The latest monthly ReachTEL result for Sky News records Labor’s two-party lead at 52-48, down from 54-46 a month ago. The Coalition are up two on the primary vote to 36%, Labor is down one to 35%, the Greens are steady on 10% and One Nation are down one to 6%. On the forced response preferred prime minister question, Malcolm Turnbull now leads 54.5-45.5, out from 52.3-47.7 last time.
Stay tuned for a post on the by-election that now looms in the seat of Perth, following Tim Hammond’s surprise retirement announcement.
More detail on the BBC Forecast above
Lab 283 (+21)
Con 280 (-38)
SNP 43 (+8)
LDem 22 (+10)
Others 22 (-1)
New thread.
everytime reachtel rings my phone I hang up on them 🙂 🙂 🙂 Coalition to win by a landslide !!!!!