Dennis Shanahan of The Australian reckons “two basic assumptions are driving the economic and political debate in 2021”, and that one of these is that there will be an election late next year. The other is that COVID-19 restrictions will start to ease in the coming months; “neither is certain”. The government’s election window opens in the middle of the year, at which point the Senators given six-year terms after the 2016 double dissolution will enter the final year of the terms, the period in which the half-Senate election to replace them may be held.
That will do as a kick-off for a new open thread, which is needed because there are so many other posts flying around at the moment. For convenience, these include:
• Adrian Beaumont’s New Zealand live election count post, which will begin in earnest when polls close at 7pm New Zealand time and 5pm Australian eastern daylight time – to be followed an hour later by my own live commentary post on the Australian Territory election. And if you’re a Crikey subscriber, you can read my collective preview of the two here.
• Also from Adrian Beaumont, a review of the US situation.
• A post on a Newspoll result showing Labor leading 52-48 in Queensland.
• Another post on the Queensland campaigning detailing relevant recent developments.
• A post on a Ten News uComms poll from New South Wales showing strong support for Gladys Berejiklian.
What really grinds my gears is the underlying assumption in all the media reporting that Morrison is such a clever political dick that he is cruising to victory at the next federal election!
Good morning all, A great win last night by the mighty tiges and just over 24 hours to wait on which
restrictions are lifted in Melbourne.
Citizen from the old thread
Boris stuffs up the Covid response badly and now tells Brits that it’s probably a no-deal Brexit.
I always suspected that that’s what the Tories wanted all along.
Minor correction: “Australian Territory election” -> “Australian Capital Territory election”.
Pre-polling was encouraged, with a three week window including both weeks of school holidays; I certainly took advantage of it, and expect many others did too.
For people voting today: “Very high (90%) chance of showers, most likely during this afternoon and evening. The chance of a gusty thunderstorm during this afternoon and evening.”
From the NZ/US thread:
‘Trump will be 78 by 2024
Mugabe was 93 when he ‘resigned’.’
Don’t forget Betty Windsor is still going strong at 98 and Mahatthir Mohammed just retired again at 95.
Betty Windsor was born in 1926. She is 94.
An assailant has decapitated a history teacher in France who had recently shown cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed in class.
The attacker was said to be enraged after the teacher displayed cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils, French media said.
Witnesses watched the man decapitate his victim — who was also male — in broad daylight close to the school in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine.
Police officers rushed to the scene after the alarm was raised and the killer fled towards the northwestern Paris commune of Eragny-sur-Oise.
The attacker was later shot by police near Paris as they tried to arrest him and he died of his injuries.
He’s believed to be an 18-year-old Chechen man born in Moscow.
Steve777 @ #6 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 7:12 am
Yep, I just fact-checked myself. 😳
Searching for words to describe “That Man ❓ ”
The ‘disobedience’ of the visitors from NZ who caught a flight into Melbourne, under the noses of Border Force and the airline that booked them, illustrates just how difficult it is to keep the lid on peoples’ actions.
What really grinds my gears is the underlying assumption in all the media reporting that Morrison is such a clever political dick…
The trouble is, in the game of politics, he actually is, although it helps having most of the media and most of the ”natural” fonts of power on-side.
For actual achievement, cross out ”clever”.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
Peter Hartcher says that democracy is fragile, and it should be handled with care. It is a very good read.
The more Ross Gittins study the budget, the less impressed he is. He describes it as being big on political correctness but weak on job creation.
These days the biggest threat to Australian prosperity and security seems to Crispin Hull to be losing, dumb, donor-driven government decisions.
Governments are handing out vast amounts of money at speed with less supervision as they try to stem the economic pain of the pandemic. It’s a recipe for trouble, writes the AFR’s John Kehoe who wonders who is watching over the rivers of COVID-19 cash.
Phil Coorey looks at how Labor is lining itself up for the next election campaign.
Christopher Knaus reveals that three federal infrastructure department officials and federal MP Angus Taylor separately met with Louise Waterhouse while she lobbied for potentially lucrative changes to her vast landholdings near the Western Sydney airport. Fancy that! Angus Taylor of ALL people!
Karen Middleton reports that legal experts are questioning the basis on which national cabinet deliberations are deemed to be secret, and the issue has now led to an Administrative Appeals Tribunal case.
And she writes that as well as criticising the performance of the prime minister’s department, the auditor-general’s midterm review has a warning about unethical behaviour in the public sector.
John Silvester whimsically takes us through the A to Z of pandemic politics.
If ever we needed a gender lens on government policy, it is now, declares Natasha Stott-Despoja.
Paul Kelly reckons Daniel Andrews now presides over a cover-up whose full dimensions are yet to be revealed.
Several departmental sources have this week claimed that a deliberate decision was made by Victorian DHHS and its legal advisers not to give certain emails to the inquiry. Hmm.
The media we consume influences our compliance with Covid-19 recommendations. Poor media coverage in Victoria is impeding the state’s recovery, writes Michael Tanner.
Cait Kelly tells us that a leading public health expert was warned that the Morrison government must work with its Victorian counterpart to make sure there is no third wave instead of undermining the state’s public health message.
Following the death of her mother from Covid-19, Sian Prior has encountered the ugly ways in which the virus has been politicised by the Victorian opposition and even strangers in the street.
Kate McClymont reveals that the business plans of disgraced MP Daryl Maguire are in ruins with one prospective partner found dead in a pool and another in debt to Chinese business figures.
John Lord describes another week in a government going from bad to worse.
A great editorial from the Saturday Paper looking at Angus Taylor and how we need a federal ICAC.
Christopher Knaus and Michael McGowan wonder if a ‘close personal relationship’ could bring down the premier.
What stunned Julia Baird about the reaction to the ICAC revelations this week is the enormous public sympathy for Berejiklian, and the number of women who threw their hands up in the air and said: “Je suis Gladys!”. Julia is not one of them.
The real story this week is not Gladys Berejiklian’s relationship with Daryl Maguire but whether she knew the details of his deal-making – although her supporters would rather you focus on the former says Mike Seccombe.
The more we know, the bleaker Gladys Berejiklian’s future looks, says the SMH editorial.
Given the evidence, the intrusion of Icac’s public hearings into Gladys Berejiklian’s private life is justified, argues Quentin Dempster.
Daryl Maguire has raised doubts about when their “close personal relationship” began, telling a corruption inquiry it started earlier than the Premier indicated.
Jennifer Duke reports that Peter Costello has warned that the gap between company and personal tax rates is encouraging individuals to corporatise themselves to avoid paying their share.
Federal police have launched an investigation into a Commonwealth deal that sparked a damning audit over a $32.8 million payment to billionaire political donors for land near the new airport in western Sydney. Every day it seems like another scream for a decent federal ICAC.
In an October 2020 speech, Home Affairs Secretary Mike Pezzullo increased his list of major threats to Australia from the seven he gave us in March 2019. Abul Rizvi tells us how the two lists compare.,14418
Crown chairman Helen Coonan lack of remorse about the casino giant’s culture and behaviour won’t go down well with investors who’ve had a gutful., writes Adele Ferguson.
A bullying culture, death threats, criminal influence, a negligent board and a charade of independence. It is hard to see how Crown can proceed in its present form, says the editorial in the AFR.
The high-profile scandal that brought down one of Australia’s most popular local government politicians, Ipswich mayor Paul Pisasale, could help lift the lid on illegal council activities, writes the AFR’s Liam Walsh.
Ben Smee tells us why Queensland’s opposition leader wants party’s anti-abortion push kept out of election sight.
Mike Foley thinks that the NSW government is planning to weaken its reforms and limit protections for koalas on privately owned farmland in a big win for the Nationals party.
Margaret Simons explains why Kevin Rudd is determined to see an end to Murdoch’s media dominance.
With its coronavirus consensus in tatters, Europe faces a grim winter ahead, writes Bevan Shields.
In what can hardly be called a surprise, Boris Johnson has told the UK to prepare for a no-deal Brexit.
Tom Switzer writes that Joe Biden’s radical agenda should scare Middle America. However, the stench of failure around Trump is so great and the mood of the nation is so grim that there is a growing sense that this election is Biden’s to lose.
The Age reports that US intelligence agencies warned the White House last year that Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was the target of an influence operation by Russian intelligence, according to four former officials familiar with the matter.
Progressives have no choice but to elect Joe Biden in the U.S. Presidential Election, despite some on the Left saying that they won’t support him, writes Martin Hirst.,14416
Without warning, the government has removed all support from hundreds of refugees in community detention – denying them housing and income support, writes Rick Morton.
Troy Bramston writes, “The reality is that Trump is on track to lose by a landslide. This has been evident all year. Why? Not because the election is rigged, the political system is corrupt or the media is biased, but because Trump has been a catastrophic president.”
One person hoping Donald Trump wins is Boris Johnson writes Jonathan Freedland.
Trump and Biden town halls: two channels, two candidates, two planets, writes David Smith from Washington.
Trump feels great. But what about the 215,000 Americans who died of COVID, asks Warwick McFadyen.
A retired French surgeon has been charged with the rape and sexual assault of more than 300 people, a vast majority of whom were under 15, in what could be France’s biggest-ever paedophilia and sexual abuse case. There can be no question about his nomination for “Arsehole of the Week”.
Cartoon Corner
David Rowe

Alan Moir
Jon Kudelka
Simon Letch
Joe Benke
Andrew Dyson
Matt Golding
Mark David
Glen Le Lievre
John Spooner
Mark Knight
Jim Pavlidis
John Shakespeare
Matt Davidson
From the US
Has the media , called for Morrison and Berejiklian to resign ,over the passengers from New Zealand allowed to break the Bubble , going to Melbourne from Sydney
‘You have your reasons for supporting a slightly less corrupt option but please don’t shame other voters for supporting parties that make a forceful case for progressive change.
A key difference between you and me is that I don’t shame the “lesser of two evils” voters…’
So Nicholas is allowed to denigrate and shame people who don’t vote the way he does because he’s the Good Guy. People who don’t vote the way he does, however, are not allowed to argue back.
You don’t have to be intolerant and dictatorial to vote Green, but jeessh, it sure helps.
Thanks BK for today’s Dawn Patrol. 🐘
After a quick perusal of BK’s valuable collection this morning, it seems to me that the independent ‘news papers’ might be winning over the Murdoch ones. Perhaps Mr Rudd should concentrate on TV and radio instead.
Nicholas is simply delusional. It’s a symptom of Cult Mentality. The blinkers get applied and rational thought flies out the window. A person like him then only sees things through the prism of their stoutly-held, not open to rational discourse, beliefs. Sad.
I mean the guy still hasn’t disowned his belief in Tara Reade, from what I’ve seen, fcs!
“Dick” Morrison indeed!
Thanks BK, the Rowe cartoons are brilliant as always.
I didn’t watch the town halls but it sounds like Trump’s was a train wreck.
Thanks BK
From the Saturday Paper – the company employing (exploiting) international students which is behind many of the COCID outbreaks in Melbourne!!
Saturday morning there is LOTS of reading: I get an email from Aeon/Psyche with a weekly recharge of philosophy/psychology. This one on Hannah Arendt and the connection between loneliness and totalitarianism.
Steve777 @ #6 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 7:12 am
and Marilyn Monroe
and Joan Sutherland (Dame Commander)
David Frum at The Atlantic: The Final Season of the Trump Show
I was wondering if Savannah Guthrie was the daughter of Bruce Guthrie? Which might explain her chops.
I don’t denigrate voters who decide that “lesser of two evils” is their preferred course of action in a FPTP electoral system.
In a preferential voting system it makes a lot less sense to vote that way but I still respect voters’ right to arrive at their own conclusions. It is the responsibility of candidates to try to win voters over.
Centrists often don’t grasp that reality. Shaming and blaming voters is a big part of their approach to politics. They have disdain for vast swathes of the electorate, including a lot of people whose votes are genuinely up for grabs if you actually try to appeal to them with policies that would improve their wellbeing.
Only one new Covid case and no deaths in Victoria today:
Well done to our Mexican friends!
Morrison, Frydenberg and Hunt are being irresponsible. Morrison in particular is constantly trying to use his authority to influence Andrews.
Isn’t Bruce Guthrie Australian?
I encourage everyone to read the Ben Smee article from The Guardian about the hidden LNP agenda to wind back Queensland’s Abortion Law Reform and the attempted takeover of the party by RW Christian zealots. They even have one Evangelical pastor of the Scott Morrison stripe, running for a seat:
Confessions @ #27 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 8:36 am
So is Savannah Guthrie. Transplanted to America.
I see the gullible, brainwashed flock are going after Nicholas again for daring to think differently to them. It’s amazing how eager they are to defend the corrupt establishment and rich right wing elite against someone who is simply trying to improve the lives of everyday people.
Just listening to the latest New Abnormal. Rick says the Lincoln Project polling in battleground states shows “the concrete is setting” on Trump’s polling. In particular in Wisconsin, Pennsylvannia, Michigan, Iowa (Iowa!) and even in Florida. Although he says Florida will be very close.
According to Wiki her father is a Charles Guthrie.
John Kelly has dished to friends that Trump is ‘the most flawed person’ he has ever met
In a new CNN special to air Sunday night called, The Insiders: A Warning from Former Trump Officials, former White House chief of staff, friends of retired Marine Gen. John Kelly report he has dished on President Donald J. Trump as “the most flawed person” he’s ever known.
“The depths of his dishonesty is just astounding to me,” Kelly reportedly told friends. “The dishonesty, the transactional nature of every relationship, though it’s more pathetic than anything else. He is the most flawed person I have ever met in my life.”
Just one new case in Victoria
Victoria has reported just one new coronavirus case in the past 24 hours, and no new deaths.
It’s excellent news for the state, with Daniel Andrews set to announce a “significant” lifting of restrictions tomorrow.
Melbourne’s rolling 14-day average is 8.1; while regional Victoria’s is at 0.5.
In a tweet, the DHHS said cases with unknown sources were “stable”.
“Trump will be 78 by 2024”
…oh no, wait, my mistake! 78 is only too old if you happen to be a left winger. That rule doesn’t apply to establishment dotards. As you were…
Confessions @ #32 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 8:40 am
Okay, there goes that florid theory. 😆
‘I see the gullible, brainwashed flock are going after Nicholas again for daring to think differently to them.’
No, I’m going after Nicholas because he doesn’t tolerate others thinking differently to him.
You’d think tolerance, debate and diversity of views would be encouraged by Greens, but apparently no.
“Trump will be 78 by 2024”
And his mental age . . . ?
John Kelly needs to say that stuff publicly. Not just among friends.
Confessions @ #31 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 8:38 am
I’d say this has something to do with it:
Also, Rick Wilson’s latest column for The Daily Beast is scathing:
This is also a very good read:
zoomster @ #37 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 8:47 am
Greens also seem to become spiteful little b****es when challenged. 😀
Morrison’s government is responsible for an estimated 2000 suicides under Robodebt. They also contributed to the 700+ Covid deaths in Aged Care. Life is so unfair.
C@tmomma @ #36 Saturday, October 17th, 2020 – 8:47 am
Born in Melbourne where he father was working, but essentially as ‘apple pie’ as it gets (wiki). More interesting is to whom she is married.
”I see the gullible, brainwashed flock are going after Nicholas again for daring to think differently to them. It’s amazing how eager they are to defend the corrupt establishment and rich right wing elite…”
Nicholas was simply stating his views and principles – fair enough. I haven’t gone after anyone. Further, with a couple exceptions, no one here defends “the corrupt establishment and rich right wing elite”.
In the context of an Australian election, someone who shared Nicholas’ views should vote 1 Green (or other preferred left-green candidate) and down the list preference Labor ahead of L/NP and their fellow travellers like One Nation. In the context of a US election, they should campaign for their principles. Early in the campaign they can support a Green/Left minor candidate if they wish. However, except in the unlikely event that their candidate becomes viable, in the end they must cast a vote for the major party candidate they see as least worst – the Democrat (not stay home) – and urge like-minded voters to do the same.
Those who want climate and environment action can influence a Democrat administration (and a Labor one here). They can have no influence over a right wing administration.
“You’d think tolerance, debate and diversity of views would be encouraged by Greens, but apparently no.”
What are you on about? You’re the ones who are lashing out in bitterness and anger at people like Nicholas and I for daring to have opinions and views that don’t align with yours.
And this one’s pretty powerful.
“Greens also seem to become spiteful little b****es when challenged. ”
It’s amazing how perfectly you describe yourself sometimes without even knowing it. Your complete lack of self-awareness is truly something to behold.