The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has Labor’s two-party lead widening from 51-49 to 52-48 since the previous poll three weeks ago. Both major parties are down on the primary vote, the Coalition by two to 38% and Labor by one to 35%, while the Greens are up one to 13% (equalling their best result since 2011) and One Nation is steady at 4%. Scott Morrison’s personal ratings are unchanged after the hit he suffered in the previous poll, at 37% approval and 59% disapproval, while a spike in Anthony Albanese’s ratings last time has failed to completely stick, with his approval down three to 43% and disapproval up three to 40% (compared with 40% and 41% in the poll before). However, Albanese maintains the lead on preferred prime minister he opened up in the last poll, which is out slightly from 43-39 to 43-38. The poll was conducted Wednesday to Sunday from a sample of 1510.
Newspoll: 52-48 to Labor
Labor slightly widens the lead it opened in the previous Newspoll, and Anthony Albanese maintains his ascendancy as preferred prime minister despite a slight fall in his personal ratings.
Aorta have Bridge down the South Coast with a bucket full of cash and a ladle.
Jim Molan is currently driving the train off the tracks on Q&A…
“I’m not relying on evidence” he says triumphantly, referring to his climate denialism. You don’t say!
Nah. What happened is that excuses for denialism were used and called out.
Good to see a scientist calling the ignorant fool out.
More needed. Not this pretense there are two sides of a debate.
That was the best laugh I’ve had all week.. “I’m not relying on evidence”.
Confessions @ #802 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 10:13 pm
What a joke this government is, if that comes to pass.
Astrobleme @ #825 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 10:36 pm
Thank you. 🙂
It worked, Astrobleme!
C@tmomma @ #784 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 10:18 pm
That wasn’t raised C@t, as best I recall. I’m pretty sure it was all stock related. Maybe if I’d asked about native animals, she would have had something to say. I was impressed that they were on the front foot, unlike the Feds.
On the day we got back in – the road was closed for three days, then power restored – there was a bedraggled magpie hanging close, and a small goanna wandering around. The kookaburras were calling a lot a odd times of day. Things are slowly getting back towards normal animal wise; lots more birds, the wombats, and the magpie with a mate.
Qanda next week doing climate change, the way forward.
“Thumbs up emoji”
I don’t know how to make one…
Astrobleme @ #834 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 10:47 pm
Me neither. That’s because I’m an ‘idiot’, I guess. 😐
Cud Chewer @ #799 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 9:15 pm
Not yet. The ‘Feb 3’ datapoint is still pending/incomplete. The previous two datapoints show ~3k new confirmed cases per day.
Pretend ‘Feb 3’ isn’t there until about midday tomorrow to get a better read of the graph.
ItzaDream @ #832 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 10:46 pm
That’s reassuring to hear, Itza. Kind of. 🙂
William, all my comments appear to be getting deleted. Is there any reason for this?
They aren’t any good.
William Bowe
Monday, February 3, 2020 at 11:06 pm
They aren’t any good.
lol. ok. no probs.
Giving more resources to the RFS won’t make up for the cuts to the budget of the National Parks and Wildlife Service.
From earlier:
@Fulvio Sammutsays:
Monday, February 3, 2020 at 10:06 pm
Nath mentioned earlier that some of his posts did not appear.
There is a red bin with a “request deletion” message on my home computer next to all Nath’s post.
Others may have been endowed with the same facility (similar things have happened from time to time) and may have made the request. I have not.
But that may be the cause of his problem.
No Astro I think William is trying to raise the quality on here by getting rid of mine.
I must have offended him somehow. Sorry William.
Well, sadly Michael Mann completely bollocksed that up… But he’s still a good sciencey-type
Next week with Paul Kelly’s new song and discussion about the new Climate Change paradigm should be interesting.
It’s going to be, Do Something about mitigating emissions and Climate Change itself VS Resilience and Adaptation, I fear. It seems the Right have made the strategic move to acknowledge CC is real now but want to promotoe a Survival of the Fittest and most Resilient Adapters instead.
Hamish tried the balancey thing against obvious audience contempt by reminding them that the government was elected with a climate change policy so we should accept that’s what we want.
I don’t accept that.
Lizzie @ #847 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 11:28 pm
Me neither! I thought that was mealy-moutheed pandering to the Coalition government.
This is a very good overview of the Iowa Caucuses tomorrow by Australia’s Matthew Knott:
I thought Hamish did well. He kept bringing people back to the question, but he’ll grow into the format of moderating / facilitating a discussion as he gets used to it.
Confessions @ #850 Monday, February 3rd, 2020 – 11:39 pm
Well I hope he grows out of accepting something just because the government won the election, even though it’s honestly the wrong thing.
Yeah they will do that. But will lose some credibility that way. And hopefully some people will realise and stop supporting them.
He seemed to be trying to use that to rebut the scientist on a question of fact, which seemed a bit odd.
Like if 51% of Australia voted that Gravity was a pernicious myth, it still wouldn’t be a good idea to jump out of a plane without a parachute.
Perhaps Hamish was holding a mirror up to those who voted this mob in. As in “this is what you voted for – think about it.”
Quite impressive. Now lets see if Australia opts in or misses out..
New thread.