Party leadership developments:
• Barnaby Joyce has announced he will contest the Nationals leadership when the party room holds its first meeting on the resumption of parliament this morning, with a view to deposing Michael McCormack, who replaced Joyce him after his resignation in February 2018. This follows the opening of the deputy leadership position after Bridget McKenzie resigned from cabinet on Sunday over her handling of grants to sports clubs while serving as Sports Minister before the election. Joyce has two confirmed supporters out of a party room of 21, most notably Matt Canavan, who also quit cabinet yesterday (while also taking the opportunity to concede a loan under the North Australia Infrastructure Facility Act, over which he has ministerial oversight, had been given to an NRL club of which he was a registered supporter). The other is Wide Bay MP Llew O’Brien, who will move the spill motion that will vacate the leadership position if it gets the required 11 votes. Sharri Markson of News Corp reports claims Joyce has precisely that many votes, but this does not seem to be the majority view: a Seven News reporter related a view that Joyce had about seven, while an unnamed Liberal MP told The Australian ($) Joyce would not get “anywhere near” winning. David Littleproud, Keith Pitt and David Gillespie will all nominate for the deputy position, with Littleproud rated the favourite.
• Richard Di Natale announced yesterday that he was quitting both the Greens leadership and would shortly leave the Senate, saying he wished to spend more time with his family. Every indication is that he will be succeeded this morning by the party’s sole member of the House of Representatives, Melbourne MP Adam Bandt. The Australian ($) reports there are “discussions under way” for Queensland Senator Larissa Waters to take on a new role as party leader in the Senate”. Di Natale will remain in parliament pending the party’s process for choosing his replacement, which is likely to take several months. There is only the vaguest of speculation at this point as to who the successor might be.
By-election news:
• It has been confirmed the Queensland state by-election for the Gold Coast state seat of Currumbin, to be vacated with the resignation of Liberal National Party member Jann Stuckey, will be held on March 28, the same day as the state’s council elections. The selection of lawyer Laura Gerber as LNP candidate has fuelled Stuckey’s attacks on the party, on the basis that she was chosen by the party’s state executive rather than a vote of local members, and that this reflected a determination for the seat to be contested by “a skirt”. Among the reasons for Stuckey’s alienation from the party is that her own favoured successor, Chris Crawford, was blocked by the party’s vetting committee last year. The LNP has held the seat since 2004, currently on a margin of 3.3%.
• The date for the Northern Territory by-election in the Darwin seat of Johnston has been set for February 29. The seat is being vacated with the retirement of Labor member Ken Vowles after a period of estrangement from the party and its leader, Chief Minister Michael Gunner. The seat will be contested by Joel Bowden for Labor; Josh Thomas for the Country Liberals; Steven Klose for the Territory Alliance, the new party associated with former CLP Chief Minister Terry Mills; and Aiya Goodrich Carttling for the Greens. Labor has held the seat since its creation in 2001, currently on a margin of 14.7%.
Preselection news:
• South Australia’s Liberals have chosen a factional moderate, Andrew McLachlan, to fill the Senate vacancy created by the retirement of Cory Bernardi. McLachlan has served in the state’s Legislative Council since 2014, and been the chamber’s President since the 2018 election. Tom Richardson of InDaily reports McLachlan won 131 out of 206 votes in the ballot of state council members to 51 for former Law Council of Australia president Morry Bailes and 24 for former state party treasurer Michael Van Dissel, both of whom are associated with the Right. Bailes’ weak showing in particular amounted to an “epic defeat” for hard right forces including Boothby MP Nicolle Flint and Barker MP Tony Pasin.
• Another looming federal redistribution in Victoria, whose population boom will again entitle it to an extra seat, has set off a round of turf wars within the ALP, highlighted by a scuffle that broke out at a branch meeting last week. This reportedly followed the arrival of 100 supporters of Labor Right powerbroker Adem Somyurek at a branch meeting held at the Hoppers Crossing home of Jasvinder Sidhu, a Socialist Left preselection aspirant, who was allegedly assaulted after telling the group to leave. Somyurek is said have designs for his faction on the seat of Lalor, held formerly by Julia Gillard and currently by Joanne Ryan, which the party’s once stable factional arrangements reserved for the Left. According to a Labor source quoted in The Age, the Right has secured control of branches in the Calwell electorate and is likely to take the seat when the Left-aligned Maria Vamvakinou retires, while the Left is seeking to gain leverage by putting pressure on Right-aligned Tim Watts in Gellibrand.
Also, the Nine/Fairfax papers are reporting on an Ipsos poll of 1014 respondents concerning climate change, which is apparently part of an annual series conducted by the pollster, with no information provided as to who if anyone might commission it. While the poll records a high pitch of concern about climate change, it does not find this to be at a greater height than last year (somewhat at odds with the recent finding of Ipsos’s Issue Monitor series, which recorded a post-bushfire surge in concern about the environment), and actually records an increase in the number of respondents who had “serious doubts about whether climate change is occurring”: from 19% two years ago to 22% last year to 24% this year.
Quite impressive. Now lets see if Australia opts in or misses out..
Morrison deserves Barnaby, bully meet the fool, and Barnaby deserves Morrison, fool meet the bully. They can’t stand each other. Karma is a bitch.
Nothing will save this government, we should at best hope for entertainment.
In memory of Jim Molan on qanda.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers. What an arrogant, inept and illustrative performance by Molan last night!
Peter Hartcher brings sanity to the coronavirus story. He says that more virulent than the coronavirus is the fear virus. He tells us that it is Morrison’s job to stop it. Read it!
In similar vein Elizabeth Knight says that the markets have been infected by coronavirus information contamination.
Morrison has either done the head of his department a great disservice, or Phil Gaetjens has done himself one writes Kirsten Lawson.
The AFR’s Tom Burton stridently says that the head of the Prime Minister’s department, Phil Gaetjens, has effectively green-lighted behaviour that would not be tolerated in the public service he leads.
Meanwhile Gaetjens has denied he has a conflict of interest after his report cleared Bridget McKenzie of pork-barrelling.
David Crowe and Rob Harris preview the Nats’ own Super Tuesday.
Here’s Phil Coorey’s take on it. And he reckons McKenzie will be supporting Joyce.
Michell Grattan writes about Joyce’s pitch to make the Nationals more assertive.
Thank you for your application Barnaby but you are not what we need right now writes Kaye Lee.
Dennis Shanahan says that the Nationals’ leadership chaos is hurting Scott Morrison.
Shane Wright looks at what the RBA has been doing in advance of its decision today on interest rates. As for wages he says that there’s more chance of a female football team in a safe Labor seat being mailed a giant $500,000 cheque made out by Scott Morrison than of wages growing above 3 per cent any time soon.
Australia’s low unemployment statistics are not an indication of the true state of our labour market or economy, writes Abul Rizvi.,13548
The New Daily examines the outlook for agriculture and identifies the foods whose prices are set to rise.
The Australian’s Greg Brown says that conservative Liberals have condemned Malcolm Turnbull for releasing private text messages with cabinet minister Mathias Cormann after the leadership spill that ended his prime ministership.
Mental giant Matt Canavan now faces scrutiny over his approval of a $20m loan for an NRL club he has an undeclared membership in.
Rossleigh Brisbane explains how the SportsRort whitewash will please the IPA.
Alexandra Smith writes about Andrew Constance’s fears of ongoing mental health issues arising from the fires. And wasn’t he superb on QandA last night!
In a nonsensical rant, NSW Deputy Premier John Barilaro somehow blames the bushfires on Greta Thunberg and city folk due to the lack of fuel reduction “to protect life” — even though this is controlled by his Government. Investigations editor Ross Jones reports.,13555
Matt O’Sullivan reveals a $4b budget blowout for Sydney’s metro rail project.
Australia’s government debt and the interest on that debt keep rising, despite Coalition denials. Alan Austin updates the record.–along-with-promises,13556
The SMH editorial comes out saying that pricing carbon the only real catalyst for sustainable energy solutions. Such heresy!!!
Richard Denniss opines that Scott Morrison loves long-run targets for everything except climate policy. He says the real problem is the climate change deniers in the party he’s trying to lead.
Focus group work by Ipsos has confirmed voter concerns of major charities being too slow to distribute money to people affected by bushfires.
In yet another SportsRort revelation The Guardian reports that the newly elected Queensland Liberal MP Terry Young linked a sports grant announcement by the prime minister on the final day of the election campaign to the party’s “great strategising” that led to his victory.
New pork barrelling allegations of the Coalition government favouring marginal seats for media grants have yet to entice a response from former communications minister Mitch Fifield. Among these, four grants were awarded to newspapers in the Victorian seat of Mallee held by disgraced MP Andrew Broad, who resigned on December 17 over the “sugar daddy” scandal, putting the seat at risk. John Moyle from City Hub reports.
David Crowe with more from Ipsos says that a clear majority of Australians back climate change action while science divides along party lines.
Dana McCauley reports that Greg Hunt has criticised a political party that advocates against compulsory vaccination for a “misleading” attempt to change its name. I wonder if Jim Molan is “open minded” on vaccination too.
A year on, Karen Maley outlines what we learnt from the Hayne inquiry.
You’ve gotta be joking! Dinner by Heston, the high-end restaurant fronted by celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal, owes employees at least $4.5 million in what appears to be the worst case of underpayment yet in the high-end restaurant sector.
Cara Waters writes about more trouble in franchise land.
George Pell’s appeal to the high court “glosses over” evidence that supports his conviction for child sexual abuse, Victoria’s Director of Public Prosecutions has argued. The case will be heard by the High Court on 11 March.
This will get Trump and the RWNJs fired up! Greta Thunberg has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
In Tony Walker’s opinion Trump’s “vision” for Israelis and Palestinians is not a realistic peace plan to end a decades-old conflict. Rather, it’s more like a real estate deal in which one side is a recipient of a low-ball offer. It is a disaster that will only make things worse he says.
Microsoft is turning off security updates for the ageing operating system, which was released in 2009 and is apparently still running on one in four PCs. It’s time to get rid of it.
Boris Johnson is about to find out just how weak the UK is after Brexit writes Simon Jenkins.
From the New York Times we get today’s nomination for “Arseholes of the Week”.
Cartoon Corner
David Rowe

Alan Moir
Matt Golding
John Shakespeare.
Mark David
Peter Broelman
Spooner does a job on Turnbull for The Australian.
From the US
climate change denialists and those who say what does it matter what we do as we are a small country remind me of Trump’s deplorables. They have the right to be ignorant and deny science and actually revel in it.
We live in scary times, I believe our PM is one of them and thrives on the division etc
The positive to come from Jim Moran comment about not looking at the evidence is that in the one sentence he told the country how today’s reactionary Liberal Party thinks. He speaks for many party members and that is how many of them think.
7 am news on ABC this morning had the Q&A section of the audience belly laughing at Molan’s ‘no need for evidence’ line.
Things are just getting better and better for Scotty from Marketing and the LNP and it’s only Tuesday.
Coalavan will most likely get a finger wave tsk tsk, slap on the wrist and “Promise you won’t do it again?”
Beetroot will be packing his empty beer cans and stubbies in preparation to move back in the deputy PM’s office to strew them all over the floor to make it seem like home.
Can’t wait to see what happens by lunch time. Does anyone know if Queensland kids at school still use those horrible phrases “little lunch” and “big lunch”?
Republicans ‘fear how far Trump will take things’ as he seeks revenge on John Bolton: report
In an article published at Vanity Fair this Monday, reporter Gabriel Sherman writes that in the wake of his likely acquittal, President Trump is looking to target his adversaries for criminal prosecution.
“It’s payback time,” Sherman says a prominent Republican told him last week. “Trump’s playbook is simple: go after people who crossed him during impeachment,” another Republican told him.
“Several sources said [John Bolton] is at the top of the list,” Sherman claims
McCormack being interviewed inside the Canberra Smoke Bubble this morning.
Canavan did exactly what McKenzie did: clear conflict of interest.
Di Natale self-gratulating himself despite five years of failure to reduce CO2 emissions by even a kilogram.
I wonder if Molan woke this morning with a smug feeling of satisfaction at how well his qanda appearance had gone. Will anyone ring and congratulate him on ‘holding the line’?
He’ll be a star on Sky today.
Last night was an excellent night for Australian TV: 4corners, media watch, Q&A.
I hope this action in the High Court is successful.
Their argument against the idea that the GG’s correspondence with he Queen is personal, makes sense.
Boerwar, I am heading to Canberra this morning for the rally,how’s the smoke, do I need a mask?
A very good morning
Thanks BK for your most excellent Dawn Patrol.
I love the Rowe Cartoon with Mr. Whatsisname covering his arse with the Gaetjens report.
So a blowout in a NSW rail project gets included in Dawn Patrol whilst all last week something similiar in the Victorian Westgate tunnel and Metro projects was ignored. What makes Sydney so special or is it a Labor/ Liberal thing ?
Some balance wouldnt go astray.
I do not wish to be prayed for by this insincere cheat.
The Courier Mail have Labor’s Brendan O’Connor challenging for Leadership of the Nationals. I hope he goes well.
It seems Molan’s belief in science doesn’t go far beyond ballistic trajectories.
Much thanks BK
The notion that Barnaby Joyce is looking at once again being leader of Nats and Deputy PM, shows how far our polity has fallen.
It only reinforces the fact that Julia Gillard was crucified for being a woman and being in the Labor Party.
It is disgraceful
The media tends to be Sydneycentric.
Outside left says:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:42 am
Boerwar, I am heading to Canberra this morning for the rally,how’s the smoke, do I need a mask?
Air smells smoky. The sun is golden rather than pale. The wind is from the south-east which is where there are three active fires. AQI at around 5 am was around 60 which is a lot lower than it was 12 hours ago.
Taylormade @ #19 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 4:44 am
Oh Boo Hoo!!!
You’re perfectly entitled to post your own links.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #22 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 7:44 am
Perhaps he could test Science around the theory that “Guns don’t kill people”.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #26 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 7:47 am
I vote that BK have his PB salary halved. That’ll learn him!
Boerwar @ #13 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 7:35 am
RDN rose without trace.
He’ll disappear the same way.
Barney ITP
I’m waiting for Taylormade to post reports as to how bad Victoria has handled the fire response in light of the musings regarding the CFA and how Daniel Andrew’s destroyed it.
The truly peculiar nature of Molan’s construction is that he simultaneously stated that he did not need any evidence but that all you need is the facts.
What Molan did last night was try to sell Morrison’s evolving approach to climate change: adaptation and resilience. It was ‘facts’ relating to adaptation and resilience that Molan was talking about.
Molan is apparently unaware of his (and the Coalition’s) core logical problem. The facts that require adaptation and resilience don’t appear out of thin air. Neither are they fixed by open minds and ignoring the evidence.
This probably will go down as one of those magic moments of television.
Meanwhile USA right wing shock jock Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer.
I’ll leave it at that. Dont want to speak ill of the near dead……..
Indeed smokey in Canberra. Extraordinary view of the fire coming in from the north yesterday
Seems to be a ritual to climb Mt Ainslie to get best vantage point.
They prefer the real Barnaby to the pretend Elvis?
Hi Shellbell,
Do you have any views on the Palace Papers case in the HC?
‘shellbell says:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:57 am
Indeed smokey in Canberra. Extraordinary view of the fire coming in from the north yesterday
Seems to be a ritual to climb Mt Ainslie to get best vantage point.’
Mt Ainslie gets you a symbolic line from the War Memorial, down ANZAC ave, through the two parliament houses, and then to our little slice of the apocalypse.
The best views (that don’t interfere with fire fighting efforts) are from Dairy Farm Hill in the Arboretum.
Lots of the Nats MPs will see Joyce as the best defence against PHON, Palmer and the Shooters and Fishers.
The net result of a Joyce return will be attempts to drag the Coalition to the Right lunatic edge of Australian politics.
Bandt will try to drag the Greens further to the lunatic Trots fringe.
It is all looking good!
Barnaby Joyce is incompetent in every aspect of his life both personal and professional. And looks 20 years older than he actually is and always gives the impression he is about to have a heart attack.
Surely the country folk would want to have someone better leading their party.
What is wrong with country folk. Sheesh.
So far 2020 is looking even more crap than 2019 was. Sigh……….
I don’t want to make a mountain out of a Molan but how weird was it that when heckled on Q&A he said ‘thank you, thank you’.
Barnaby, part of your Dam Delivery Team.
Victoria @ #33 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 7:57 am
He liked to smoke cigars, didn’t he?
Greensborough Growler says:
Tuesday, February 4, 2020 at 7:55 am
This probably will go down as one of those magic moments of television.
At a tangent, this excerpt reminded me just how good Hamish Macdonald was. A real breath of great journalism, rather than Tony whatsisname’s ‘LOOKATME style. It is, I think, very deliberate that Macdonald sat off to one side, rather than hog the centre of the table like his predecessor did.
The Greens have absolutely wrecked environmental politics in Australia. It’s entirely fitting that Di Natale resigns. It’s entirely consistent that he’s done so without recognising the abysmally negative impact the Greens have had, including assisting the re-election of the worst government since Lyons.
The rest of the Greens should also resign and they should vote to dissolve themselves. This would be the single best contribution they could make to Australian politics in the current context.
Victoria @ #41 Tuesday, February 4th, 2020 – 8:04 am
The good old Australia has gone, the concept of an ‘endless summer’ has become warped. I hope we might see it return one day.
Yep. Trump will be emboldened to go after his perceived enemies which includes Schiff.
The senators still have an opportunity to do the right thing and vote for his removal.
I am waiting for Labor Barr and the Greens Rattenbury to acknowledge that the ACT Government has delivered a biodiversity disaster in the ACT. Waiting, waiting, waiting…
The Orroral Fire headed north overnight. The four major causes for concern are that more of the Cotter water catchment is burning, that the Tidbinbilla NR (which was trashed in 2003) now has fire on the southern slopes of its catchment, that there are ongoing problems with public health as a result of yet more toxic smoke, and that the remaining third or so of Canberra’s forests are under the pump with southerly winds.
I hesitate to mention the wider regional impacts on the biodiversity in fires adjacent to the ACT – all of which were ignited by the Orroral fire: the Scrubby NR fire, the Bimberi Nature Reserve fire, the Clear Range fire, the fire that went through the Scottsdale Reserve, and the fire in the Tinderry forests. All of these continue to destroy wildlife.