Morgan: 57-43

Roy Morgan has come through with the first poll of this election year, and it’s a peculiar beast combining face-to-face results from last weekend and the distant weekend before Christmas (December 19/20). Labor’s primary vote is down 3.5 per cent to 45.5 per cent and the Coalition’s is up 1.5 per cent to 37 per cent, with the Greens up two to 10 per cent. On two-party preferred, Labor’s lead is down from 59-41 to 57-43.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,640 comments on “Morgan: 57-43”

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  1. Well there are a lot of people unemployed right now.

    If you get rid of the bullshit unemployment stats that only count people on the dole, the real unemployment level is about 10% at least.

  2. [Well there are a lot of people unemployed right now.

    If you get rid of the bullshit unemployment stats that only count people on the dole, the real unemployment level is about 10% at least.]

    Well there are a lot of people employed right now.

    If you get rid of the bullshit unemployment stats that don’t count people on the dole, the real employment level is about 90% at least.

  3. Troothy also went:

    [If you get rid of the bullshit unemployment stats that only count people on the dole, the real unemployment level is about 10% at least.]

    Unemployment figures aren’t calculated by adding up the number of people on the dole, they are calculated with Australia’s largest survey, where approximately 0.33% of the Australian civilian population aged over 15 is sampled every month.

  4. Lonely the Only


    Lonely the Only

    [Octogenarian Playboy founder Hugh Hefner is down to just one live-in girlfriend after he announced on Twitter that the 20-year-old Shannon twins will move out of his home.

    Karissa and Kristina Shannon, who shacked-up with Hef in 2008, will be moving from the Playboy Mansion into the neighbouring Playmate House.

    “The Shannon Twins are growing up,” Hef tweeted. “They’re moving to the Playmate House with my blessing so they will be free to do other things.”

    The change of address means that the twins will now be regarded only as “friends”.

    “Were looking forward to moving to the Playmate House, But we still love Hef & want to remain close,” [sic] the twins said in a Twitter message.

    The move leaves 23-year-old Crystal Harris as the 83-year-old lothario’s sole official girlfriend.]

  5. People Skills and the OO have zero environmental credibility.

    Apparently they see no inconsistency in running the parallel arguements that;
    A) Australia, with a small proportion of the world’s emissions, cannot contribute significantly to lowering global emissions with our CPRS and therefore any action we take is a waste of time and stupid…and,
    B) Each Australian household, with an infinetisimal share of the national emissions total can save the country from the evil laborbots and their evil CPRS by turning off the light in the garage, whether or not you have agreement from your neighbours that they too will turn off their light.

    What an ubertool.

  6. Sharman Stone, Fran Bailey, and Sophie Mirabella – to name a few campaigns I was familiar with – all ran on State issues, particularly water, in 2007.

    All of them suffered above average swings (between 5-7%) against them.

    So if TA runs on localised campaigns featuring state issues, we could see a bigger wipe out than we’re expecting.

  7. They showed clips of Julia and Abbott responding to employment data and whether the stimulus should be cut.
    Abbott was er-ahh-umming, gawd he’s painfull to listen to, so much trouble for him to string a sentence together! When he did it was if we want to keep unemployment low the spending has to stop.

    Compare this to Julia (in tin hat on building site with the boys ๐Ÿ˜‰ ) saying there are still 100,000 less people employed compared to the same time last year and so we need to let the stimulus do it’s job and it will be phased out as planned.

  8. First report of THAT speech:

    [Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has attacked the Federal Government on its environmental policies in his first major policy speech.

    Mr Abbott has identified the environment as a key vote-changing issue in this year’s election.

    He accuses Labor of exploiting environmental concerns for political advantage rather than achieving real change.

    Mr Abbott says the Government is too focused on tackling climate change instead of local environmental problems.

    He has identified the ailing Murray-Darling Basin as Australia’s biggest environmental problem.

    He wants a referendum that would wrest control of the Murray-Darling from the states and give it to the Commonwealth.

    To tackle urgent environmental issues, Mr Abbott has called for an environmental workforce or “Green Army” of about 15,000 members.]

    He better start speaking to St Bob – they already have much in common ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. When you go to the ballot box you think of what party you want to run the country. Then they think – Rudd or Abbott?

    Most wouldn’t know their local MPs and don’t think about politics much until the last few months maybe. Running on local state issues will probably be a waste of time it also risks sounding incoherent at the national level.

  10. The debates will be fun if Abbott is campaigning on state issues and the questions you’d think would be as they should on federal issues.

  11. Socrates

    re your post and on US earlier

    Socs notice congrats , at GFC date Sept 2008 we were RiteON
    so to speaks

    Althoughs my predict 6% to 7 % unemploy and 3% -3.5% rates only hit better end of each but for oz that obvously is a better econamic result And you a little more bullish , you bull you I think we all aussies should congrat Rudd Swan Tanner brigade for sound econ managing & courage of implimenting sensible Stimi package

    oz unemployment 2 mths in row welcome news , but econamy is still fragile , no bublys yet , stimili moneys dryin but investment needs a jump to replase solid consistent , othrwise staggers

    as we grown natural intersts rates go up , and will maybe anothr 1% to go up , yet Abbott will fool critisise rate increases We also sit on a Debt and Trade deficit volcano , gotts go off one day

    We now hav as aussies more than 1 trillion in debt , geez thats as much as our whole yr GDP those credit cards gravvy trains hav to stop at a staton one day

    Our trade deficit plane that bob brown does not undrstand econamics on with his crazy stand alone 25% CC cut nonsense grows at 2 billon a monh & i guess may be 600 billion owed , maybe more It was “only” 180 billon when Keating left office and howard added at least 350 bill to that (Mr Costello)

    so th train and th plane must run out f petrol run day , these things afect rates and employment and debt

    then look over all th oceans yonder to USA , what basket case th USA could reek on worlds econmys alone includin th oz . one trillion lates budget deficit , about 14 trillion debt incl 2 Fannie Maes , and 100% Fed/State debt of there GDP

    and th doosra , figures that reely ar spinning doosra’s , 54 trillion in UN funded in health & penson liabils, try riting 54 trilluon out

    so to even talk a 25% CC cut alone in th world as Booby Brown does loungin up these in those Ivory towers with othr over educatd acadamic theorists He to talkin total sosial and econ dislocaton to oz given who our exports go to He neithr understands th value of exports to standard of living let alone debt , rates & tade deficits re oz , let alone World econ dynamics

    and now Booby brown wants to boycott China !! good grief , linatic econamics you ar

    ROX where ar you , down Tassie ways , where is that “Party” going that may bring some BOP econamic sanitys

  12. Thanks, Frank for link to MisteRabbit’s speech. I was much impressed with his idea that climate and the environment would be a vote changer this year (as if cf. the economy), but somehow, magically the votes would move to the Libs. (as if).

  13. [Itโ€™s high time that the green movement rethought its habitual preference for Labor because actual environmental improvements are more likely to come from conservative governments (that get things done) than from Labor ones (that have a tendency to lock land up without maintaining it). ]

    That’s Abbott’s pitch for Green preferences? Dill. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. [Thanks, Frank for link to MisteRabbitโ€™s speech. I was much impressed with his idea that climate and the environment would be a vote changer this year (as if cf. the economy), but somehow, magically the votes would move to the Libs. (as if).]

    I wonder if this speech is aimed at the spuses of medicos and other Professionals back to the Liberal Fold ?

  15. [ Itโ€™s high time that the green movement rethought its habitual preference for Labor because actual environmental improvements are more likely to come from conservative governments (that get things done) than from Labor ones (that have a tendency to lock land up without maintaining it).

    Thatโ€™s Abbottโ€™s pitch for Green preferences? Dill. ๐Ÿ™‚ ]

    Adele Carles has a LOT to Answer for ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. From Tone’s speech

    [My first big campaigns were to prevent the sell-off and over-development of surplus defence land on Sydney Harbourโ€™s foreshores and to prevent the once almost unregulated proliferation of ugly and intrusive telecommunications infrastructure in peopleโ€™s neighbourhoods. ]

    So he doesn’t understand the difference between an environmental issue and an aesthetic one.

    [ rather than exploiting the environment for political advantage.]

    Ummm, how did you get to be Leader again, Tony?

    [Reducing emissions matters because many scientists think that they are having a serious impact on climate.]

    What, is this ‘Be kind to deluded scientists’ week??

    [Announcing that climate change is the โ€œgreat moral challenge of our timeโ€, as if war, injustice, poverty and manโ€™s inhumanity to man are somehow second order issues]

    Which they are, especially as climate change will increase all of them.

    [Announcing a policy that will cut our childrenโ€™s and our grandchildrenโ€™s emissions (like his policy to raise the pension age by 2023 or to end the Aboriginal life expectancy gap within a generation) is typical of the Prime Ministerโ€™s tendency to set targets that he will never have to meet or take responsibility for]

    Oh goody. So Tone’s only ever going to set targets he’ll be around to take responsibility for….

    I mean, setting a target to raise Aboriginal life expectancy within the next year would really work.

    [People are starting to get the impression with Mr Rudd that itโ€™s all about him.]

    You’d certainly get that impression from reading this speech.

    [the Coalitionโ€™s aim, on environmental policy as well as more generally, will be to understand the relevant problem, to talk to the relevant stakeholders, to devise an achievable improvement, to be able to explain it, and to know how to deliver it.]

    What have you guys been doing the last two years, if this is something you ‘will’ be doing?

    At this rate, they’ll have policies worked out by 2020.

    ….pause…got to go and cook tea, can’t keep reading TA’s gripping epic.

  17. TP@1412:

    [Running on local state issues will probably be a waste of time it also risks sounding incoherent at the national level.]

    If that is seriously what Abbott is going to do, he is not just toast, he is charcoal.

    Incoherent is the kindest interpretation, chaotic would be more like it. Imagine, with one side of his mouth he is trying to appease queensland users of the Murray Darling system, with the middle he is sucking up to NSW, and that leaves the other side for the MIA and SA.

    And that’s just water. What about issues such as energy, transport, finance?

    Finance is an especially thorny problem, when he’s got the loose cannon of Barnaby Joyce, a bull in a china shop on matters financial.

    Roll on.

  18. Is anyone else dubious about the Feds taking over the MDB basin on a permanent basis? The only thing they have anything to do with that flows is money and everyone knows they can’t manage that properly.

    So Tony’s big plan is to create a huge new bureaucracy to dictate how people should live in Country areas. The Bush will love it!!!!!!

    They might even decide to close Adelaide because it’s unviable rather that than upset the National seats along the Murray that could use the water far more economically than Labor voting families in the suburbs.

  19. don, he really doesn’t want to talk about anything to do with finance or the economy. They’re on wood on that. It’s what I was referring to earlier, i.e., he thinks climate change and the environment trumps the economy as separate issues and can’t or doesn’t get the Govt. now owns the economy as an issue.
    Just being silly, though, doesn’t anyone else want to call him MisteRabbit?

  20. Frank
    “I wonder if this Abbotts speech is aimed at the spuses of medicos”

    William says no DW’s group just a special wealthy segment and think Abbott is after to hav baks in fold , plus those lost of generaly left libs , plus muddy up voters (corect) persepton of his CC flippy flop deniel stanse

    and as diogens , what a revelaton indeed last nite , he proudly boasts Doctors do not have wives Which explains alot about Diogenes here And why he undr regular therapy you see he intimidated by strong personality politcs women who ar warm harted , calls them all liars as a defense

  21. Don @ 1424, and those following – The notion that all politics is local looks like just another attempt to transplant a concept from America. The Howard government tried that technique by the bucketload in its dying days – not just the Mersey hospital, but also the attempt to have plebiscites all over Queensland on local government amalgamations.

    Incidentally, I was struck, when watching Mr Abbott just now on the 7.30 Report, that when he was asked first off about the purpose of his new environmental policies, he made no bones about the fact that they were about trying to get Green preferences. This was at least honest rather than hypocritical, but did highlight how hard it is going to be for the currently constituted opposition to gain any real credibility on environmental issues.

  22. GG
    [Is anyone else dubious about the Feds taking over the MDB basin on a permanent basis?]
    I put that sort of political ‘promise’ in the same category as “We promise to build a giant water pipeline from the NorthernTerritory to Melbourne.”

    Abbott’s M-D takeover talk is the same – it has about the same depth and value as a body builder posing in front of a mirror.

  23. Shorter TA:

    Kevin Rudd is bad, John Howard was good.

    Have a referendum to allow the Feds to take over the MD basin (by about 2014, apparently there’s no rush, although it’s the biggest environmental problem facing Australia acc to Tony).

    Establish a permanent Green army of 15 000 people

    That’s it, folks.

  24. [Is Tony proposing to pay his 15,000 Green troops? If so where does he get the $400+ million a year from?]

    Work For The Dole provision of course- plus those pesky DSP people with Bad Backs ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Just had a premonition as to the likely centrepiece of Abbott’s CC policy – Encouraging a reduction in the birthrate to reduce population pressure on emissions. It fits with the policy statemenrt today for the reduction in the camel population. ๐Ÿ˜†

  26. Ron

    [and as diogens , what a revelaton indeed last nite , he proudly boasts Doctors do not have wives Which explains alot about Diogenes here ]

    I don’t really recall saying that somehow. I can hardly think of a doctor who isn’t married.

    And most people who become doctors now are female so the demographic will become “Doctors’ husbands”.

  27. [where approximately 0.33% of the Australian civilian population aged over 15 is sampled every month.]

    Yeah well they’ve never asked me, so obviously they’re just made up (I’m sure you’ll find mention of them in the East Anglia email trail)

  28. grog,

    Truthie has point though. How often do they survey tinnies in the Timor Sea doing their best to protect our borders?

  29. Of course the Liberals are well aware of the feuding between the Labor and Greens supporters here at PB. So Abbott probably thinks there are preferences in it for them ever since Bob1234 got the flick. ๐Ÿ˜†

  30. [Of course the Liberals are well aware of the feuding between the Labor and Greens supporters here at PB. So Abbott probably thinks there are preferences in it for them ever since Bob1234 got the flick. :lol:]

    so THAT explains Glen’s absence ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. 1425
    Greensborough Growler
    Posted Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 7:48 pm | Permalink

    “Is anyone else dubious about the Feds taking over the MDB basin on a permanent basis? ”

    no not me , well apart from th constituton , states refusing , chalenging , lack of accountablty of a Fed burocracy , useless expense of Canberra run public servants , lack of expertise unlike MRB authority , th States where th rivers do run being actualy party to th soluton via MRB , no caping unlike MRB authority , no costing of proposel , etc

    so think Abbott is on a reel winner there

    However as opposed to actual ofering solutons , Abbott politcaly knows th lack of water in MRB causin pain everywheres & th aleged some States hogging/wastin water makes his one liner we Feds will take over & fix , voter attractiv Its a hard argument to knock down politcaly quickly without “time” to explain to voters Suspect his “CC ” polisy will be a similar type , whicj maybe why his MRB polisy is as it is , fluff feel good but no substanse as you corectly sugest

  32. C’mon Diogs, just because Abbott is a CC sceptic dosen’t mean he can’t win some Green votes (not) ๐Ÿ˜†

    Frank, Glen has been specifically told by Lib headquarters to keep away from PB so their opponents can inflict damage on themselves. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  33. Ron,

    As always, you say it better than me.

    I just can’t see anyone buying bigger and more centralised control by Eastern centric bureaucrats and beach living politicians as the answer to anything.

    Lead ballooon warning.

  34. [vera
    Posted Thursday, January 14, 2010 at 7:06 pm | Permalink

    Abbott was er-ahh-umming, gawd heโ€™s painfull to listen to,

    That pretty much sums it up. If that guy had a magic pudding and promised us $100,000 each if he won, he would still lose.

  35. [If you get rid of the bullshit unemployment stats that only count people on the dole, the real unemployment level is about 10% at least.]

    Prove it. Or shut the hell up.

  36. And Toothy, while you’re at it, prove that the ‘boat people’ are coming here purely because of ‘changes in policy’. Or shut the hell up about it.

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