The Guardian reports Essential Research’s latest weekly reading of concern about coronavirus finds satisfaction with the government’s handling of the crisis up two points to 65%, its best result yet out of the five such polls that have been published (no sign yet of the poor rating, which hit a new low of 17% – the full report later today should reveal all).
Last week’s question on state governments’ responses was repeated this week, and with due regard to sample sizes that run no higher than around 320 (and not even in triple figures in the case of South Australia), the good ratings have been 56% last week and 61% for New South Wales; 76% and 70% for Victoria; 52% and 63% for Queensland; 79% and 77% for Western Australia; and 72% and 66% for South Australia. Combining the results gives New South Wales 58.5% and Victoria 73% with error margins of about 3.7%; Queensland 57.5% from 4.6%; Western Australia 78% from 5.5%; and South Australia 69% from 6.9%.
Also included are Essential’s occasion question on trust in various institutions, which suggests that all of the above might be benefiting from a secular effect that has federal parliament up from 35% to 53% and the ABC up from 51% to 58%. The effect is more modest for the Australian Federal Police, up two points to 68%. In other coronavirus-related findings, the poll finds “half of all voters think it’s too soon to even consider easing restrictions“, with a further 14% saying they are prepared to wait until the end of May; that 38% said they would download the virus-tracing app, with 63% saying they had security concerns and 35% being confident the data would not be misused.
UPDATE: Full report here.
Good morning BK
I am fairly certain that today is your birthday so I wish you many happy returns of the day and hope, however it is marked while in a state of isolation, that it is enjoyable and memorable.
Thank you for your incredible efforts each day.
I said last night the price of WTI crude was head for zero…. I clearly under estimated as it shot well and truly into the negative territory. Clearly an example of running out of storage space as we are really talking about accepting physical oil after tomorrow.
The RW conspiracy nut Alex Jones is keen to throw himself under the karma bus.
Grant Stern
Alex Jones is shaking everyone’s hands at a Texas rally.
Internal Liberal Polling showing that a few of the Victorian Libs are well out of step with public sentiment by mounting public attacks on the Victorian CHO and bitching about restrictions on public activity.
Greensborough Growler
Count your blessings that the bustards were not in power when the virus hit.
poroti @ #3 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 6:39 am
We can only hope.
Will the petrol station pay us to put petrol in our car now?
Paddy Manning:
poroti @ #5 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 6:58 am
In this case, I also counted my votes!
C@tmomma @ #8 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 7:07 am
Here’s an interesting case study of two different approaches to a pandemic. In this case the Spanish flu.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers. I cant believe that I have hit 75 today! Obviously celebrations will be somewhat muted.
Peter Hartcher unloads on Xi and Trump who he describes as insecure ‘strongmen’ who had nothing to offer in a crisis but vanity.
Malcolm Farr dissects the latest Essential poll results.
The price of oil has dropped below zero as demand for energy collapses amid the coronavirus pandemic and traders don’t want to get stuck owning crude with nowhere to store it. I think this could be described as a disruption!
Anthony Galloway and Eryk Bagshaw say that Australia is positioning to lead the push for a review into the world’s response to the coronavirus outbreak as it looks to be one of the first countries to exit the global pandemic.
Max Koslowski reports that the independent cyber security body tasked with reviewing the government’s coronavirus tracing application has said it has no major concerns about the app. The Cyber Security Cooperative Research Centre, which was allowed to review the app after several MPs raised concerns the data collected could be pervasive or mishandled, said it found “nothing particular disturbing” in the app’s architecture.
Now that China’s response to COVID-19 has been found wanting at huge cost to national economies, the world needs an explanation says the editorial in the AFR.
Scott Morrison and his cabinet ministers are not racing to prevent the company going into voluntary administration. In fact, they see this as a way to save the company and its workers writes David Crowe.
Labor will seek to overturn the government’s decision to fast-track changes to pay and conditions in response to the coronavirus, warning it is open to employer abuse.
Shane Wright report that the economic lockdown to stop the spread of the coronavirus has cost almost 400,000 Australians their jobs while 3 million more have lost working hours with warnings it could take years for the nation to fully recover the financial losses.
The AFR says that Philip Lowe is expected to make an appeal for further policy reform over fresh fears business investment might not rebound after the COVID-19 crisis because of higher debt and a doubling in unemployment.
The federal government will have to continue to provide substantial support for employment and economic activity well beyond the six-month lifespan of the JobKeeper program, economists have warned.
Noel Towell writes that the state Labor government will push through an unprecedented wave of changes to Victoria’s laws to allow the health system, courts, prisons, local government and the rental market to operate during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The SMH editorial says that reopening beaches a small step towards an horizon of normality.
Jennifer Hewett writes that Australia is not the only country critical of China’s lack of transparency over the COVID-19 crisis, but our trade dependence complicates the political management of the friction.
Rachel Cain tells us that a month into strict social distancing rules, experts are saying the government needs to change its messaging so the country can remain on the downward slope of the coronavirus epidemic.
Opposition Leader Michael O’Brien has moved to soothe internal tensions in his party after three MPs, including former opposition leader Matthew Guy, launched an unauthorised attack on Victoria’s Chief Health Officer on the weekend.
Only a tiny proportion of people – maybe as few as 2% or 3% – appear to have displayed no symptoms after being infected with Covid-19, according to the World Health Organization, a finding that bodes ill for hopes that herd immunity will ease the exit from lockdown.
Jenna Price is disinclined to trust the government’s contact app.
Meanwhile Bob Katter says he won’t be signing up to the Federal Government’s contact tracing app. Full stop. And he says if it becomes compulsory he’d rather be thrown in jail. Go for it for it Bob!
Billionaire Solomon Lew’s Premier Investments may delay the reopening of its stores by as much as two-and-a-half weeks reports Dominic Powell.
Industry Super Australia chairman Greg Combet says there is no prospect of a liquidity crisis within any of the big industry superannuation funds, including $53 billion hospitality workers’ fund Hostplus.
Liam Mannix reports that confirmed cases of influenza dropped from 7002 in February to just 95 in April so far as the government’s measures to slow the spread of COVID-19 kicked in.
According to Phill Coorey the mining sector is seeking assurances it will continue to receive billions a year in diesel excise rebates as the government starts exploring options to repay debt. Well they would, wouldn’t they?
Tech giants responded angrily to news they would be forced to pay publishers for content, while the government says there is “much at stake”.
Governments and taxpayers asked universities to generate their own funds – and they did – but now the music has stopped writes the deputy vice-chancellor academic at UNSW. Professor Merlin Crossley.
Elizabeth Knight says consensus is growing that the three major banks set to announce their half year results over the coming weeks won’t be paying any dividends.
The pandemic is being used as an excuse for government intervention to prop up unviable companies and capitalism is being undermined in the process opines Stephen Bartholomeusz.
The Washington Post reveals the far-right pro-gun Facebook trio behind anti-quarantine protests in the US. What a f****d up country it is!
Virgin Australia has been unable to survive under the weight of enormous debts – but the company may be able to be reborn says Nine Media.
Pakistan has bowed to calls from clerics and religious parties to ease restrictions on congregational prayers in mosques, despite fears the gatherings could boost the spread of COVID-19. Words fail me.
Nick Bonyhady reviews last night’s Q and A.
IN CONTRAST to the last severe worldwide economic recession, Australia is poorly placed to deal with the looming downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. That is the conclusion of two reviews which assess the Coalition’s economic credentials negatively writes Alan Austin.,13812
The World Health Organisation chief has warned that “the worst is yet ahead of us” in the coronavirus outbreak, reviving the alarm just as many countries ease restrictive measures aimed at reducing its spread. Will this get through the thick skull of Trump?
Euan Black writes that the federal government is being urged to pass new laws requiring small businesses to be paid within 30 days, following reports of larger firms exploiting the virus to delay making payments.
Paula Matthewson tells us of a couple of COVID-19 casualties, namely the slogans the Coalition has used against Labor.
And Dr Anthony Fauci has warned that if the US moves too quickly to end stay-at-home orders there could be another surge in Covid-19 cases.
Grid constraints that have forced the electricity regulator to deliberately halve the output of five big solar farms in Victoria and NSW could soon be lifted reports Peter Hannam.
There are 473,000 people in Australia who are unaccounted for and but their identity is important if we are to avert a humanitarian disaster, writes Abul Rizvi.,13814
Isabell Lane reports that researchers from Australia’s national science agency have unveiled a new approach to analysing the genetic codes – or the blueprint – of the coronavirus. CSIRO scientists have discovered a way to pinpoint differences among the thousands of genetic sequences of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
Things are getting dizzy in the White House on what, exactly, is being done to “open the economy”. Cranky advocates for the financial argument over the restrictions of public health have been attempting to claw back some ground.
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio says it could take weeks, if not months, before the country’s most populous city reopens due to a lack of widespread testing. This will fire up the Idiot-in-Chief!
Polly Toynbee declares that Boris Johnson is the wrong man in the wrong job at the wrong time. This may not end well for some Tories.
Kate McClymont outlines this lawyer’s path to nomination for “Arsehole of the Week”.
Cartoon Corner
Cathy Wilcox

Matt Golding
Peter Broelman
Sean Leahy
Dionne Gain
Andrew Dyson
John Spooner
From the US
‘Jesus is my vaccine’: Hundreds of protesters gather without protective gear in Pennsylvania
Demonstrators gathered in Pennsylvania on Monday to demand that that the stay-at-home order be lifted as the coronavirus pandemic peaks in the United States.
According to reports, hundreds of protesters showed up in Harrisburg. Many of the demonstrators failed to wear protective gear or follow the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.
“Jesus is my vaccine,” a message on one truck said. One man came to the rally bearing a wooden cross on his back.
Other signs claimed that COVID-19 is a government “false flag” operation.
“Signs are saying that Gov. Wolf is the virus, that the media are the virus. Everything is the virus, except the virus,” one observer noted.
Ah, a vote early vote often aficionado.
poroti @ #3 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 4:39 am
His ex wife was sharing photos of him at a rally on the weekend without physical distancing, yelling and shouting without wearing a mask. Her tweet said wtte that he obviously doesn’t care about their children if he was prepared to put himself and them at such risk.
Let’s hear it for the girls!
Countries highlighted are NZ, Norway, Iceland, Taiwan, and Germany.
Thanks to the youthful BK for his service to the faithful ( ❓ ) with the Dawn Patrol.
Washing hands now 🚰🚰🚰
♫ Happy birthday ♪ to yooooo ♫ oo ♪ ooo
♪ Happy ♫ birthday to ♪ yooo ♫ oooo ♪ ooo
And from the BK Files 👇
Meanwhile Bob Katter says he won’t be signing up to the Federal Government’s contact tracing app. Full stop. And he says if it becomes compulsory he’d rather be thrown in jail. Go for it for it Bob!
Suitable song for the occasion 👇👇
♫ Will you visit me on ♪ Sundays, will you ♫ bring me pretty ♫ flowers
♪ Will your big blue eyes ♫ get misty, will ♪ you brush away a ♪ tear
or maybe another old favourite 👇👇
♪ And at night through ♫ the bars I will ♪ gaze at the ♫ stars
♫ And long for your ♪ sweet kiss in ♫ vain
♪ A piece of stone I ♫ will use for my ♪ pillow
♫ While I’m sleeping ♪ in shackles and ♪ chains
Dr. Anthony Fauci warns: Anti-coronavirus lockdown protests are going to ‘backfire’
When far-right extremists complain that stay-at-home orders and aggressive social distancing measures are hurting the U.S. economically, some Democratic governors and pundits have responded — correctly so — that prematurely letting up on social distancing and increasing the number of coronavirus fatalities will harm the economy even more. And Dr. Anthony Fauci, the 79-year-old expert immunologist who is part of President Donald Trump’s coronavirus task force, is making that type of argument in response to anti-shutdown rallies and protests that are taking place across the United States.
Those rallies feature protestors standing close to each other in blatant defiance of social distancing. Fauci, during a Monday morning, April 20 appearance on ABC’s “Good Morning, America,” warned that by promoting the spread of COVID-19, they are hurting the economy — not helping it.
“Clearly, this is something that is hurting from the standpoint of economics and the standpoint of things that have nothing to do with the virus,” Fauci asserted. “But unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen.”
Happy birthday BK! And thanks for yet another year of the dawn patrol.
Anti-lockdown protests ‘could get us to violence very quickly’: Ex-FBI official
On Monday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” former FBI counterintelligence official Frank Figliuzzi sharply criticized President Donald Trump for his support of anti-lockdown protests.
“What are we seeing now? Desperate search for a scapegoat, and we’re seeing a president, as he ramps up toward an election and his poll numbers are down, is going to be increasingly desperate to find that scapegoat, every time he points at it they point right back,” said Figliuzzi. “We’ve got a threat coming at us and he’s not heeding the warnings.”
“It’s a magic potion that could get us to violence very quickly,” added Figliuzzi. “We’re entering the most volatile period of this president’s administration.”
“Jesus is my vaccine,” a message on one truck said. One man came to the rally bearing a wooden cross on his back.
Well, they may meet their maker soon.
Actually, they remind me of Pre-Enlightenment people who believed that any number of spells or incantations or tiger skins worn on their shoulders, would protect them from whatever was killing everyone else.
We just have so many people in the world now fed bs by so many shamen and snake oil salesmen that they have reappeared, and that’s sad because the snake oil salesman always survives to scam another day but the people who believe in their garbage, some of them, go home to die away from the spotlight.

You sir, are a legend.
C@tmomma says: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 7:41 am
Well, they may meet their maker soon.
Dr. Dena GraysonVerified account @DrDenaGrayson
#Ohio man John McDaniel – who railed on social media against @GovMikeDeWine’s lockdown order and posted, “I Say Bullshit! (DeWine) doesn’t have that authority” – contracted #coronavirus weeks later and now has DIED from #COVID19.
Man Who Called Ohio’s Lockdown Order ‘Bullshit’ Has Succumbed To COVID-19
Happy Birthday BK.

Aw shucks, C@t!
I never read the comments on our local paper’s Facebook page, but this one really took the cake! Seeing as we have zero active cases here and no new cases in WA, this woman wants playgrounds to reopen. When challenged by others she says:
Yet another success story of Orstraya punching above its weight ⏬⏬
Yessirreebob them there social media companies should definitely pay to use this type of quality journalism. Where else could such complete bullshit be available ❓ 🐮🐮🐮
You are a living rebuttal of those disgusting young fogies who say that older people contribute nothing and may as well shuffle away. 🙂
BK says: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 7:46 am
Aw shucks, C@t!
Many Happy Returns BK – and wishing you many, many more 🙂
THANK YOU for the brilliant service you do on a daily basis for us on PollBludger !!!!!
Happy Birthday BK and thank you for your daily efforts in putting together Dawn Patrol.
I guess when we eventually get down to zero coronavirus cases nationally (and we will), the test will be sustaining that for the 2 weeks of the virus’ incubation period to determine whether we really are coronavirus free.
Then I reckon we’ll see whether governments are prepared to start lifting restrictions.
Pascoe: A discussion paper on how to most efficiently get Australia working again points to Scott Morrison’s suggested formula of corporate tax cuts, deregulation, and industrial relations reform to be precisely the wrong way to go about the next phase of pandemic recovery.
“It now has a more useful framework than anything on offer from the Business Council of Australia or the Institute of Public Affairs.”
The full discussion paper goes into the reasoning behind each criterion – and the reasoning is compelling.
I do hope that Labor will take notice of this analysis. I assume they will.
Happy Birthday BK
And in appreciation.. here is a special vial of pure coronavirus harvested from celebrity right wing nutters and signed by the Toddler in Chief!
Interview with child care centre person abc radio this morning. The governments ” free” childcare pays centre about $5/hr. Staff who were visa holders and were studying not eligible.
Result is less childcare available. Lots of angry parents.
Will morrison govt cop the blame ?
poroti @ #23 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 5:46 am
Lucky it’s not bushfire season!
Lock down birthdays are very different things.
Have an enjoyably safe day BK.
“ Yessirreebob them there social media companies should definitely pay to use this type of quality journalism. Where else could such complete bullshit be available ❓ ”
CO2 emissions from bushfires wouldn’t count in a balanced system. But on so many levels there isn’t a balanced system. The bushfires were catastrophic.
Happy birthday day, BK. You are a mere spring chicken. Why, you are not even at the average age for a US Presidential candidate these days!
Looking forward to your dawn patrols for many decades to come!
NSW figures;
6 new
0 deaths
194 treated in Hospital in the Hom
55 in-patients of whom
21 in intensive care and 17 Ventilated
Thanks for that paper. Will the government take notice or just continue on its merry way with BAU. People keep saying Morrison isn’t ideological, yet he still is wedded to the same crazy nonsense like trickle down theory that the Liberals have believed in for years.
Happy Birthday, BK!!
You are definitely a legend and your posts are my daily ‘go-to ‘ accompanying my early morning coffee.
Thanks for all your efforts over the years!!
I fear he’ll continue down the same unimaginative road. It’s the IPA template. There’s something missing in a conservative’s character that prevents them from thinking outside the square. Imagination?
Vogon Poet @ #33 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 8:21 am
lizzie @ #40 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 8:39 am
It’s just pure ideological bloody mindedness. They don’t have hearts, they have calculators.
lizzie @ #40 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 6:39 am
Oil prices have plunged below zero, the latest never-before-seen number to come out of the economic coma caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Stocks and Treasury yields also dropped on Wall Street, with the S&P 500 down 1.8 per cent, but the market’s most dramatic action by far was in oil, where the cost to have a barrel of US crude delivered in May plummeted to minus $US37.63 ($59.37). It was at roughly $US60 at the start of the year.
Actual Prices this morning:
Texas Gulf MINUS $53
West Texas MINUS $41
East Texas MINUS $43
The toilet roll crisis was one thing, but why are there no eggs in the supermarket? Are hens practising physical isolation from their nest boxes?
The IPA agenda is wunderbar for those who bank roll it. The backers can also afford to get the best politicians/legislation money can buy.
Steve777 @ #29 Tuesday, April 21st, 2020 – 8:00 am
Hear hear.
C@t and Fess
Actually, I think it’s something to do with having a privileged upbringing but not realising it. So they think “If I can be successful, others are at fault if they aren’t.” (Privilege doesn’t always equal money. Sometimes it’s just contacts.)
Happy Birthday BK
Have a fabulous day!