The latest fortnightly Essential Research poll has Labor’s two-party lead at 54-46, up from 53-47 last time. Primary vote numbers will be with us later. Also featured are Essential’s monthly (I think) leadership ratings, and they find Malcolm Turnbull little changed at 41% approval (up two) and 41% disapproval (on one), but Bill Shorten improving to 37% approval (up four) and 44% disapproval (down two). Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister is 41-26, compared with 42-25 last time.
Other questions relate to Adani, on which 30% favour the Greens’ position, 26% favour the Coalition’s and 19% favour Labor’s, though it would be important to see the question wording on that one. Other findings related by The Guardian are that 42% support and 39% oppose company tax cuts; that regulating energy prices had 83% support, an “Accord-style partnership” 66% support and boosting Newstart 52% support; and that same-sex marriage is supported by 65% and opposed by 26%. Essential Research’s full report should be with us later in the day.
UPDATE: Full report here. Primary vote gains for the major parties at the expense of other/independent, with the Coalition up one to 36% and Labor up three to 38%, with the Greens down one to 9% and One Nation steady on 8%. The poll was conducted Thursday to Sunday from a sample of 1025.
I will take your word for all that. If true then she has a lot to answer for in terms of where we are today. But her replacement hasn’t done much better. Still holding up the regressive coalition.
Not good.
I have no comment. 😀
Henry @ #2496 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 7:19 pm
You can’t beat the perfection of the original, the casting of a female as Tripitaka was brilliant.
Sadly the the actress, Masako Natsume, who played the role died of leukaemia just 5 years later, aged 27.
She was definitely a high school crush!
Surely when I read a tweet that says the Greens are opposing the end of the zero tax cash back rort?
Are they weak or stupid or did they just take a poll of wealthy shareholders with underpaid nanny’s who voted to protect their portfolio returns?
ABC News just gave the full Murdoch treatment to the ‘South African farmers’ issue. Trade Minister Steven Ciobo was interviewed. He made a good case for expiditing the flight to Australia of South Africans if you accept the premise regarding their plight. Any journalist worth their pay would have asked Mr Ciobo whether the same applied to the Rohyngia. You know, attacked, thrown off their land, rapes… Supplementary question if the answer was no*: why not? Naturally, the questions weren’t asked.
* had the question been asked, Ciobo would most likely have blathered and angrily attacked the interviewer, accusing him of hating white South Africans. The interviewer probably would have been investigated, exposed if there was anything to expose, attacked in Parliament and in the Murdoch crapsheets and forced to resign if an excuse couldn’t be found to sack him. That’s why the question wasn’t asked.
“For all of Putins negatives, one thing he isn’t is cravenly weak like our Malcolm and Bill.”
This poster really is a slime ball.
Bugger off under your rock.
ESJ and Rex Douglas. Bedfellows.
Are the Saffer farmers coming here to buy farms or just escape.
As a former colleague pointed out they will need plenty of money to buy in (agriculture is booming the Nats tell us) and a steep learning curve as Aussie farms are run with minimum labour which is probably vastly different to what they are used to.
Confessions @ #2501 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 11:26 pm
Dirty Dick is a tory.
The so other called ‘Greens’ are still working to support the tories –
– Voting for a DD to get a bunch of Hanson loons in the senate.
– 100,000 people lose the pension and another 270,000 have their benefits reduced by voting with the tories . The deal left 1800 pensioners worse off in Batman.
– The Greens killed the Malaysian Solution.
– no support for increases in the minimum wage
– deals with the Coalition on the debt ceiling, multinational tax avoidance and restriction on public dislosure on companies paying no tax.
– instead of attacking the greatest bit of bastardry ever on public education, Di Natale is attacking Labor on one small aspect of it.
Probably I could go on…but you get my drift.
how good is this from Buggles btw. Remember them?
first video on mtv.
no autotune just the real shiznit.
For those old enough to remember, “The Samurai” series was big in the 1960s. Produced in Japan and badly dubbed in English it was a schoolboy hit. All the swordplay and flinging star knives at your enemy and all that. Would be good to see it resurrected.
Yes I do. The Greens have done more to support the coalition than the progressive side of politics for purely political purposes.
Shame. They don’t deserve to win Batman.
“For all of Putins negatives, one thing he isn’t is cravenly weak like our Malcolm and Bill.”
On the contrary Putin’s rise and popularity is almost entirely driven by craven Russian weakness, the main difference is the evil Malcolm wants to do is of a milder form and much less popular. Although Dutton would have to come close to being in the same club of disgusting as Putin, they could both be executed for crimes against humanity and as an opponent of the death penalty I wouldn’t spare either of them a blink.
Confessions @ #2512 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 11:49 pm
Oh – Stunning the silence on Water theft and MD sustainability, water for SA, the provocative Closure of the Car Industry etc etc …
Henry @ #2508 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 7:45 pm
They aged well.
That’s probably a better version than the original. 🙂
Steve777 @ #2504 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 10:33 pm
Has anyone asked the question about how these people came to acquire acres and acres of farmland in South Africa in the first place? Did their forebears treat the indigenous occupants of the land with dignity and respect, and arrange a fair trade for it? Or did they just take it, by force if necessary?
Yes indeed, and brings us to the point of why you would bother voting Green.
a r @ #2514 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 7:59 pm
Nah, they’re just like us, but they had a bit more opposition than we did.
That’s why the Potato likes them so much.
A good Development –
Read more:
A Samurai fan here. Loved Ninjas. All that jumping up and backwards and suddenly appearing in the roof.
Bad guys always wore black and died by the dozen in every episode.
China says back off Mr Small Guy:
Russia vs UK, Russia vs USA, China vs USA.
Australia protect white refugees and defends U.K.
Regarding the above – this prick is just an election away, again –
In the trend of China/ Russia etc – article from 2014
Barney in Go Dau @ #2493 Thursday, March 15th, 2018 – 8:14 pm
Don’t forget Lost In Space and Get Smart.
Cameron says:
Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 11:23 pm
Was listening on ABC news radio to Stan Grant on his ABC TV show ‘Matter of Fact’ interview some expert about the Russian situation with Skripal. Grant asked the guy why Russia would leave their fingerprints all over the Skripal poisoning. The guy said because little Vlad wants the world to know it was them – to boast of their ‘capabilities’. He said the same applied to the Litvinenko poisoning. I recall reading that the US intelligence agencies were of the same opinion about the Russian hacking of the DNC – their cyber fingerprints were all over it. It seems highly likely that this is a deliberate pattern by Putin to show off its capabilities to the world.
“….The guy said because little Vlad wants the world to know it was them…”
This make perfect sense to me. It also calculated to provoke reciprocal actions against Russia by the West, allowing Putin to invoke the idea of antagonism against Russia from abroad. This is a very deeply rooted theme in Russian history, pre-dating Peter The Great. Putin is using external friction to consolidate his internal authority, a Tsarist device if there ever was one…..
The original Monkey was great. In a weird, trippy way, but great.
Cameron says:
Thursday, March 15, 2018 at 11:11 pm
BRIEFLY, that’s good to hear that you are being well looked after in a Perth public hospital. How is your hand and can I ask what happened?
…..crush injury…lost a part of a finger…I was having a very bad day yesterday, having an argument with a liar about $…..and trouble with my eyes in the heat of the afternoon….not paying due attention to what I was doing….OH&S fail!!!
Russo/Iranian tributaries and IS ….
Syrian government forces and allied militias have raped and sexually assaulted women, girls and men in a campaign to punish opposition communities – acts that constitute war crimes and crimes against humanity, U.N. investigators said on Thursday……
“Sexual violence against females and males is used to force confessions, to extract information, as punishment as well as to terrorize opposition communities,” the report said.
Victims suffered shame, depression, incontinence, impotence and miscarriages, and rejection by their families, it said.
The investigators found “no evidence of a systematic practice” on the part of armed groups to use sexual and gender-based violence to instill fear, but said that incidents had occurred in the context of sectarianism or revenge attacks.
Throughout Syria’s conflict, U.N. investigators had received allegations of extremist and terrorist groups imposing “mediaeval punishments on men accused of homosexuality”.
Women accused of adultery have been killed by stoning by the Islamist Jabhat Fateh al-Sham group, while homosexual men were thrown off a building by Jabhat al-Nusra jihadists, according to the report…..
briefly, that must have been very painful. I hope you are OK and your recovery goes well.
briefly @ #2526 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 12:33 am
Yes, I’m very sorry to hear that too.
Thanks Cameron and TOPF….I am in good hands now…. 🙂
Putin gets the reaction he wants on the eve of the sham-elections in neo-Tsarist, martially-led Russia.
Corbyn does the impossible – makes Theresa May appear like she knows what she’s doing.
He is an incorrigible old Comm….totally useless.
Sorry to read of your injury Briefly.
Putin has played the Brits exquisitely.
I doubt May knows what she is doing.
She’s using fear as her weapon.
LONDON (Reuters) – Britain’s third biggest company Unilever (ULVR.L) (UNc.AS) picked Rotterdam over London for its main headquarters on Thursday in a blow to Prime Minister Theresa May’s government a year before Brexit.
I loved all that Ninja stuff as a kid.
Also loved F Troop.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
David Crowe does a better job of explaining the effects of Labor’s blunt instrument on the bottom end of town. If Shorten doesn’t come out soon with some definitive remedy the rot will have set in.
Tony Wright questions the timing of Shorten’s announcement just before the Batman byelection.
Phil Coorey on how Shorten is responding to the criticism on his tax policy. Google.
Eryk Bagshaw also looks at the response.
Peter Hartcher tells us why Australia joining ASEAN is a great idea.
Laura Tingle thinks about the issues in play for Batman and South Australian elections. Google.
Michelle Grattan writes that Shorten is scoring own goals on tax and Adani with Batman ‘soft’ voters.
Dave Donavan tells us that a s the next election approaches, we can look forward to months of painful smears, scare-campaigns and subtly racist dog-whistling as the Coalition look to rescue their teetering Government from the abyss.,11298
Russia is set to retaliate to May’s expulsion of 23 of its “diplomats”.
And relations between France and Saudi Arabia are somewhat fraught too.
The Commonwealth Bank has admitted the commissions it pays to mortgage brokers can incentivise them to sell risky mortgages to CBA customers, but it does not want to stop the practice until other banks stop it too. I watched Counsel Assisting an His Honour dismantle the CBA guy. It was good viewing.
The ACCC has urged Australians to change their bank after finding the biggest banks are slugging loyal customers. Google.
The US has issued financial sanctions against two major Russian intelligence agencies along with a St Petersburg-based “troll farm” and other Russian citizens and businesses as part of the ongoing probe into election interference.
Michael Koziol on Dutton wanting a refugee intake of white South African farmers.
Michaelia Cash might g=have to front the court over the AFP raid on the CFMEU. Wouldn’t it be luverly!
Andrew Leigh on the use of randomised trials for policy and law development.
The delays in processing visas for PhD students as the Home Affairs department conducts national security checks has emerged as the latest point of diplomatic tension between Australia and China.
A nice contribution from Kerri Sackville who fully accepts that bad things can happen to good people. But when good things happen to bad people, she feels completely enraged.
This school principal writes about the role of schools in preventing violence and bullying.
Articulate US teenagers could finally force action on gun control.
To update our institutions to reflect modern realities, the Senate should be elected by regions, not states, writes Aman Gaur.,11297
An anaesthetist explains why he is so concerned about BUPA’s recent changes. I am a BUPA member and not happy about it.
Jenna Price has a big spit at the huge salaries and bonuses payed to a lot of executives.
The future of Toys ‘R’ Us in Australia is uncertain with about 2700 local jobs at risk if a new owner cannot be found, following the American retail giant’s decision to shut up shop in the United States and Britain.
Did it come about as a result of getting into bed with Amazon 18 years ago?
Scott Ludlam writes “Our authoritarian government has turned up the heat. But we can still fight back.”
Cardinal George Pell has been accused in court of alleged abuse during a water skiing trip in rural Victoria.
Michael West with an insight into yesterday’s grilling of ExxonMobil Australia by a Senate Committee. Kimberley Kitching was in good form by the look of it.
All is not well at this Liberal incubator.
The intent of stalled legislation being pushed by the federal government is clear – to weaken the capacity of charities, particularly environmental groups, to oppose government excesses. Dr Kyla Tienhaara and Professor John Dryzek explain.
Stephen Hawking won accolades from his peers for having one of the most brilliant minds in science, but he never got a Nobel Prize because no one has yet proven his ideas.
Cartoon Corner
Something special from David Rowe.

Peter Broelman lines up the Uber Tuber over the white South African farmers.
Five more from Matt Golding.
Glen Le Lievre’s view of the White House.
Mark Knight farewells Stephen Hawking.
Trump’s gullibility.
And his vanity.
More Kill Bill from Zanetti.
John Shakespeare and Gladys.
US students taking on the NRA.
Jon Kudelka and Shorten’s tax problem.
You’ll find some more in here.
New thread.
BK @ #2537 Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 6:19 am
Gotcha, again!
steve 777 “had the question been asked, Ciobo would most likely have blathered and angrily attacked the interviewer, accusing him of hating white South Africans. The interviewer probably would have been investigated, exposed if there was anything to expose, attacked in Parliament and in the Murdoch crapsheets and forced to resign if an excuse couldn’t be found to sack him. That’s why the question wasn’t asked”
Presumably you were only being partly serious here, but Jesus thats stupid steve.
Big A Adrian (AnonBlock)
Friday, March 16th, 2018 – 7:27 am
Comment #2540
Presumably you were only being partly serious here, but Jesus thats stupid steve.
Oh is it?
Seems to be a pattern here.
@We want Paul.
“Surely when I read a tweet that says the Greens are opposing the end of the zero tax cash back rort?”
Maybe don’t believe every tweet you read.
The Greens have flagged that they wish to see safeguards to protect this from impacting pensioners (the vast majority of people impacted are ‘self funded’ retirees who do not qualify for the pension, but a smaller number are eligible for the partial or full pension. These pensioners would represent only a small fraction of the savings to the government from the scheme as they can’t have much stock related income and keep their pension)
Labor came out in agreement with the need to protect pensioners a few hours later.
This furious agreement between Labor and the Greens has sparked quite a bit of describing of the Greens as evil by the usual suspects.
Gawd Corbyn has come out saying don’t rush to judgement on Russian guilt. He really is the Manchurian candidate.
Next he’s going to say the spy poisoning is just a case of bad sushi.
Not looking good for SA Labor. The Libs spoiler X did his job. Still hoping tho.
X did not wi n his seat. Sucked in fleabag.