I have nothing much to offer in the way of new material for an open thread post, for reasons I hope you’ll understand. My standby on such occasions is the regularly updated tracking poll of Anthony Albanese’s personal ratings from US pollster Morning Consult, which currently has him at 56% approval and 31% disapproval. This leaves his approval about where it was mid-year, with his disapproval having climbed a few points.
Morning Consult: Albanese approval 56, disapproval 31 (open thread)
Six months along, only minor signs of erosion in Anthony Albanese’s honeymoon poll ratings.
Watching the NACC debate in the Senate, observations:
Senator Murray Watt – prosecuting the brief with aplomb
Senator Michaela Cash – a shadow of her ministerial outrage
Senator David Shoebridge – very impressive Greens Senator from the Great State of NSW
Takeaway is that Bandt’s leadership has to be in its death throws with impressive members in both houses coming in…
David Shoebridge
Success! The Greens amendment to empower the Inspector of the NACC to properly oversight and audit the commission is a really critical safeguard
Late Riser says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 6:50 pm
Something to chew on.
Antony Green – elections
An update on the rate of ATL/BTL voting for the Victorian Legislative Council election. % below the line vote is 9.3%, not much changed from 8.8% in 2018. Below are the rates by party. #springst #vicvotes
Angry Victorians. Bahaha. That still gets me giggling.
”The ABC can reveal the government will likely cap wholesale gas prices at about $12 a gigajoule, demand a guaranteed domestic gas supply from producers, and enforce a mandatory code of conduct as part of a market intervention first flagged five weeks ago.”
Great. Bring the war profiteers into line. Big business has to be regulated into good behaviour.
NACC has passed the Senate!
David Shoebridge
Our final amendment to prohibit politicians from being NACC Commissioners has been voted down. More jobs for mates? Let’s hope despite the lack of a prohibition that we don’t see a Commissioner Dutton any time
David Shoebridge
Replying to
IT’S DONE! We finally have a National Anti Corruption Commission, made stronger and more democratic by Greens amendments
NACC has passed the Senate!
Great news.
Simon Henny Penny Katich @ #572 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 6:00 pm
Yes, I wondered whether she thought before she opened her mouth to insult Linda Burney the way she did. Doesn’t she realise that if it wasn’t for female Indigenous politicians like Linda Burney, she, Jacinta Price, probably wouldn’t be where she is today!?!
Put it this way, Ms Price’s political advisers probably aren’t all Indigenous.
Albo is kicking goals like Mbappe
Next up is the IR Bill which has already been negotiated with Pocock and the Greens.
Have we ever seen a more effective first 6 months in office?
sprocket_ says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:09 pm
NACC has passed the Senate!
Top news Cobber. Top news. A good Inaugural Chair may be Justice Holmes. Her Robodebt inquiry has been impressive.
Interestingly, the NACC passed 3rd reading on the voices.
Opposition supported.
Greens Supported.
Fringe fruitcakes were absent from the debate
Steve777 @ #603 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:09 pm
I think I heard today it costs the producer about $3.50 a gigajoule to extract, then it’s sold on the European market for about $350 a gigajoule, which they then try and turn around and charge domestic consumers the same amount!
Upnorth @ #609 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:13 pm
Or Retired Justice Virginia Bell.
C@tmomma says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:15 pm
I think I heard today it costs the producer about $3.50 a gigajoule to extract, then it’s sold on the European market for about $350 a gigajoule, which they then try and turn around and charge domestic consumers the same amount!
That’s about right. Gas is cheap to extract. But the Capital Costs to pipe and freeze (liquify) then ship are massive. Extraction is the cheap part. The Germans are building massive facilities to allow the import of. Billions over budget but done in record time.
“Our final amendment to prohibit politicians from being NACC Commissioners has been voted down”
Former politician, John Hatzistergos is the ICAC commissioner in NSW
C@tmomma says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:16 pm
Upnorth @ #609 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:13 pm
sprocket_ says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 7:09 pm
NACC has passed the Senate!
Top news Cobber. Top news. A good Inaugural Chair may be Justice Holmes. Her Robodebt inquiry has been impressive.
Or Retired Justice Virginia Bell.
+1 C@t
IT’S DONE! We finally have a National Anti Corruption Commission, made stronger and more democratic by Greens amendments
Why do the Greens always desperately try to show they are relevant … maybe because they aren’t
I posted this on mastodon, but it may be of interest to some on PB.
#religion #cathedral #promotion #evangelicals
You have to switch to twitter to watch. https://twitter.com/Eric_Erins/status/1596917329010446336
When you’ve watched and think, “Huh?”, then think about the role cathedrals played 500 years ago, and the awe they produced. They are still awe inspiring today.
Then think about the awe in the video. Was there any?
sprocket_ @ #606 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 6:09 pm
This is the best political news of 2022. (Well, maybe the 2nd best. ) The anger stoked by Morrison’s years is still hot.
Need a hard hitter who will turn the work around otherwise you get the damp squib which most corruption inquiries are.
Justice Christine Adamson fills that bill – Adam Bell SC through his unrelenting work on Casinos which showed the other states how it is done would be good.
TPOF @ #598 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 6:58 pm
You want imaginary ones? I’ll ask Yabba.
Shellbell @ #614 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:23 pm
And a very fine one at that.
Sceptic @ #616 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:27 pm
The mouse that roared.
Seems the LNP wanted to give MPs the power to block appointments to the NAAC.
Just like the parliament has the power to block appointments to the High Court, Federal Court, AAT, Fair Work …
And didn’t the Liberals take advantage of that while in government.
Hatzistergos was a Liberal appointment.
So there must be some politicians who are regarded well enough for judicial appointments
Dutton may’ve advanced his electoral appeal if he had the guts to draw a line under Morrison’s repugnant behaviour re. multiple ministries. He’s chosen not to, and it will verily cost him. He’s an automaton, incapable of assessing issues outside the paradigm
of Howard, Abbott & Morrison; but that model no longer works.
I think that he’ll be agin “The Voice”; another example of his failure to read the electorate. Those who voted for Palaszczuk, McGowan, Malinauskas & Albanese will thank him deeply. It’s truly a case of the train having left the station.
It’s unfortunate but Amanda Rishworth Minister for Social Services seems to have gone to the same school of overemphasis that Michaela Cash attended
The Sous-chef de cuisine at Brasserie Canberra looking forward to preparing his favourite dish , Couilles de Morrison
I’m not the biggest fan of Amanda Rishworth but I thought she was fine on 7.30.
She’s hardly a bilious shrieker like the execrable Cash.
As for Linda Burney, that woman is magnificent.
Kevin Bonham @kevinbonham
FWIW Morgan (federal) 52.5-47.5 . No primaries available.
730 just started in Brisbane and my immediate reactions was: What a waste of media resources to try to find out if the Voice will actually make a difference on the ground! As if the consultations leading up to the statement from the heart haven’t already done that work and a half hour program on the ABC will revel all.
Hopefully the program is actually better than that
Stop the Lies! Can “truth in campaigning” laws work?
(Free share)
Late Riser says:
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 at 1:57 pm
By the way, “As bad as fleas, and twice as many.” I smiled at that. Thank you.
Cheers, LR. The Player has put me into a whimsical mood. Bush trolling is a tough gig. Dirt roads, uncertain bridges and fallen trees. Leaf and bark in heaps in the gutters and drains. Fences over and gates leaning, arthritic. No other company to speak of except their partner, of whom little is said. How they roll is not known by the bludgers. And the trolling is, by any measure, a meagre living. Few takers for the troll fare, even on a good day. Turns out that malice is not as good as a bowl of salad.
For mine, I think their act is wearing thin. Thin like the older voices at church on Sunday mornings are thin. Pale and cooled down. Husked and dry as dust.
D & M:
I trust you weren’t insanely jealous of a guest on RN this evening:
David Pocock
Labor, Libs and Nats just voted against the entire crossbench to defeat my amendment for the NACC to explicitly include pork-barrelling, be able to investigate 3rd parties who try to corrupt & also add more transparency around NACC funding.
The Daily Jake Broe:
Ah yes. Good word that, “husked”. (But it’s time to enjoy something else for a bit. Take care.)
What a great week!
IR bill passed for proper collective industry bargaining.
Victorian Liberals exposed as a fundy right echo chamber and thrashed.
And now a Federal ICAC 😀
I wonder if any LNP politicians might now start resigning and getting their super?
The Greens amendments were worthwhile. Labor, Greens and Pocock all deserve credit. I say again, Pocock in the Senate is invaluable, in eliminating the need for Labor to buy Lambie’s vote.
Rakali @ #634 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 7:48 pm
The evidence is that such bodies once established seem to be able to widen their remit without much difficulty be following where the evidence leaders – the Costigan Royal Commission of the 1970s which was established to invetigate criminality in a union (the Painters and Dockers) expanded to blow the top off widespread money laundering, bottom of the harbour tax avoidance schemes and other activities far from its original direction.
I don’t think we need to worry about giving lots of specific permissions to the NACC
I concur. The pork barreling may be the start but it won’t be the end of corruption. It’s easier to start at the edges and work your way inwards.
And David Pocock doesn’t consider that this brings us closer to the idea or reality of having to legislate for all discretionary spending. Which would mean we end up with a system a lot like the american’s. So lots of supply fights.
Whilst I don’t like coalition waste whilst in government, I can cop it. Frankly it only got really bad and out of hand under scomo, but building a footy oval here and there isn’t the worst thing in the world for a politician to do.
ajm @ #638 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 8:14 pm
On the other hand, NACC or no NACC I think explicitly labelling pork-barreling as “corruption” can only be a good thing. Both sides do it. Both sides should stop. Or at least have a real fear that doing it may have consequences more serious than just whatever happens at the next election.
How do you define “pork barrelling”?
Arky @ #583 Tuesday, November 29th, 2022 – 6:54 pm
Stifiling the operation of a corruption commission the voting public heavily favoured probably wouldnt do them any favours. People generally dont like politicians being corrupt or percieved as having something to hide.
Player One:
Well, I introduced the topic with the text “for our imaginary friends”, so the point was made, albeit without the nastiness you allude to
I suspect the NACC will have a lot to worry about before they get to pork barrelling.
“Adam Bell SC”
Oh man, I thought that was you.
Hang on…
Wrong syllable
Making a form of pork barrelling (“earmarks”) illegal in the US backfired badly