At the end of every second month, this site rattles its tin in the hope of unloosening some spare change from the pockets of its valued readership. Donations are gratefully received via the PressPatron button at the top of the page, or the “become a supporter” buttons that appear at the foot of each post. If you are having technical problems with the donation facilities, which have been known to crop up from time to time, please drop me a line at pollbludger-AT-bigpond-DOT-com.
Motivations to donate might include my just-published guide to the Queensland state election, the guide to the looming Australian Capital Territory election that will be along fairly shortly, and the deluge of effort that will be put into covering these campaigns over the coming month, together with the elections that loom in New Zealand and especially the United States.
To donors and non-donors alike, thanks are due for all who contribute to the Poll Bludger experience. If you encounter technical problems with the payment facility, which have been known to crop up from time to time, please drop me a line at pollbludger-AT-bigpond-DOT-com.