Labor slips back a point in this week’s reading of the Essential Research fortnightly average, from 54-46 to 53-47, although this is to do with a particularly weak result for the Coalition a fortnight ago washing out of the result, rather than a turn in their favour this week. On the primary vote, the Coalition is up a point to 36%, Labor is steady on 37%, One Nation is steady on 10%, and the Greens are down one to 8%. Other findings are that 49% disapprove of Donald Trump’s self-styled Muslim ban, with only 36% in favour. At least some of this would appear to be down to questions of implementation, as the gap is narrower on the question of whether Australia should do something similar, with 41% in support and 46% opposed. Fifty-three per cent agree with the Prime Minister’s position that it is not his job to comment, versus 36% who disagree. Other questions relate to technology use, including a finding that 50% say technological change is making lives better, with 25% opting for worse.
Essential Research: 53-47 to Labor
A slight move back to the Coalition in this week’s Essential Research poll, which also gauges support for Donald Trump’s “Muslim ban”.
I don’t think we will know how the ON factor will play out until we see a few elections when voters have to make real choices about primary and preference allocations. Although this new version of ON has a bit of a different feel about it. It doesn’t appear to be as single focused as it was in the 90’s.
DWH, assuming ON are still there after a few elections.
This afternoon, door-knocking for Labor, I approached a rather largish, modern and well-finished house situated on the top of a hill. The house would be worth a million or more. The driveway accommodated four shiny, newish luxury and/or heavy 4WD vehicles. They would be worth at least a quarter-mill. So this was an affluent looking household with a charming view across the valley.
I knocked on the front door and a gent, around my age, dressed in shorts and a tee-shirt answered. I introduced myself and told him the I wanted to introduce the Labor candidate. I offered him the red-and-white coloured Labor flyer with a pic of Mark MacGowan and the candidate. He smiled and took the form. He read it and shook it up and down, firmly. I told him the essential facts about the candidate. I said to him that if he had a mind to change the Government, then the candidate would make an excellent advocate for the local area; that the election was an important one.
He smiled again. He looked at the form again. He said “Thank you for coming. I appreciate it. Thanks. They (the Government) sure need shaking up this time. He smiled once more and read the form for a third or fourth time, taking in the names and the text.”
This bloke, not a natural Labor voter in the past, not a ON voter, will vote Labor on March 11.
El Guapo true they may die like they did before but I don’t think they will get assistance from the legal process like they did before.
My new Android media box is on its way to me. Together with a VPN, I will be able to stream ABC and other Australian TV.
I realise it may not be worth it but I currently have over 400 channels and nothing to watch, OK BBC news is alright and sometimes Nat Geo has interesting stuff on.
My wife is pining for the Australian media.
I don’t suppose anyone is interested in my 100Mbs internet speed?
One from Mark Kenny: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and ministers were told wind not to blame for South Australia blackout.
It also has a great Matt Golding cartoon.
I assume Mark Kenny’s article was deliberately timed for release @9PM Sunday night before Parliament resumes in the morning.
b.c. @ #2975 Sunday, February 12, 2017 at 11:49 pm
Thanks for your reply. So once you include the headers, we are back where we started many long years ago, when error correction took up a lot of bandwidth, and it was common then to assume that ten bits would be needed for one byte to correct for noisy lines. We are back to that bottom line.
Ctari and BC : The article sounds like Ben Oquist at the Australia Institute actually wrote the article and then sent it to Kenny.
Further to my comment above, it also means this:
That if the file itself is 8 MB, I am going to use up 10 MB of data from my ISP in uploading or downloading it.
Which is one of the reasons that too much bandwidth is never enough.
However there is the added complication of ZIP files commonly used in email attachments, which compress the data to some extent.
Don’t be deceived – put Liberal last!
Could be. It’ll be interesting to see if it gains any traction.
New thread.
The Libs caught out. It was not a case of stupid ignorance but a deliberate miss-representation of the facts:
Elijah Cummings Asks The One Question That Could Bring Down Trump As White House Crisis Grows
Rep Cummings asked the key question. Did Trump direct Flynn to talk to the Russians? What did the president know, and when did he know it?
Russia has always been the dark cloud over Trump’s presidency. Every top member of his administration has now been dragged into the scandal by publicly making false statements about Flynn’s conversations with the Russian ambassador.
Republicans in Congress have no stomach for Trump’s cozying up to Russia, and if there is one issue that is capable of inspiring a bipartisan Congressional investigation, it is Trump’s potential collusion with Russia.
The Russia scandal has been a steady drip, drip, drip of information that the Trump administration has been unable to stop. All of those little drips of info are combining to form a tidal wave that will have the power to sweep Trump and the Republican Party out of power.
Elected officials are asking the right questions. The next step is getting the answers.
Good morning Dawn Patrollers.
Here’s the latest contribution from Urban Wronski that gets right into the week’s disastrous performance by the government.
Ross Gittins writes that Reserve Bank governor Dr Philip Lowe’s economic policy to-do list for 2017 contains a lot more implied criticism of the Turnbull government’s weak performance than it has suited some in the national press to report.–dr-philip-lowe-gently-reproves-turnbulls-failings-20170211-guaoqp.html
The SMH editorial says that Turnbull’s jobs strategy lies on precarious foundations.
Greg Jericho writes that From wanting to raise the Newstart eligibility age from 22 to 25, to inaction on climate change, the government gambles that young people can’t hurt it. As usual he makes a solid argument.
The decision by the Western Australian Liberals to do a preference deal with One Nation will bring some ripples for Malcolm Turnbull says Michelle Grattan.
NSW the hottest place in the world. who would have thought it?
If this scoop from Mark Kenny is true, which it appears to be, it is a bloody disgrace! The emperor will have no clothes.
The Australian Energy Regulator is investigating spiralling wholesale energy prices in South Australia, NSW and Queensland during last week’s heat wave as pressure continues on French-owned Engie to explain why it refused to bring its second unit at the Pelican Point power plant online on Wednesday to avoid blackouts. Google.
Michael West says that the AMEO is flying under the radar . . . for now.
An unlikely coalition of electricity suppliers, business groups and environmentalists is calling on politicians on all sides to ditch their “partisan antics” and work together to create a reliable, affordable and clean energy system. The trouble is that there are other powerful forces such as the mining lobby that don’t want to see it happen.
Section 2 . . .
Al Franken has repeated his contention that some of his fellow senators think Donald Trump is “not right mentally”.
The ratings are in, and they are bad news for President Trump. Alec Baldwin’s Trump impression is so popular that it led the program to six-year ratings high and easily bested the ratings for the episode that Trump guest hosted in 2015.
George Williams puts it to us that we are not at all prepared for our own version of Donald Trump. It all comes down to the absence of a bill of rights.
Actor Alec Baldwin’s infamous Saturday Night Live impression of Donald Trump has tricked a national newspaper into thinking he was the US President. That’s so funny!
Stephen Koukoulas says that if low unemployment is a policy goal than Australia isn’t doing too well.
Bankwest is set to rock the $1 trillion mortgage market and more than 1.5 million property investors by axing negative gearing benefits that drive lucrative residential property investment, particularly in Melbourne and Sydney. This will set the cat amongst the pigeons! Google.
Adele Ferguson doubles down on Domino’s Pizza.
New polling suggests 71% of people would look more favourably on the Turnbull government if it allowed a free vote on same-sex marriage instead of holding a plebiscite, including 64% who lean to voting Liberal. Come on Malcolm show is that you’ve REALLY grown a pair!
The British government’s plans for the visit are in crisis after a possible address to both houses of parliament was controversially vetoed by Commons Speaker John Bercow.
Section 3 . . .
Trump is undermining the fight against corruption.
More from Mark Kenny writing that a new push for a full-scale probe into the Australian banking sector is set to test the resolve of key Nationals agitators and the Labor opposition – both have campaigned hard against poor bank behaviour, and promised to back a royal commission if given a chance.
Tim Dick examines why small-l liberals are moving to the right.
The Paul Hogan miniseries has been well and truly panned.
Meryl Streep cuts loose at Trump again.
An obviously angry Amanda Vanstone says that “Cory Bernardi’s future doesn’t look too good. To start with he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer.”
Jess Irvine unpacks the proposed new childcare arrangements.
Fear and panic have gripped America’s immigrant community as reports circulate that federal agents have become newly aggressive under US President Donald Trump, who campaigned for office with a vow to create a “deportation force”.
Households face a price hike of nearly 20 per cent on internet servic¬es, on average, as they are required to sign up to the National Broadband Network when it arrives in their neighbourhood and the ¬existing service is switched off. Critics of the mixed-technology NBN say that a reliance on Telstra¬’s copper is likely to leave many homes paying more for a sub-standard service. Google.
Coles might think they have a shoplifting problem, but really they have a customer relations problem: they are cutting customer service in the pursuit of profits and customers are pushing back.
Section 4 . . . with Cartoon Corner
This 92 year old mother whose daughter was a victim of child sexual abuse and ended up suiciding wants here pound of flesh from the Catholic church. Google.
This account of the day in the life of a GP in the light of the Medicare rebate freeze makes worthwhile reading.
Matt Golding and Turnbull’s treatment of informed advice.

David Rowe takes us to court with Carpenter and his ugly new squeeze. Plenty of nipples on show again.
Matt Knight welcomes the stricken cruise liner to Melbourne.
In light of Mark Kenny’s revelations above this effort from Bill Leak is an egregious slur.
Here is a working link to the SNL segment with Trump in the People’s Court.
The key problem is neoliberal organisation of electricity supply: