The Guardian reports on yet another fortnightly Essential Research poll with no voting intention numbers, but we does at least get the monthly leadership ratings. These show Scott Morrison down a point on approval to 39% and steady on disapproval at 52%, after the previous poll respectively had him down five and up nine. Anthony Albanese is respectively down two to 41% and up one to 31%, and he has lost his 39-36 lead as preferred prime minister, with the two now tied on 36%. The BludgerTrack trends on the sidebar have now been updated with these results.
Further questions on bushfire recovery, sports rorts and coronavirus don’t seem to have turned up anything too mindblowing, but the publication of the full report may turn up something hopefully later today.
UPDATE: Full report here. The most interesting of the supplementary findings for mine relate to the budget surplus, the consistent theme of which is that respondents aren’t that fussed about it: 79% agree spending on bushfire recovery is more important than maintaining it, with 11% disagreeing; 65% say it would be understandable if the coronavirus impact meant it wasn’t achieved, with 18% disagreeing; and 57% agree it was wrong for the government to discuss the surplus in the present tense before the election, with 24% disagreeing.
In the interest of balance..
Not Suresays:
Friday, February 14, 2020 at 8:19 pm
But I’ll lead a revolution, so long as I get to skewer the first idiot?
Skewering the first idiot may turn out to be a solitary exercise.
Sorry folks – still no decent internet. So I can’t decently pull the Dawn Patrol together.
According to Telstra it should be restored within the next 4 hours. I’m going stir crazy!
“The Australian” is in full bullshit mode today, so much so that its hard to believe that the staff have not drink taken and been moon stricken to boot.
Evidence –
I cannot help but agree with Ms. (damn I keep forgetting her name) these tinkering incompetents should be immediately replaced by carefully selected and vetted LNP members. I understand that there are a few who missed out on those lucrative appointments (Administrative Appeals Tribunal) when the current Gummint thought that the treasury needed a good cleanout prior to an election loss.
Also from “The Australian” –
Canberra Times

For BK would the Telstra four hours relate to anything in ordinary space time ❓
New thread.
Sorry BK. Here’s a poor substitute. 🙂
Doctors have praised preparations so far, but want an Australian national body like the European Centre for Disease Control
Australian public health experts will be sent to Yokohama, Japan, where more than 200 Australians are quarantined on the docked Diamond Princess, amid concerns the cruise ship could be incubating the coronavirus.
Scott Morrison’s assistant minister, Ben Morton, is associated with four clubs that won tens of thousands of dollars through a grants scheme he wields influence over.
It is one of the biggest fraud cases in the nation’s history and is being heard three years after Julian Wright filed an explosive writ alleging that his siblings “fraudulently misrepresented” the future value of Wright Prospecting Pty Ltd (WPPL) following the unexpected death of their father, Peter Wright, in September 1985.
Winston Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister and leader of Ardern’s coalition partner NZ First, is increasingly being called out on party practices.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s top aide has admitted “significant shortcomings” in the program, including decisions made by ministerial advisers, but has rejected claims politics dictated who received cash.
The New South Wales police minister has refused to comment on a secretive blacklist used disproportionately to target young Indigenous people with sometimes “coercive” tactics because it is “an operational issue”.
‘A moment of complete despair’: last population of Macquarie perch wiped out in NSW river carnage
Fisheries managers arrived too late to save more of the endangered species as heavy rain washes ash into NSW rivers, robbing fish of oxygen
A $100 million grants program, established by the government ahead of the 2019 election, was restricted to 25 preselected projects, most of them in key seats for the Coalition.
The federal government is holding up a bid to compensate more than 60 people who allegedly suffered psychological trauma in immigration detention during the Howard years, stalling one lead case just as it was about to go to trial.
Liberal moderates are appalled. Trent Zimmerman and Dave Sharma, who both hold inner-city seats where there is high concern about climate issues, went public, saying the government should not put taxpayers’ money towards new coal-fired generation.
This summer’s bushfire crisis has had a profound impact on people with disabilities
On the key issues animating public attention – an Aboriginality test and sovereignty – close reading of each judgement reveals very careful statements. There are no majority pronouncements that change the status quo.
Respect and a little bit of fear. It has served our leaders for 200 years and made the country thoughtless, anxious and contented.
A desperate government, governing by stealth, smashing through the established protocols and often through well defined laws with its only objective to maintain the keys to the treasury.
So blatantly desperate, differing beneficiaries of largesse, fight between themselves, having so maligned an independent public service, embellishing both personal wealth and reward for wiilling participants in private and government service.
There is no longer a need for feigned appeal to honesty, integrity or public good.
Just an openly corrupt government and a unfortunately disengaged public beyond consideration nor reflection.
Those few actively engaged, in a frenzied wordsport of argument and intimidation.
The recent bushfires, the continuing drought, the swelling floods together with the ravages of climate change will eventually topple a reluctant public and the veneer of genuine leadership.
The rains have postponed the racing, an adjournment to the clubs and pubs and thd possibility of having time to read all about the melee over the fence.
Don’t you love the rain? Perhaps not?
New thread, peeps.
Diogenes says:
Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 12:00 am
You forget how painful a scratch record is.
Bloomberg would be a unique situation in that if he is nominated he will be the first billionaire to be nominated (some others have tried and found it all too hard).
As such, he is genuinely immune to corruption as he is paying for it himself, and hence owes no-one anything. That is the principal merit of his candidacy.
Russian got the complete list of registered Democrats and then used it to spread falsehoods amongst Bernie Bros. This both:
– suppressed support for the Democratic Candidate to a far greater extent than was sufficient to change the result
– increased support for the Trump Candidate, also to far greater extent than was sufficient to change the result
If either of these had not happened, Mr Trump would be in the third season of his “We Woz Robbed” talk show.
If neither had happened, the Democratic Candidate would have won quite easily.*
This is not to say the Sen Sanders is complicit in the Russian interference, but rather that he is reckless in respect of the risk (then suspected and now known) arising from that interference. The Russians have of course still got the list; Twitter has implemented some countermeasures but they’re untested (and untestable in advance). Recklessness is character trait of Sen Sanders, which some would say is disqualifying (though of course disqualification is no longer relevant).
* Not that Sec. Clinton winning would have been a good result; just better than what happened. There should be a “no candidate satisfactory” option in an election where incumbent is not standing that if it wins rolls the election over for a year, excludes both failed candidates from running (in the roll over), and has the incumbent hang around for another year.