Scattered accounts of opinion polling ahead of what looks like being a lean week for it, with both Newspoll and Essential Research entering an off-week in their respective cycles:
• Some seriously mixed signals coming out of Victoria, starting with Roy Morgan, who have published results of an SMS poll conducted on Tuesday and Wednesday from a sample of 2325 that records a 70-30 favourable split for Daniel Andrews’ performance as Premier. Respondents also split 63-37 against allowing restaurants, hotels and cafes to provide table service, 54-46 against ending the rule limiting travel to within 5 kilometres of a person’s home, 63-37 against an end to the 9pm curfew, although there is a 59-41 split in favour of allowing Melbourne residents to visit the homes of immediate family members, and a 76-24 split in favour of state government compensation for businesses forced to close.
• The contrast is provided by a Herald Sun report in Liberal internal polling by MediaReach of five marginal Victorian state seats, showing devastating swings against Labor. The Liberals are credited with leads of 70.6-29.4 in Bayswater (50.4-49.6 to Labor at the 2018 election), 68.0-32.0 in Hawthorn (50.4-49.6 to Labor), 54.5-45.5 in Monbulk (58.6-41.4), 54.9-45.1 in Mount Waverley (51.8-48.2) and 57.9-42.1 in South Barwon (54.6-45.4). Daniel Andrews is nonetheless said to have preferred premier leads over Michael O’Brien of 46-37 in South Barwon, 43-37 in Mount Waverley and 39-29 in Monbulk, with O’Brien leading 46-33 in Hawthorn and 37-33 in Bayswater. The polling was conducted on Tuesday from samples of between 523 and 694.
• Labor-linked firm Redbridge Group has published polling from three Labor-held federal seats, which collectively suggest Labor has gone backwards since last year’s election. Including results for a follow-up prompt for the initially undecided, and applying preference flows from the last election, I estimate the two-party results at 54-46 to the LNP in Lilley, where Labor’s margin is 0.6%; 54.7-45.3 to Liberal in Hunter, where the margin is 3.0%; but 53-47 to Labor in Corangamite, improving on their existing 1.1% margin. Whereas One Nation came close to making the final two-party preference count in Hunter last year, this poll has them a distant third with 9.5%. The poll also presented respondents in Hunter with Liberal as the Coalition response option, whereas the seat was contested by the Nationals at the election. The poll was conducted from August 20-22 from samples of 1000 to 1200 per electorate. Pollster Kos Samaras notes on Twitter that their state-level polling is “not reporting the same trends”, and suggests the firm will publish polling over the coming days casting doubt over the aforementioned MediaReach findings from Victoria.
• The West Australian published further results on Monday from last week’s Painted Dog Research poll, which credited Mark McGowan with a 91% approval rating, this time on Liberal leader Liza Harvey. Harvey was found to have an approval rating of just 10%, down nine since June, with disapproval unchanged at 37%. The balance included 36% neither satisifed nor dissatisfied and 10% for don’t know – I’m not sure where that leaves the 7% balance. The poll was conducted last week from a sample of 837.
• I took part in a podcast this week with Ben Raue at The Tally Room, together with former Australian Electoral Commission official Michael Maley, in which a highly wonk-ish discussion was had about electoral redistributions.
A bit of lawyer on lawyer action
“Class action accuses law firm of charging unreasonable fees
A national personal injury firm has been hit with a class action over its allegedly unreasonable legal fees.”
Rick Wilson torches Trump for confessing to COVID-19 manslaughter: ‘That’s some killer clown show’
The president got busted lying about the coronavirus pandemic after talking for more than nine hours with veteran journalist Bob Woodward, and former Republican strategist Rick Wilson says Trump deserves whatever’s coming next.
“This week’s wounds are from Trump’s own quivering, liverish lips and the sh*t sandwich he stuffed between them on Wednesday,” Wilson wrote. “It’s not every day that your hubris and dumbf*ckery leads you to do 18 on-the-record taped interviews with Bob Woodward confessing to, oh, 200,000 f*cking cases of manslaughter because you lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied and lied again to the American people about the impact of COVID. It’s not some vague J’Accuse from the resistance now; Trump admitted early on that he knew just how deadly and how dangerous the virus would be, and lied anyway. That’s some killer clown show.”
“He tried to play Bob F*cking Woodward. Nothing about these interviews can be unspun or unrung. No matter how gamely his enablers and the comms shop grunt out excuses, his words are there, on tape. This wasn’t a president trying to calmly lead the nation through crisis; this was Trump simply not giving a f*ck.”
Re the US election, anecdotal stuff. I have an 87 years old uncle who’s been living in NYC since 1955. We had a long chat yesterday. He’s a Democrat, never missed an election until 2016. Said he didn’t vote in 2016 because he didn’t like Clinton. He has no intention of voting in November, he says that “Trump is an idiot” and “Sleepy Joe has serious cognitive issues“.
He sits in a “parliament” of 10 people every morning at his local coffee shop. 8 Democrats and 2 Republicans. In 2016 the 2 Republicans voted for Trump and 5 Democrats voted for Clinton. 3 didn’t vote at all. Now one is planning to vote for Trump and one for Biden. The rest are not planning to vote. He also says there’s no enthusiasm for Biden among his family and friends.
As I said, this is anecdotal and of course NY is irrelevant to the result and NYC is nothing like the battleground states. But although there’s nothing I’d like more than to see Trump gone, I still think that unfortunately he’s still more likely to win. At least for now.
It’s not irony.
Herald Sun report in Liberal internal polling
we know how these internal polling turns out to be , newsltd propaganda
lizzie says:
Friday, September 11, 2020 at 6:49 am
Dutton can’t see the irony of separating families in detention & him being ‘outraged’ regarding a daughter kept from father’s funeral.
It’s not irony.
Or Dutton giving favours to au pair’s to be allowed into the country
Morning all
Kevin Bonham doesnt think much of the polling
Kevin Bonham
· 8h
Internal so-called leaked (means not leaked) polling from the same company that had the Territory Alliance on course to govern the NT (they won one seat). Nothing useful to see here. #Springst
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Seat by seat polling is basically worthless.
Andrew Gold
Trump is not only an idiot, but a bona fide first class liar.
And stupid beyond belief. Fancy voluntarily calling Woodward to be interviewed 18 times and having them recorded.
Now it is on the record that Trump lied that caused thousands to die.
The sleepy Joe meme is laughable by comparison.
Kevin Bonham
Internal so-called leaked (means not leaked) polling from the same company that had the Territory Alliance on course to govern the NT (they won one seat). Nothing useful to see here. #Springst
Hopefully those interviews will make a difference.
Andrew Gold
Nothing will make a difference to the cultist followers of Trump. They will stick to him in spite of how bad Trump is.
But it will shift some people.
Gotta say I detest Morrison.
To display fake compassion for political gain is disgusting.
His dad of the nation schtick is pathetic more so for the fact some go for it
It is so obvious that he is an imposter.
He is disgusting
Yep he is an imposter but like Trump his base and some others get sucked in by him and it makes my skin crawl.
This is the most important democratic election on the planet in living memory. That peeps feel disinclined you vote is hard to understand.
However it may be that Biden’s campaign is focussing on some of the negatives too much. That there isn’t enough positive energy. It is difficult to say from here and the way people are consuming (or not) news is possibly part of the problem. Yet I do think back to great ALP victories of the past and the immense positive enthusiasm that went with those campaigns. Maybe that is harder to portray in today’s media landscape. Harder to win that way? Higher risk in the US? Whilst Sanders campaign would have been very different… Biden is way ahead atm.
Undraining the swamp: how rewilders have reclaimed golf courses and waterways
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
An early morning meeting of the NSW Nats will take place soon and this will determine whether or not Gladys heads off to Government House with a new ministerial line up. Happy days!
Michaela Whitbourn writes that some top legal experts are saying NSW Nationals MPs, including Deputy Premier John Barilaro, should resign immediately as ministers after vowing not to support government bills until their demands over state planning policy are met.
Historian David Clune tells us that history shows Berejiklian has the upper hand in calling Barilaro’s bluff.
According to Phil Coorey, the Australian government is poised to nominate Mathias Cormann for the position of secretary-general of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development in coming weeks, sources say.
Waleed Aly opines that we deserve better than this fight between governments.
According the Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw, Australia considered the foreign policy consequences of raiding the properties of Chinese journalists before counter-espionage agency ASIO undertook the operation.
Paul Karp reports that Scott Morrison has denied considering whether proposed sports grant projects were located in marginal or target seats at a meeting with Bridget McKenzie in November 2018 that resulted in a $70m expansion to the program.
This article by David Crowe on contact tracing is a very worthwhile read.
Katina Curtis says that Scott Morrison wants leading health officials to agree on a national coronavirus hotspot definition as a top priority so he can use the medical advice to pressure premiers to open their borders. (So this is what the orchestrated media meltdown yesterday was all about?)
Michelle Grattan says that when grief meets politics, it is sad and ugly.
The Conversation explains how winding back JobKeeper and JobSeeker will push 740,000 Australians into poverty.
Bruce Haigh says that our trading relationship with China is being ruined by the right wing.,14293
And the Chinese government has accused Australian officials of legal interference for sheltering two high-profile journalists at diplomatic premises before they were rushed out of China over fears for their safety.
Kristina Keneally has called for right-wing extremists to be put on the terror register. It is a fair point she makes.
Meanwhile Phil Coorey writes that there are signs that rising inequality due to COVID-19 could lead more discontented voters to bypass the major parties and swing towards right-wing populist movements.
Two dozen Starbucks patrons caught COVID but four mask-wearing staff didn’t. Dr Alex Fois puts the case for the wearing of masks.
It seems health bureaucrats stopped Victoria’s Chief Health Officer taking control of the state’s coronavirus response –against his wishes and in contradiction to the state’s own pandemic plan.
The Guardian shares a day in the life of Victoria’s Covid contact tracers.
Melbourne’s Catholic priests are taking a quiet stand, giving dying parishioners the last rites in defiance of the Andrews government’s stage-four restrictions.
Dana McCauley says that the Government has been sitting on a key mental health report for ten weeks as the budget looms.
Jennifer Hewett says that the Rio Tinto board is only belatedly realising how badly it got it wrong by arguing that docking the pay of key executives was sufficient penance for the inexcusable failure at Juukan Gorge.
The giant coal port Dalrymple Bay is up for sale. The financial engineering wizards from Brookfield want out. Brookfield’s debt is humungous, and green hydrogen is looming as a mortal threat to coking coal. They can’t offload it to professional investors, so they are now targeting the mums and dads for a float on the ASX, while even angling for a bail-out by the Queensland Government. Michael West reports on one of the trickiest financial juggling acts you will ever see.
Assisted by the Morrison Government and the ACCC, News Corp is fighting Facebook and Google. David Donovan and Michelle Pini explain the latest internet wars.,14294
South Australia has become the first Australian state to introduce laws banning some single-use plastics including cutlery, straws and stirrers.
South Australians holidaying in their own backyard drove a $70m bounce back for the state’s crippled tourism sector in just two months after lockdowns ended.
The federal opposition has demanded chairman Lucio Di Bartolomeo and general counsel Nick Macdonald front the upcoming Senate estimates hearing along with under-fire chief executive Christine Holgate. This will be one to watch.
A Melbourne storage company says it will be forced to the wall by an Environment Protection Authority order requiring it to spend more than $1 million to clean up a huge stockpile of mislabelled toxic waste transferred to it under false pretences by a former “Arsehole if the Week” nominee,
The SMH editorial accuses Crown casinos of having failed on money laundering.
Elizabeth Knight looks at Myer Ltd and the prospect of Solomon Lew blowing up the board.
Nick Toscano reports that BHP has set targets to slash emissions by 30 per cent in the next decade and tackle its wider carbon footprint.
Microsoft has just said that Russian military spies who hacked and leaked Democratic emails to inject chaos into the 2016 presidential election are active again, targeting political parties, advocacy groups and consultants.
Overnight, the European Union told Britain it should scrap a plan to break their divorce treaty, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government vowed to press ahead with a draft law that could sink four years of Brexit talks. It’s game on!
The most dangerous phase of the US Covid-19 crisis may be yet to come, writes economics professor, Barry Eichengreen.
Trump told a reporter his biggest secret and that is that he is a danger to the American people, writes Richard Wolffe.
Matthew Knott explains how the Bob Woodward revelations shines the spotlight on Trump’s biggest weakness.
Critics from both Democratic and Republican sides are emerging to prevent Donald Trump from winning another four years in the White House, writes Dr Norm Sanders.,14291
Formerly from the NPR, Bill Wyman outlines the atrocious week Trump has had.
Cartoon Corner
David Pope

David Rowe
Cathy Wilcox
John Shakespeare
Matt Golding
Mark David
Glen Le Lievre
Johannes Leak
Mark Knight
Andrew Dyson
Simon Letch
From the US
Same with me.
lizzie @ #4 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 4:49 am
One votes, the others don’t. 🙁
Elysse Morgan
· 12h
A very sad week for #TheBusiness team with three of our best leaving. The team’s tribute here
I would not be greatly surprised if those leaked seat numbers from Eastern Melbourne resemble the true situation. Those seats were very likely to swing back anyway, and with the hotel quarantine debacle angering many those seats are going to be hard to defend at the next election. It doesn’t mean Labor will lose the next election even if they lose those seats.
I wonder if most people even know who the WA opposition leader is.
It’s a simple equation. Either The Nationals support the NSW government planning bill and retain their Ministries in the NSW government, or they don’t, then resign their ministries and go to the crossbench, no longer a part of the government.
They certainly can’t tell Gladys Berejiklian to wait for 2-3 weeks while they plan their next lot of tactics.
Confessions @ #22 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 7:47 am
In WA as well!
C@tmomma @ #24 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 5:49 am
That’s what I meant.
lizzie @ #21 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 7:45 am
Good point:
Ita embracing the neo-liberal mantra to cut costs by cutting the cost of experience. Which raises the question of when does experience have value?
“But although there’s nothing I’d like more than to see Trump gone, I still think that unfortunately he’s still more likely to win. At least for now.”
It was this sort of “vibe” feeling that led a whole legion of pundits to predict Mitt Romney would narrowly beat Obama, or at least make it very close in 2012. In the end it was a thrashing. Back then the pundits completely ignored the polls, which were broadly correct about the margin of Obama’s win.
I see the same “vibe” driven predictions about Trump winning this election. The predictions are certainly not reflected in the polls. And before you bring up 2016, the polls were light years better then for Trump than they are now – and at the very worst forecast a very narrow Clinton win. Not now. Biden has been streets ahead for a very long time, and I don’t see that changing in any meaningful way before November. I’m fairly confident Trump, like Romney, will lose by a very comfortable margin.
The public will never learn ,
can not believe those who are falling gullible to the stunt by gladys berejiklian , if she was serious
The libs/nats coalition would be no more , the reality is
gladys berejiklian needs the national party to retain government
The vileness and sheer bastardry of Saint Scummo the Prick seems to know bounds when he starts getting desperate –
I notice the coward only seems to have this fits of vitriolic anger on The Murdoch Media because it’s safe ground and it’s where the unwashed masses (no apology) go to have their brains sucked out and replaced with bullshit. Par for the course with the LNP.
Andrew Gold,
You really should tell your uncle in NY that the Biden ‘cognitive decline’ allegation is Russian election interference propaganda. Does your uncle really want to admit that he is sucked in that easily by Putin’s goons?
Kronomex @ #29 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:01 am
As Mundo opined during last years federal campaign…killer politics played by political killers.
Labor needs to go soft, sorry I mean go hard soon or end up squashed along with all the other roadkill….
Pretty much sums it up. Shame on the vile Nats.
Kronomex @ #29 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:01 am
‘The vileness and sheer bastardry of Scott Morrison seems to know bounds when he starts getting desperate ‘ Mr Albanese said in Sydney earlier this morning.
Scott @ #28 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 7:56 am
Mundo can.
The public will never learn.
Kevin Bonham (on twitter) was dismissive of the MediaReach poll, pointing out that they predicted that the Territory Alliance would do very well in NT.
There is ALWAYS a tweet.
Meanwhile in Texas (pop 29 m)
Texas Covid-19 Cases Rise By 4018 On Thursday Vs Previous Day
-Deaths Rise By 161
Also another early opener for tourists Spain clears 10,763 new cases yesterday, and France 9,843 2nd wavers enjoying the Tour de France.
And we have Murdoch Morrison pushing similar here
From what Adrian Piccoli explained on The Drum yesterday, the Nats are simply following their supporters’ belief that “everyone has a right to clear their land for profit”. Not all farmers feel this ay, but until this changes, any native creature is at risk.
Saving koala habitat might need compensation paid if governments are serious.
Build new projects instead of speeding up personal tax cuts, say Greens
The Greens are calling for a building boom worth up to $225 billion to create new social housing and faster public transport, claiming the projects would be a better use of federal funds than bringing forward personal tax cuts.
Citing a new cost estimate to back its stance, the party is calling for a federal commitment to high-speed rail to cut travel times in the major cities and connect regional Australia.
Greens leader Adam Bandt said the construction would do more for the country than accelerating the federal government’s personal tax cuts, which are worth $148 billion over a decade and could be brought forward in the October 6 budget.
“The government must support the million Australians now unemployed, not the millionaires and super-wealthy,” Mr Bandt said.
“The government must support the million Australians now unemployed, not the millionaires and super-wealthy.” Couldn’t have said it better myself!
Firefox @ #36 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:13 am
Nor could Labor!
lizzie @ #38 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:13 am
The Nats are actually taking a stand against branch stacking.
Branches for koalas?
lizzie @ #37 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:17 am
Maybe they’re bringing in Joe Wilderbeast to stem the flow.
Kronomex @ #29 Friday, September 11th, 2020 – 8:01 am
Take that cloud!~!@!#!@
“From what Adrian Piccoli explained on The Drum yesterday, the Nats are simply following their supporters’ belief that “everyone has a right to clear their land for profit”. Not all farmers feel this ay, but until this changes, any native creature is at risk.”
Such a disturbing disregard for life, isn’t it. It’s the koala’s land too! Humans can be so unbelievably heartless in the pursuit of profit.
gladys berejiklian needs to advise the governor to call the election
If she is confident the liberal party can govern without the national party
Big A Adrian,
I hope you’re right but I was in NY in October 2012 and the buzz for Obama was just unbelievable. Apparently there’s nothing now but it could very well be because of covid.