The Australian has come good with a Newspoll just a fortnight after the last, quickening its usual three-weekly schedule. This actually has very slightly better numbers for the Coalition on the primary vote, up one to 40% with Labor down one to 38%, the Greens up one to 11% and One Nation down one to 2%, but with Labor’s two-party lead unchanged on 52-48.
However, Scott Morrison’s personal ratings have taken a hit: he’s down seven points on approval to 55% and up six on disapproval to 40%, comfortably his worst numbers since the onset of COVID-19. Anthony Albanese is up a point on approval to 43% and steady on disapproval at 41%, and his deficit on preferred prime minister has been cut from 56-30 to 52-32.
The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1517.
Good Morning
Quoll is right on one thing.
The blind partisan approach of the majors. Think the oil tanker slowly turning
All the replies I received in fact proved my point.
Yes Scott Morrison was better at the marketing. There was this little review by Labor that said the same thing.
You can disagree with the Greens marketing all you like. However my comments pointing you to Kevin Rudd’s successful marketing campaign should have got through to you.
All the replies about Green vote share are deliberately missing the point.
My point is the very fact you bring up Greens vote share is you are arguing how bad Labor is at marketing itself and Labor’s ability to do so.
It’s why you blame the Greens for Adani. You are saying the LNP will always win. So Labor cannot cope with a competing party on the left.
The Greens are toxic political statements on this site a pure Murdoch talking point.
Every time you use it you are doing Rupert Murdoch’s work.
@JoshButlet tweets
The AFR hit job on Sam Maiden is pathetic and outrageous. Talk about shooting the messenger
I wonder how many blokes in the gallery would be described as a “spiky competitor”. I’ve been there 8 months – IMO the place could definitely do with being a bit more spiky & less chummy
Sorry thats Butler.
Constantly horrified by the actions of the NSW Police (especially now having moved away to SA)….they established NSW in 1788 and think they still run the show. This is disgraceful.