The Australian has published the concluding quarterly set of aggregated Newspoll breakdowns for the year, showing results by state, gender, age, education, income, language and religion.
The results have the Coalition leading 51-49 in New South Wales, a two point shift to the Coalition since last quarter; Labor leading 55-45 in Victoria, a one point shift to the Coalition; the Coalition leading 57-43 in Queensland, a two point shift to Labor; the Coalition leading 53-47 in Western Australia, a one point shift to Labor; and the Coalition leading 51-49 in South Australia, a one point shift to the Coalition.
The Australian’s report leads with Labor’s weak position among men, but the gender breakdowns are in fact unchanged on last time with the Coalition leading 53-47 among men and Labor leading 51-49 among women. Labor’s lead among the 18-to-34 cohort widens from 58-42 to 61-39, but there is now a tie among the 35-to-49 cohort after Labor lead 53-47 last time. The Coalition’s leads among the older cohorts are little changed, at 55-45 among 50-to-64 and 62-38 among 65-plus.
The recorded gap between English speakers and those who speak a different language at home has narrowed slightly, with the Coalition’s lead among the former going from 52-48 to 51-49 and Labor’s lead among the latter narrowing from 56-44 to 54-46. The other breakdowns record no notable pattern of change: two-party splits vary little by education (although education associates positively with Greens support and negatively with One Nation support); there is no great variation by income until the $150,000-plus cohort, which broke 55-45 for the Coalition; and Christians breaking 59-41 for the Coalition, while those of no religion going 57-43 to Labor.
The results are compiled from YouGov’s Newspoll surveys from August to November, from a combined sample of 8123.
lizzie @ #1141 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 1:41 pm
Liberal party factional deals got him in.
What’s good for the people doesn’t matter in the corrupt federal parliament.
Partisan voters need to change their voting habits.
Quite so.
Libs in Melbourne are similarly driven by developers/donors.
Been There – its pretty clear looking for details of travel declarations is about finding out when and where Gladys/ Maguire got together.
Not sure what high level corruption turns on if they spent a night together in Ballina for instance other than prurient interest in details of the Premier’s private life.
The commentary about the virus in NSW is obsessively focused on Gladys too – been there. Based on your interpretation been there observing that link on PB is apparently trolling.
A great question.
The answer is, an apathetic and compliant society allow it.
Indeed Mavis
George III had been confined for 9 years by 1819.
As for the Prince Regent and his brothers:
Princes, the dregs of their dull race, who flow
Through public scorn,—mud from a muddy spring;
But what of
Time’s worst statute, unrepealed—
that one was George III’s personal doing and was only resolved when George IV was threatened with the resignation of the ministry if he did not give consent
I wonder if Scotty from Marketing said a Christian prayer for the two innocent Australian children and their parents that he has locked up in an offshore Australian island prison …?
Lars Von Trier
You’re still not getting it.
Proving that Gladys was in a relationship with a corrupt minister by examining what time they spent together is the issue, particularly as she is trying to deny it.
How does ICAC prove that?
Why wouldn’t
Hint…texts and phone calls!
What don’t you understand about that?
Also why wouldn’t the focus of the commentary of Covid in NSW be on Gladys, after all she is the Premier making all the wrong calls.
Was Dan Andrews not the focus of Covid commentary in Victoria?
Tell us why it should be any different in NSW?
Lars Von Trier:
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 2:11 pm
Berejyklian conducted a clandestine relationship with McGuire for a number of years. That of itself is above board, people being entitled to their privacy. But her sin, as I see it, is that there’s evidence that she knew of McGuire’s corruption, and continued the affair after he at least knew of the ICAC investigation into him. Now she’s playing the game of, I was taken in by a cad. And although the public appears to accept her version I can understand why some have reservations about her conduct.
Morrison is every bit the white supremacist, elitist monster that Trump is.
People should be discovering that more and more…
Tony Abbott and friends cycled into red zone this morning, but he’s apparently outside the rules.
Oakeshott country:
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 2:19 pm
[‘But what of
Time’s worst statute, unrepealed—
that one was George III’s personal doing and was only resolved when George IV was threatened with the resignation of the ministry if he did not give consent’]
I’ll stand to be corrected but it’s my understanding that the line,
“and the English Senate is like “Time’s worst statute unrepealed”
refers to the British Parliament, not to a specific Act of it.
lizzie @ #1162 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 1:34 pm
Actions rhyme.
Lets see how long it takes the MSM to report this – or IF they report it at all!
Russia is not doing well against the virus.
While rain is forecast for Sydney on New Years Eve (and every other day as far as the forecasters can see), rain isn’t a problem for the Fireworks. It would take strong winds to have them called off.
As there still exists doubts concerning the citizenship process regarding Abbott, shouldn’t the floating of covid rules have him incarcerated and upon release returned to the UK?
Abbott’s behaviour is no better (and probably worse) than the backpackers at Bronte.
Rex Douglas:
You show so much concern.
The outrage, the Colonial Secretary thrown out of his building and the building sold!
Some say Tony Abbott aspired to the position of Colonial Secretary.
Joe Hockey has a lot to answer for!
Been there – I can recall when the Republicans said Clinton/ Lewinsky wasn’t about sex but about lying – it was always about sex.
Same with the NSW ALP – its about probity but its really about sex. Probity is just cover for the dirty talk.
Anyway how dum is the NSW ALP ? Pursuing an attack that’s already failed. Gladys has the best thing in politics – she’s fortunate in her enemies.
Mavis @ #1169 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 3:14 pm
‘Anyway how dum is the NSW ALP ? Pursuing an attack that’s already failed. Gladys has the best thing in politics – she’s fortunate in her enemies.’
Much the same can be said in the Victorian context – with the Victorian Liberals being the dumb ones and Andrews the one fortunate in his enemies.
Which suggests that this is more the result of the circumstances – Oppositions do not fare well during a crisis such as the one we’re presently facing, and leaders (should) have a relatively easy job when it comes to gaining the public’s trust.
dave @ #1169 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 11:59 am
I thought you were allowed to move about within the area, you just couldn’t leave it or people from outside the area enter it.
Glad someone agrees with me.
Rex Douglas:
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 3:21 pm
No need to be sorry. If it weren’t for people like you one’s moral compass might be all at sea, one needing to be reminded daily of all the injustice in the world.
Maybe zoomster – your theory would suggest Albo is travelling quite well given the closeness of the polls – notwithstanding the prevailing negativity to Albo from ALP supporters on here.
concern troll
noun derogatory•informal
noun: concern troll; plural noun: concern trolls
a person who disingenuously expresses concern about an issue with the intention of undermining or derailing genuine discussion.
No, it supposedly refers to Catholic Emancipation and the repeal of the Penal Laws., which did not recognise the civil rights of Catholics
There is evidence that the parliament was willing to consider this for some time, just to keep the level of tumult in Ireland at a dull roar, but the House of Hanover took being the Head of the Church as a serious job. GIII refused to consider it and GIV only gave in when Wellington threatened to resign after “the Great Liberator” Daniel O’Connell won a seat and threatened to let all hell loose if he wasn’t allowed in the Commons.
There is a story which is probably not true that GIV so hated the thought of emancipation that he appointed a commissioner to proclaim the bill on the pretext that he had lost his false teeth and couldn’t be seen in public.
Growler hitting up the Guardian
“ tsRamble
7h ago
There’s a reason that Australia has struggled so much with the bat in recent years. If you look at the last 12 Sheffield Shield winners, Victoria has 6 of them, including 4 of the last 6. Yet how many Victorian batsmen are in the National squad? None.
It’s because of a three decade long policy of the national selector to promote lesser batsmen from NSW and fringe states instead of the far more deserving Victorian batsmen who pile on test runs only to be overlooked by a cabal of anti-victorians. There was a moving tribute to the peerless Dean Jones on boxing day, but how quickly people forget he was unconscionably dropped by the selector while in his prime. They’ll persist for years with Burns and the Marsh brothers, from failure to failure, rather than give a Victorian batsman an opportunity who isn’t the son of a selector
I’d get rid of all our so-called batsmen and put in the entire Victorian top order down to six, then you’d see some batting that could stand up to the likes of India. But you know they’d never let that happen”
Or that Morrison isn’t the leader that the media is making him out to be.
The code of conduct in the NSW Government is written into Law as I have heard from a former judge and the leader of the SFF party. DM had to resign because of this, but GB continued the relationship until a few months before the ICAC as she said under oath.
Destroying documents and erecords of the $250M was also against the law. The police declined to investigate and the records were found.
While the new media seems to be able to report events accurately and promptly the old media plumbs new depths.
Lars Von Trier @ #1133 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 1:23 pm
We are all awake to your concocted pustular discharges, and your unctuous simulated rapport, your smarmy fake sincerity, your studied spurious concern, your odious false empathy, your dissembled trumped-up compassion, your nauseating sham bonhomie.
You missed out on the decent humanity gene, like Trump.
At bottom, we pity you, because you cannot fake sincerity, and you have none. You are left with nothing worthwhile at all.
2020 Federal Polling Year In Review
Morrison government the first, on my numbers, to lead in average 2PP polling across a year since 2010, but only just. (2016 was a tie).
Oakeshott Country:
Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 3:43 pm
Okay, I’ll accept that with reservation, that being I do think he was referring to Parliament when he makes reference to the Senate, in keeping with his anarchic desire to rid Britain of its institutions. One further point, which specific statute did George III given royal assent to, the one you referred to in an earlier post?
Quite frankly, anything that puts pressure on the NSW State Gov to get their stuff together would be useful. She’s been tainted by a number of things, including asphalt and concrete (rather than transport powered by renewables), developers, gaming and Koala killing over the people of NSW (Xmas and NYE are just the latest examples).
Gladys obviously has NFI dragging Hazard, who lives up on the beaches and has no value add[] beyond promos to get take away or home delivery from local businesses, duh as if you’d order a meal off Amazon or eBay …, he could attend online, to press announcements (they are not briefings with Q&A, conferences), and even she’d be better off letting the Chief Health Honcho do most of the talking (credible).
The relevancy of Wuflu stuff might be high, pollyTICs have very little credibility (all the announcements are shades of grey, and there’s no go early, go hard, NFA).
We just got tested again today (result due in 24 to 72 hours), wife had a sore throat (doubt we’re close or casual contacts), and we’re in one of the areas that has some of the 40+ cases outside of the Northern Beaches containment area.
Besides Nanna is in her 70s, so we’re being extra careful, and we have attended some extended family/ neighbourhood events.
There’s no reason for NSW Health to not be ready, they’ve now had a year …
Rex Douglas
The Kouk being a bit silly there. Go and check out timetables for even the countries that make the vaccines.
Current vaccines we see on tv have I think still only “emergency use” approval. Check out production numbers vs population then see if you moan about “waddabout us ? “. With demand waay ahead of supply what priority would you give Australia vs the US or Europe or a dozen other covid ridden areas.
VCT Et3e
Hope everything turns out OK for you.
From Jacobin
“Scott Morrison Isn’t the Australian Trump — He’s a Margaret Thatcher Tribute Band”
What benefit would fast tracking a vaccine have for Australia?
This report makes me feel sick. There are families without enough to eat, but Morrison and Frydenberg are oblivious.
shellbell @ #1180 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 3:47 pm
Heh. With such an abundance of batting strength it’s surprising that Victoria has a West Aussie and a NSW man in their top four. Don’t tell me that even the Victorian selectors are part of the “cabal of anti-Victorians”!
A good vaccine tracking page.
Spray @ #1192 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 4:29 pm
The Dean Jones decision was always puzzling. Jones came back from Sri Lanka as the leading run getter. Mark Waugh managed 5 ducks in a row (The Olympic Rings). Sure Martyn came in to replace him theoretically. But the Selectors, in their wisdom, chose an out of form guy on potential and destroyed the career of a guy in his prime.
Greensborough Growler @ #1195 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 5:10 pm
Yeah Deano was entitled to feel aggrieved by that call. But thank goodness they made it.
I hope this dude is high up in the BK Arsehole of the Year Awards.
Spray @ #1197 Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 – 5:17 pm
Goodness had nothing to do with it. Just the NSW Rum Corp looking after their mates.
I think Mark Waugh was an Audi