Newspoll state leadership polling and Essential Research coronavirus latest

State-level polling finds the coronavirus tide lifting all boats — but none so far as Mark McGowan in WA, whose numbers may be without precedent.

The Australian ($) today provides Newspoll findings on state leaders’ handling of the coronavirus, from samples of around 520 for each mainland state plus 309 for Tasmania. The poll finds all concerned riding high, including three who strongly outperformed Scott Morrison’s ballyhooed 68% approval and 28% disapproval on the weekend. These are WA Labor Premier Mark McGowan, at 89% approval and 6% disapproval; Tasmanian Liberal Premier Peter Gutwein, at 84% approval and 11% disapproval after three months in the job; and Victorian Labor Premier Daniel Andrews, at 75% approval and 17% disapproval.

Morrison was also matched on approval and bettered on net approval by NSW Liberal Premier Gladys Berejiklian (69% approval and 23% disapproval) and SA Liberal Premier Steven Marshall (68% approval and 21% disapproval). Only Queensland Labor Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk, who faces an election in October, was below the prime ministerial par (55% approval and 39% disapproval). With due allowance for small samples, I believe McGowan’s ratings may be a record for Newspoll, or indeed for any other Australian pollster, and that Gutwein’s might have been too if not for McGowan’s.

The leaders record even stronger ratings on the specific question of handling the coronavirus outbreak: 77% rate Berejiklian as having done well, compared with 18% for badly; Andrews is at 85% and 11%; Palaszczuk is at 72% and 23%; McGowan is at 94% and 4%; Marshall is at 82% and 11%; and Gutwein is at 89% and 8%. Equivalent results are also provided for the Prime Minister, and here too Western Australians are most positive, at 73% approval and 23% disapproval, with 85% rating Morrison had handled coronavirus well compared with 14% for badly. In New South Wales, Morrison scored 67% approval and 30% disapproval, and 82% well and 16% badly for coronavirus; in Victoria, 72% approval and 26% disapproval, 83% well and 14% badly; in Queensland, 67% approval and 28% disapproval, 81% well and 17% badly; in South Australia, 70% approval and 27% disapproval, 83% well and 15% badly; and in Tasmania, 64% approval and 31% disapproval, 81% well and 18% badly.

As reported in The Guardian, the weekly Essential Research coronavirus poll provides us with a third set of small-sample findings on mainland state governments’ handling of the crisis, ranging from about 80 respondents in South Australia to 320 in New South Wales. The latest results produce combined very good and good ratings of 77% for the Victorian and South Australian governments, 76% for Western Australia, 67% for Queensland and 63% for New South Wales. The table below records the progress of this series over its three weeks, together with an averaged result which again shows Western Australia highest at 77%, followed by 74% for Victoria, 72% for South Australia, 61% for Queensland and 60% for New South Wales.

Essential Research also finds confidence in the federal government’s handling of the crisis continuing to rise, with 70% rating it good or very good, a measure that earlier progressed from 45% in late March to 65% last week. Seventy-three per cent now say they consider themselves unlikely to catch the virus, compared with 57% at the peak of concern at the end of March. In response to a list of options for budget repair, 64% supported preventing companies in offshore tax havens from receiving goverment support, but only 32% favoured removing franking credits and negative gearing, and 18% supported death duties.

On the COVIDSafe app, the weekend’s Newspoll found 21% saying they would definitely take it up, 33% that they would probably do so, 21% that they would probably not, and 18% that they would definitely not. Apart from the lower uncommitted rating, this is broadly in line with an Australia Institute poll of 1011 respondents on Thursday and Friday which had 45% saying they would and 28% that they wouldn’t. Essential Research also weighed in on the question, and found 53% saying it would limit the spread of the virus, and 46% that it would speed removal of distancing restrictions. A full set of results from Essential Research should be with us later today.

UPDATE: Full Essential Research report here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

3,040 comments on “Newspoll state leadership polling and Essential Research coronavirus latest”

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  1. Global cases of COVID-19 approach 3 million.
    American cases of COVID-19 approach one million.
    A study of British school age children finds Covid Syndrome.

    We just can’t and we shouldn’t think we can open up again and send the kids back to school by early Term 2.

  2. There have been so many of these guys run over by the Karma bus you’d almost think Dog was sending a message to them.
    The Washington Post
    A Virginia preacher believed ‘God can heal anything.’ Then he caught coronavirus.

    Every day Landon Spradlin was growing weaker, and now, on the morning when he would leave New Orleans for the last time,

  3. The WHO along with China will be big “blame’ targets, especially by those who fucked up their response to wuflu,hello BoJo, hello Donald. A reminder of the timing of their warning to the world.

    On January 30 we declared the highest level of global emergency on Covid-19… During that time, as you may remember, there were only 82 cases outside China. No cases in Latin America or Africa, only 10 cases in Europe. No cases in the rest of the world. So the world should have listened to the WHO then carefully,”

  4. poroti,
    I read that story about the preacher before I went to sleep last night and what horrified me was the blind faith that family had in ‘God’s’ desire and ability to heal that guy just because he was a Man of God! Delusional.

    Landon, not long before he collapsed, had called Lyons from the road, managing to gasp out a question about how his friend was feeling. He called again from the hospital, before he was intubated, asking Lyons to pray, which he did.

    “We were believing God was going to heal him,” Lyons said.

    These people had lost their minds long before that guy lost his life:

    Their fervent brand of charismatic Christianity held that God regularly intervened in the world to alter the course of believers’ physical ailments.

    “I don’t believe there are incurable diseases. God can heal anything,” Landon said during an interview at a 2016 motorcycle rally in Daytona Beach, Fla. “There are documented cases of God healing AIDS. God can cause limbs to grow out where they’ve been chopped off. God can raise the dead.”

    A new malady had emerged as his Mardi Gras ministry ended last month. But not everyone acknowledged its threat. Three days before leaving, Landon — an avid Trump supporter — posted a meme on his Facebook page about the coronavirus, which at the time had killed about 40 people in the United States. The media, it warned, was trying to “manipulate your life” by creating “mass hysteria.”


    But what really, really shocked me was how his wife, now his widow, couldn’t even be shaken of that blind faith by his death, which should have put up in neon lights that her faith was misguided:

    For Jean, looking back on the final days of her husband’s life — the false assurances from the country’s highest government officials, the Mardi Gras crowds unwittingly carrying their deadly contagion, the faulty VA test and misdiagnosis — there is only one force that merits blame.

    “I know that Jesus was against this,” she said. “I’m not angry. I know who did it. It’s the devil that comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.”


    Their stupid, stupid religion gives them and itself a hospital pass excuse to explain away everything and still keep Believing.

  5. davidwhsays:
    Tuesday, April 28, 2020 at 12:30 am

    As I said the stats show there is not much between our respective systems. Oh and QLD has had free hospital care for over 70 years.

    My abiding memory of A Town Like Alice, read at the age of about 12, back in the Bjelke-Petersen era, is Joe telling Jean about the Casket, how you buy a ticket and even if you don’t win, you get your hospital. “We couldn’t get along without the Casket in Queensland,” he says.

    That was my first inkling that not everyone had it.

  6. C@tmomma, I guess it doesn’t occur to them that if the devil did it and God couldn’t stop it, then the devil is more powerful than God.

    Or God hates them.

  7. C@t

    held that God regularly intervened in the world to alter the course of believers’ physical ailments.


    “I’m not angry. I know who did it. It’s the devil that comes to steal, to kill and to destroy.”

    Just like Scrott’s crew , for them “Satan’ is very present in the world and by golly Dog can sure heal what ails ya. Scrott’s bunch of shysters have the added twist the Dog will ‘bless’ you with lots of $s if you are ;good’ . ‘Lucky’ for you the more money you give the church the better the odds of it happening, bit like a lotto ticket 😆

  8. “There are documented cases of God healing AIDS. God can cause limbs to grow out where they’ve been chopped off. God can raise the dead.” [citation needed]

  9. I’m not the first to point it out, but this insistent “we listen to the experts” over schools by Morrison and Tehan is knife-twisting when they dismiss medical experts on refugees, climate experts on global warming, welfare experts on poverty, and is the same story on just about anything else their ideology demands.

  10. guytaur

    Good news about Newscorpse BUT not necessarily for “progressives’ . The track record of those who become ‘media barons’ strongly suggests the ‘replacement Rupert ‘ will not be a friend of ‘progressives’ .

  11. poroti,
    And that’s exactly the core issue that has been front of mind with the Pentecostals in America during the pandemic-money. Those snake oil salesmen and women have been asking their followers to ‘tithe’ (oh how easily and oleaginously that word rolls off the tongue), their bailout cheques to the church!!! The supposed Believers in ‘small government’…because the Church should be foremost in peoples’ lives, not the government, brazenly demanding their followers give them the only money they have since they lost their jobs so that THEY can keep their job of local bs artist going in the style to which they have become accustomed! It shocks me to the core that people could be SO gullible on the one side, and SO greedy on the other.

    Yet we have one of them as our Prime Minister.

  12. Confessions

    Morning all.

    Coronavirus is providing a purple patch for political leaders. Except Trump

    And maybe BoJo. This is the cartoon from uber establishment UK paper The Times. Not very complimentary.

  13. Poroti

    I don’t think we are going to get replacement barons.

    It’s a permanent trend. FriendlyJordies has a bigger audience.

    Subscription models are the new black. The biggest we have seen is the Guardian. As we see with Crikey the New Daily and others diversity of opinion is going to happen. Especially as Newscorp and sport are decoupled.

    It’s finally at the point we would have been at had FTTP broadband gone ahead.

  14. John Crace paints a word picture of Boris’ return to work as only he can:

    Even the Messiah needs to ease himself back to work gently. So rather than hold a press conference where he might be expected to face some tricky questions, Boris Johnson chose to mark his return with a quick statement outside a Downing Street decorated with children’s tributes to the NHS shortly after 9am in the morning.

    Given that it’s only two weeks since he came out of intensive care, this was unsurprisingly very much a Boris-lite appearance. Literally so, for he seemed to have lost weight with his suit now being several sizes too large, his face washed out and tired and his hair in urgent need of a trim. Nor were there any of the familiar upbeat enthusiasm and ebullience to his speech. The references to Churchill all fell rather flat and his performance seemed to be geared towards reminding himself as much as the country that he was back in charge. On the upside, even an underpowered Boris is an improvement on Priti Patel or Grant Shapps.

    He was here because he was here. That seemed to be the main thrust of what he had to say. He was grateful to the NHS, he was grateful to the public for by and large containing their impatience with lockdown – though the internal battle between his own cabinet on the timing of any relaxation in the guidance seems to have encouraged more people to make up their own rules – and we were making progress against the coronavirus mugger. Not exactly the best analogy to use, as the most sensible advice when faced with a bloke with a six-inch knife is to give him whatever he wants. In Boris World, a mugging is just a harmless duffing up by the Bash Street Kids.

  15. Good morning Dawn Patrollers

    Bevan Shields explains a potentially disturbing development here as health officials in Britain warn that a potential new coronavirus-related syndrome is emerging in children, with a rise in cases prompting an urgent alert to doctors across the country.
    Peter Hartcher tells us how China’s man in Canberra has unmasked the regime’s true face. He doesn’t hold back.
    Scott Morrison wants a “very pro-growth” policy agenda. So what did the government have in place before this pandemic asks Shane Wright who thinks the PM has a very hard sell in front of him.
    And economic reform post coronavirus will be met with hard truths writes Adam Triggs.
    Peter Costello has warned that some businesses “will not emerge at all” from the COVID-19 lockdown. The former federal treasurer said the long-term economic damage the pandemic would cause depended on how long lockdown restrictions lasted.
    There is an outside chance Australia could survive the COVID-19 crisis without dropping into recession, according to a prominent economist.
    According to economics professors Chris Edmond and Richard Holden, a quick return to normal in Australia – with no Covid-19 vaccine – would risk lives and the economy.
    Kirsten Lawson explains how Morrison, wanting to differentiate his actions from those of Kevin Rudd, has left firms and workers floundering as a result of the design of the JobSeeker program.
    Simon Benson writes that according to a special Newspoll, state premiers are riding a wave of unprecedented popularity, earning approval ratings ranking alongside Scott Morrison for their handling of the coronavirus crisis, except for Queensland’s Annastacia Palaszczuk.
    According to Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw a threat from China’s ambassador of an Australian boycott could cost billions in lost trade in agriculture, tourism and higher education.
    Boris Johnson has returned to Downing Street with a stark warning that easing Britain’s lockdown would unleash a “new wave of death and disease” and cause an “economic disaster”.
    Josh Frydenberg will use the day he was due to deliver the federal budget to explain how efforts to control the coronavirus have punched huge holes in the nation’s finances writes Shane Wright.
    Australia’s successful fight against the global pandemic is world-beating. The next challenge is making world-beating changes to an inefficient taxation system say Chris Richardson and Stephen Smith.
    Has the ABC’s Insiders program become a vehicle for the promotion of News Corp? Alan Austin has been watching with interest and alarm.,13837
    Rod Meyer writes that the chickens of a declining advertising market and the coronavirus king-hit are coming home to roost at News Corp, with the media giant calling in consultants to its Australian operations as it looks to shrink costs and jobs.
    Luke Henriques-Gomes writes that Australia’s privately run employment service agencies are set for a massive windfall as the Covid-19 pandemic pushes hundreds of thousands out of work, with some experts putting the additional cost to the taxpayer at more than $200m. He says it is a fundamentally flawed system.
    Inflation may edge over 2 per cent for the first time since mid-2018 when consumer prices are released this Wednesday. But it’s going to be short-lived, with deflation set to be recorded for the first time since 1997 in June.
    Australia’s economic future will suffer post-COVID-19 if predicted falling migration numbers prevail, writes Abul Rizvi.,13831
    Australia’s welfare system needs a new start. Decades of economic policy decisions have reduced the social welfare safety net for those who are young, working-age – or older without property. The biggest risk of living in poverty in Australia is to receive welfare payments without an additional source of income. Noah Corbett reports
    The World Health Organisation has issued a fresh warning ahead of Australia’s impending flu season, urging people to get vaccinated as doctors report a drastic fall in flu shot demand.
    In a blow to retailers hoping for a rebound in consumption when the COVID-19 crisis eases, only 15 per cent of consumers plan to return to their old spending habits. An L-shaped curve.
    David Crowe reports that employers are calling on federal and state leaders to adopt a unified approach to easing coronavirus restrictions, warning divisions over border controls and business rules threaten to slow the recovery. Some groups, though, are not overly troubled
    Bioenergy could be the Morrison government’s next step in its emissions reduction strategy, with the Australian Renewable Energy Agency calling for public submissions to develop an industry growth strategy says Mike Foley.
    Landlords are facing the twin prospects of lower or no income over the next six months as well as the risk of a 10 per cent drop in property values.
    The SMH editorial says that now that the number of new cases of COVID-19 in NSW has fallen, risks associated with sending children back to school are much diminished.
    The handling of the COVID-19 app shows up a huge trust deficit says Paul Bongiorno.
    Angus Livingston tells us how the Angus Taylor forged document investigation petered out.’
    Two of Australia’s top education officials have warned the nation’s universities could suffer for generations to come if they do not receive more funding from the federal government, in a Q+A episode featuring some of the tensest sparring yet over the reopening of schools.
    The Conversation reviews the COVIDSafe tracking app and concludes that the government delivers on data security, but other issues remain.
    Australia’s largest oil and gas producer, Woodside, is headed for a clash with investors over demands to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
    Improved firefighter protection, more use of emerging technology to fight blazes around the clock and prescribed burns on private land are among priority changes proposed by former Victoria emergency chief Craig Lapsley to the federal Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements.
    According to The Age the truck driver allegedly involved in a freeway crash which killed four police officers could face up to 20 years in prison as police probe the company which operated the prime-mover he was driving.
    A woman who says she’s the mother of a Porsche driver allegedly involved in a crash that killed four police officers in Melbourne says his family is “ashamed”.
    If more of us work from home after coronavirus we’ll need to rethink city planning says John L Hopkins.
    Victoria’s Attorney-General Jill Hennessy has written to her federal counterpart, Christian Porter, informing him there are no investigations by Victoria Police or planned prosecutions that require the previously redacted findings to remain hidden. Over to you, Christian!
    Elizabeth Knight outlines what NAB’s report says about what will likely be the new norm for bank shareholders.
    The AIM Network has a good shot at Gerry Harvey and other players in this article that begins with, “Have you ever noticed there are some ‘special people’ in our society that are always hustling to gain a sniff of an advantage? With the current restrictions on life as we (used to) know it accepted by the majority of Australians in an effort to prevent a far worse tragedy, our hustlers seem to be lining up to demonstrate their complete lack of regard for the rest of us.”
    Apple iPhone users are still unclear about whether they can use the COVIDSafe app properly, following mixed messages from the federal government on whether the service will keep working when phones are locked, or other apps are in use.
    This is a novel approach. New York City aims to open 160km of streets to pedestrians during the pandemic.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has left many Americans with a lot of time to think about how we it has arrived at this calamitous national juncture. One question it raises is whether its national addiction to looking on the bright side has prevented it from dealing with the continuing hardship this situation entails?
    Craig Mark tells us how Shinzo Abe has fumbled Japan’s coronavirus response.
    At two hospitals in Wuhan researchers found bits of the virus’ genetic material floating in the air of toilets, a crowded indoor space and rooms where medical staff take off protective gear.
    Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course. Well, he’s their baby!
    Trump is a danger to the American people. But the Republicans refuse to stop him writes Suzanne Moore.
    Stan Grant dismantles the Captain James Cook legend.
    Matthew Knott writes that Trump’s sudden silence betrays his coronavirus failures.
    John Lord describes Trump as a very unstable genius.
    It’s good that Boris Johnson is back to work. But he is waffling says Simon Jenkins.
    Trump reportedly doesn’t have time to get lunch. He might if he quit the self-praise reckons Poppy Noor.

    Cartoon Corner

    David Pope

    Cathy Wilcox

    Mark David

    Alan Moir

    David Rowe

    John Shakespeare

    Andrew Dyson

    Andrew Weldon

    Matt Golding

    John Spooner

    From the US

  16. Thanks BK.

    Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like ever since Dutton returned to work that’s when things have gotten more ideological and partisan. This push to reopen everything for eg.

  17. Twitter fires back at Bill Barr’s push to take legal action against lockdown orders

    This Monday, Attorney General Bill Barr issued a memorandum titled, “Balancing Public Safety with the Preservation of Civil Rights,” where he directed the Justice Department to take legal action against coronavirus lockdown rules it deems to be “an overbearing infringement of constitutional and statutory protections.”

    – How about @AGWilliamBarr concern himself with the fact US is NUMBER ONE in DEATHS for #COVID19 IN THE WORLD!

    – Barr is the most partisan and conflicted Attorney General to ever hold the office.

  18. McConnell hits Trump for hogging COVID-19 briefings: ‘People are most interested’ in Fauci and Birx

    Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) on Monday suggested that President Donald Trump is not helping the American people with his appearances at coronavirus task force briefings.

    McConnell told Fox News Radio that Americans would rather hear from scientists and public health officials like Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx.

  19. Avril
    Local councils used metadata to track down parking violators, after we were told law enforcement needed access to it to solve crimes like murder and child abuse. This government’s trust deficit won’t just disappear overnight. It doesn’t help, of course, that #AngusTaylor….

  20. Apparently Trump’s press conferences are back.

    Tom Nichols@RadioFreeTom
    Trump claims that other countries are calling us to find out how we’re doing what we’re doing so well. I’m pretty sure that’s not true.

  21. It is easy to lose respect for sport ‘heroes’ when they deliberately flaunt the distancing rules, then apologise by saying words they have obviously been given by their bosses, including wtte “I didn’t mean to do the wrong thing”. All it proves is a complete lack of brainpower and social responsibility.

  22. Good morning and thanks BK for the Dawn Patrol.

    Cleverly, I thought I would post an image of Manet’s Le Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe (1863) by Edouard Manet, only to find that ItzaDream has already done so.

    Newcastle 21℃ – clear blue sky Wind NE 22 km/h.

  23. Tom Nichols@RadioFreeTom
    Pence now telling us that the president got the testing up to speed by reading the riot act to all the captains of industry in the Roosevelt room.

    Tom Nichols@RadioFreeTom
    “But for the president’s leadership, we’d still be waiting on those test.“

    this is unbelievably hathotic

    I think ‘hathotic’ is my new favourite word!

  24. 😆 😆 Trumpenstein on Fox just now. Up until those dastardly Chinese came along “We had the greatest economy in the history of the world”

  25. Where the life threatening adult COVID 19 inflammatory response seems to be primarily in the lungs, the UK and Italian reports of infrequent but severe inflammatory end organ responses in children to COVID19 are referencing similarities to Kawasaki Disease where children (with some genetic predisposition) present with prolonged fever, rash, and inflammation of the arteries (swollen inflamed arteries mean reduced oxygen delivery) leading to end organ failure, eg kidneys and heart.

    Here’s a quick read on Kawasaki’s Disease.

    This is not to say it is KD, but to point out similarities.

    That we are still very early in establishing the clinical progress on this COVID19 disease is pretty evident.

    Thanks to bludgers for the links.

  26. Tom Nichols@RadioFreeTom
    Trump implies that he knows about Kim Jong Un’s health, says we’d be in a nuclear war if it weren’t for him, but that he can’t tell you more because he can’t tell you

    Of course. Because if Kim were dying he’d confide in Donny. Yeesh!!

  27. The Premiers, their medical advisors and Health Depts seem to have done a good job…and by ganging up kept Morrison on a rational path…. not unhappy to see them get the acknowledgment in the polls.
    Here in SA the Lib and Labor leaders have played nice and just calmly got on with the job, assisted by a no nonsense female CMO.
    Sad the undeserved credit of course ended up with the narcissist in Canberra who hogged the limelight with his barrage of self-promoting press conferences.

  28. Hathos

    Blend of hate +‎ pathos. According to journalist Alex Heard, this word was coined in 1985 when he was searching for a word to describe the “cringe-y feeling you get when celebs go AWOL” and attended a Super Bowl party where he and another guest, then-Bob Dole press aide Scott Richardson, exchanged ideas until they came up with “hathos.”[1][2] The word’s first apparent use in print was in an essay by Heard, published in the The Washington Post on May 17, 1987.[3]

    So that must be – hate it but can’t stop watching

  29. This should serve as a warning to those of you who are pushing for a premature return of children to schools..

    London: Health officials in Britain warn that a potential new coronavirus-related syndrome is emerging in children, with a rise in cases prompting an urgent alert to doctors across the country.

    The alert revealed an “apparent rise in the number of children of all ages presenting with a multi-system inflammatory state requiring intensive care across London and also in other regions of the United Kingdom”.


    Children have so far escaped the worst health effects of the coronavirus pandemic however little is still known about the disease, how it spreads and what it does to the body.

    Children affected by the new condition have “overlapping features of toxic shock syndrome and atypical Kawasaki disease”. Kawasaki disease is a rare illness that largely affects children under five and involves the swelling of blood vessels in the body.

    And here’s the kicker (it explains something that didn’t quite make sense to me when I first heard of this last night).

    The illness has been discovered in children who tested positive to the virus, as well as those who have not. There is also some evidence of “possible preceding” COVID-19 infection in some children.

    Go ahead. Stare at the flashing red light…

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