A full display of the election results, with complete booth figures, swings and probability estimates, can be found here.
Monday, June 3
The four day break in counting in Macquarie ended with all one-way traffic for Labor: postals broke 154-125, out-of-division pre-polls 103-87 and absents 88-66, putting Labor’s lead out from 282 to 348. Antony Green has called it for Susan Templeman, and Templeman has claimed victory. A few hundred votes still to mop up, presumably tomorrow.
Friday, May 31
Still nothing from Macquarie.
Thursday, May 30
No counting was conducted in Macquarie today. I believe the few remaining scraps are likely to be tidied there today, with there not being enough there to overturn the 282 vote Labor lead. The only hope for the Liberals now is a serious error turning up in the full preference count.
Wednesday, May 29
Happily for Labor, my supposition that there wouldn’t be too many absents left in Macquarie was misplaced – a new batch today broke a handy 402-259 their way. The latest batch of out-of-division pre-polls also surprised in breaking 316-170 for Labor. This extends Labor’s lead from 67 to 282, and there wouldn’t be much more still out there than 500 or so pre-polls and 300 postals – unless I’m still wrong about absents, in which case Labor’s lead should widen further.
If any doubt remained in Cowan, it was dealt with by today’s 1456-1061 break to Labor on absents, along with 106-87 on the latest postals. This pushes the Labor lead from 825 to 1239, which means Labor’s lead here is actually greater than it is in Eden-Monaro and Lilley.
Tuesday, May 28
Labor finally took the lead in Macquarie today, emerging with a 67 vote lead after trailing by 39 votes yesterday. This was thanks to a stronger batch of absents than yesterday’s (505-438 to Labor), a slight gain on out-of-division pre-polls (483-477) and rechecking of ordinary votes, which cost the Liberals 27 votes and boosted Labor by six. However, there can’t be too many more absents left in the can, and the Liberals could hope to claw back about 40 votes on remaining postals, of which I would guess there are about 300. That leaves the result in the hands of maybe 1000 further out-of-division pre-polls. These have slightly favoured Labor so far, and did likewise in 2016, but batch results can vary considerably depending on where they are sourced from.
Macquarie is the only seat still seriously in doubt, as Labor’s Anne Aly stubbornly maintains her lead in Cowan. Today it went from 810 to 825, as a batch of out-of-division pre-polls favoured her 896-881. Their might be another 2000 absents and another 2000 out-of-division pre-polls to come, of which the former have favoured Labor while the latter have split exquisitely evenly. The Liberals would need at least a 55-45 split in their favour.
Monday, May 27
Macquarie remains close in every way, with today’s count dominated by a 493-471 split in favour of Labor on out-of-division pre-polls, and absents going 471-469 to Liberal. Together with rechecking, the net effect is to reduce the Liberal lead from 57 to 40. The result hinges mostly on perhaps 1800 outstanding absents, which can vary significantly in their behaviour from batch to batch. In Cowan, out-of-division pre-polls give the Liberals only a very slight boost, reducing the Labor lead from 833 to 810. The Liberals will need about 57% out of maybe 6000 outstanding votes, few of which are postals, the only vote type on which they have come close to doing that well.
Saturday, May 25
Only minor additions to the count today, but that’s enough to be significant in Macquarie, where the Liberal lead is now down from 71 to 46. A batch of declaration votes broke 108-73 in favour of Labor, offsetting a net Liberal gain of 10 from rechecking. Labor’s lead in Cowan is up from 813 to 833, mostly due to a batch of absents that broke 383-352. In Bass, out of division pre-polls broke 167-123 to Labor, reducing the Liberal lead from 699 to 656 (there were also tiny changes from rechecking). In Lilley, Labor’s lead went from 879 to 901 due to rechecking and out of division pre-polls, the latter of which broke 449-427 their way.
Friday, May 24
The small number of provisional votes were counted today in Cowan, and they behaved typically in giving Labor a slight boost, of 211-184. However, the advantage was outweighed by rechecking, with the Labor lead ending the day at 813, down from 839. But with only handfuls of postal voting yet to come, the Liberals are going to have to do unusually well on absents and out-of-division pre-polls.
Macquarie could very easily go either way, but only rechecking was conducted today, the effect of which was to reduce the Liberal lead from 131 to 71. Postals to continue to widen the Liberal lead in Bass, now out from 561 to 699, while absents have moved Labor further ahead in Lilley, from 817 to 879.
Thursday, May 23
Macquarie looks like going right down to the wire, with the first batch of absents favouring Labor 476-444, and the latest batch of postals reversing the earlier tide in breaking 259-194 to Labor. That cuts yesterday’s Liberal lead of 196 to 131. In Cowan, Labor’s lead is out from 748 to 839 as the first absents break 941-843 their way. Conversely, the first absents from Bass have broken 836-787 to Liberal, which, together with rechecking, pushes the Liberal lead out from 497 to 561. In Lilley, Labor’s lead slips slightly from 842 to 817 as the latest postals break 875-787 to the LNP, outweighing a rather hefty 275-197 Labor advantage on the first absents.
Wednesday, May 22
Only rechecking today in Cowan, where Labor ended the day 748 ahead, compared with 762 yesterday. Elsewhere:
Chisholm. Another batch of postals breaks 1064-905 to the Liberal, increasing their lead from 1220 to 1379.
Macquarie. The latest postals have broken 524-396 to Liberal, exactly the same proportion as those already in the count, increasing their lead from 68 to 196.
Bass. The Liberal lead nudges from 453 to 497, with the latest postals breaking 517-483 to Liberal together with some slight ordinary vote adjustments on rechecking.
Lilley. A big batch of postals breaks very much like the first, going to 2551-2093 to the LNP, which reduces the Labor lead from 1288 to 842, but doesn’t change the impression that Labor should be able to hold on.
Tuesday, May 21
My election results facility, linked to above, has ended the day less buggily than it began. Developments from today’s count:
Chisholm. Another 3963 postals have gone similarly the first 5413, and in doing so have increased the Liberal lead from 591 to 1220. The trend of absent votes in 2016 suggests Labor should only be able to claw back about 250 there.
Macquarie. Only rechecking done today, nudging the Liberal lead from 50 to 68. Labor should only make slight gains on absent and out-of-division pre-polls, which I think more likely than not to be outweighed by the Liberal gain on outstanding postals.
Bass. I thought the first batch of postals surprisingly strong for Labor, but it turns out postals behaved no differently from ordinary votes in 2016 as well, where usually they lean conservative. Today’s batch, however, went 767-706 in favour of the Liberals, increasing the lead from 392 to 453. Absent votes were likewise bang on the ordinary votes in 2016; out-of-division pre-polls favoured Liberal. So Labor would need to pull a rabbit out of the hat here.
Lilley. A rare bit of good news for Labor, in that it looks an error had been made in the Geebung booth that had it favouring the LNP 1046-830, but which has now shows as 1033-862 in favour of Labor. That boosts their lead from 901 to 1288, which you’d think would be enough.
Cowan. Labor’s lead has reduced from 1006 to 762 on the back of a second batch of postals, which went 1223-1040 to the Liberals – slightly less favourable for them than the first, of which the Liberals got 56.9% rather than 54.0% – and ordinary vote rechecking, which boosted them by 61. However, absents and out-of-division pre-polls in 2016 behaved very much like ordinary votes, and there shouldn’t be a huge mass of postals outstanding, so I would think it likely Labor will hang on.
Monday, May 20
As you can see above, I now have an election results facility in business, albeit still with a few bugs to be ironed out. With that more-or-less accomplished, I should be able to follow the final stages of the count in more detail. It now appears clear that the Coalition has secured a majority, the most likely result being 77 seats out of 151. Counting of postal votes is still at a fairly advanced stage, and these reliably lean conservative, so the trend of yesterday’s counting was in their favour. However, no absent votes have been counted, and these can sometimes go the other way. Furthermore, Kevin Bonham believes he has observed a tendency of the first batches of postals to be more conservative than later ones. With that in mind, here’s the latest mail from those undecided seats where counting progressed yesterday, i.e. all of them other than Indi and Boothby, where I’m probably being overly cautious in not calling them for independent and Liberal respectively.
Chisholm. Liberal candidate Gladys Liu extended her lead yesterday from 166 to 591. Postals have so far recorded a smaller swing to Labor, of 0.8%, than ordinary votes, which swung 2.5%. Still in doubt.
Macquarie. The Liberals now lead here by 50 votes, after trailing by 312 yesterday. Postals have so far recorded a 2.2% swing to the Liberals, not much different from ordinary votes. Still in doubt.
Bass. Better news for Labor here, with the Liberal lead narrowing from 437 to 392, and postals surprisingly swinging slightly in Labor’s favour after ordinary votes swung over 6%. Still in doubt.
Lilley. Labor’s lead narrowed yesterday from 1110 to 901. Postals haven’t swung much differently from ordinary votes so far, so Labor seem likely to hold on.
Wentworth. Kerryn Phelps conceded defeat to Liberal candidate Dave Sharma yesterday as a strong trend on postals blew the lead out from 1751 to 2864.
Sunday, May 19
This post will be used to provide regularly updated coverage of late counting in seats that remain in doubt, of which I count seven: the marginal Liberal seat of Chisholm in Melbourne, where newcomer Gladys Liu leads by 166 votes (0.11%); Macquarie on Sydney’s western fringe, where Labor incumbent Susan Templeman is 312 votes in front (0.18%); Bass, where Liberal candidate Bridget Archer holds a lead of 437 votes (0.36%) over Labor incumbent Ross Hart; Indi, where independent candidate Helen Haines holds a 2781 lead (1.6%) over the Liberals in her bid to succeed retiring independent Cathy McGowan; Labor-held Lilley in Brisbane, where Labor’s Anika Wells hold a 1110 vote lead (0.69%) as she seeks to succeed the retiring Wayne Swan; and, stretching it a little further, Wentworth, where Liberal candidate Dave Sharma now holds a 1751 lead (1.16%) over independent incumbent Kerryn Phelps, and Boothby, where Liberal incumbent Nicolle Flint leads Labor by 2183 votes (1.18%). Hopefully tomorrow I will finally get the time to fix the bugs in a results reporting facility that will report results and swings at booth level.
Hunter should be getting an indicative 3CP count.
Antony Green’s ABC Computer is spitting out a final TPP estimate (taking into consideration all 151 seats)
LNP 52.1
ALP 47.9
+1.7 to LNP
First NSW polling place Senate BTL vote (therefore first Molan BTL challenge data):
The Elephant left the room.
What surprises me is the blind side of most climate discussions.
The greatest amount of pollution comes from the U S A , INDIA and CHINA.
The amount of pollution that Australia contributes is minor.
I believe the vast majority of informed voters were not blindsided by the scare campaign conducted by the greens and Labor.
Agree/Disagree with this statement
Does it indicate Molan has a chance?
Close to zero chance
Thomas A Mc Henry,
That’s correct, but the idea that a country should do little to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions because some countries aren’t leads to a situation where no one is willing to do anything because no one else is. The end result is that greenhouse gas emissions are never brought under control. This is the reasoning behind the succession of international agreements on Climate Change (however ineffectual they have been): if you can bring everyone to the table you at least have a chance of reducing global emissions. This may mean developed nations have to reduce their emissions by a greater percentage and shoulder more of the costs if it encourages developing nations to sign-up, just like what occurred with the Montreal Agreement on ozone-depleting chemicals.
Last I checked China accounts for 30% of global emissions and countries like Australia with <= 1% sum to 40% of global emissions. We need to reduce 100% of emissions, not just a 30% portion of them.
This is the close count thread the sewer of partisan polemics is another thread
Australia produces 1.3% of the world’s greenhouse gasses but only has 0.3% of the world’s population. We’re not being asked to take responsibility for others’ emissions, we’re only being asked to take care of what we are responsible for. If we fail to pull our weight, it means we’re imposing on others to do more than their fair share to compensate; our entire country would be a “leaner” rather than a “lifter”, bludging off others.
The whole point of global agreements like the Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement is to ensure that everyone pulls their weight because no one country can solve the problem on their own. No country should have to pull their own weight AND the weight of other countries as well.
By way of analogy, the greatest amount of tax revenue comes from CBA, BHPB, Westpac, and ANZ, and the amount of tax that I contribute is minor compared to them (not 1.3% but rather much less than a thousandth of one percent). It wouldn’t make a difference to the budget if I didn’t pay my share. Is that a good reason for me to stop?
Quite so.
fitzy has to be thankful for the hard core labor voters near newcastle
One nation is getting over 20% in the “hard core Labor” booths around Cessnock:
26% in Bellbird and Barnsley
29% in Kearsley (the site of Australia’s only Communist controlled council)
Its the rust bucket ex mining towns that have rejected Labor
Macquarie is getting skinnier – Templemsn now just 71 votes behind. She might just hold on, which would give us a final score of LNP 77 – ALP 68 – Others 6. Either way, it’s been no landslide.
Macquarie is a nail biter. Labor now just 71 votes behind with 88% counted. No provisional or declaration votes counted as yet, which tend to favour Labor
If Labor does hold Macquarie, it will have 68 seats – just 1 less than in the last parliament, albeit with the size of the Parliament increased by 2 seats.
Off the back of a 1.7% swing against it, that’s quite a remarkable outcome. It will be interesting to see more detailed analysis of where the swings really bit, but (as others have noted) it seems Labor suffered some savage swings in heartland seats.
Its remarkable how variable the mood of voters was across different regions and demographics.
I have little doubt that Labor will engage better with workers under the more abrasive leadership style of Albo. Bill Shorten always came across as the elite private school debating captain. With a curious detachment in his manner. Albo is the Marrickville Mauler of politics and if he can claw back the support that Labor has lost to One Nation and UAP, Labor will be right in the contest next time. And I think Albo will rattle Morrison with his aggression.
Of course it could all fizz and burn!!
Parliament only increased by one seat, the 3rd ACT seat. The extra Victorian seat was matched by the loss of an SA seat.
You’re correct Tom!
If you guys are interested in live counting updates and analysis you should follow Ross Leedham on twitter. You’ll thank me later.
Jason B,
What you say may be true but that only applies to people/countries that believe in global warming. Where does that leave people like me who regard the whole thing as a glorified hoax???
Okay Allan, I will thank you later
Anyone got analysis of the Queensland senate? I can’t believe labor is only going to win 1 seat.
re: Macquarie. assuming the other types of votes go the same way as they already have, ALP needs to win the declaration pre-polls by about 24 votes. Not many, but it depends on where the votes cam from. Blue Mountains is for the most part quite heavily Labor, the regional booths (Windsor etc) swung heavily Lib at this election which is why this seat is even close.
Also, Susan Richards redecorating her office with honking big “Federal Member for Macquarie” signage may have been premature. And hilarious if she doesn’t win.
Hey autocrat – she wouldn’t be decorating her office with the “Susan Richards”signage because that’s not actually her name!!
moderate @ #75 Monday, May 27th, 2019 – 4:33 pm
She actually might do that, but I’ll concede that she probably hasn’t.
Macquarie margin in to just 40 now. I reckon Templeman might just pull off the great escape. My brother lives in the seat and rates her highly as a local member. Could be her popularity in the Blue Mountains saves her.
or her complete lack of popularity in the Hawkesbury that kills her….
Always two ways of looking at the same equation. If Templeman was so popular, and applying William’s famous (but a little hackneyed sophmore surge) why has sh had a 2.2 p/c swing away from her?
Macquarie – on my guesstimate ALP wins by 27 votes, but obviously that just assumes everything continues as it has. There’ s up to 3000+ votes to count, and nobody can tell how they will go. Whatever happens, the seat is going to be the most marginal in the country at the next election, redistributions aside.
The Hawkesbury part of the seat swung in much the same way as Lindsay and the rest of the outer suburbs. I’m personally not convinced about the whole “sophomore surge” thing, especially not in city seats. A bad candidate can lose you a seat, but I’m not so sure that a good candidate will hold off a general swing. Macquarie is really a seat of two halves, with a more Labor-leaning Blue Mountains, against a marginal Liberal Hawkesbury plains. Templeman is pretty popular in the hills, but probably less well known along the Nepean/ Hawkesbury.
Labor now up by 27 in Macquarie. So autocrat is either great at predicting the future, or great at predicting the present.
Seems like there’s little in the way of postals to come in, and Susan has the lead in all other types of votes.
Could still go either way.
But if it does go to labor, then parliament will be:
75 votes on the floor with the coalition whip, 68 labor, 7 others, including Kevin hogan, who is a Nat, but not part of the government. Plus the speaker, who has shown he will vote no on government legislation if it comes to it.
Looking at how ineffective Scomo was when they ended in minority government, basically having to cancel sittings and having no agenda.
It’s not quite as bad this time as at the end of last parliament, because the opposition and crossbench can’t unite to pass legislation either. But a whole new term of being unable to pass stuff through the reps would be embarrassing.
Scomo has a few options.
Bob Katter for speaker.
A more compliant, Bronwyn Bishopesque speaker who will pass government legislation.
Make Kevin hogan an offer he can’t refuse (probably a cabinet position, I can’t see them offering him leader of the nats and deputy pm)
Edit: it turns out I too am good at predicting the present. Kevin hogan has been offered the role of deputy speaker, which I imagine is the extra pay of a ministerial job without the extra work. Well played by the coalition to get back to majority government.
I have an old school chum who lives in Macquarie, a real estate agent with a house near the Hawkesbury. He was crowing about the Lib win in Macquarie, back when the Lib candidate was over 100 votes ahead. He made a few uncomplimentary comments about folk in the Blue Mountains. I wonder if he’s still following the count….
Voice Endeavour @ #81 Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 – 1:50 pm
I’m just great.
But seriously. All I do is split the remaining votes by type in the same proportion as the votes that have already been counted. So, the remaining 1122 Absent votes get split 51.71% to the ALP. Etc.
It’s a dog chasing it’s tail and not at all scientific (I’m not even bothering to look at how the votes split last time). Current estimate is that Templeman wins by 111 votes.
ETA: according to the ALP campaign emails, the Libs were spending up big in the seat, I assume over Hawkesbury way since I saw nothing of their candidate in the mountains.
There is also around 1700 dec prepolls in Macq to come. Those processed so far are breaking at just over 51% to the Libs. Hopefully the majority of the rest come from certain locations.
michael @ #84 Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 – 4:20 pm
Other way.
Sorry yes you are right 51% to Labor. So they have to change to make things interesting.
Getting rather interesting if LNP fails to win Macquarie. 77 seats is just one by-election from trouble once you’ve provided the speaker.
And this challenge could have legs, and lead to a by-election. This really does have a bad, bad whiff to it:
Thinking out-loud: If Chisolm goes down, Yates does the same for Kooyong (where the fake AEC signs were also present) and Dutto is also in strife for the fake how-to-vote cards, suddenly it’s 74 seats to the LNP, 68 ALP (assuming Templeman wins Macquarie), 6 Others with 3 bye-elections.
It’s a stretch, but there is a possibility that Morrison hasn’t won.
lefty e @ #87 Tuesday, May 28th, 2019 – 7:25 pm
Given the history of by-elections following general elections, if this occurs in Chisolm the Libs will be returned with an increased majority. Challenging the legality of this sort of behaviour is a good idea in terms of providing clear rules for future elections, but it won’t change the make-up of the parliament at all.
Even if the liberals win the by election, it would still be worth pursuing by labor.
It is the right thing to do. Pollies should uphold the law regardless of the degree to which they personally benefit.
It will help to level the playing field in the future elections, where currently labor and the greens obey the laws but the coalition (potentially) don’t.
During the by-election, Scomo cannot pass legislation without the crossbench (assuming Susan Templeman wins Macquarie) as votes would be decided by the speaker, who will not use his vote to manufacture a majority where one doesn’t already exist. This stops Scomo from getting momentum and provides appropriate checks and balances. It also means that the coalition can’t gag debate as they won’t have an absolute majority without the xbench.
It drains funds from the coalition, who will need to spend big on it, while labor can choose to spend big or not.
And above all, labor might win. Even if they aren’t favourites, it’s worth a chance.
Voice Endeavour @ #90 Wednesday, May 29th, 2019 – 11:32 am
I agree they should do it if there’s a reasonable prospect of the result being annulled, but they can’t go into it with any expectation of winning the by-election. Recent history (if 1996 onwards is recent) suggests they won’t, I think it just pisses people off when they have to go back to the pooling booths.
Strange things happening. At the moment the Libs lead by 7 in Macquarie.
And now Labor back in front by 140!
Weirdness in Macquarie count has settled – ALP now 140 ahead
Dodgy stats update: Labor to retain Macquarie with a margin of 198 votes.
Libs need 54% of remaining votes to swing back their way.
Hold the phone – more AEC updates.
Labor up by 284 now (a big batch of absentees). Libs need 661 of the remaining 1036 ballots in order to win. Probably not going to happen.
I agree that Labor should dispute the Chisholm result. The arguments in favor of overturning the result seem pretty compelling to me. Yes, it’s highly unlikely Labor would win, but its all part of the next 3 year cycle of keeping pressure on the Libs and being an active opposition. And a bit of judicial criticism of AEC “lily liverness” wouldn’t go astray either!
I would suggest to anyone concerned about partisan election material designed to imitate the AEC’s branding that a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Electoral Matters would be in order, when they do their regular post-election review.
I think it would be folly for Labor to challenge the Chisolm result. It just looks like sour grapes-the last thing people want is more politics and another election. In the unlikely event a challenge to the result is successful, I’d predict a similar result to the Lindsay byeletion result in 1996-a substantially increased vote for the incumbent. I’m thinking Labor’s best bet might be to just lie low for a while-the euphoria for the LNP may well wear off pretty quick if and when the economy heads south in coming months.
A Dame Nellie Melba
The polling showed what it showed and I would argue saw a shift to the Coalition in actual voting because of the expectation Labor would win, and easily.
Then there was the “concussion” polling of preferred pm, a totally untested statistic but meaningful in framing public opinion and particularly given the most effective form of attack is to “chop off the leader’s head” (aided and abetted by Palmer and “Shifty Bill”)
So, on these measures, Labor and its progressive agenda was set up to fail by media and its political bias.
The result is Australia joining England and the USA as the laughing stocks of the World.
But ……..
Look at the geographical description of where the vote is obtained.
With Brexit, regional and rural thru the centre of the Country, the rusted belt including because of the demise of coal mining.
With the USA, regional and rural thru the centre of the Country, the rusted belt including the promise to protect coal mining by Trump.
In Australia, regional and rural, thru the centre of the Country including particularly Queensland ex Brisbane including the promise to protect coal mining by Morrison.
These are the demographics, and they outweigh the urbane vote of the major population centres and the Coastal fringe
Super imposed on this is the fermenting growth of those who subscribe to “God makes babies”, residing in those same geographical regions including, in Melbourne for example, the outer east and underpinning the Conservative, anti vaccination legions (as but one example of God over science)
The presence of these ‘God botherer’s” is meaningful.
Take a drive along Maroondah Highway, into Lilydale detouring at Old Melbourne Road and look at what is on the left hand side heading toward Lilydale – and that is by no way the only such “God botherer” resource in that region – they are huge, absolutely huge.
They engraciate and manipulate – offering pre-school facilities with books lining the walls, the covers facing out conveying “God makes babies”, “God makes the sun come up”, “God makes the grass green” and on and on it goes.
They gain access thru young girls, offering Netball facilities and competitions with their “Church” competitions and uniforms – reasoning that upon marrying they will bring their husband and then their children to their “Church”.
They isolate from family, replacing the family demographic with “Church”.
They are active in communities, in a Court for example, arranging monthly Saturday morning “guy’s catchup’s over coffee” for discussions.
They are not seen at the local football Club watching games on a Saturday afternoon because they have no interest in sport and no knowledge of sport (footy or cricket).
Their interest is Bible.
And that is where the discussion heads to.
The Mother operating her hair-dressing home business shuts the business down, because the client led discussion based on “faith” and “God” becomes just too, much including the retributions for not embracing the “faith” and “God”.
So the easiest way is to say “the business has shut down”, later re-establishing courtesy of those not of that “faith” and judgement and being very careful in regards your client base.
They not only engraciate, they judge (and threaten).
The polling misses them – because polling is random and they are centralised in particular geographical locations.
They are a growing and dangerous demographic by my view, hence no innoculation’s and support for Folau and his “preachings” from his faith pulpit.
Science does not rate.
Everything is by God’s wish.
Wave your hands in the air and jump and scream, creating a mob frenzy.
And they reside where they reside, hence Brexit and Trump and now Morrison.
Look at the map and super impose the voting patterns on those maps.
It is telling.
Can they be beaten, can science out poll “God”?
Don’t know, but on current trends, across England, across America and across Australia it is a very, very hard ask.
Hence the reputations of England, of America and of Australia as a joke in the eyes of the remainder of the Globe, a Globe where education drives progressive agenda.
The obvious question is, of course, is democracy dead in Australia, with Australia now a banana dictatorship?
And the 10 Year Bond Yield is under the Cash Rate, the Cash Rate 1.5%.
But that is not a statistical fact that God recognises.
Let’s all pray for a miracle and God will deliver us from the economic demise which confronts us.