The Guardian reports Essential Research’s latest weekly round of coronavirus polling includes the pollster’s monthly leadership ratings, which have Scott Morrison’s approval at 64%, gaining a further five points after his 18-point hike a month ago. Anthony Albanese is down two to 42% — we must await the full report later today to see their disapproval ratings. Morrison holds a 50-25 lead as preferred prime minister, out from 46-27 last time (UPDATE: Full report here; both are at 27% disapproval, which is a four point drop in Morrison’s case and a two point drop in Albanese’s).
The most interesting of the latest tranche of coronavirus questions relate to other countries’ handling of the crisis, with 79% rating New Zealand’s response very good or good, whereas (if I’m reading this correctly) the United States’ response is rated very poor or poor by 71%, and the United Kingdom is similarly rated by 48%. Another question finds 57% support for maintaining Newstart either at its current level “after the current crisis passes” or aligning it with the rate for single pensioners, with only 28% in favour of returning it to its earlier level.
The poll also finds growing appetite for easing restrictions, with 37% now saying it is too soon to do so, down from 49% a fortnight ago, and 36% wanting restrictions eased over the next month or two, but still only 10% wanting them gone as soon as possible. Respondents were also presented with a series of propositions about school closures, which found 45% sayig schools should reopen, “half” saying schools should teach students remotely until the outbreak passes, and 41% saying they would keep their children at home even if schools reopened.
The latest news on the by-election front is that NSW Nationals leader John Barilaro has announced he will not run in Eden-Monaro, and Senator Jim Molan has likewise withdrawn his intention to pursue Liberal preselection, with both allowing a clear run for Andrew Constance, NSW Transport Minister and member for the seat of Bega, most of which is within Eden-Monaro. The by-election now looms as a straightforward contest between Labor and Liberal, with the Nationals sure to be only a minor presence in Barilaro’s absence, if indeed they run at all.
Constance was the subject of sympathetic media attention after nearly losing his Malua Bay house in the summer bushfires, a particularly helpful asset given the federal goverment’s handling of the fires loomed as its main liability in the campaign. He revealed in March that he would be quitting politics when the bushfire recovery was complete, albeit without making clear when that might be. The by-election that will now be required in Bega will thus be less disruptive than one in Barilaro’s seat of Monaro would have been, and the seat is also at less risk of being lost by the government. No indication so far as I can see as to who might be in the running in Bega.
Banks should stop trying to “help” customers without talking to them first.
Industry super funds to demand answers as ME Bank borrowers fume
If anyone wants to listen to Katharine Murphy and Peter Lewis discuss the latest Essential poll you can listen to an Eventbrite chat today at:
Good morning Dawn Patrollers
In this contribution Peter Hartcher looks at the world’s preparedness for any number of “black swan” events.
Shane Wright explains that Josh Frydenberg is saying the restrictions aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus are costing Australia $4 billion a week and that the economy is likely to shrink by 10 per cent in the June quarter. Frydenberg will be at the NPC today.
The national economy will be left struggling unless Sydney can quickly bounce back from a forecast double-digit decline in activity in the CBD once coronavirus restrictions are eased.
Facing huge increases in unemployment and hits to their budgets, states are looking at sweeping tax reform to boost their economies. Stamp duty and payroll tax will be under scrutiny.
The Canberra Time editorial declares that income support is essential to a swift recovery.
Adrian Rollins writes, “It is most visible in the national cabinet, which has operated with a level of co-ordination and unity of purpose that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. There has also been a Team Australia approach to employment and workplace policy. Government has been working with business and unions to help design and implement job-saving measures.”
NSW Health authorities are now investigating whether multiple sources of infection caused the devastating outbreak of COVID-19 at the Anglicare Newmarch aged care facility.
The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has approached ME Bank seeking information about its decision to remove access to money in redraw facilities linked to home loans. Naughty!
There is no current evidence to suggest that coronavirus leaked from a Chinese research laboratory, intelligence sources have told the Guardian, contradicting recent White House claims that there is growing proof this is how the pandemic began.
Employers have warned the pandemic has exposed the workplace system as outdated, backing a call by the long-time Productivity Commission chairman that industrial relations reform will be essential to aid the recovery.
Adam Triggs writes, “Calls for the latter are nothing more than economic populism, plain and simple. They are arguments by those who, having not done their homework, claim that Australia can have more economic independence without any cost. It is a dishonest argument. Those who push for a more economically independent Australia must answer a simple question: “How do you plan to pay for that?””
As Australia and New Zealand’s coronavirus cases dwindle, plans are afoot to create a “trans-Tasman bubble” that would allow free travel between the two countries explains Samantha Dick.
Trump-like tariff shelters for ‘strategic industries’ would shrink the economy and make genuine reform impossible to achieve writes Craig Emerson who says protectionism won’t make Australia great again.
Nick Bonyhady reports that workers at some of the country’s largest fast food chains will face reduced shifts and forced leave as part of a temporary change to workplace rules that aims to save their jobs. The changes to the default fast food industry’s pay and conditions rules were negotiated between unions and employer groups to ensure workers who cannot access JobKeeper do not slip through the cracks.
Mike Foley tells us that major investors, Australian superannuation funds and the International Energy Agency are urging governments to seize the green opportunity to drive economic growth after the coronavirus pandemic and avoid the risks they see in high carbon emitting projects. Craig Kelly and his ilk will just LOVE this!
Bringing forward the current pipeline of wind and solar projects will create more than 50,000 jobs and inject $50 billion worth of investment into the ailing economy, according to the Clean Energy Council.
Australia and New Zealand prepare to open their economies safely but the U.S. is courting disaster if it eases restrictions now. Alan Austin assesses the situation.,13860
Here an ICU doctor reports from the front line.
Watching last night’s Four Corners the AIMN’s Rosemary J36 was struck by the extent of the potential mental and physical health damage that will have been suffered by so many of the medical personnel who were interviewed.
Paul Karp writes that collection, use or disclosure of information collected by Australia’s Covidsafe contact tracing app – except by public health authorities – would be punishable by up to five years in prison, according to draft legislation.
And now the idiotic Barnaby Joyce has taken backers of the COVIDsafe app to task, challenging anyone with a “raving endorsement” of the technology to resign if there are privacy breaches.
Some restrictions on our lives look set to be eased as the pandemic curve flattens. But vigilance concerning this virus cannot be replaced with complacency says the SMH editorial.
Jenna Price fears we are getting too close too soon for COVID-19 comfort.
An inquiry into China’s actions is right, but acts of racism must stop writes Gladys Liu.
Sophie Al-Bassam argues that the current childcare scheme is crippling centres and frustrating parents.
Zona Black thinks there will some spending habits that we’ll keep up when we’re ‘free’.
Navy chiefs want all six of Australia’s fleet of ageing Collins class submarines to have their life extended in a move that would act as an insurance policy to preserve capability in the event of further tensions and delays over the French-designed future submarine program.
Australia’s international education industry has boomed over the past 20 years. Now that it has all turned to tears, can Morrison and Dutton continue to wash their hands of the plight of overseas students they encouraged to come to Australia?,13859
The Guardian reveals that a tiny Brisbane company linked to coronavirus test scandals in Australia, Puerto Rico and the mainland United States says it is now attempting to fill international orders by manufacturing its own antibody tests, despite having no previous diagnostic experience and the tests being unsanctioned and unproven.
Clancy Yeates writes that the dividend boom that has underpinned 90 per cent of share market returns over the past decade is over with moves by the nation’s largest companies to slash shareholder payouts poised to deliver a $26 billion hit to Australian investors.
What’s the difference between liquidity and solvency? For share market investors it might be the difference between major gains and losses. For businesses, it’s the difference between survival and failure says Stephen Bartholomeusz as he examines the behaviour of the US market.
There were only two options available to Westpac, ANZ and National Australia Bank as they sought to preserve capital amid the coronavirus crisis. Behind door one was the policy of deferring dividends, while door two involved raising fresh equity. ANZ and Westpac took the first option, but NAB went through the second door. Neither choice was popular with small shareholders says Elizabeth Knight.
Emma Koehn explains how Australia’s largest pharmacy operators are preparing for an upswing in the home delivery of prescription medicine, as industry players say the sector has made more than five years’ worth of progress on digitisation in just a few weeks.
Like the response to COVID-19, we need to focus on protecting people and that starts with protecting our environment, writes Dr Graeme McLeay.,13853
Andrew Webster describes Peter V’landys is becoming as pleasant as a nasal swab for the AFL.
The world is entitled to know the origins of COVID-19 and exactly how the outbreak began and how it was handled by every major nation, including China, given the pandemic alarm was raised back in September 2019. The World At Risk report by WHO and the World Bank Group contained dire warnings of a possible pandemic. These were largely ignored by most G20 countries including Australia. Is it any wonder most countries were dangerously ill-prepared, resulting in needless deaths? Marcus Reubenstein reports.
A hospital in France has discovered that it treated a man who had COVID-19 as early as December 27, nearly a month before the government confirmed its first cases.
Coronavirus is giving us a glimpse of the future of work – and it’s a nightmare says Suzanne Moore.
Flight Centre believes it will lose “in the vicinity” of $80 million because of its decision to dump its controversial $300 per person fee on bookings cancelled due to COVID-19. Flight Centre announced it would waive the cancellation fees on Saturday, following widespread outrage over the practice and the threat of legal action from the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission
Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw tell us that Australian intelligence agencies are struggling to find the evidence being trumpeted by the US.
The coal industry in New South Wales and Queensland is using as much water as all of Sydney’s households, according to new research.
Coronavirus redundancies are understandable, but there are alternatives says HR lecturer Robyn Johns.
Bevan Shields dissects the UK’s failures in preparation for and management of the coronavirus pandemic. It’s not pretty!
Under Trump, America has gone a bit late Weimar. We know how that ended writes Lloyd Green. He says life and death are on the line and the president and his minions appear reluctant to grasp the reality.
The US Senate has rejected a request from Joe Biden, the Democratic presidential nominee, to search for and release any records of a 1993 complaint against him from an aide who has accused him of sexual assault.
According to Matthew Knott the Trump administration is privately projecting that up to 3000 people will soon die each day from COVID-19 – a significant increase on current figures – even as the US President urges states to quickly re-open their economies.
This Victorian police officer deserves nomination for “Arsehole of the Week”.
Cartoon Corner
David Rowe

David Pope
Cathy Wilcox
Andrew Dyson
John Shakespeare
Matt Golding
Mark David
John Spooner
From the US
My recollection of Andrew Constance during the bushfires was him standing around like a stunned mullet saying that when this was all over, he was getting out of politics. This according to the MSM is “showing leadership”. My recollection of Kirsty McBain was of someone organising and showing leadership at a local level in the face of fires.
Now I hear that the Liberals are tipping that Constance will win 60% of the 2PP vote in the coming by-election. Must be a funny old place, Eden-Monaro.
Thanks BK.
On the by-election the only times I’ve seen Andrew Constance were on a news conference during the bushfires where he laid into Scott Morrison, and an appearance on Qanda where he was more sanguine and apolitical. In fact I think he was on the same Qanda panel as McBain. Both came across very well.
America gone mad …..
Security guard shot in the head after telling woman to wear mask inside Family Dollar store
According to a report from CNN, a security guard at a Family Dollar store in Flint, Michigan, was shot and killed this Friday after telling a woman to wear a mask inside the store, which is required by the state.
the woman left in an SUV, which then returned 20 minutes later. Two men exited the SUV and entered the store to confront Munerlyn. One of the men was yelling at Munerlyn for disrespecting his wife, when the other man pulled out a gun and shot him.
‘It’s not a pandemic’: Boston protesters chant ‘it’s a hoax’ and ‘Make America Great Again’
Protests continue against stay-at-home orders in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“It’s not a pandemic!” a speaker falsely claimed. “The reason why they’re doing this … to turn the United States of America into the United Socialist States of America.”
Michigan man wipes nose on store worker after she asks him to wear a mask
“Here, I’ll use this as a mask,” the man said before wiping his nose on the worker’s uniform.
Society in the US had many cracks before the pandemic. Now it is well and truly fracked by Trump!
Did you see this? 😆
‘We have stimulated consumption too much over the past century, which is why we face environmental disaster.’
That, and increasing the number of consumers from 2 billion to 7.5 billion.
Why can’t progressives be honest about population pressure?
I’m interested to know why you think why Covid19 has a “firm grip on Sydney”. The number of cases, which most seem to be from a particular nursing home, would suggest otherwise.
A firm grip in my opinion would be New York etc. Our case level at this point is minor. Recent cases in NT and ACT have been returning overseas travellers (again).
I’m looking forward to a level of relaxing of restrictions in the coming weeks that enable us to have some normality in our lives.
As a resident of SA they are looking to bring back local footy which is excellent for us sports minded individuals.
Genius of the Day goes toooooooooo
The video shows the woman approaching the counter to pay for petrol, asking: “Hi there, can I get 10 on pump one please?”
Samaan takes the payment, before asking: “Where did you get that mask from?”
“Well since we have to wear them and it makes it hard to breathe, this makes it a lot easier to breathe,” the woman replies.
Some very grim numbers for the USofA
If we get it absolutely correct, it won’t just be local footy that you could have. If we had a totally Covid Free Island here in Australia, you become THE ultimate quarantine hub with every sport desperate to find a safe location on your shores.
We could host the 4 golf majors, the tour de france, All major athletics meets, swimming championships, all Olympic qualifying events, the NBA, NFL, Major League Baseball, English Premier League, etc.
The amount of cash that could be made for this country from sport alone would be worth Billions. From other industries point of view, the ability to have full Freedom of movement and interaction would be invaluable.
The question is do we wish to wait until we have quashed the virus out of existence or do we wish to race back what appears to be too soon (especially in NSW)???
What has the government got against the Universities? ‘Cos they teach science ?
‘Kind of like large scale negligent homicide’: As Trump urges reopenings, CDC report warns of surge in COVID-19
Internal CDC document projects U.S. coronavirus deaths could reach 3,000 per day by June 1—nearly double the current daily death toll.
As President Donald Trump publicly encourages states to reopen their economies against the advice of public health experts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is privately projecting that U.S. Covid-19 deaths could reach a staggering 3,000 per day by June 1—nearly double the current daily death toll of more than 1,700.
The New York Times on Monday obtained an internal CDC document predicting around 200,000 new coronavirus cases each day by the end May, up from around 25,000 new cases per day at present.
It sounds like Josh has got some pretty good news.
Modelling linked yesterday suggested Australia could expect a 15% hit due to the shutdowns.
Of course if we had done nothing it would have been 30%.
Cud Chewer
Thought you might like this understatement about “mitigation’
“While mitigation didn’t fail, I think it’s fair to say that it didn’t work as well as we expected,” Dr. Scott Gottlieb, “We expected that we would start seeing more significant declines in new cases and deaths around the nation at this point. And we’re just not seeing that.”
poroti @ #15 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 8:31 am
Mebbe so pardner or they may have heard that ederkated pipple dont vote fer them.😈
‘Mourning in America’: GOP group unleashes devastating ad that hits Trump for making US ‘weaker, sicker, poorer’
The Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump conservative group whose aim is to derail the president’s reelection campaign, has unleashed a devastating new ad that aims to be the mirror image of former President Ronald Reagan’s famous “Morning in America” ads.
“Many are giving up hope,” it says. “Millions worry that a loved one won’t survive COVID-19. There’s mourning in America — and under the leadership of Donald Trump, our country is weaker, sicker, and poorer.”
The ad concludes by asking “will there even be an America” left if Trump manages to win another four years.
Watch the ad below.
I see American liberatarianism is hard at work.
I think we should label it for what it is,
Maybe they should shift the Ramsay Western Civilization course to the US?
They could do with some.
‘The Australian’ has Troy Bramston trying to shut down the population debate.
Apparently KK should not be talking about population in Australia because she is a migrant.
uh huh. If you have a thought about population you can only express that thought if you go back where you came from?
That’s typical stupidity and – er – prejudice.
Thanks BK for the Dawn Patrol.
A very big contribution today – enough to challenge even the most buoyant of hearts.
Cloudy in Newcastle overnight. Cloudy at 4 A.M. No meteorites for me. 😢
Meanwhile, Labor MP Anne Aly thinks that KK should STFU about ‘Australians first’. Uh huh.
Well, that’s a shocking thing. Fancy a nation putting itself first! Let’s hope the other 200 member countries of the UN don’t come up with that idea.
But then Judith Sloan hits the hammer on the head when she grumbles about Australia’s ‘immigration addiction’
Meanwhile, the Greens progressives have yet to come up with an explanation of why it is a good idea to to plan to add enough built environment – houses, roads, power grids, rubbish dumps, railways, railway stations, subways, ports, airports, dams for water, sewage systems, storage facilities, power plants… the list goes on and on and on… for another 25 million people by 2050.
Are the Greens progressives planning to address this by protesting the whole shebang 20 hectares at a time while piously mouthing the Greens New Deal?
Gosh, my bank is “helping me in this time of crisis” by dropping the payment amount on my credit card to $5.00 a month for the next three months or so. The thrill, the joy, the extra $20.00 a month in interest charges that will accrue. I am so overcome at their generosity that…I’m sorry…weeping tears of thanks…
I wish the expression wasn’t “Green New Deal”. It will turn Scomo against any action, for a start.
The banks are oozing sympathy right now. Can’t even do any phone banking without listening first to messages of comfort and “we are here to help you”.
This is a good, detailed article for anyone interested in this subject..
“The Senate committee investigating the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic will turn its attention to the controversial contact tracing app this week.
The Labor-led Select Committee on COVID-19 will hold a public hearing on Wednesday with a focus on COVIDSafe, the federal government’s official coronavirus contact tracing app.”
lizzie @ #29 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 9:07 am
Can you not do your banking requirement via Internet rather than phone ❓
I’ve just checked my Westpac account and as far as I can tell there’s nothing about
“here to help you.”
And Scummo and Crony Co. Inc. want us to trust them with the Covid-19 application while yet another privacy breach stuff-up blows up in their faces?
KayJay says: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 9:13 am
I’ll just use internet banking to pay the extra. It was more the fact that the bank I use shows how they “care” for us that had me being snide.
That’s a little bit of mansplaining you are guilty of there. Until last week I was still doing a little bit of BPaying by phone, which is how I know.
Coronavirus has fuelled racism against Asian-Australians, but why isn’t official data showing it?
lizzie @ #33 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 9:16 am
It was just a question yer wership. Are you trying to drive me from the blog? Prolly wouldn’t take much.
Penny Wong defends Kristina Keneally on Q+A over call for cut in temporary migration
Opinion piece likened to ‘racist dog whistling’ and branded ‘ill-timed’ on ABC panel show
Stop pretending you’re a sensitive flower. I rely on you for at least one chuckle a day.
Exactly. I’ve just undone CBA’s unilateral “help”; I’m sure they’ll be crushed when I cease to be a customer in the near future.
Alpha Zero,
If we became Covid19 free for two months,why wouldn’t we contemplate that. Seems a great boost to the economy.
The Guardian
Bill Shorten’s “Australia First” campaign ad:
Amy R, The Guardian
“Also today, the Home Affairs boss, Michael Pezzullo, will be quizzed about the Ruby Princess affair by a Senate committee examining the government’s response to coronavirus, along with officials from Border Force and the agriculture and environment departments.”
Do you have a point you want to make?
Scrooter goes up, Albo down.
Only a matter of time before pollsters include a third leadership question; Have you heard of a man called Anthony Albanese? Y/N/Not sure
7:47 am –
“World leaders and organisations pledged $8 billion to research, manufacture and distribute a possible vaccine and treatments for COVID-19 on Monday, but the United States refused to contribute to the global effort.”
Alpha Zero says:
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 at 8:29 am
…….”We could host the 4 golf majors, the tour de france.”……..
Here in Sydney we could get the cyclists racing to the summits of Mt Druitt and Mt Pritchard……
Pegasus @ #36 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 9:25 am
Finally Labor gets some media attention….oh, wait
Kronomex @ #32 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 9:15 am
In a withering attack on the government this morning Mr Albanese said, ‘Morrison and Co. Inc. want us to trust them with the Covid-19 application while yet another privacy breach stuff-up blows up in their faces’
“Morrison is enjoying approval from 92% of Coalition voters.
Albanese’s approval rating is 42%. A month ago it was 44%. Albanese’s approval among Labor voters is 63%. Given this is Albanese’s first term as Labor leader, he has a higher proportion of voters who are undecided about whether they approve or disapprove of his performance. The undecided cohort had been trending down over the opening months of 2020, but it is now back up again to 31%.”
poroti @ #15 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 8:31 am
..Mr Albanese said today
Pegasus @ #45 Tuesday, May 5th, 2020 – 9:43 am
Ok. Mundo feels much more confident now.