Essential Research was the only new poll this week, and it has no bearing whatsoever on the voting intention numbers in BludgerTrack. However, there is a fair bit going on in the state breakdowns, with the Coalition losing a seat in New South Wales, but gaining one apiece in Queensland, Western Australia and South Australia. No new numbers this week on leadership ratings. Full results on the sidebar.
BludgerTrack: 53.9-46.1 to Labor
One new poll and no change at all on the latest poll aggregate update.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
John Hewson reckons Turnbull’s only salvation will be tax reform.
Mark Kenny reports on yet another derailment for Turnbull. He must be getting very close to earning “embattled” status!
And he tells about the leak.
Michelle Grattan says that discovering the identity of the cabinet leaker would present a bibber problem than the leak itself! What was Bishop thinking she asks?
Waleed Aly says that the same-sex marriage debate could yet claim Malcolm Turnbull as a victim. He concludes with “What we’re seeing is the concept of religious freedom being invoked promiscuously, and then weaponised. Ultimately it won’t succeed. But there’s every chance in the meantime it will claim Turnbull as collateral damage.”
David Wroe writes about the Foreign Affairs With Paper and reaction to it.
China’s not impressed with it though.
The SMH editorial has its say about the white paper.
Peter Martin tells us how some of Australia’s most powerful corporate leaders have called on the country’s $2 trillion superannuation industry to become a major source of lending for local businesses in a move aimed at bypassing banks and stimulating investment.
LNP senator Barry O’Sullivan will attempt to have MPs cross the floor to support a probe into financial services. Google.
Section 2 . . .
Ken Henry has issued an extraordinary attack on the RBA’s framework for setting rates. Google.
On the NT royal commission this human rights fellow says time is running out for Turnbull on youth justice.
Bennelong by the numbers: The voters who could decide Malcolm Turnbull’s fate.
Public service heads have pledged to confront domestic violence.
Two psychologists reveal that the catastrophic effect of the postal vote process on the LGBTQIA+ community has been well documented, with a sharp increase in demand for mental health services within the community during that process. The battle has just started they say.
Dennis Shanahan writes that John Howard has debunked ¬Malcolm Turnbull’s argument that religious freedoms will lead to sharia law in Australia and ¬declared he fears the fight for protections in the same-sex marriage debate will “die in the sand”. Google.
Meanwhile Labor has rejected demands for amendments to the cross-party same-sex marriage bill, with Mark Dreyfus saying the bill is already a compromise and Louise Pratt warning MPs on both sides to respect the postal survey result.
The world’s largest lithium-ion battery, which is being built in South Australia by Tesla to store renewable energy, is about to enter final testing. Jay Weatherill said Elon Musk’s Tesla company had finished installing the battery powerpacks at Jamestown, in the state’s mid-north, where they are linked to an adjacent windfarm. He said the 100-megawatt battery will now be energised and tested to ensure it meets all energy market and state government regulatory requirements.
Barnaby Joyce clearly talks the agriculture talk and walks the mining walk as he receives the inaugural Gina Rinehart prize for even worse judgement than Turnbull, writes Ingrid Matthews.,10959
Madonna King gives us the tale of two Queenslands – and One Nation.–and-of-one-nation-20171122-gzr53i.html
Section 3 . . .
The Guardian in the UK is pissed off that despite having given Teresa May clear evidence of rampant tax avoidance she still hasn’t acted.
A dishonest culture still runs deep at Uber.
Adam Gartrell tell us how the High Court has both the “power and duty” to rule on a challenge that could disqualify a Turnbull government minister – further threatening the Coalition’s tenuous grip on power – even though the case was brought by a private citizen rather than referred by Parliament.
Climate change is creating a disaster on Australia’s doorstep, with environmental degradation and the demand for sustainable sources of food undermining stability in some countries, especially “fragile states”, according to the Australian government’s first foreign policy white paper in more than a decade. Hang on!
Liberal Party officials in SA have cleared Christopher Pyne of any misconduct before the 2013 election. That won’t please Bernardi. Google.
Turnbull has declared he “won’t be pressured” by the ongoing standoff on Manus Island after a seismic day in which police stormed the camp, destroyed property and appeared to make an arrest.
The Department of Social Services has written to 8,500 current and former employees warning them their personal data held by a contractor has been breached. Under this government Centrelink has really covered itself with glory!
Woolworths will open as many as four new so-called “dark stores” used to pack and ship online orders by the end of next year as Australia’s largest supermarket prepares to defend itself from Amazon.
And in a move to counter the imminent launch of Amazon Bunnings Warehouse has unveiled plans to allow customers to shop online, ending a long-standing strategy of only selling products in its stores. But it’s quite a limited offering by the look of it.
Section 4 . . . with Cartoon Corner Part 1
Two of Sydney’s major sports stadiums will be demolished and rebuilt at a cost of $2 billion after state cabinet signed off on an expensive conclusion to the long-running saga on Thursday. But this is only the beginning it seems.
On this subject Clover Moore explain how power works in NSW.
David Rowe goes to Moby Dick to show the government’s woes. Who is the seal representing I wonder?

A disgusted David Pope has his say about Manus Island.
Matt Golding and the cabinet leek.
Two more from Golding.
John Shakespeare intimates that Turnbull’s done.
Matt Davidson uses AC/DC to give Turnbull a reminder.
Paul Zanetti and assisted dying of another sort.
Section 5 . . . Cartoon Corner Part 2
Mark Knight and some welcome triumphalism.

Glen Le Lievre with a beauty,
Another from Le Lievre where he suggests it’s over for Turnbull.
What a cracker for Alan Moir. And how true!
Another Beauty from Moir.
Jon Kudelka and more cabinet leaks.
Simon Letch and the religious right. Quite telling!
Thanks BK, an excellent roundup.
Good Morning Bludgers 🙂
What happened to the Terrorism Update yesterday!?!
Was it only simply intimated to put the frighteners up us!?!
Is that what the Turnbull mob mean? An update to the feelings of terror we feel about Terror!?!
I second the motion to get rid of the Milo the Man Boy ads.
I find the ads easily ignored as they are neat and non-intrusive. 🙂
Morning all. Thanks BK. Gladys Berejiklian has given a very generous $2 billion to build another stadium in Sydney(!). Who benefits?
“The Cabinet decision on Thursday to super-size Mike Baird’s $1.6 billion stadium spending package represents a remarkable victory for the Sports Minister, Stuart Ayres, and his comrades on the Sydney Cricket & Sports Ground Trust – Alan Jones, Tony Shepherd, John Hartigan, Maurice Newman, Barry O’Farrell et al.”
Good morning all.
The last 2 paragraphs of Kenny’s article
“Doubtless Turnbull needs to reassert control, and reimpose discipline across his government. That much is obvious. But he must be careful not to make poor calls borne of panic or desperation.
Cancelling a week of Parliament was one of those. He can ill-afford another right now.”
Given Turnbull’s lack of judgment I would suggest he is in big trouble.
I also liked the article in yesterday’s HUN (in BKs dawn patrol) revealing that Scott Morrison and Dutton detest each other. Apparently Dutton suggested a banking inquiry/RC to defuse the issue and Morrison shot him down.
Their approaches are similar on the SSM leglislation. Of course Morrison is in a safe seat in Sydney’s Shire, and Dutton is on a knife edge in a Queensland marginal. Queensland is sitting at -9 in the bludgertrack seat change.
Also if Howard considers a RC ‘rank socialism’what would he consider nationalism of the banks?
lizzie @ #9 Friday, November 24th, 2017 – 6:44 am
I ignore them totally and absolutely with Ad Block Plus! 😉
But I understand they were bugging others.
Well, I think my punt on who the leaker from Cabinet is was correct. This is from Mark Kenny’s article, and you tell me if it doesn’t sound like Greg Hunt (he who runs the Liberal Dirt Unit):
He also has leadership ambitions. So…
First time I’ve applauded Scott’s judgement!
Lleyonhelm is pretty shamelessly blowing the dog whistle to raise his own low profile, but what immigration minister will let Milo in on character grounds? I can see the headline:
“Dutton allows pro-paedophilia activist to enter the country”.
I’ve disabled AdBlock for this blog after a hint from William.
Howard claimed a banking commission would be “rank socialism” – to which(Barry) O’Sullivan says, “I don’t understand what he means”.
Socrates @ #15 Friday, November 24th, 2017 – 7:06 am
Someone should ask Milo if he is a member of NAMBLA? 🙂
He doesn’t look a bit like Marlon Brando.
Pedant alert. I know the game is already lost but this is sooooo annoying.
“The woman was located outside of Sunshine Hospital.”
Everybody’s doing it now: there’s no need for “of” with “outside”.
We don’t say “inside of” or “beside of” or even “under of” or “behind of”. 😡
From previous thread…
That will be Google tracking you and targeting ads.
Even if you turn off personalized ads on Google, disable cookies, and turn on Do Not Track, Google will still track your browsing based on advert requests and Google Site Analytics data from the sites you visit.
The new version of Safari which ships with High Sierra and Firefox Quantum have recently introduced new features to prevent this kind of tracking. I’ve been using the new Safari for a few weeks with the blocking switched on and it’s a huge improvement. I just get generic site related adverts – on PB I get UltraTune, Sportsbet, and Dell ads.
The internet advertising industry is in uproar about this claiming it “is bad for consumer choice “.
Seeing lizzies comments on AdBlocking – this doesn’t block adverts it just prevents the ability of Ad companies to track and target adverts.
William Bowe @ #19 Friday, November 24th, 2017 – 7:14 am
Nah, that’s Dutton, circa ‘Apocalypse Now’. 🙂
Still not a peep out of Frydenberg about Tesla completing the SA battery on time. Weatherall will rightly point the policy blame at the Feds now. Without pro-fossil fuel policy bias, our energy problems can be fixed in under a year by a State government at lower cost.
Hang about. If I have adblock switched on, I don’t see the ads. That’s all I want.
Lizzie, I have never seen the use of ‘of’ like that before. Thanks for pointing it out, I will watch out for it in future. I skim read and read it as outside ‘the’ hospital.
My pet hate is people pronouncing ‘important’ with a ‘d’. Very annoying.
An interesting little sequence between Mesma and Truffles, analysed by a body language expert.
Wall to Wall spruiking for PHON in Queensland on Alan Jones this morning.
He reckons they’re going to save the state. Hints darkly of gerrymandering in SE electorates. Had Dixon on begging for votes in Buderim.
Bolt and Price basically the same message last night. Many callers on vowing PHON support.
This is 2GB of course, but also is Fairfax Media.
There has been a feature called Do Not Track around since about 2010 that sites are meant to comply with – but companies like Facebook and Google just ignore it. What the new browsers do is actively block advert providers and other companies from tracking you. This means that rather than getting “personalized” ads based on the sites you visit Google delivers generic adverts. I keep getting the same two or three ads – none are related to politics.
It’s universal from journos now, in UK too. I blame America!!
If we’re being pedantic, when proceeding at speed round a tight corner, you are careening around it, not careering.
Despite the fact that if you crash into a light pole whilst employing unsafe driving practices, it may end your career, you will have ended it by careening, not careering.
“If governments, either state or federal, proceed to use taxpayer money to subsidise an Indian coal magnate whose profits end up in Caribbean tax havens, it can only be put down to corruption”.
I understand now why Michael West wasnt kept on at is former job. Telling it like it is.
And, while we’re at it, I would rather us all be in agreement than in agreeance.
I smell a rat. Soooo people like banksters , Gina $2 a day and cartel Visy have our best interests at heart ?
This latest polling seems to confirm that much of the One Nation vote is a “parked” dissatifaction vote which returns to it’s home when the voters realise that having ON anywhere near to power is a recipe for chaos and .dsisfunction.
‘Outside of the hospital’ isn’t picked up by my spelling/grammar checker, and a quick google suggests it’s more a case of the ‘of’ being unnecessary than it being a crime against grammar.
Just on the Cabinet Leaker, all roads lead to the ‘Dream Team’ of Peter Dutton/Greg Hunt positioning for the coming Libspill. Greg Hunt set to be the new deputy, and to take over as leader if Dutton loses his seat at the next election.
Bushfire Bill says:
Friday, November 24, 2017 at 7:51 am
If we’re being pedantic, when proceeding at speed round a tight corner, you are careening around it, not careering.
Despite the fact that if you crash into a light pole whilst employing unsafe driving practices, it may end your career, you will have ended it by careening, not careering.
Both are correct.
Oxford dictionary:
Move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.
‘the coach careered across the road and went through a hedge’
Oxford lists careening as north american:
North American: Move swiftly and in an uncontrolled way.
‘an electric golf cart careened around the corner’
Bushfire Bill,
He reckons they’re going to save the state. Hints darkly of gerrymandering in SE electorates. Had Dixon on begging for votes in Buderim.
If today must be ‘Pedants Friday’, it’s Steve Dickson, Mr Bill. 🙂
And there is no apostrophe after ‘Pedants’ because it is a Collective Noun. But then we all knew that. 😉
Bushfire Bill
OMG yes.
Agreeance is a latecomer, only found among the less educated.
And there is no apostrophe after ‘Pedants’ because it is a Collective Noun. But then we all knew that.
I would put an apostrophe after it. I’d like to see the rule that my usage is incorrect.
Is it “Here, Here!” or “Hear Hear!”?
I am not in agreeance with you. Perhaps I am an old fossil, but it derives from the French, and is a perfectly legitimate word, albeit in disuse in some quarters. I would use it quite happily.
From google:
Agreeance is a word that seems to be continually reinvented and recycled. The term first appeared in the 16th century and enjoyed its greatest popularity in the 18th and early to mid-19th centuries. Since then it has fallen into disuse.
Agreeance | Define Agreeance at
don @ #40 Friday, November 24th, 2017 – 8:15 am
Modern usage and their annotations of days like that suggests it to my mind.
Is it “Here, Here!” or “Hear Hear!”?
The latter. Pronounced by the toffs as Heeah! Heeah! 😆
Wouldn’t it be either “Pedants’ Friday” or maybe “Pedant’s Friday” as a kind of synecdoche where the pedant referred to is an archetypal or hypothetical pedant used to represent all pedants?
Nb I’m not a pedant myself though I am interested in language
C@tmomma says:
Friday, November 24, 2017 at 8:19 am
don @ #40 Friday, November 24th, 2017 – 8:15 am
And there is no apostrophe after ‘Pedants’ because it is a Collective Noun. But then we all knew that.
I would put an apostrophe after it. I’d like to see the rule that my usage is incorrect.
Modern usage and their annotations of days like that suggests it to my mind.
Do you have a link? 🙂
If I have only heard/read something in my ‘mature years’, I naturally regard it as a latecomer. 🙂
BB @ 7:51
thanks for the pedantry about ‘careening’. I’m about to investigate its etymology. I imagine it’s originally nautical.
‘In the good old days’ Vic public exams in English used to have a question about Latin and Greek roots of words. I wonder about ‘homophobic’. Does it mean ‘fearing uniformity’ or ‘sharing a common fear’?
As for deplorable Germano-American intrusions into English , my least favourite is ‘visit with’