Donation drive

At the end of every second month, this site rattles the tin at its valued readers in a thus far successful effort to keep its head above water. Never has it done so in circumstances quite so unpromising as at present. So if you can find it in your hearts and/or wallets to do so now, it will be appreciated more than ever. While there are obviously a great many out there who are doing it a lot worse than I am, the general situation of the blog is analogous to the media as a whole, in that traffic is booming (comments activity has just about doubled) while revenue sags. This arrives on top of what was already a challenging period of election drought going back to the federal election last May, followed by no state elections until the one that will be held in Queensland in October.

If any of that tugs at your heart strings, please make use of the PressPatron button at the top of the page, or the “become a supporter” buttons that appear at the foot of each post. There are also some of you out there who are still in my system as donors but whose payments are not being processed due to expired credit cards — if that sounds like you, you can update your details by logging in at PressPatron and clicking on “edit payment” under “payment details” on the “My Contributions” page.

If you encounter technical problems, which have been known to crop up from time to time, please drop me a line at pollbludger-AT-bigpond-DOT-com.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.