A new thread is wanted, but for all that’s happening in the world right now, there is not a lot of Australian electoral news for me to hang one on right now – there are no polls this week, and there is nothing to report on the preselection front. However:
• Following former newsreader Jo Palmer’s apparent success in gaining the Launceston region state upper house seat of Rosevears (corresponding with the western end of Bass) for the Liberals at Saturday’s elections, The Mercury reports “political watchers in Canberra are now tracking Ms Palmer’s campaign with interest, with some considering how they could lure their likely new star MP to Canberra”. Both of the elections on Saturday appear to have resulted in seats passing from independents to the major parties, with Palmer taking a vacant seat and Labor’s Bastian Seidel unseating Robert Armstrong in Huon at the southern edge of Hobart (part of the federal and state lower house division of Franklin). This would leave the chamber with five Labor members, three Liberals and seven independents – the first time in its history that the chamber has not had an independent majority.
• I have had too little to say about the Northern Territory election, which will be held in three Saturdays’ time. This will come to an end when I publish my comprehensive guide to the election, which I will hopefully do later today.
Agree. A real pile on with the comments. Perhaps readers are becoming wise to the point that the media and their salivation over what’s happening here in Victoria is not helping. (Raf Epstein I’m looking at you…)
Jacqui Maley was the journalist who cringingley referred to Scott Morrison as ‘The Father of the Nation’, after all.
lizzie @ #2494 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 3:41 pm
I read earlier this year that he Skypes or Zooms church with his favourite pastor, Brian ‘Apologist for my Guilty Father’ Houston.
lizzie @ #2501 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 4:04 pm
Translates as: “The medical advisors I depend on aren’t susceptible to financial threats, cause the Feds have no authority or capacity in Health.”
The ACT Chief Minister has made clear what he and the ACT CHO want to happen:
I was surprised at Epstein’s reaction.
Greensborough Growler @ #2492 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 3:36 pm
Oh, I see. Well, Mr Bowe will be able to clear it up for us, no doubt. You never know, nath may have had a sock puppet for each hand. michael, Michael and nath the puppeteer. 🙂
lizzie @ #2507 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 4:19 pm
Cabin Fever affects the people you least expect sometimes.
greg hunt : “i will. no special rules, no exemptions for me … for colleagues, i’ll leave that up to them” indeed, as he should, they’re liberals: “freemen of the law”. -a.v.
C@tmomma @ #2507 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 4:20 pm
No, poster Michael is not a sock puppet and should not be impugned.
I meant to post this earlier. The media don’t seem to understand the need for pure info.
I wish I had a little sock-puppet who could say all the rude things that I’m too polite to write!!
One that would have been for Pegasus. The Greens in NZ have embraced the ‘stereotype’ .
#weatheronPB. Cold, gloomy and wet, 10° in Sydney.
No surprise to see Mike Baird supporting Dan Andrews. Another sanctimonious moralist. Tried to ban dog racing and got the woke left plaudits. But in a fact a privateer and job cutter on the economic side.
And so what if Andrews is ‘working his guts out’.
Re sock puppet. So posting under a fake name is OK but a fake name using a fake name is not. Makes sense 🙂
poroti @ #2514 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 4:27 pm
Latest polls show the Greens will be wiped out in NZ this Election.
Typhoid Peggy’s magic touch
It depends on who gets to write the history. Them with de money tend to be the ones who get to ‘write it’ and they sure as hell won’t want that truth to be told 🙁
Who the hell is Carrick Ryan ? Never heard of him/her.
That’s the problem with reposting tweets. They mean jack shit and add nothing.
poroti @ #2518 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 4:41 pm
nath admitted he did it to troll Cat.
Most posters can be disagreable at times. But, that’s just plain malicious.
You can support that behaviour. But, I don’t.
Seb Costello who works for channel 9 and 3mmm radio, son of Peter.
He replied to a tweet thread of health minister Mikakos.
Another MP hasnt appreciated Sebs tweet
Steve Dimopoulos MP
I know of two Costellos who had important jobs. You aren’t one of them. But if you want to see what an important job is, ask those fighting Victoria’s war on Covid. So inappropriate Seb, but do take care mate.
Quote Tweet
Seb Costello
· 4h
If someone with an important job is sending rambling tweets after midnight, it’s probably time they let someone else do the important job and focused on looking after themselves.
Take care everyone.
Oh, I’m so sorry, yer honer. I forgot to add the notation.
Rightwing f wits are always so damn rude.
I’m certainly having flashbacks to when journalists were facing a similar backlash to their methods. Of course, as it was then, it is the customers who are wrong and it’s Raf Epstein instead of Jon Faine trying to take both sides of the debate (but still Jacqueline Maley writing a shallow article about how the media is actually right).
Plus ça change…
porotisays: Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 4:47 pm
It depends on who gets to write the history. Them with de money tend to be the ones who get to ‘write it’ and they sure as hell won’t want that truth to be told
“History Is Written by the Victors”
Even Herman Goring recognized this : Göring at the Nuremberg trials.is reported to have said, “Der Sieger wird immer der Richter und der Besiegte stets der Angeklagte sein,” which more or less translates to “The victor will always be the judge, and the vanquished the accused.”
Greensborough Growler,
Here are the comments by Mr Bowe and nath, where both Michael is identified by Mr Bowe, and michael is admitted by nath:
I’ve lost a lot of respect for Epstein now. He is becoming more shrill each day almost like a Neil Mitchell but without the grumps and petty vindictiveness.
Epstein regularly releases the numbers each day before they are officially confirmed.
A friend of mine a pyschologist slapped him down publicly on Twitter a week or so ago for causing unnecessary anxiety for the general community.
I’m not pleased with the publication of the numbers in advance, either. It then gives rise to various media comments which are not necessarily in line with the Health assessment.
Overwhelmingly the comments on Jacqueline Marley article appeared mild
Historyintime says:
Sunday, August 9, 2020 at 12:11 pm
I dont see Nath as a troll. But even so, I don’t mind a bit of invective and cheap-shotery so long as it is not mean or personally abusive. Otherwise, things can get a bit boring
Among their many offensive moments the most repellent was their pimping of Chloe Shorten to Rupert Murdoch.
I’m glad that the Lib troll has gone.
Plus the aggravating thing about it that those same ABC journalists and presenters would be afraid to do it if the numbers were coming from the feds because they fear for their jobs too much.
The case numbers are the case numbers….what difference does it make when/where/by whom they are the published?
I think that’s a possible combination of needing an account to comment, moderation, and commenters going out of their way to seem polite so as not to be included amongst the very people Maley was criticising.
But I don’t happen to read comments on the 9 papers articles all that often so don’t know what the usual standard is.
I get the WA COVID numbers from the Ministerial daily fb post. Very convenient. No secondary clicks.
Full results of the Australia Institute ACT poll:
Biden apparently has chosen his VP, the current bookie odds only have 3 in the frame….
Candidate Odds
Kamala Harris -110
Susan Rice +250
Gretchen Whitmer +500
Finally got around to watching insiders
Cormann made two comments that made me want to,scream
He stated that Liz Harvey suggested lockdown of borders to McGowan who said it was unconstitutional. I had not heard that before but heard lots of references to her trying to get them reopened.
The other comment was that private business is reason sidle for creating 9 out of 10 jobs. As all government agencies are having their budgets cut it would make it difficult to create jobs. Private business has also taken over most of the public services, it stands to reason if you are the holders of nearly all business you will create more jobs. Pity that some of those industries hadn’t stayed in public hands because they would be creating more jobs in each area than the private sector currently does.
sprocket_ @ #2540 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 5:28 pm
My guess is:
1. Whitmer VP
2. Harris Attorney general
3. Rice Secreatry of State.
I’m not a statistical expert or anything but I’m not sure how the total ALP primary is higher than total support among either men or women (assuming there wasn’t an alternate response offered that they’ve neglected to include in the tally).
You mean you understood him? Take a bow!
They would be quite logical choices. Although Biden did state VP would be a woman of colour. Susan Rice or Kamala Harris.
I’m leaning towards Kamala Harris. She has proven that she is a good attack dog, even if it was Joe Biden she was attacking, and would run rings around Mike Pence at the VP debate.
It is said that some on the Progressive Left might object to her because she was a Prosecutor and some may find that too close to the Police, which the BLM movement is up in arms against right now, but not as close as Val Demmings, who actually was a leader of a Police Force in Florida. Not to mention that Kamala Harris has the ability to take over on Day 1 after Biden, should anything happen to him.
Posting without using your real name is for anonymity. Posting on one blog under two names (fake or otherwise) is duplicitous.
I have no idea if it is worthy of being banned. But I can see it is in a different level to other misdemeanours that are forgiven. And by his comments after being sprung, I think nath knew it.
Dont fret. I am sure someone equally determined to stir the pot will come along.
Did he?
Yep. In a nutshell
John Hewson
I see National Cabinet is a creation for Morrison to take credit for what works and a framework to blame the states when things are not so flash – be assured that “We Are All in this Together”
Victoria @ #2545 Sunday, August 9th, 2020 – 5:37 pm
No he didn’t. He said a woman only. Though everyone and their dog has been giving him free advice that it should be a woman of colour. 🙂