With Newspoll and Essential Research both having said their piece this week, there is likely to be a fortnight gap between federal polls. Not counting state and territory election action, which you can be assured you will be hearing more about shortly, there are two important preselections on the boil on the conservative side of politics:
• A situation is vacant for the Liberals in the Toowoomba-based federal seat of Groom following last week’s resignation announcement from John McVeigh, the member since 2016. In a column for the Brisbane Times, former Newman government minister and current 4BC presenter Scott Emerson says the vacancy presents an opportunity to head off a stoush over the order of the next Senate ticket between James McGrath and Amanda Stoker. The winner of this fight will get top position while the loser must settle for third, second being reserved for the Nationals. Emerson reports that this amounts to a battle between moderates and the Christian Right, of which McGrath is apparently one of the former. The suggestion is that Groom might give McGrath an opening, but in this he could face opposition from locals who support the claim of Toowoomba councillor Rebecca Vonhoff. Suggestions the seat might be of interest to another Senator, Matt Canavan, are complicated by the fact that he is a National, the sensitivity of which was illustrated when the LNP organisation blocked an attempt by the seat’s previous member, Ian Macfarlane, to jump ship from Liberal to the Nationals in 2015.
• Nathan Hondros of WAToday reports the Liberals will hold their preselection to fill Mathias Cormann’s Western Australian Senate vacancy on November 7, with the winner to take third position on the party’s ticket at the next election behind Michaelia Cash and Dean Smith. There would appear to be three nominees: Julian Ambrose, stepson of the late Perth construction billionaire Len Buckeridge; Sherry Sufi, an arch-conservative party activist; and Albert Jacob, former state Environment Minister and current mayor of Joondalup, who emerged as a “last-minute nomination”. Jacob held the coastal northern suburbs seat of Ocean Reef from 2008 to 2017, when he was defeated in the landslide the tipped the Barnett government from office. Cormann is reportedly lobbying for Ambrose, and his backers are pressuring Sufi to withdraw.
My ABC news had someone holding the report and included comments from an aged care professional and Professor Ibrahim
bill @ #2396 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:23 pm
Mundo’s no Alan Marshall.
Bushfire Bill @ #2400 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:38 pm
Very late arelease. news today is locked and loaded.
It will get more of a run tomorrow.
Greensborough Growler @ #2402 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:40 pm
Mundo’s no Dill.
Bushfire Bill @ #2400 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:38 pm
‘Therefore it didn’t happen’
Excellent and insightful.
Mundo hangs on in the quiet hope that someday he may make comments as pithy.
Although, it is after all, just a variation on the comments Mundo regularly makes in relation to Labor’s lacklustre performance of late.
Apparently this is verboten!!!
But ‘therefore it didn’t happen’ is another pearler from the Bushman.
All together now , sing along with Mama Cass
Bah-da bah-da-da-da
mundo, mundo (bah-da bah-da-da-da)
A mundo mornin’, mundo mornin’ couldn’t guarantee (bah-da bah-da-da-da)
But whenever mundo comes, you can find me cryin’ all of the time
mundo mundo (bah-da bah-da-da-da)
Bushfire Bill @ #2400 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:38 pm
Just wondering, did the opposition have anything to say that was newsworthy?
poroti @ #2405 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:54 pm
So good to me (bah da bah da da da) Nice!
Pappa Mundo approves!!$@#!#@!!
poroti @ #2406 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:54 pm
So, Mundo should die with a sandwich in his gob?
Greensborough Growler @ #2408 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:56 pm
MUndo hates to be pedantic but, pretty sure it was Denny Doherty on lead vocal.
Just sayin!
Cheese. 🙂
Greensborough Growler @ #2408 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:56 pm
Very nice Green Gobbler. Making fun of the fat lady?
Mundo, have a lie down. You’re getting hysterical
mundo @ #2410 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:59 pm
Oh, and yes, it was Denny Doherty, not Momma Cass.
You really need to research your nasty little comments before posting Gobbler.
It was fun though!
Bushfire Bill @ #2411 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:01 pm
Not in the least bit Bushman.
My rejoinders have been rather good.
Bushfire Bill @ #2411 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:01 pm
‘So, Mundo should die with a sandwich in his gob?’
Courtesy the Green Gobbler.
And I should have a lie down?
Perhaps you could rework this into something appropriate for Labor at the mo’.
Off to bed now.
Hope Albo wakes refreshed in the morning for a new day of taking up to the Scrooter, who, by all accounts here is a real piece of work. Little wonder Albo is on fire!!$#@$@!!
Night, night.
poroti @ #2416 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:08 pm
The sound of one hand clapping?
mundo @ #2418 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:12 pm
oh, and yes, empirically it does.
But, philosophy is great, no question.
Anthony Davis, LeBron James and Quinn Cook of the Los Angeles Lakers kneel during the national anthem with VOTE shirts on.
More than a basketballer.
Had a quick check-in.
Now a quick check out.
Nothing quite like an AFL final, after a ridiculous, almost pointless hub season, to remind me how much I hate Geelong, and how all their players are impossible to like.
I think it hardly matters what Labor is doing right now since by all accounts the voters aren’t paying a blind bit of attention until the 4 weeks preceeding an election.
Well, that’s ok if you think MPs are only elected to Parliament and paid handsomely by the community for the sole purposes of winning an election.
If the lazy bastards only have to work for 4 weeks, they should only be paid for 4 weeks.
MPs should be paid just casual rates for the 4 weeks like they force on the rest of the community with a small addition to cover any holidays or sick leave.
The Australian Parliament is on the whole a collection of useless overpaid failures. I suspect having to work 4 weeks every three years may be too much to ask of them!
Rakali @ #2423 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:19 pm
Sounds like you can’t deal with the democractic process.
Easy to whinge. Harder to make a commitment and get involved for a cause.
WeWantPaul @ #2422 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 9:19 pm
Mundo plays for Geelong!
Rakali @ #2423 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 7:19 pm
I think the way Australia, the UK and the US have turned to absolute morons because they feel so betrayed by the ‘collection of useless overpaid failures’ pretty makes this thesis unarguable. You’d have to be rusted on mindless to not see the broad anger at the failure of the two major parties in these countries.
Victoria gets a mention. Too slow to lock-down.
caf @ #2399 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 8:32 pm
The next election could be – and probably will be – in 12 months.
And if you think that election will be decided in the last 4 weeks of the campaign, and nothing Labor does now really matters, then I have some bad news for both of you!
Player One @ #2428 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 7:34 pm
If there is an election in the next 12 months it has already been decided and Morrison will win.
I say that because I’m a labor member a keating true believer and I have no idea where the ALP stands on any of the important policy issues.
zoomster says:
Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 6:56 pm
When someone has made it clear to someone else that they don’t like being addressed in a certain way, it is polite to stop calling them by it.
To continue to do so is harassment.
Oh is it time to start piling on mundo again? Well it worked for you.
Obviously no one should “harass” that delicate flower C@tmomma. I suppose the next time she calls another poster, oh I dunno, a grub maybe, you’re going to jump all over her. Right?
I hold by my hypothesis that there is a link between the craptitude of politics in Anglo-Saxon societies and the meeja dominance of

You missed an important point I was making, but that’s no surprise.
Do you ever actually make a contribution here, or do you just snark?
Particularly cool that Tom whiney pathetic thin skinned figjam Hawkins, pretty much personally handed port adelaide the win with a goal kicking performance that would embarrass an under 15 D grade player.
poroti @ #2432 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 7:59 pm
I think Murdoch explains the win rate of the conservatives and the rock solid devotion of both the centre right and far right parties in each country to clearly failed trickle down economics, but the massive angry protest vote isn’t down to him it is down to the failures of the centre right and far right parties that have swapped govt with very little policy variation screwing more of society than they help for something like 40 years.
Ya reckon ? Watching Foxtel over the last couple of decades Rupe’s Fox has been bigly encouraging of the angry protest vote.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #2096 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 5:04 am
Trump agreed to a range of rules, and then promptly disregarded them.
The Age is as bad as the Sun these days. I have read a story in the Age that there is a new private security guard scandal at a Melbourne city hotel. Well what a load of BS, Lies Lies Lies!!! The reporters Towel and the Muslim women are making it up! Firstly the company and the Police both say they are NOT security guards which great reporters mention in there big news story! Secondly I know this story is lies as my son is a policeman and has worked there many times and there are NO private security guards there. There are heaps of police , prison officers, PSO’s ,nurses, and a doctor and Spotless staff!
The other BS story is that Labor will lose 5 Upper House seats with an election 2 years and 2 months away ! I will ring them and ask for next weeks Tatts Lotto numbers for this week.
These people are just idiotic!
C@tmomma @ #2313 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 1:26 pm
You’ve never been to India, have you?
C@tmomma @ #2258 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 10:58 am
I want Shorten back. Albo is useless.
Victor Scholar
Journalists need to feed their families and the newspapers no longer have a business model that supports journalism (which is expensive). So they resort to making things in order to make ends meet.
The only real exceptions are a few older journalists. They’re not better people than the youngsters, but aren’t under the same financial pressure as they’ve paid off their mortgages.
It’s sad, but it’s the way it is. They are pitiable rather than evil.
Zwaktyld @ #2272 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 11:22 am
A practice for which they got pinged for – a breach of the transfer pricing laws.
Anybody who seriously thinks that Albanese will be PM is deluded. It aint gonna happen. Albo is just not up to the job. I cannot think of one positive Albo possesses other than he is Labor.
Shorten, while miles better than Albanese, probably burned any chance of being a PM who wins from Opposition when he lost last time.
I do think the ALP need a new leader with fight (aimed at the Liberals) in them.
If Scotty from marketing looses the next election and Albanese is still leader, he will be PM, however he would be unlikely to win Grayndler at the subsequent election, due to him being useless.
Adrian Beaumont post on the US:
A poll in The West Australian records a 16% swing to Labor across five marginal state seats, which would basically wipe the Liberal Party out.
Yikes. Something to read on lunchbreak tomorrow then. (When I get to see the dead tree version of the West.)
Even assuming the blueblood golden triangle seats swing a bit less than the average, that’s bad for the Libs. They’d be bashed down to Nedlands, Cottesloe, Churchlands, Bateman, South Perth and Vasse. Two of those have been won by independents in the recent-ish past (three if you count Bateman as the successor to Alfred Cove), but I’d be amazed if Labor won any of them.
New thread.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #2439 Thursday, October 1st, 2020 – 10:56 pm
Nope. Never been outside Australia. I did watch Shaun Micallef’s travels through India though. They seem like nice people. 🙂