible for anything in this Coalition Government, writes Michelle Pini.,14363
Julie Power and Dana McCauley outline what the report on Covid-19 readiness from the Royal Commission has found and recommended.
The aged care royal commission has criticised “deplorable” infection control regimes at some nursing homes, found a “traumatised” workforce, and recommended an urgent funding injection to bring in new staff in the wake of more than 660 coronavirus deaths in the sector, writes The Australian’s Stephen Lunn.
The coronavirus pandemic has left the aged-care sector “traumatised”, “confused” and in need of urgent reforms, a special Royal Commission report says, with depression and suicide risk among older residents spiking, writes Josh Butler.
Daniel Hurst writes about the royal commission’s findings that the Morrison government’s attempt to prepare the aged care sector for Covid-19 was “insufficient” in some respects, with residents and their families too often left in the dark about who was in charge.
The Federal Government isn’t doing enough to adequately look after our elderly and reform in aged care is urgently needed, writes Lyn Bender.,14364
Victoria’s Department of Health and Human Services has confirmed that two workers on the government’s revamped hotel quarantine program attended work while infectious.
According to Dana McCauley, a new analysis has revealed one in five aged care residents is in care because they cannot receive support to remain at home.
Let’s put Scott Morrison’s $1.5 billion manufacturing plan in perspective, writes Peter Roberts. Just last month $1.9 billion was invested in clean energy, while far more is to be given away in futile tax cuts to the already-well off.
Lucy Cormack reveals that Former NSW Liberal MP Daryl Maguire hosted a posse of business associates at a 2017 re-election fundraiser at Parliament House that was attended by Gladys Berejiklian and Dominic Perrottet. There’s a sniff of the ultra-inflated airport land sale here.
Christopher Knaus reports that the New South Wales government has been accused of ignoring pleas for funding from the state’s anti-corruption body, which warned a year ago that a $4m shortfall threatened to have an “immediate and serious” effect on its ability to fight corruption.
Australians flying home from Pakistan, the US, Britain, India and cruise ship passengers account for the bulk of NSW’s COVID-19 cases imported from overseas, as community transmissions slow to a trickle, reports Lisa Visentin.
Richard Denniss goes against the MSM grain in writing, “Thank you, Victoria – Australia as a whole is healthier and wealthier because of you.”
Network congestion is stopping millions of Australians selling their surplus solar power to the electricity grid, but a trial of new technology to unblock the network could deliver a hip-pocket boost to householders across the country, writes Mick Foley.
Rob Harris writes that days after intervening over the distribution of Pauline Hanson stubby holders in Melbourne, Australia Post executives flew to Brisbane to meet her. How low can you go?
House prices surged in September, but not in Melbourne and Sydney, says Matt Johnson. In thos cities the prices went backwards.
With China’s zero emissions target as a background, Australia’s top agricultural bodies are moving ahead of the federal government on climate policy to shore up their lucrative export interests.
A former climate diplomat warns Australia will miss opportunities that dwarf coal exports if it doesn’t take seriously the net-zero carbon ambitions of China and other major trading partners, writes former diplomat, Thom Woodroofe.
The biggest cause of environmental destruction in our country is the Right-wing ideology shared by conservative politicians and media groups, writes Sue Arnold.,14356
“Who protects us from the Government?”, asks John Lord.
Unemployed Australians are going up against thousands of others for entry-level positions that would have only attracted a handful of applicants before the pandemic, The New Daily reveals.
Matt O’Sullivan reports that internal reports show that piles and other structures hidden beneath the southern promenade used by thousands of people every day are in poor shape. The government has kept the repair cost estimates secret.
Aaron Patrick continues his exposé on the questionable practices at Toll Transport.
Lisa Visentin tells us that a key crossbench senator, Stirling Griff, is demanding more funding for student places at South Australia’s three universities as one condition of passing the government’s signature funding reforms through the Senate. Rebekha Sharkie is doing a lot of the running on this.
A sexual abuse victim who signed away his rights to sue the Catholic Church has had the settlement overturned, thereby dismantling a key defence from the church.
Labor has criticised a government decision allowing potentially hundreds of “privileged” foreign citizens paying for business investment visas to enter Australia, arguing they are taking hotel quarantine places away from 28,000 Australians stranded overseas.
Namaan Zhou lists the winners of this year’s infamous Ernie Awards.
Oh dear! The Australian tells us how the NRL powerhouse club South Sydney Rabbitohs covered up alleged drug use, domestic violence and harassment to protect star player Sam Burgess, and is accused of using fake identities to hide positive tests for illegal substances.
Brigid Delaney thinks charisma trumps character in modern politics.
Thomas Friedman declares that Donald Trump has now made it unmistakably clear in recent weeks — and even more crystal clear at Wednesday night’s debate — that there are only two choices before American voters November 3 — and electing Joe Biden is not one of them. Friedman says that American democracy is in terrible danger.
And on that note, Texas is already one of the hardest places in America to vote, and Greg Abbott, the Texas governor, on Thursday made it even harder as he orders closure of multiple ballot drop-off sites
“Never has a candidate yelled so loudly for so long for so little reason”, writes the New York Times’ Gail Collins.
When Trump defends armed right wing gangs, his rhetoric has echoes of fascism, warns David Relton.
Ireland’s Supreme Court has just ruled that bread sold by Subway contains so much sugar that it can’t be legally defined as bread.
Today’s “Arsehole of the Week” nomination goes to a (former) plastic surgeon.
Cartoon Corner
Andrew Dyson

David Pope
Jim Pavlidis
Matt Golding
Peter Broelman
Glen Le Lievre
Johannes Leak
Mark Knight
From the US
Scott Dworkin
BREAKING: GOP operatives Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman charged with four felony counts for a voter suppression scheme in Michigan. They face up to 24 years in prison.
Gretchen Whitmer is proving a very effective Governor of Michigan.
First sign of The Moron from Mundonity and I’m out of here. The arsehole is getting beyond a joke.
Shellbell @ #17 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 7:42 am
Good riddance. An ABC Lib fan girl of the worst kind.
Tony Koch (former News Corp journo for 32 years)
I know I shouldn’t glance at Courier Mail as it is just toxic crap, but today it has 6 comment pieces on line. All are critical of the Labor govt. This paper was a joke awhile ago, but now has descended to just toxic waste. Advertisers are not amused by this stupidity. #auspol
Kronomex @ #23 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 8:04 am
He loudly and angrily claims to be pro-Labor. Yeah right.
Much thanks BK
Ah, Johannes Leak. It’s the lazy bludgers who are holding back Morrison’s resurrection of Australian manufacturing. Got it.
As someone commented the other night (was it here?) the douche doesn’t fall too far from the bag.
‘The Federal Government isn’t doing enough to adequately look after our elderly and reform in aged care is urgently needed, writes Lyn Bender.’
The Labor opposition is all over it.
Wouldn’t want to be in Scrooter’s shoes.
This is not looking good at all:
David Axelrod
So under
@GovAbbott’s new order, counties in Texas, regardless of size, are limited to ONE drop off box for ballots.
So Harris County (Houston), 1,777 square miles, has to close 11 of 12 drop off locations.
This is about as subtle as a screen door on a submarine.
About time re Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman.
Hopefully Brad Parscale is going to spill some tea.
His breakdown other day wasnt him not coping with what has happened so far. More like he is freaking out as to what is in store.
Spray @ #28 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 8:10 am
I’ve lived in the same area as the Leak family for over 20 years. Let me tell you, Johannes Leak is as spoilt rotten a kid as they come, living the life of Riley and never having gotten a callous on his hands from hard work in his privileged life!
Spray @ #28 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 8:10 am
I doubt Mundo would get away with that one, Spray.
And yes, there have been quite a few repetitions of similar comments about this Leak moron. I try to scroll ’em because you can’t unsee them and they tend to put a crimp in Mundo’s day.
There are few things of which you can be certain wrt this Gov’t, but one is that they would not be able to care less than they do now about Australian’s well-being and safety. Identity theft is a scourge, yet they do nothing about it.
The last Gov’t to act on it was the Labor Gillard Gov’t. The Abbott Gov’t did nothing. The Turnbull Gov’t commissioned a review which the Morrison Gov’t has sat on.
C@tmomma @ #11 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 7:06 am
Dum-dum Don – a hollow-headed slug.
The Trumps may try and dangle a pardon for Parscale in order to get him to shut up about the campaign finance violations but I think Brad Parscale is smart enough to realise that Trump isn’t going to be around to do it for him. I’d also think that the FBI have taken Parscale to a very secure place and put him in Witness Protection.
I know it’s annoying, but if everyone else stands back, the boring morons take over.
Kronomex @ #23 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 8:04 am
First rude beligerent foul mouthed comment from Kromehead and I’m blocking him.
I’d be hoping that he is being protected. Cos I genuinely believe his life is at risk.
Kristina Keneally
Announcement in March:
”The Australian Government will be responsible for residential aged care facilities”
Reality today:
“There was not a COVID-19 plan devoted solely to aged care” – Aged Care Royal Commission
665 deaths
Royal commission demands additional staff in aged care immediately
The commissioners say it is not the time for blame but the time for action.
Not for much longer… (Also: Proud to be British?)
Well, there goes the 2nd and 3rd Debates:
The Trump campaign said Thursday that the president would participate in the second and third debates, but that it does not support changing the format. Campaign officials also accused the leadership of the Commission on Presidential Debates of bias against President Trump.
lizzie @ #37 Friday, October 2nd, 2020 – 8:17 am
‘boring morin’ – someone who can’t accept Labor is truly committed to opposing the Morrison administration and keeps saying so.
‘goodie two-shoes’ – someone who endlessly repeats anti Scrooter/media epithets day after day after day……..after day….
PB is a broad church indeed.
Fine sentiments by Fred Perry but these jerks have no respect for the law and they have silent partners with very deep pockets and expensive lawyers to hand.
Some highlights from the Smart Energy Council Summit just gone, which had an impressive array of speakers on the required and coming transformation of energy in Australia and around the world
Mike Cannon-Brookes reveals he was told not to use bullshit on Q & A, but uses it here, with Dan Ilic and Osher Ginsberg.
Evidently the Smart energy council can live with the odd BS thrown in, particularly for when it is such an applicable language in auspol.
Far less constraint and more knowledge, insight, facts and a few suitably applied swear words to make the point aout how idiotic not going now for renewables and ending any new fossil fuel extraction in Australia is.
Mike Cannon-Brookes, Osher Günsberg and Dan Ilic at the Global Smart Energy Summit
Frank Bainimirama gives a pretty great talk with some fairly straight talking to, his self-proclaimed friend, Scott Morrison and Australians broadly, on what Fiji and the Pacific Islands consider acceptable climate policies. which applies as much to the ALP and Albo, who didn’t rate a mention as a mate by Frank. Jacinta does get a mention as a mate, apparently she gets it, according to Frank. Australia? Not so much.
Anything less than binding targets and policies for 2030 and 2050 from Australia, won’t cut it for the Pacific Island peoples.
Frank Bainimarama and John Connor at the Global Smart Energy Summit
Two ex Liberal leaders at this summit, Hewson here with Jeffrey Sachs
Mark Butler was the only ALP rep it seems, his vid doesn’t make the highlights. The hollowness of his words compared to what the ALP will actually do or say on fossil fuels is obviously a hindrance to anyone believing anything about what anyone in the ALP reckon they will do. With the shadow minister for Ag and acting shadow shadow minister for ALP fossil fuel and mining policy in Fitzy, apparently running the show.
Prof Jeffrey D Sachs, intro by Dr John Hewson AM
Deafening silence still from Labor on Narrabri, Beetaloo, Shenhua, and Adani getting a royalty free period from the qld ALP, because fossil fuel companies are such deserving recipients of government largess right now.
Well there you go
BREAKING: Senate Republicans just blocked a vote on a resolution condemning white supremacy.
3:46 AM · Oct 2, 2020·Twitter Web App
Phil Coorey is no friend of Labor, so stuff like this…
… just means Coorey (and his ilk) set the test, then appoint themselves as judges of the outcome
Many thanks BK for today’s Dawn Patrol.
There’s enough malice and bastardry contained in the items to condemn the whole of humanity….
According to Dana McCauley, a new analysis has revealed one in five aged care residents is in care because they cannot receive support to remain at home.
One could be forgiven for thinking that the system is working as designed although with those who have died being replaced on the list by new addons the problem is static in regard to numbers.
Of course with the Federal Gummint proclaiming loudly and often that there is a plan for Aged Care – we can expect publication of that plan momentarily – comprehensive – accepting responsibility – hugely funded and fully supporting the Minister for Aged Care (and other fuckups).
A sexual abuse victim who signed away his rights to sue the Catholic Church has had the settlement overturned, thereby dismantling a key defence from the church.
Bastardry on a universal scale. The article references a previous article
Currently 18℃ in Newcastle projected top of 25C.