The Guardian reports the Coalition’s recovery in Essential Research a fortnight ago has proved shortlived – Labor has gained two points on two-party preferred to lead 54-46, returning to where they were the poll before last. Both major parties are up on the primary vote, Labor by four points to 39% and the Coalition by one to 38%. We will have to wait on the full report later today for the minor parties. The monthly personal ratings have Scott Morrison up one on approval to 42% and down three on disapproval to 34%, while Bill Shorten is down three to 35% and down one to 43%. Morrison leads 40-29 as preferred prime minister, barely changed on 41-29 last time.
Also featured are questions on Labor’s dividend imputation policies and negative gearing policies. The former had the support of 39% and the opposition of 30%. On restricting negative gearing to new homes, 24% said it would reduce house prices; 21% said it would increase them; and 27% believed it would make no difference. Thirty-seven per cent believed it would lead to higher rents, 14% to lower rents and 24% make no difference. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1032.
UPDATE: Full report here. Greens down one to 10%, One Nation down one to 6%.
@ASIOOfficial tweets
Even we think this #AAbill is a fucking stupid idea, and we’re one of the largest beneficiaries
Some times you need to hold your nose and just do it.
This is where labor is with the encryption bill atm.
If labor refuses to pass the legislation then any small incident that occurs will be jumped on by the liberals and the media as a labor failure and if ( pray not to happen ) a event occurs resulting in death or injury ) then it will be ramped up three hundred per cent by the dark side as all labors fault.
You can achieve nothing from opposition. Let the legislation pass, win the next election and review the legislation when in government.
Do not let Morrison turn this into a Tampa. Labor has so much to offer to improve this country.
Pragmatism over purity. Sad but true.
Adult Anti-Stress Squishy Mesh Ball Squeeze Grape
While contemplating announcement/pronouncements emanating from the seat of Government (a pun not so cleverly concealed there) I think perhaps the top right purplish blob may represent the LNP section slightly on the sane section of the graph.
Excellent device. Supposedly anti stress.
Dont blame Barnaby. It was the sacred sperm’s fault.
Given Labor’s effort today, anyone who complains about genuine progressives, or just people interested in preserving a functioning and open democracy, voting Green is a massive hypocrite. Dimwits like Boer can bang on about pet issues like cotton farms, but our major opposition party just did us a huge disservice as a nation for craven political purposes.
Not when your kids have them and they break.
Bad legislation will make Australians less safe.
There’s a line for Labor or whoever.
By the logic of some here, Labor should vote for anything no matter how bad it is so long as it has the words “national security” associated with it.
Simon² Katich® @ #1655 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:21 pm
Oh bugger. Thanks. 🙏
Thanks Boer. The rate and scope of change in the marine environment is basically terrifying. I think it suggests it’s already far too late for marine systems. We’ve wrecked the place.
Apart from anything else the crossbench know the date and time.
A no-condfidence motion on the afternoon of the last sitting day in the year makes no sense.
Nobody, not even Labor I suspect, wants a January election.
The passage of the Phelps’ bill may be a slap in the face for the Nasties but need not in itself bring them down.
IMO, there have been far greater changes in the seas than most people realize.
Patrick Bateman:
If Labor had not agreed to the encryption bill, and, say, there had been a terrorist attack over the break, FauxMo would have a field day. The bill will go to the Senate, with Labor attempting to pass amendments to it. And if Labor has serious problems with it, it may act to strike out contentious sections of it when it comes to office.
Jake Tapper
Verified account @jaketapper
NC-9 scandal: More than a thousand absentee ballots possibly destroyed @DrewGriffinCNN reports @TheLeadCNN
Labor will need to have at least two terms in power to be able to pull back so much destructive legislation – no, three terms, if they give themselves time to prepare the ground.
doyley @ #1653 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:19 pm
An utterly incompetent and conflicted Govt – a craven and cowardly opposition with no substance.
The parliament is so very poor. Only the voters can remove the Lib-Lab duopoly of incompetence.
@adam_chal tweets
if the #aabill passes I just won’t be able to work in Australia 🙁 I have an ethical obligation to users of my software not to expose their data. Breaking all their crypto/security is just a non-starter.
Perhaps Waters and Ludlam and Di Natale and Bandt can explain what they mean by this aim of the Greens Party:
‘Government to ensure the equitable distribution of paid work among those who wish to engage in the workforce.’
Will there be a Ministry for Enforcing the Equitable Distribution of Paid Work?
Will every person who is in full time employment now have their hours cut by order of the Minister for Enforcing the Equitable Distribution of Paid Work?
What on earth does this aim of Ludlam, Waters, Di Natale and Bandt mean?
Will they be stop being full time parliamentarians and share their parliamentary work with any stray au pair or Trot who wants to have a go?
Doyley: Spot on re the encryption bill. It’s so easy to be “pure”, but ultimately achieves nothing.
Almost “rubbish out on Friday” time.
briefly @ #1662 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:25 pm
That would be, decades of Liberal and Labor Govts, have wrecked the place.
Mavis, again, you can use that logic to justify Labor voting for pretty much anything. That is in fact the reason that our intelligence agencies can lawfully snatch you off the street, detain you without charge, question you and release you and if you tell anyone where you’ve been you commit a serious crime. Because Labor are cowards.
Also, I genuinely wonder whether the political gain they perceive from this weakness is not more than offset by the destruction of goodwill amongst those who would otherwise be working to get them into power. GetUp and many others will now be highly critical of Labor over this, and plenty of progressive voters will head back to the Greens.
@JoshButler tweets
politicians thinking that passing flawed legislation is “sensible” and “grown up” is quite a 2018 mood
@joshgnosis tweets
Labor’s Julian Hill says the encryption legislation is flawed, in spite of Labor-proposed amendments.
“We’re going to do the sensible grown up thing” by passing the legislation, he says.
Yes Labor you just look stupid to people who would otherwise vote for you.
Don’t vote for legislation until its fixed when democracy is at stake.
For any thinking this is hyperbole this is how Turkey lost its democracy. Security police state legislation to crack down on terrorists
Matt31 says:
While rolling over every time achieves something ? Well apart from inflicting shit legislation on the country.
The Greens attempt to engage with farming groups will crash when farming groups learn the truth that the Greens are hiding.
Not a single farming group in Australia is going to support the trashing of the cotton industry.
It is a minor miracle that the South Australian Greens have been able to hide the fact that they will destroy Olympic Dam Mine.
Still it is not all negative.
S H-Y would be up for a few crocodile tears for the ten thousand South Australians she intends to lose their jobs.
Shouty McShoutface is living up/down to his nickname. Labor should just run a picture of Shouty at full throttle with a caption below:
“Keep calm, and vote Labor.”
Summer is upon us, the cricket has started, the governing stopped months ago, and ScumMo losing a vote in parliament is entirely deserved.
Boerwar says:
Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 12:27 pm
IMO, there have been far greater changes in the seas than most people realize.
Yes. There has been extraordinary destruction of habitats and massive destruction of populations in many places. “Local” extinctions are commonplace, along with the displacement of past populations by competing species. The entire system of currents – and, with that, the distribution of temperatures, oxygenation, pH and other markers of water health – is changing very rapidly. The energies involved in this are incomprehensibly large.
I’m very pessimistic about this. There are no grounds for thinking any of this is reversible; rather it is getting much worse very quickly. A large part of the additional energy trapped in the troposphere has been going into the marine environment. It’s much more energised in every way. Seas are rougher for longer. Temperatures are higher, in some cases much much higher. Acidity is higher. Sea ice is thinner and less extensive. Storms are more intense. Marine populations are being displaced and/or destroyed all over the place. Coastal wetlands and deltas are being turned to wasteland. Nurseries are being destroyed. It is totally terrifying.
And basically, no-one is prepared to talk about it. We have forsaken everything….quite willingly, it seems.
guytaur @ #1677 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:40 pm
Labor want to cruise into Govt without disruption.
They will essentially wave through anything controversial to avoid the spotlight.
It’s shameful and it shouldn’t be tolerated.
Rex Douglas says:
Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 12:36 pm
briefly @ #1662 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:25 pm
Thanks Boer. The rate and scope of change in the marine environment is basically terrifying. I think it suggests it’s already far too late for marine systems. We’ve wrecked the place.
That would be, decades of Liberal and Labor Govts, have wrecked the place.
@samanthamaiden tweets
Calls for Barnaby Joyce to resign over transgender kids comments | The New Daily
What number “if Labor passes this we’ll become a police state” legislation are we up to now?
Must be in the 20’s at least.
briefly @ #1684 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:46 pm
You show more spirit than Shorten or Burke…
Labor are saying this legislation is flawed itself. I agree with them.
Rex Douglas says:
Thursday, December 6, 2018 at 12:36 pm
briefly @ #1662 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 12:25 pm
Thanks Boer. The rate and scope of change in the marine environment is basically terrifying. I think it suggests it’s already far too late for marine systems. We’ve wrecked the place.
That would be, decades of Liberal and Labor Govts, have wrecked the place.
Yeah decades of Lib and Lab mediocrity as well as years of Lab nonces here thinking that their incessant and puerile rants have contributed anything of value.
Who knew they could do something useful with their lives and help make the world we share better than it currently is, instead of trying to own someone else’s blog and carrying on like most denialist of climate denialists?
BK @ #1531 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 10:36 am
The panic is due to the fact that you know you will lose the upcoming election without an almighty scare campaign.
@TimWattsMP tweeted
The Turnbull/Morrison government have managed this encryption bill with the same ineptitude that they managed their leadership spills. And now that they face a political crisis in the wake of the Victorian election catastrophe, they are piling desperation on top of incompetence.
Ratsak, as above, you can currently be detained in secret without charge in Australia. What’s your definition of a police state exactly?
Boer, you are like a demented bot set to ‘rant incoherently about cotton’. Plenty of farmers have realised they have been conned and that big water users, like cotton, are part of the scam.
Sure it can. The powers exercised by the GG-in-council are essentially the Prime Minister’s to deploy as they see fit. The Executive can delay or refuse royal assent to any bill it wants.
Labor are passing this through the House for very sound reasons.
Have a little think about why the government wants to have Labor get bogged down on this bill in the house today, but Labor instead are keen to get it up to the Senate where they can pick it apart and leave the House with some spare time to get to a different bill.
Yeah decades of Lib and Lab mediocrity as well as years of Lab nonces here thinking that their incessant and puerile rants have contributed anything of value.
Who knew they could do something useful with their lives and help make the world we share better than it currently is, instead of trying to own someone else’s blog and carrying on like most denialist of climate denialists?
To which it is too easy to add, decades of Greens’ complete and utter uselessness. In fact, negative effects on the environment, as agreed to by Matthias Cormann yesterday who stated that if only The Greens had agreed to the CPRS and not voted with the Coalition to sink it, that it would have been almost impossible for the Coalition to unscramble the egg 5 years ago.
Enjoy your puritanical impotence at Christmas, Quoll. I hope it’s a boiling hot, Climate Change-induced day where you live. You’ve earned it.
Patrick Bateman @ #1206 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 11:38 am
Fully agree.
I would lso put in a request that any of you who get upset when the greens criticise labor and say same, same, that given how important this peice of legislation is to preserving democracy and free speech, you just LOST the argument. There are times for pragmatism and times to walk by. There are also times to stand an fight. This is the second kind.
So green haters just accept that here is an issue where the ALP is in bed with the LNP. So in this case when Peg and even Rex say same same, same, they are RIGHT. So Cat and Barney and Andrew AND THE MYRIAD OF DERANGED GREEN HATERS, LOOK INTO YOUR SOULS AND CONSIDER.
Sorry about the Caps – it was an accident but do not want to retype.
C@tmomma @ 12.51
It’s also about forcing the Minister to make the decision personally, and to justify it personally, rather than hiding behind anonymous public servants.
Labor had no need to vote for this bill. It could have saved the Senate Time to put up another bill that the government did not want to be presented due to the short sitting time.
Labor outplayed politically as its wedged see twitter why this is going down like a lead balloon.
Like USA, like Australia:
Jamil Smith
Verified account @JamilSmith
4h4 hours ago
The devil takes many forms, as does voter suppression. That’s why “sore losers” is the wrong label for Republicans disenfranchising millions in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Carolina. This is all part of the plan.
My latest for @RSPolitics.
@astepanovich tweets
Things the Australian #aabill does:
– forces companies to redesign systems at behest of (non-tech expert) gov’t officials
– conscripts tech employees to build / retool gov’t systems (w/o full remuneration)
– allows its provisions to be exercised at behest of other countries
ratsak @ #1217 Thursday, December 6th, 2018 – 11:47 am
Why do I think German Social Democrat circa 193o every time you and others post this denial stuff here.