Morgan: 53-47 phone poll, 54-46 face-to-face

Roy Morgan has unloaded two sets of results, one from the weekend’s normal face-to-face polling (which they normally release on Friday, for reasons I’ve never understood – operational ones, presumably) and the other from the 680-sample phone poll which produced last night’s dive in Julia Gillard’s personal ratings. The news is on the whole cheering for Labor, who lead 54-46 on the face-to-face poll (or 55.5-45.5 if you use the respondent-allocated preferences rather than going off 2007 election preferences) and 53-47 on the phone poll (the same result on both measures). The phone poll has Labor down two points on the primary vote from last week to 42 per cent with the Coalition up 3.5 per cent to 42 per cent, reducing the two-party lead from what seemed an overcooked 55.5-44.5 last week. The face-to-face poll has both major parties down on the primary vote since a week ago, Labor by one point to 43.5 per cent and the Coalition 1.5 per cent to 37 per cent. Neither poll records much change for the Greens, who are hovering around 11 per cent.

UPDATE: The Nine Network is also reporting a Galaxy poll with the two-party vote at 50-50, from primary votes of 37 per cent for Labor, 43 per cent for the Coalition and 13 per cent for the Greens. Julia Gillard’s lead as preferred prime minister is 49-37, compared with 55-35 at the start of the campaign. So this week we have had Newspoll, Morgan and Galaxy report 52-48, 53-47 and 50-50 on two-party preferred, and 50-34, 48-33 and 49-37 on preferred prime minister.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

763 comments on “Morgan: 53-47 phone poll, 54-46 face-to-face”

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  1. [Oh FFS Their ABC 24 are using Galaxy as an exammple of the Leaks “Affecting The PM”]

    Loved the way quietly explained it all to Trioli, Frank. Even if it ends up going pearshaped it is great that he doesn’t let her prattle on ridiculously.

  2. [Loved the way quietly explained it all to Trioli, Frank. Even if it ends up going pearshaped it is great that he doesn’t let her prattle on ridiculously.]

    True – and what a soft interview with Kevin Andrews ?

  3. 751- left of ‘Aristotle quietly explained…’

    Love this comment on that link re the NBN on Background Briefing

    [public $25 million consultancy report says that the figures stack up and some ‘expert’ disagrees on the basis that these projects ‘always cost more’. Well, there’s a $25 million saving already. Governments could save a fortune by having costings done on the back of an envelope.]

    If Turnbull can work out his water plan on the back of envelope what’s wrong with Labor doing it!

  4. [what a soft interview with Kevin Andrews ?]

    Frank – we couldn’t be bothered with that so switched to A-pac and saw the last half of The Nation. Actually, apart from the predictable Switzer, it was pretty good with Speers doing well as moderator. It is better when they don’t have just journos from the OO on it.

    I can even stand Gerard Henderson now days because he is much more reasonable in his comments. Started to watch Agenda but Gilbert asking the same old questions about leaks is boring so we switched off.

    I think Labor should say ‘we’ve answered the same question so many times that it is boring for the public. It might excite you but the public want to hear about policy’

    Gillan said in her little piece that Julia must be having a hard time because wtte ‘she has to wake up to the media every morning asking about leaks’. Why ask then? It must be pretty boring getting the same answer – nothing new to write about there.

  5. The press gallery is asking Dorothy Dixers now:
    Reporter to Abbott, after Abbott bemoaned the $57B deficit and how it’s made spending more difficult: “You keep saying that you’d like to be able to spend more money on this and more money on that. Does it disappoint you that if you become prime minister there’ll be nothing to spend?”

  6. [The dentures of Britain’s war-time prime minister, Winston Churchill, have gone under the hammer.

    Mr Churchill had several sets of upper dentures made for him, specially designed to be loose fitting to preserve his distinctive lisp.

    The teeth sold for close to $27,000, three times the estimated selling price, to a Churchill fan from Gloucestershire. ]

    Glen: were you bidding? 😀

  7. As much as I admire Winston I’d rather not have his sets of upper dentures 🙂

    That would be A Bridge Too Far IMHO!

  8. Yes, I’ve never understood why people pay through the nose for things like that. Locks of hair, samples of blood, dentures. Yuck!

  9. I think everyone has moved over to Highlights of Week 2. It’s a little confusing when the previous thread is left open.

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