Essential Research: 52-48 to Labor

Essential’s post-budget poll records a gentle shift to the Coalition on voting intention, and a generally favourable response to the budget.

Essential Research has broken with its usual fortnightly schedule to publish a second poll in consecutive weeks, giving us a third set of numbers on response to the budget after Newspoll and Ipsos. The poll records the two-party gap narrowing from 53-47 in Labor’s favour to 52-48, although the primary votes are little changed: the Coalition are steady on 38%, Labor down a point to 36%, the Greens steady on 10% and One Nation up one to 7%. Results on the budget are in line with Newspoll and Ipsos in suggesting a favourable response, particularly compared with the budgetary norm, with 44% expressing approval and 28% disapproval, and 28% saying it made them more confident in the economy, compared with 23% for less confident. Nonetheless, enthusiasm for the tax cuts was muted (only 22% expected they would make a difference to their household), and further questions identified concerns about their equity. Full results here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,158 comments on “Essential Research: 52-48 to Labor”

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  1. Good morning all!
    Word that I have received from our sources is that the Liberals are still very interested in going to a general election , the operative date mentioned is 11 August.
    Turnbull is currently currently cold on the By- Elections.
    The Right are at him about succession planning in favour of Dutton. They have offered him clean air if he agrees to Dutton as his successor.
    Win or lose they still want Turnbull gone.

  2. Mr Schaub is among more than two dozen people killed by carbon monoxide nationwide since 2006 after a keyless-ignition vehicle was inadvertently left running in a garage. Dozens of others have been injured, some left with brain damage.

    Keyless ignitions are now standard in over half of the 17 million new vehicles sold annually in the United States, according to the auto information website Edmunds. Rather than a physical key, drivers carry a fob that transmits a radio signal, and as long as the fob is present, a car can be started with the touch of a button.

    But weaned from the habit of turning and removing a key to shut off the motor, drivers — particularly older ones — can be lulled by newer, quieter engines into mistakenly thinking that it has stopped running.

  3. Andrew C Laufer, Esq‏ @lauferlaw

    Hey @realDonaldTrump looks like your boy Manafort’s case is going forward. Sad! You’re going to Prison, Traitor.

    A Judge Just Denied Paul Manafort’s Motion To Dismiss The Indictment Against Him In DC

    The judge rejected Manafort’s challenge to special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment.

    A federal judge on Tuesday denied former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s motion to dismiss the indictment returned against him by a grand jury in Washington, DC — rejecting Manafort’s challenge to special counsel Robert Mueller’s appointment.

    This is a developing story.

  4. This is a developing story.

    The whole damn Trump saga is a developing story.

    Problem is it’s taking so long to develop, you’ve got to wonder if it ever will.

  5. The Bastiaan (RW conservative) push continues to advance in Vic.

    The seat of Indi would be hotly contested if the independent MP were to retire before the coming election.

    Camillus O’Kane whose family lives just outside Indi has also emerged as a possible Liberal preselection candidate for the seat.

    Mr O’Kane, who currently works in Sydney, is close to young Liberal powerbroker Marcus Bastiaan who now controls the majority of votes on the party’s powerful administrative committee.

    The Nationals are also planning to contest Indi with state director Matthew Harris confirming preselections would be held later this year although a date has not yet been set.

    “Yes, we will be running a candidate,” Mr Harris said.
    “We wouldn’t putting our hand up if we didn’t think we had a chance.”

  6. Good morning Dawn Patrollers. Want to see something about the royal wedding? Well you won’t find it here!

    Ross Gittins hasn’t let up on criticising Morrison and his utterings.
    And Stephen Koukoulas says the Turnbull government is kidding itself when it claims the labour market is strong.
    North Korea has suspended high-level talks with South Korea scheduled for today due to US-South Korean military exercises and warned that a summit next month between its leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump could be in jeopardy. How’s Trump’s Nobel Peace Prize looking?
    Katharine Murphy previews the upcoming ALP conference.
    The Australian headlines that retirees will fund Labor’s spending splurge.
    If things weren’t difficult enough for her Rebekha Sharkie could be forced to campaign in Mayo by-election under Nick Xenophon Team banner.
    Jane Halton, the Former head of the Department of Finance, lashes the government’s third budget for lacking the guts to undertake real reform.
    People with a disability are waiting months for simple callbacks when they complain of errors or inadequacies with their national disability insurance scheme support plan, the ombudsman has found.
    New housing proposals in one fast-growing area of Sydney will be slowed down, as the government concedes apartment growth is outpacing infrastructure.
    The SMH editorial looks at the Israel/Palestine situation.
    This article in the AFR says that the celebration of the US embassy relocation to Jerusalem was grotesque. It was a consummation of the cynical alliance between hawkish Jews and Zionist evangelicals who believe that the return of Jews to Israel will usher in the apocalypse and the return of Christ, after which Jews who don’t convert will burn forever.
    Pastors at the Jerusalem embassy opening highlight evangelicals’ deal with The Donald.
    The United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has defended Israel for its “restraint” in dealing with protests that left at least 60 Palestinians dead in violent clashes with the military.
    Jonathan Steele says that there is a cost to Trump and we are seeing it now in Gaza.
    John Crace opines that the boorish Boris Johnson is now a one-man rogue state, a believer in his own genius, seeming safe in the knowledge that no one will dare sack him
    Sydney’s homeless population increased more than three times faster than the national rate due to soaring house prices and policy inaction, a landmark study has found.
    As the reality sinks in that Telstra earnings have fallen off a cliff, so the chatter about the need for a management overhaul is re-emerging. Whether chief executive Andrew Penn can escape this time remains to be seen.
    How do people and institutions get away with prejudice? Simple, they dress discrimination in the cloak of merit. Just ask Jane Prentice.
    The numbers don’t lie on the Liberal Party’s ‘woman problem’
    Labor will vow to beat the Turnbull government at budget repair by posting bigger surpluses over the next four years, unveiling a bold economic message for voters who cannot be won by tax cuts alone. Chris Bowen will talk to this at the NPC today.
    Michelle Grattan previews Bowen’s speech.
    Phil Coorey reports that Labor has accused the federal government of swindling the elderly in last week’s budget by taking $1.6 billion from nursing homes, using it to fund 14,000 places for home care and badging it as new money.
    John Collett writes that the vertical integration business models of the banks, the “wealth” managers like AMP and some of the independently owned financial planning businesses, will likely be the focus of the royal commission’s recommendations concerning financial advice.
    Highly-regarded fund manager Geoff Wilson has warned against investing in beaten down AMP shares, saying the embattled wealth manager’s financial planning business was “rotten” to the core. Ouch!
    Adele Ferguson writes about the heads that keep rolling in the murky world of superannuation.
    Why we can’t just throw more regulation at the ethical issues raised by the banking royal commission.
    The Victorian Department of Public Prosecutions has narrowed its application for a complete ban on media reporting of the trials of Cardinal George Pell, but is still seeking an order that will have the effect of a ‘super injunction’.
    The erratic nature of policy-making in the Trump era may produce unintended consequences. – including the status of the US dollar.
    Peter Hannam tells us that the Abbott-Turnbull government was warned about the potential of consumers being gouged by electricity networks for more than three years but failed to act until now. And he’s got letters to prove it.
    Federal Labor has proposed new powers to crack down on tree-clearing across the country, in a move that could transform Queensland’s heated debate over land management into a nationwide row.
    Nicholas Stuart writes that the single-most critical defence spending issue this government ever makes will be made and announced next week. Not just in terms of cost, or size, or impact on Australian industry, but in terms of the very future of our defence force. This is the big one.
    Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton and senior staff from his department could face criminal prosecution over delaying medical airlifts for refugees, says former WorkSafe Victoria prosecutor Max Costello.,11497
    Will small scale plastic pyrolysis plants be one answer to our packaging waste problem?
    $30m to Fox Sports, $84m from the ABC: A tale of two broadcasters
    Baby formula will join razors and cigarettes behind the counter at some NSW supermarkets to ensure Australian parents have enough to feed their infants.
    The Bureau of Meteorology says the federal government is jeopardising its ability to provide accurate rain and storm observations through plans to expose its radar systems to harmful radio wave interference.

    Cartoon Corner

    There’s a lot in this poignant contribution from David Rowe.

    Cathy Wilcox lines up the Uber Tuber.

    Chris Downes on the aftermath of the Tasmanian floods.

    Glen Le Lievre on the Israel/Palestine situation.

    Alan Moir unpacks vertical integration in the finance industry.

    Mark Knight in Collins Street.

    Paul Zanetti on the power of Google and Facebook.

    Jon Kudelka with some suspicious behaviour at the airport.
    Some more in here.

  7. The Right are at him about succession planning in favour of Dutton. They have offered him clean air if he agrees to Dutton as his successor.

  8. lizzie @ #9 Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 – 7:49 am


    Thanks for the pages of our enemies. Labor “cash spree”, “tax grab”. 🙁

    You will probably sense my embarrassment when I confess that I have a very high regard for Mr. Shorten.

    The revelation, courtesy of that old favourite, man and boy, “The Australian, of his (Mr. Shorten’s) perfidy only heightens my shame.

    Still, we soldier bravely on.

    The kettle has boiled – all is well. ☕
    Time to work through BKs Dawn Patrol.

  9. Ross Gittins gets it wrt Scott Morrison’s persiflage of pointless and misleading statistics:

    Morrison claims his plan is fair because lower income-earners would enjoy the biggest percentage reductions in their tax bill. People earning $30,000 a year would get an 8.3 per cent reduction in their tax over the seven years, he says, compared with a 2.5 per cent reduction for those on $200,000.
    This is true, but it’s just playing with percentages. You’d hope the Treasurer was sufficiently numerate to understand that even a small reduction in a small amount will be a higher percentage than a much bigger reduction in a really big amount.

  10. I see Murphy is back on her favourite hobby horse, Bill is facing a leadership test.
    She’s reeled out this one a few times :
    At the previous Labor conference
    After the last election
    After appointing Kimberly Kitching
    After the Daystari affair
    After Butler renominated for ALP president
    I think there may have been a few other tests in there too.
    Funnily, Mal never seems to have any tests…

  11. Given those self or partly self funded retirees (those who have been impacted by the changes this government has made to part pension eligibility) who are self managed and who avail of a cash back of the Franking Credit when they are not assessed to pay tax in the first instance are invested into the ASX and Companies paying fully franked dividends by the advice of their Financial Advisers, how is the performance of Telstra impacting on their wealth?

    They may be getting their cash handout but their wealth is being decimated with Telstra shares now under $3- and the business model the Balance Sheet is invested into under pressure

    And who sold them their Telstra shareholding and at what prices?

    Despite the dividends, included in the IPO’s aka Qantas, the Stock has been and continues to be a dog

    The greed of receiving the cash back by imputation is sending the investors broke

    And that is the bottom line

    How does a broke Company still pay a dividend after the IPO Capital runs out?

    Which it will

    The Prospectus included the deployment of Capital raised to dividends across the out periods – aka Qantas – but all good things come to an end and the Capital deployed to future dividends will run out including because it needs to be deployed to business operations which is where the pressure is – as the Share price confirms

    These people will be spitting chips as their wealth erodes including because of the sentiment re bank shares and bank business models where the “rivers of gold” revenue from grow the book regardless have finished

    Good luck to these ill advised, greedy people

  12. Dutton’s prosecution for failure of duty of care is the least of what I would like to see happen to him., although it would suffice. It is needed if for no other reason than to show the people that we have to capacity to admit to our wrongs.

    Like a truth and justice commission into the indigenous history, a very necessary black arm band review of our past.

  13. More on the Victorian DPP media ban at the Pells trials (plural). It is of little surprise that there is need to prevent the risk of contamination of the second, with the risk of its abortion, I suppose.

    It was the defence who requested the separation of charges into two trials wasn’t it.

    The DPP is currently only seeking to ban media coverage of the first trial, although if granted tomorrow morning, it will still have the effect of banning reporting of the trial and the injunction until the second trial concludes.

    The DPP will argue that the order is “necessary to prevent a real and substantial risk of prejudice to the proper administration of justice that cannot be prevented by other reasonably available means”.

    Further it is “to ensure that jurors and potential jurors in the prosecution for alleged sexual offences against George Pell do not become aware of the matters the subject of these proceedings other than those in which they are directly involved”.

    “The order will expire upon commencement of the final trial save that publication of any report of the whole or any part of previous proceedings and any information derived from previous proceedings and any court documents associated with previous proceedings will be prohibited until verdict in the final trial.

  14. Vogon Poet @ #16 Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 – 8:08 am

    I see Murphy is back on her favourite hobby horse, Bill is facing a leadership test.
    She’s reeled out this one a few times :
    At the previous Labor conference
    After the last election
    After appointing Kimberly Kitching
    After the Daystari affair
    After Butler renominated for ALP president
    I think there may have been a few other tests in there too.
    Funnily, Mal never seems to have any tests…

    She, Ms. Murphy, has the benefit of several “Well Placed Sources”.

    I would like to see this story combined with another dealing with inside information concerning Naplan Tests. Although the ages concerned with Naplan may make the current story appear on a level with Once Upon a Time.

    Back to BKs dawn patrol. 😎

  15. Robert ball @6:52am
    “Coalition right are at MT about succession planning in favour of Dutton” to give clean air.
    Whether MT favours Dutton or not, he will be PM LNP wins next election.
    So ALP slogan should be “if you vote Turnbull you get Dutton as PM”

  16. Morning all. Thanks BK. I cant help feeling a bit dissappointed in the poll. It is clear that there are people out there stupid enough to fall for cynically designed budgets, and so Morrison keeps giving them to us. As time goes on people will realise the deep flaws in this budget, but by then it may be too late.

  17. Socrates @ #22 Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 – 8:25 am

    Morning all. Thanks BK. I cant help feeling a bit dissappointed in the poll. It is clear that there are people out there stupid enough to fall for cynically designed budgets, and so Morrison keeps giving them to us. As time goes on people will realise the deep flaws in this budget, but by then it may be too late.

    Yes, and the Cons know that too, along with the failure of the kill bill meme to gain any more traction. Hence the salient first post today from Robert Ball:

    Word that I have received from our sources is that the Liberals are still very interested in going to a general election , the operative date mentioned is 11 August.

  18. This is so true. Who has the real power?

    Urban Wronski‏ @UrbanWronski · 1h1 hour ago

    We don’t believe that unions, no matter how important they think they are, should be able to trample over the law of Australia simply because they’ve got money and numbers,”
    Turnbull gets unions confused with building, banks, energy companies, Dutton and Centrelink- again.

  19. Eddy Jokovich‏ @EddyJokovich · 8h8 hours ago

    Police asking for ID at airports? Surely Peter Dutton can do better than that. Why not just tattoo six numbers on the left forearm of each person in Australia? #auspol

  20. I had occasion to work through some questions similar to the NAPLAN test for year 9 students.

    It is a tough test. While there are a few easy questions, most are difficult, some exceedingly so. The way they are asked is often hard to fathom, and the methods suggested (sometimes the answers are along the lines of ‘which method should you use’) are not always the best ones, and are needlessly complicated.

    I can certainly see why teachers ‘teach to the test’ since they will be judged according to how well their students do on the test.

  21. From the BK files.

    People with a disability are waiting months for simple callbacks when they complain of errors or inadequacies with their national disability insurance scheme support plan, the ombudsman has found.

    Centrelink customers promised reduced wait times as Government ……centrelink…/9685856
    Apr 22, 2018 – Government promises to hire extra 1,000 call centre operators this year, … The decision to outsource jobs to private providers is a growing trend …

    The success of Centrelink response and NDIS adopting a similar outsourcing plan can only result in a benefit for somebody.

    My nephew (Canberra) told me of a recent multi call (50 plus) to Centrelink followed by an hours wait after connection. Yes I know, many people have no problems at all.

    This is the sort of system that appears necessary if the NDIS can be successfully remade into a Claytons system.

    I managed 2000 paces yesterday – mowing some of my joint plus the vacant yard across the street.
    Big day vacuuming and cleaning and more mowing.
    Ah ❗ The wonder of it all.
    The best news of all ❓
    I woke up this morning. ❤ ❤

  22. Now this is quite an imprtant artic;e

    Never fear it is the WaPo so even Phoenix can read it without having to take a bath in disinfectant.

    Now what it means is that China has an investment interest in Iran, If Israel or the US try to attack Iran they have a big friend – with money.

    What i am surprised about is that this railway is actually built. I had heard it was on the drawing board and expected it in 5 years or so!!!

  23. Why not just tattoo six numbers on the left forearm of each person in Australia?

    Unless he’s planning to decimate the population, he’ll need eight numbers.

  24. lizzie says:
    Wednesday, May 16, 2018 at 8:36 am
    Eddy Jokovich‏ @EddyJokovich · 8h8 hours ago

    Police asking for ID at airports? Surely Peter Dutton can do better than that. Why not just tattoo six numbers on the left forearm of each person in Australia? #auspol

    Nitpick: Eddy, you would need eight digits for each person in Australia to get a unique ID.

  25. Gee whiz and here I thought Trump was a shoo in for the peace prize.
    Pulling out of the Iran Deal, and the carnage on the Gaza Strip cos he promised this yet to be constructed Embassy in Jerusalem. Add to that North Korea getting cold feet.
    Yep. Everything Trump touches dies. And anyone or any organisation associated with him included

  26. Jaeger @ #38 Wednesday, May 16th, 2018 – 8:45 am

    Why not just tattoo six numbers on the left forearm of each person in Australia?

    Unless he’s planning to decimate the population, he’ll need eight numbers.


    We can be more sophisticated these days – microchips in ears should be the go. No need for unsightly tattoos. We can outsource to the local vets. They can go into schools and of course to all centrelink offices so that before you get to see anyone you go to visit the vet. Then before you take any sort of government job, or get a Hex debt.

  27. Vic:

    Plus Trump is preparing to place asylum seeker kids in military bases after separating them from their families.

  28. Don,

    Only an idiot would not teach to the test. Not just for NAPLAN but anywhere. That’s the whole point of teaching and tests. I find it hard to believe that any sensible person would do otherwise.

    If the outcome of passing the test is stuffed, that’s an indication the test is stuffed, not the teaching.

  29. I’m not having a good morning.

    Overnight one of my dogs had a diarrhoea attack all over the floor of two rooms (and he’s a big dog).
    My other dog won’t speak to me.
    And when I read through the overnight posts, I discovered that I am part of a ‘Confessions coven’ because I dared to criticise Bemused.

    It seems my attempts to be tactful lead to endless misunderstandings.

  30. Blind Freddy could accurately predict that the removal of USA forces (and war games) from their borders will be a not negotiable condition sought by North Korea – and in the absence of such an undertaking by Trump there will be no summit

    In regards Israel, let them build a fence around the 1948 boundary line, and put a roof over themselves if they so wish – and then live within that wall and that roof

    The nonsense that all Jews will return “home” one day so they need the territory they have assumed with aggression is an abject nonsense

    Jerusalem needs to be a City under United Nations control given its religious significance to competing religions

  31. Possibly a dumb question on baby formula shortages.

    This has been going on for years, where retailers don’t have enough stock as people buy it, to send it overseas.

    Why don’t the baby formula companies use all the money they are getting from the increased sales, and invest that in new cows and processing facilities to increase output?

    How is there still a shortage?


    Given the examples quoted in the article, how can Dan Tehan say it’s improving lives?

    Mr Tehan said he eventually wanted to see its users transition off welfare altogether. In the meantime, local support centres are able to help resolve issues relating to cards in the community.

    “[The cashless welfare card] helps because we’ve seen improvements in lives. So that means there’s improvement in outcomes and we’ve seen people go off welfare and into work.”

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