Morgan: 56-44 to Coalition

Roy Morgan maintains its impressive consistency since Malcolm Turnbull became Prime Minister, again showing the Coalition lead a few points higher than other pollsters.

The latest fortnightly result from Roy Morgan is extremely similar to the other five it has conducted since Malcolm Turnbull deposed Tony Abbott, with the Coalition leading Labor on the primary vote by 46.5% to 28.5% (both up half a point), and the Greens on 14% (down half a point on last time). There is no change on either measure of two-party preferred, with the Coalition ahead 56-44 on respondent-allocated preferences and 55-45 on previous election preferences. The poll was conducted by face-to-face and SMS over the past two weekends, from a sample of 3500.

UPDATE (Essential Research): The oft-contrary Essential Research fortnightly rolling average moves a point in the direction of Labor this week, paring its unusually modest lead for the Coalition back to 51-49. However, both major parties are steady on the primary vote, at 44% for the Coalition and 35% for Labor, with the Greens up a point to 11%. Nonetheless, an occasion question inquiring about the best party to handle various issues finds the Liberal Party generally viewed more favourable relative to Labor than in October, having improved further in areas of strength (economic management, political leadership, interest rates and treatment of asylum seekers), and pared back (industrial relations) or even eliminated (education and housing affordability) its deficits in areas of weakness. Only on environment and climate change is Labor well ahead of the Liberals, although they would lose points across the board from the inclusion of the Greens as a response option.

Further questions relates to the tax system, which is presently deemed fair by 40% and unfair by 52%, and in need of complete change by 41% and only minor change by 39%. Thirty-six per cent of respondents deemed they paid about the right amount of tax, compared with 40% for “more than fair share” and 11% for less. More detailed probing of attitudes turns up the familiar refrain that wealthy people and corporations don’t pay their fair share. Sixty-seven per cent support a proposed increase in tobacco tax, compared with 24% for opposed.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,455 comments on “Morgan: 56-44 to Coalition”

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  1. BK:

    Business class may have improved, but what is the point of having Qantas Club these days?

    It’s much easier to get a seat and a bite to eat in the regular terminal these days. And no high vis!

  2. bemused
    Yes it was in the time of smoking and on another trip with JAL I had been booked in non-smoking economy for the return trip and on a full plane was put into the smoking section. It was FOUL and I kicked up a hell of a stink. In the end they canvassed other passengers and found one who was prepared to swap places.
    On another trip we were in Qantas first class non-smoking but the seats in the row in front of us were smoking – and it was more than uncomfortable for us. I told them that “non-smoking” implied the absence of smoke but we were told that it only applied to the designation of seating. I insisted that the crew logged our complaint.
    Mercifully the scourge of smoking passengers is now firmly a thing of the past.

  3. victoria:

    Thanks for the link to Tingle, I hadn’t read it. I did however see this tweet from PvO earlier today:

    [Peter van Onselen ‏@vanOnselenP 7h7 hours ago
    So 60mins asks a question to Mal Brough: “yes I did”. Opposition asks same question: “no”. Consistent…]

    And so ridiculous. Turnbull has to let him go, he’s a complete joke in the front bench position he has.

  4. Simon Katich 1402

    Nathan Daniell is currently an Adelaide Hills councillor and will make a very strong candidate imho. It’s an area where the Greens get a decent vote anyway, so I expect the Greens to do well there this time.

  5. BK:

    I can remember flying as a kid back in the day when smoking was allowed on planes and thinking it was ridiculous because even in a non smoking seat you were still massively affected by the smoking by other passengers.

  6. Government sources concede Mr Turnbull is weighing the pros and cons of trying to ride out the final day of Parliament and hope the furore dies down once the theatre of Parliament is no longer available to the opposition, or, on the other hand, nipping the controversy in the bud by simply giving the opposition a cabinet scalp.

    Read more:
    Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook

  7. BK@1405

    Yes it was in the time of smoking and on another trip with JAL I had been booked in non-smoking economy for the return trip and on a full plane was put into the smoking section. It was FOUL and I kicked up a hell of a stink. In the end they canvassed other passengers and found one who was prepared to swap places.
    On another trip we were in Qantas first class non-smoking but the seats in the row in front of us were smoking – and it was more than uncomfortable for us. I told them that “non-smoking” implied the absence of smoke but we were told that it only applied to the designation of seating. I insisted that the crew logged our complaint.
    Mercifully the scourge of smoking passengers is now firmly a thing of the past.

    Hear, hear!

    What really got me was I was in non-smoking on a flight and the bloke next to me was a smoker who went down to the smoking area to smoke.

    He explained he couldn’t stand sitting in the smoking section.

    Go figure!

  8. SK
    I reckon I know who the X Party candidate for Mayo will be but I hesitate to name her in case things have changed since I got the drum a few months ago.

  9. I must confess if ever I read here how wonderful Labor is in QT I assume they were actually quite terrible and fully expect an ABC report if any, to mock them.

    Listening in the car on the way home to Brough clearly and obviously misleading Parliament for the second day in a row, and the pathetic coward of PM we have defending this fundamental breach of our parliamentary democracy was amazing.

    Both Brough and Turnbull should go. Malcolm learned nothing from Utegate, and all those who have applauded his ascension are deluded fools. Possibly self deluding but Malcolm is a dud, yes more dangerous than Abbott, probably lowere standards than Abbott but a clear out and out dud. Worse than Abbott.

    The NBN economic vandalism isn’t exceptional Malcolm, it is Malcolm.

  10. not sure what happened there.

    Back close to the flame, hoping not to get the wings melted. Malcolm is keeping his faith with the conservative element of his party, being consultative, and slowly winning kudos. Ramping up for the election year, with the thinking being the soft numbers will narrow.

  11. I am increasingly sure Brough is stuffed, the story has enough traction in the mainstream media that it won’t go away easily. Probably will end up falling on his sword in around a fortnight

  12. matt31 and SK
    Where I live the political spectrum is quite firmly to the right but they have little time for Briggs as a person and a representative.

  13. BK
    yes, you gave me clues some time ago and I still havent nutted it out. Having forgotten most of the clues doesnt make it easy.

    I think with Abbott back in his warren, the lights have gone out for the Nick X candidates and the Greens sniff a chance.

  14. Interestingly, the Libs had heaps of probs getting party workers to the booths last election. I know the ones that volunteered and whilst they havent dropped off the tree yet, they hate Turnbull and may not front up to hand out the cards.

    On a completely unrelated topic – are there rules for handing out fake HTV cards?

  15. I’m sure this has been commented on already, but Tony Abbott’s drunken rendition of Suspicious Minds at the Nats Xmas party is not the first time he has butchered Elvis

    but still, he humiliated himself last night

  16. [“Do you know if your candidate is Pro- or Anti-Wind Farm?”]

    Being Pro or Anti Windfarm is farking stupid.

    You can’t put a windfarm anywhere.. they don’t work if it’s not windy genius.

  17. When my brother was living in Melbourne I would take the ‘red eye’ every almost second week on a Friday night, go to the footy fly home Sunday night.
    Yes I am an Eagles supporter

  18. I can’t believe the U.K Parliament is having a debate about bombing ISIS.

    It shouldn’t be up for debate, terrorists don’t respond to hugs and kisses.. they respond to bombs from above

  19. TBA
    [You can’t put a windfarm anywhere.. they don’t work if it’s not windy genius.]

    So you can only support windfarms if you live in a windy area, and those who don’t live in a windy area have to be anti-windfarms….I suppose that makes sense to you

  20. [I can’t believe the U.K Parliament is having a debate about bombing ISIS.

    It shouldn’t be up for debate, terrorists don’t respond to hugs and kisses.. they respond to bombs from above]

    Lol how has that been working since ‘shock and awe’. You total idiot they do respond to bombs, but every bomb seems to create more terrorists. Hilariously stupid.

  21. [So you can only support windfarms if you live in a windy area, and those who don’t live in a windy area have to be anti-windfarms….I suppose that makes sense to you]

    Those vast coastal strips in Australia that never have any wind at all should certainly to try avoid building big wind farms.

    Noone can be that dumb, I have cats and pot plants that are smarter than TBA’s posts, hell i have some treated pine posts that would give TBA a run for his money.

  22. [“So you can only support windfarms if you live in a windy area, and those who don’t live in a windy area have to be anti-windfarms….I suppose that makes sense to you”]

    Well I might support a windfarm on some windy hills next to the beach somewhere, but not support a windfarm on the interior of Australia.

    Stupid people… and I’ll assume you are one of them think you can put a windfarm anywhere. The truth is there is only a few select locations in Australia where windfarms are economically viable.

  23. TBA @ 1431: If you had been running the British response to the Malayan Emergency, rather than Sir Gerald Templer and Sir Robert Thompson, the British would have lost, just as the French and Americans lost in Vietnam by following your strategy.

  24. [ God forbid a country discuss the matter in parliament before bombing the shit out of a country ]

    Could only happen in a country run by hysterical lefties wot!!

  25. These are the top five articles on The Australian site

    [ Abbott’s army guns for Bishop
    Bishop’s $30k VIP flight
    Palmer nickel firm seeks bailout
    Ignore media sycophants, PM
    Super shake-up bill faces failure]

    Four out of five are anti-Turnbull, and the other is anti-Palmer.

  26. TBA #1431
    [I can’t believe the U.K Parliament is having a debate about bombing ISIS.]

    You’re right TBA. They should put it to a plebiscite.

  27. 1447

    I am going to have to take issue with the idea that the sun rises in the East. The Sun does not move in relation to the Earth, the Earth moves in relation to the Sun (geocentric is a discredited pre-Copernican theory). Also East is a earthly comparative that arguably does not apply to the Sun.

  28. [ I am going to have to take issue with the idea that the sun rises in the East. ]

    Engineering….Engage Pedant Mode!!

    Captn…..she canna take much mur o this!!! 🙂

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