None more black

Welcome to the all-new colour scheme from the Poll Bludger, the psephological website that goes up to 11. I have my doubts about the alternating black-and-khaki backgrounds in comments, but fancy that the colour scheme is otherwise inoffensive at worst. Anyway, I can easily replace it with another theme if nobody likes it, such is the magic of WordPress. This is all timed to herald the arrival of the Poll Bludger’s federal election guide, which at this stage I must confess falls a good deal short of Adam Carr’s magnum opus. Entries are presently limited to outlines of seats’ locations and histories, with further detail on candidates to follow as time allows.

UPDATE: White on black, while good for the environment, is apparently bad on the eyes. Plan B activated.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

31 comments on “None more black”

  1. Hi William,
    I actually liked Plan A but the content rather than the style is what draws me back,
    Incidentally in the masthead it appears that Gough may be pleasuring himself in his It’s Time t-shirt (how many other poll bludgers are like me and still have their tee?) Is the photo genuine or just an expression of your views of Gough’s legacy 9with which i at least partly agree)

  2. Jesus, OC, that’s exactly what it looks like. I’m afraid my respect for the office will not let this stand. I will now work on making the header fit for family consumption – until then, avert your eyes.

  3. At the cost of a small amount of pixelation, Gough’s dignity is now restored. Little Pattie is standing next to him in the ” rel=”nofollow”>original photo – perhaps that had something to do with it.

  4. William, could you please make the font a little bigger?
    Otherwise, I like the new colour scheme.
    And, you do a terrific job as moderator. Thanks for this terrific site!

  5. Oh, forgot to say. A good edition might be to make the banner at the top a link back to

    I find that useful on many sites. Easy way to get to ‘home’ after posting a reply or the like. Easier than the home button at the top right.

  6. I’m not sure if this is the best place to make this comment; for Bradfield, apparently the Labor candidate is one Victoria Brookman…

  7. Mungo McCallum wrote a column in 1972 on having seen Gouigh in his togs, and on what a splendid physique he had for a man of (at that time) 56, and also on certain other impressive physical attributes…

  8. Adam,
    Surely you’re not suggesting are you that when the Whitlams moved house and they’d finished hanging all their artwork on the walls that Margaret commented: “Well hung Gough”. 🙂

  9. William, your patented white and blue definitely suits the cool reason of this site better than the previous one. I thought I had entered a khaki election.

  10. My previous post had the control key sequence to enlarge the text, but WordPress must have stripped it out. The control-plus key enlarges text, up to humungous if you require, and control-minus reduces font size.

  11. Two suggestions
    the band with “home” pluss the banner take up fair amount of space, maybe remove the band.

    It would seem some on the site don’t appreciate the task in front of Labor in terms of winning seats, concentrating more on headline poll figures. Can I suggest a simple table somewhere saying

    To Win Government Labor must win 17 of these 34 seats
    Cowan (WA)
    Macquarie (NSW)
    Swan (WA)
    Hindmarsh (SA)
    Kingston (SA)
    Bonner (Qld)
    Wakefield (SA)
    Parramatta (NSW)
    Makin (SA)
    Braddon (Tas)
    Hasluck (WA)
    Stirling (WA)
    Wentworth (NSW)
    Bass (Tas)
    Solomon (CLP NT)
    Moreton (Qld)
    Lindsay (NSW)
    Eden-Monaro (NSW)
    Bennelong (NSW)
    Dobell (NSW)
    McMillan (Vic)
    Deakin (Vic)
    Corangamite (Vic)
    Boothby (SA)
    Blair (Qld)
    La Trobe (Vic)
    Paterson (NSW)
    Herbert (Qld)
    Kalgoorlie (WA)
    McEwen (Vic)
    Longman (Qld)
    Sturt (SA)
    Robertson (NSW)
    Petrie (Qld)

    Maybe even links to allow comments on each to be posted with local feedback/comments.

  12. If the “headline poll figures” stay strong for Labor, then the seats will take care of themselves.

    Look at 1996. Not only did the Coalition sweep up the marginals. But they gained longshot seats like Griffith, Lilley and Lindsay as well.

  13. Actually it was a little complex
    I was working on the basis
    60 Labor
    87 Lib Nat CLP
    3 independent

    I guessed 2 out of 3 independents would like to kick the coalition.
    Labor gaining 13 + 2 independents = Coalition losing 13 +1 independent.
    I had to take into account that Cowan or Swan currently Labor might actually change hands to coalition. So I listed the 4 most marginal Labor seats and the 30 most marginal coalition.

    To govern in their own right they need to win 16 + the 4 they currently hold on a slim margin ie 20 of the 34 seats listed

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