Yesterday saw the closure of nominations and ballot paper draws for the New South Wales state election, now a little over a fortnight away. As always, the details are neatly summarised by Antony Green. For my part, I’m marking the occasion with the long overdue publication of my seat-by-seat election guide, which goes the whole hog in featuring 2011 booth results maps and charts displaying past results and demographic indicators, together with exhaustively comprehensive write-ups. No doubt there are errors and maybe the odd technical teething problems (for one thing, I will find a way to make the new and old electorate boundaries in the maps appear tidier), which you may call to my attention in comments. With that chore out of the way, you should finally start to see some serious campaign coverage on this blog over the coming fortnight.
New South Wales election guide
Introducing the Poll Bludger’s New South Wales election guide, detailing the ins and outs of every one of the state’s 93 lower house electorates.
Prompting these questions is the fact that there was great activity by enthusiastic Labor workers before the Queensland election.
In South Australia, too, Labor can rally the troops for by-elections and even for city seats in a general election – but the party is practically dead in the country.
Reports from NSW suggest that Labor is moribund in many places where it formerly did well. Is this so?
TT well said – where is labor on PB? what election? this one is historically quiet generally but seems to be a big one in terms of policies – labor has not radical public transport plan – too busy with faction wars????? liberals quite frankly moribund … why not borrow $15b and pay from proceeds of assets? you could win this election on ideas alone but both parties sleeping at old state govt wheel
i agree contrasts with energy in queensland is marked?
Everyone is at the supermarking buying onions.
the vegetable bottom line
vegging out
i dont understand
there’s fury but no sound
next time i’ll run with a trombone – was just given how to book as joke but times are serious
[Latest poll: Premier Mike Baird building a winning lead
March 16, 2015 12:00AM
EXCLUSIVE Andrew Clennell State Political Editor
The Daily Telegraph
PREMIER Mike Baird is set to be re-elected on March 28, with the government gaining a bounce in the latest Galaxy/The Daily Telegraph poll despite a union advertising scare campaign worth millions of dollars.
The poll of 820 voters taken last Wednesday and Thursday nights has the Coalition leading Labor 54-46 on a two-party preferred basis, one point up on the government’s result last month.
The Coalition’s primary vote is also up one point to 44 per cent, while Labor’s primary vote remains at 36 per cent — the same as in February and January. At the same time just 38 per cent of people surveyed were able to name Luke Foley as the Opposition Leader, a poor result but double the 19 per cent able to name him in January. By contrast, 65 per cent of people could name Mr Baird as Premier.
Asked who would make the better premier, Mr Baird remains a clear winner on 49 per cent (up three points) compared with Mr Foley on 24 per cent (up two), with 27 per cent remaining uncommitted.
The swing against the government would result in the loss of 15 seats if uniform across the state. This would give the Coalition 52 seats in the Legislative Assembly and Labor 38.]

There’s a typo in the Bathurst profile:
[ while Labor’s plummeted from 32.5% to 12.0%. ]
Should be from 53.5% to 21.0%. (Down by 32.5%.)
Thanks Bird, corrected.
New thread.
NSW Poll Roundup and Seat Modelling.
Current projection 51-38-4 off 52.8% 2PP.