Victorian upper house preference tickets

The preference arrangements for the Victorian Legislative Council demystified, to the extent that that’s possible.

The group voting ticket preferences for the Victorian election are now available, although not in a terribly straightforward way. The Victorian Electoral Commission has published them as an unwieldy XML file in lieu of something more user-friendly which will be up tomorrow, although Daniel Beratis in comments has been able to locate files on their site which display them in ballot paper form. However, a more user-friendly option is available courtesy of Antony Green, who has the preferences listed in order on PDFs.

Over the next hour or two, I will be progressively performing my usual trick of detailing the effective preference orderings for each party in each region, which is to say that candidates certain to win (usually but not always the top two on the Labor and Coalition tickets) will be excluded from consideration. At the time I write this I only have Eastern Metropolitan to offer, but the others will be added progressively in alphabetical order (UPDATE: All done now). This is a complex business, so if you see any errors, please let me know.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Liberal and Labor candidates.

Voluntary Euthanasia: Liberal Democratic; Sex Party; Cyclists; Greens; Animal Justice; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Rise Up Australia; Country Alliance; DLP; Palmer United; Liberal; Family First; Labor; Australian Christians.
Liberal: Australian Christians; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; DLP; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Greens.
Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Australian Christians; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Family First; Liberal; Country Alliance; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Labor.
Liberal Democratic: Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; People Power; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Labor; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Family First: Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Palmer United; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Labor; People Power; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Animal Justice; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
Sex Party: Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Cyclists; People Power; Greens; Labor; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
DLP: Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; People Power; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Labor; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens.
Rise Up Australia: Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Labor; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Palmer United; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; Greens.
Country Alliance: Liberal; Family First; DLP; Australian Christians; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Greens: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Labor; People Power; Palmer United; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Labor: Cyclists; Sex Party; Greens; People Power; Animal Justice; Country Alliance; DLP; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Australian Christians: Liberal; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Palmer United; People Power; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; People Power; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Shooters And Fishers: Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Cyclists; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Sex Party; Liberal; Labor; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Greens.
People Power: Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Family First; Voluntary Euthanasia; Country Alliance; Sex Party; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Labor; Greens; Palmer United.
Cyclists: Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Sex Party; Family First; DLP; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Animal Justice; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Rise Up Australia.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Coalition and first Labor candidates.

Voluntary Euthanasia: Liberal Democratic; Sex Party; Greens; Shooters And Fishers; Cyclists; People Power; Animal Justice; DLP; Family First; Labor; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Coalition; Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians.
Liberal Democratic: Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Family First; People Power; Coalition; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Labor; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Sex Party: Animal Justice; Shooters And Fishers; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; Liberal Democratic; Greens; People Power; Labor; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Coalition; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Greens: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; People Power; Palmer United; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Coalition; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Shooters And Fishers: Palmer United; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Cyclists; People Power; Sex Party; Family First; Voluntary Euthanasia; Coalition; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens.
Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; Coalition; Australian Christians; Greens; Labor; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Family First; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance.
Rise Up Australia: Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; DLP; Country Alliance; Family First; People Power; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Palmer United; Cyclists; Greens.
Coalition: Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Family First; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; DLP; Sex Party; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens.
Labor: Country Alliance; People Power; Cyclists; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Animal Justice; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Coalition; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Australian Christians: Shooters And Fishers; Rise Up Australia; DLP; Coalition; Family First; People Power; Country Alliance; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Family First: Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Coalition; Labor; People Power; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; People Power; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens; Labor; Coalition; Palmer United; Family First; DLP; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
DLP: Shooters And Fishers; Rise Up Australia; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Family First; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Coalition; Labor; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens.
People Power: Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; DLP; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; Family First; Cyclists; Sex Party; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Labor; Coalition; Palmer United.
Cyclists: Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Sex Party; Animal Justice; Greens; DLP; Labor; Coalition; Country Alliance; People Power; Palmer United; Australian Christians; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Country Alliance: Liberal Democratic; Coalition; DLP; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Labor; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Labor and first Liberal candidates.

Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll: Sex Party; Peter Allan; Greens; Animal Justice; Voice For The West; Family First; Cyclists; Labor; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Australian Christians; Palmer United; People Power; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Liberal.
Shooters And Fishers: Sex Party; People Power; Family First; Rise Up Australia; DLP; Cyclists; Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Palmer United; Peter Allan; Liberal; Labor; Animal Justice; Voice For The West; Greens.
Liberal: Family First; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Palmer United; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Voluntary Euthanasia; Labor; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; Peter Allan; Greens.
Cyclists: People Power; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Peter Allan; Voluntary Euthanasia; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voice For The West; Greens; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Family First; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance.
Australian Christians: People Power; Family First; Liberal; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Country Alliance; Voice For The West; Labor; Peter Allan; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
Rise Up Australia: Family First; People Power; DLP; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Liberal Democratic; Voice For The West; Peter Allan; Labor; Animal Justice; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Palmer United; Sex Party; Cyclists; Greens.
Animal Justice: Peter Allan; People Power; Voice For The West; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Cyclists; Greens; Family First; Labor; Country Alliance; Liberal; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Australian Christians; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Family First: Peter Allan; People Power; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Voice For The West; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Animal Justice; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Cyclists; Liberal; Labor; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
DLP: People Power; Family First; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Voice For The West; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Peter Allan; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens; Sex Party.
Vote 1 Local Jobs: Family First; DLP; Country Alliance; Peter Allan; Sex Party; Voice For The West; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Cyclists; Palmer United; Animal Justice; Liberal; Labor; Greens.
Country Alliance: Family First; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Voice For The West; Sex Party; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Peter Allan; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal; Cyclists; Labor; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Liberal Democratic: Sex Party; People Power; Family First; Voice For The West; Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Peter Allan; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Cyclists; Labor; Liberal; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Greens: Sex Party; Animal Justice; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Peter Allan; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Voluntary Euthanasia; Labor; Palmer United; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Peter Allan: Animal Justice; People Power; Voice For The West; Sex Party; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Greens; Cyclists; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Labor; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Country Alliance; Family First; Australian Christians; Liberal; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Rise Up Australia.
Palmer United: Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Cyclists; Liberal; Greens; Labor; Voice For The West; People Power; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia; Peter Allan; Animal Justice; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Liberal Democratic; Sex Party; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Australian Christians.
People Power: Peter Allan; Animal Justice; Family First; Voice For The West; DLP; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal; Greens; Labor; Palmer United; Sex Party.
Voice For The West: Peter Allan; People Power; Animal Justice; Family First; Voluntary Euthanasia; DLP; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Rise Up Australia; Palmer United; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Liberal.
Voluntary Euthanasia: Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Voice For The West; Greens; Peter Allan; Palmer United; Labor; People Power; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia; Family First; DLP; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Cyclists; Australian Christians.
Sex Party: Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Peter Allan; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Greens; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal; Country Alliance; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Family First
Labor: Sex Party; People Power; Voice For The West; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Greens; Country Alliance; DLP; Animal Justice; Basics Rock ‘N’ Roll; Cyclists; Family First; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Peter Allan; Voluntary Euthanasia; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Coalition and first Labor candidates.

DLP: Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Coalition; Labor; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Greens.
Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; Coalition; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Greens; Labor; Sex Party; Family First; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; DLP.
Sex Party: Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Greens; Labor; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Coalition; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Shooters And Fishers: Palmer United; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; People Power; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Cyclists; Coalition; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens.
Family First: Country Alliance; Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Palmer United; Coalition; Labor; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Sex Party.
Cyclists: Sex Party; Shooters And Fishers; Animal Justice; Liberal Democratic; Greens; Country Alliance; Labor; Coalition; People Power; Family First; DLP; Palmer United; Rise Up Australia.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; Sex Party; People Power; Greens; Labor; Coalition; Family First; Palmer United; DLP; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Country Alliance: Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Coalition; People Power; DLP; Sex Party; Family First; Labor; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Coalition: Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Palmer United; DLP; Sex Party; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Greens.
Greens: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; People Power; Palmer United; Labor; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia.
People Power: Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Animal Justice; Cyclists; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Greens; Family First; Sex Party; Labor; Coalition; Palmer United.
Liberal Democratic: Country Alliance; Sex Party; Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Family First; People Power; Rise Up Australia; Coalition; Cyclists; Labor; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Rise Up Australia: Country Alliance; DLP; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Sex Party; Cyclists; Greens.
Labor: Country Alliance; Palmer United; Greens; Cyclists; Animal Justice; People Power; Sex Party; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Coalition; Rise Up Australia.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Coalition and Labor candidates.

Sex Party: Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Labor; People Power; Liberal; Palmer United; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Australian Christians: Rise Up Australia; DLP; Liberal; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Cyclists; Palmer United; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
Labor: People Power; Sex Party; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens; Cyclists; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Voluntary Euthanasia: Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Greens; Animal Justice; Labor; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; DLP; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Family First; Palmer United.
Animal Justice: People Power; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Family First; DLP; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
DLP: Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; People Power; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Labor; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens.
Rise Up Australia: Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; DLP; People Power; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Labor; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Palmer United; Cyclists; Greens.
People Power: Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; DLP; Australian Christians; Family First; Cyclists; Shooters And Fishers; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United.
Family First: Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Liberal; People Power; Cyclists; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party.
Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Animal Justice; Greens; Liberal; Labor; Cyclists; Sex Party; People Power; Rise Up Australia; Family First; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal Democratic.
Cyclists: People Power; Greens; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Sex Party; Liberal; Palmer United; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Liberal: Australian Christians; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; DLP; Sex Party; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Greens.
Liberal Democratic: Voluntary Euthanasia; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; People Power; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Shooters And Fishers: Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; DLP; People Power; Australian Christians; Palmer United; Family First; Sex Party; Liberal; Labor; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Greens.
Greens: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; People Power; Palmer United; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Coalition and top Labor candidates.

Australian Christians: Rise Up Australia; DLP; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Family First; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Labor; Clive Jackson; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
DLP: Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Labor; Palmer United; Clive Jackson; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens.
Liberal Democratic: Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Cyclists; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; Australian Christians; Labor; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Rise Up Australia: Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Liberal; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Labor; Animal Justice; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Palmer United; Cyclists; Greens.
Cyclists: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Sex Party; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Country Alliance; People Power; Greens; Labor; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Australian Christians; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Rise Up Australia.
Clive Jackson: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia; Greens; People Power; Family First; Palmer United; half Labor, half Liberal; Country Alliance; DLP; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic.
Greens: Cyclists; Animal Justice; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Labor; People Power; Palmer United; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
People Power: Cyclists; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Animal Justice; DLP; Australian Christians; Country Alliance; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Voluntary Euthanasia; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Palmer United; Labor; Greens; Sex Party.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; People Power; Voluntary Euthanasia; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Country Alliance; Liberal; Palmer United; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Australian Christians; Family First; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Sex Party: Voluntary Euthanasia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Cyclists; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Greens; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; Palmer United; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Voluntary Euthanasia: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Greens; Animal Justice; People Power; Clive Jackson; Rise Up Australia; DLP; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Country Alliance; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal.
Labor: Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Sex Party; People Power; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Greens; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Voluntary Euthanasia; Clive Jackson; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Shooters And Fishers: Sex Party; Cyclists; Australian Christians; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Clive Jackson; People Power; Family First; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Voluntary Euthanasia; Liberal; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens.
Family First: Australian Christians; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Palmer United; Liberal; Labor; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Clive Jackson; People Power; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Country Alliance: People Power; DLP; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Labor; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Palmer United: Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Greens; Labor; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; DLP; Voluntary Euthanasia.
Liberal: Australian Christians; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; People Power; Clive Jackson; Palmer United; DLP; Cyclists; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Voluntary Euthanasia; Animal Justice; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Luzio Grossi/Crystal James; Greens.
Luzio Grossi/Crystal James: Clive Jackson; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voluntary Euthanasia; People Power; Sex Party; Labor; Greens; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Family First; DLP; Rise Up Australia.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Labor and top Coalition candidates.

Greens: Voice For The West; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; Labor; People Power; Palmer United; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
People Power: Voice For The West; DLP; Animal Justice; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Liberal; Labor; Greens; Palmer United.
Liberal Democratic: People Power; DLP; Voice For The West; Sex Party; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Greens; Labor; Palmer United; Animal Justice.
Voice For The West: DLP; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Rise Up Australia; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Sex Party; Greens; Labor; Liberal.
Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; Animal Justice; Australian Christians; People Power; Greens; Liberal; Labor; Cyclists; Sex Party; Country Alliance; Voice For The West; Family First; Rise Up Australia; Liberal Democratic; DLP.
Country Alliance: DLP; Voice For The West; Liberal Democratic; Liberal; People Power; Australian Christians; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; Sex Party; Labor; Cyclists; Rise Up Australia; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Australian Christians: DLP; Rise Up Australia; Liberal; Family First; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Voice For The West; Country Alliance; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party.
Labor: Voice For The West; Greens; Sex Party; Cyclists; Country Alliance; Palmer United; People Power; DLP; Animal Justice; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Cyclists: Greens; Voice For The West; Sex Party; Labor; Animal Justice; DLP; Liberal Democratic; People Power; Liberal; Family First; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; Rise Up Australia.
Sex Party: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voice For The West; People Power; Greens; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; People Power; Sex Party; Greens; Voice For The West; Labor; Palmer United; Liberal; DLP; Family First; Australian Christians; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Family First: Voice For The West; DLP; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Palmer United; Liberal; Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Labor; Greens; Sex Party.
Liberal: Family First; Australian Christians; Voice For The West; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; People Power; Palmer United; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Sex Party; Cyclists; Labor; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; Greens.
Shooters And Fishers: DLP; People Power; Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Sex Party; Liberal; Greens; Labor; Animal Justice.
DLP: Voice For The West; Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Labor; Liberal; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Greens.
Rise Up Australia: DLP; Australian Christians; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Voice For The West; Liberal; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Sex Party; Cyclists; Greens.


Excluded from consideration: the top two Labor and Coalition candidates.

Palmer United: Shooters And Fishers; People Power; Australian Christians; Cyclists; Greens; Coalition; Labor; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; Sex Party; Family First; Voice For The West; Country Alliance; Liberal Democratic; Vote 1 Local Jobs; DLP.
Family First: Vote 1 Local Jobs; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Coalition; Australian Christians; DLP; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers; Voice For The West; Cyclists; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Animal Justice; Labor; Greens; Sex Party.
Cyclists: Greens; Sex Party; Voice For The West; Labor; Animal Justice; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Coalition; Palmer United; Family First; Country Alliance; Rise Up Australia; Australian Christians; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Vote 1 Local Jobs.
Voice For The West: Greens; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Family First; Country Alliance; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Palmer United; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Sex Party; Coalition; Labor.
Country Alliance: Vote 1 Local Jobs; DLP; Voice For The West; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Coalition; People Power; Australian Christians; Sex Party; Cyclists; Labor; Rise Up Australia; Animal Justice; Palmer United; Greens.
Rise Up Australia: DLP; Australian Christians; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Voice For The West; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; Labor; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Palmer United; Cyclists; Greens.
Sex Party: Animal Justice; Voice For The West; Shooters And Fishers; Cyclists; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Greens; Labor; Coalition; Palmer United; People Power; Liberal Democratic; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; DLP; Family First; Rise Up Australia.
Australian Christians: DLP; Rise Up Australia; Coalition; Family First; People Power; Shooters And Fishers; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Voice For The West; Country Alliance; Labor; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Greens; Sex Party.
People Power: DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Animal Justice; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Family First; Liberal Democratic; Voice For The West; Cyclists; Sex Party; Coalition; Labor; Greens; Palmer United.
Coalition: Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Australian Christians; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Country Alliance; People Power; Palmer United; Voice For The West; DLP; Sex Party; Liberal Democratic; Cyclists; Labor; Animal Justice; Rise Up Australia; Greens.
Animal Justice: Cyclists; People Power; Sex Party; Greens; Voice For The West; Labor; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; DLP; Australian Christians; Country Alliance; Palmer United; Family First; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Rise Up Australia; Shooters And Fishers.
Liberal Democratic: Shooters And Fishers; DLP; Country Alliance; Sex Party; Family First; Voice For The West; People Power; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; Cyclists; Labor; Coalition; Palmer United; Greens; Animal Justice.
Shooters And Fishers: Palmer United; Country Alliance; DLP; Liberal Democratic; Australian Christians; People Power; Rise Up Australia; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Family First; Sex Party; Coalition; Labor; Animal Justice; Greens.
Labor: DLP; Country Alliance; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Palmer United; Sex Party; People Power; Greens; Animal Justice; Cyclists; Voice For The West; Liberal Democratic; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Coalition; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
Greens: Animal Justice; Cyclists; Vote 1 Local Jobs; Sex Party; Voice For The West; People Power; Palmer United; Labor; Coalition; Liberal Democratic; Family First; DLP; Shooters And Fishers; Country Alliance; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia.
DLP: Vote 1 Local Jobs; Country Alliance; Shooters And Fishers; Australian Christians; Rise Up Australia; People Power; Voice For The West; Family First; Liberal Democratic; Coalition; Labor; Palmer United; Cyclists; Animal Justice; Sex Party; Greens.
Vote 1 Local Jobs: DLP; Country Alliance; Shooters And Fishers; Family First; Sex Party; Voice For The West; People Power; Cyclists; Australian Christians; Liberal Democratic; Palmer United; Rise Up Australia; Animal Justice; Labor; Coalition; Greens.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

95 comments on “Victorian upper house preference tickets”

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  1. Slav G,

    Labor said there where not going to be any “deal” with the Greens, they would preference how they want. As it turns out ALP and GRN preferenced each other without an official deal, so the big picture is all good.

    Actually, ALP preferenced GRN higher than GRN preferenced ALP in every region.

    The new issue is that Greens dont like that ALP preferenced some parties with religious affiliations before them, but dont think its an issue that the GRN party preference a coal baron (PUP) ahead of the ALP.

    I wish greens where about more than headlines.

  2. bug1@51

    The new issue is that Greens dont like that ALP preferenced some parties with religious affiliations before them, but dont think its an issue that the GRN party preference a coal baron (PUP) ahead of the ALP.

    I wish greens where about more than headlines.

    It’s not only the coal thing but also that PUP are demonstrably hopeless at candidate-screening, so when you preference them you never know what kind of xenophobe, homophobe, scientophobe (etc) you’ve preferenced. I’d prefer there was an ALP/Lib/Grn consensus that PUP is an invalid political project and to be preferenced out of existence.

  3. Voted today.

    The VEC official was quite careful to explain the OPV in the upper house. I wonder if, on election day, they will have the time to do the same.

  4. Kevin,

    All PUP is doing is filling that BOP void that the Greens have vacated. The Greens think they are a legitimate alternative to the major Parties. The reality is that is just their dream.

    PUP despite all the abuse are doing what traditional BOP parties have done in the past. Knock the hard edges off the Government’s legislation. But, still respecting their mandate to implement policies that they were elected on.

    The Democrats did this all the time.

  5. 52

    I am not a Palmer fan but name one case of Palmer and the PUP Senators have make a policy decision worse than an extra 4 Coalition Senators or 4 extra random crossbench Senators would have?

    He is softer on refugees and welfare and hates Rupert and the Coalition. So he is not beyond preferencability. The voters will tire of him eventually, if he does not tire of politics first.

  6. 54

    How many times did the Democrats win lower house seats, in any Australian parliament, compared to the Greens?

    How many times did the Democrats come second in a lower house seat in any Australian parliament, compared to the Greens?

    How many upper house seats did the Democrats hold at any one time, compared to the Greens?

    The Greens are not a balance of power party, they are a real party on the rise. They are not looking to be a centrist take the edges of either side impartially party, which is what the Democrats were.

  7. It’s a very minor point but I also don’t think that the Lambie disaster is best described as a candidate screening problem given that she was already a candidate when she joined, it’s more like a marriage of convenience that was bound to end badly.

  8. The Democrats didn’t do enough at the grassroots level though and aimed at Federal level mostly. Don’t think they bothered much with the local government much.

  9. 59

    Unlike the Greens. To be fair, since the Democrats demise the Victorian Legislative Council has been switched to proportional representation which could have helped the Democrats win seats there, had it been done earlier.

    [Victorian election 2014: Palmer United Party candidate Jatinder Singh stands by 9/11 ‘conspiracy’ posts
    Nicholas Payne Herald Sun November 17, 2014 9:03PM

    PALMER United Party Upper House candidate Jatinder Singh has defended posting videos suggesting the US Government was involved in the September 11 attacks.

    Mr Singh recently tweeted the videos 9/11: A Conspiracy Theory and Revealed: The Men Who Own and Run the US Government, whichalleges a global banking conspiracy.

    Mr Singh said the videos were just his way of “sharing it out to show what the people are saying”.

    “It’s not my point of view — it’s not my opinion,” he said. “I just see something and I let the people decide.”

    He also posted the video Muslim Leaders Declare Aim of World Domination.

    The PUP candidate defected from the Australian Labor Party last year after he felt it “refused to listen to their local members”.

    But he said part of him still remained loyal to his former party.

    “I’m a Labor man,” Mr Singh said.

    “My heart is always Labor.”

    Mr Singh could be getting a promotion on the South Eastern Metropolitan ticket, after running mate Jason Kennedy was accused of being ineligible for candidacy due to an undisclosed criminal conviction in 1989.]

  11. Martin B@57

    It’s a very minor point but I also don’t think that the Lambie disaster is best described as a candidate screening problem given that she was already a candidate when she joined, it’s more like a marriage of convenience that was bound to end badly.

    Yes, this is debatable because we don’t know whether the problem is that PUP don’t do their research on candidates, or whether it is that they do their research thoroughly, find stuff they should care about, and then ignore it. Whatever it is it got them where they are now with Lambie, and it will keep happening if they keep winning seats.

    Lambie was already running but she was not the big deal she reckons she was. She was a rather obscure independent with a Facebook page and not a lot else. The Facebook page did apparently contain lots of anti-Islamic stuff, which was all scrubbed when she was endorsed by PUP.

    GG: Wang and Lazarus may be doing what you are saying but Lambie at present is not. She doesn’t care less about the “mandate” if it interferes with any of her pet hysterias.

    I would like to see BOP parties that are moderate but not if they are so dominated by a single person and so lacking in any defined ideology.

  12. I do wonder about Country Alliance and exactly what they stand for, their policy documents not being particularly expansive. They, on the face of it, look like a less aggressive version of Shooters and Fishers, and indeed seem to hold positions that conflict with Labor’s in terms of sustainable agriculture and hunting. I’m not entirely sure what they’ve done to curry favour with Labor, considering they have shown an ability to come close to winning seats in both houses at the last election. Not only that, their confidence is up so much that they’re running candidates in deep suburbia.

  13. [6 ALP no 2]

    Oddly specific. In my region it’s actually the No. 2 (Opposition Planning spokesperson) who is least accessible and no. 3 who is the most accessible (it’s a shame she won’t win, really). No 1 is active and amicable, and is the Opposition Whip.

  14. I think that it’s important for people to fill in as many preferences as they reasonably can, i.e. only leave blank your genuine last preference or anyone you don’t know enough about the allocate a preference. It’s important to preference candidates you don’t like if there are others you like even less. You never know who might survive to the last count, and by letting your vote exhaust you are giving effectively more power to the preference deals since the ATL votes are always still in play. Allocating a preference can only help that candidate once all your preferred ones have been elected or eliminated, which means it can only help them against someone you like even less, so if your vote exausted instead the outcome can only be the same or worse, it can’t be better.

  15. 67

    I do not think that the Country Alliance came anywhere near winning Shepparton, the seat they did best in. The National got 52.93% of the primaries and would have got many preferences with the distribution of preferences. Shepparton has also lost and gained significant proportion of the electorate since last time because of the abolition of Rodney at the redistribution.

    The CA are running in the Legislative Council in all regions, presumable this is to be in a better position for preference negotiations. This tactic would also be good for the Nats when they are not running in joint tickets.

  16. [You never know who might survive to the last count]

    I think you can safely say that, with the sole exception of the #2 Green in Northern Metro, no one from 2 down on non-ALP or Lib tickets will survive late into the count.

  17. Fair enough, but the point is that there is no real need to try and predict anything, you may as well just allocate preferences. If they never need to be used then no harm done.

  18. 75

    There is a fair chance of the Second Green in Southern Metro surviving all the minor and micro party and independent second and down candidates and even some of the first candidates, depending on preference flows and whether or not the first Green gets a surplus.

    Also in the non-metro regions, they are Lib-Nat joint tickets. When the Nationals were on separate tickets, they got a reasonable surplus in Northern Victoria.

  19. 77: it’s basically impossible for the second Green to get ahead of the first Sex candidate so it depends a bit on how late in the count we are referring to.

  20. Not a lot of state wide polling being published. Fairfax-Ipsos was taken a week and a half ago and there is only that amount of time before the election.

    A bad poll could be used by the Libs to create hysteria over the ALP getting unfettered power and the need to keep them in check. A good poll could be used to show Napthine is coming back. No polling suits the ALP I think as they are in front and the clock is running out.

  21. Work To Rule,
    I expected a Newspoll for Victoria in the last few days, its two weeks since their “Victorian Election – Survey One”.
    I assumed there will be a “Survey Two”, but, who knows with News Corpse…
    But to be fair, they did do a federal poll over the last weekend, so it seems logical now that “Survey Two” will be done this weekend before the election.

  22. RR @ 82

    Looks like they are already working that angle.

    Which does suggest the ALP made the right call not making a preference deal with the greens in order to blunt these sort of attacks.

    I think the Greens complaining about not automatically getting ALP prefs help energize their base but it also helps the ALP target the middle ground.

  23. Bugler – 70

    “You also assume all five Greens candidates are any good”.

    I guess there may be exceptions, but my impression is that Green candidates and pollies actually think it important to know something.

    They always seem to have done their research. For example, if, in the highly hypothetical case, any went on Alan Jones’ 2GB show, they would be sure to know who can buy land in China. There even could be a work ethic among them (an alarming thought, I admit).

    The Greens also are untouched by public scandal. Greg Barber used some of his TV time to make a telling point about “integrity”.

    What lets them down is the severe chromatic aberration in their lens (designed and built in the Frankfurt School?). However, they see it not as a bug, but a feature.

  24. [What lets them down is the severe chromatic aberration in their lens (designed and built in the Frankfurt School?). However, they see it not as a bug, but a feature.]

    Remember that chromatic aberration is caused by dispersion: when travelling through a medium the red gets there first, the blue is slow.

  25. Flash in the pan parties always have candidate problems: which is often difficult to separate from poor party discipline mechanisms, and the lack of a well-formed political program.

  26. Stanley,

    Well, the leader of any party should be well informed about a number of policy areas, bearing in mind Barber is No. 1 on the Greens ticket in their best performing region, not number 5 in their worst, which was kind of my point. Centaur was applying different standards of scrutiny to the ALP candidates than he was to the Greens candidates. The Number one on the ALP ticket would be under greater scrutiny as they actually hold a seat and presumably a portfolio (I don’t know to whom he refers).

    [They always seem to have done their research.]

    It would be stupid for anyone to go into an interview knowing what would be discussed and what they’re there to talk about and have nothing to contribute, let alone a politician whose job it is to be across these issues, and who have the possibility of losing their job by appearing to have no understanding of important issues. You could really say the same about any Liberal or Labor politician, who are more likely to be caught out due to performing considerably more interviews with a much greater breadth of policy to consider, and their interviews being given greater prominence. For better or worse, the media isn’t as interested in what Barber says as much as what the Opposition Leader and Premier say.

    [The Greens also are untouched by public scandal. Greg Barber used some of his TV time to make a telling point about “integrity”.]

    Their “integrity” has never really been tested as they’ve never held a position of great influence in the state. They don’t even hold the balance of power in the Council right now.

  27. Bugler I decided to read up about the Greens candidates 1-5, they all look and sound like reasonable people. Not a huge fan of Barber but so be it. And no there is no point to filling out a card past the first 10 or so. Why bother rating people you hate from those you hate more….nightmares like Fielding, Ricky, Lijdrsrfvwatever!!

  28. Stanley Baldwin@84

    Bugler – 70

    “You also assume all five Greens candidates are any good”.

    I guess there may be exceptions, but my impression is that Green candidates and pollies actually think it important to know something.

    They always seem to have done their research.

    You must have a different species of Green in Victoria then.

  29. centaur009@88

    ” Why bother rating people you hate from those you hate more….nightmares like Fielding, Ricky, Lijdrsrfvwatever!!”

    Because the last spots could come down to a contest between people you hate and people you hate more and by preferencing you still get a say. The only way you can effectively vote against someone is by allocating a higher preference to someone else.

  30. Unlike the 2013 Senate election the nexus between minor parties preference swaps is non-existent. Minor Parties are unlikely to be elected. Certainly not in Southern Metro.

    Stephen Mayne had a chance of being elected in Southern Metro as he was more likely to have secured minor party preference swaps before the flow on to other major parties.

  31. Parties running a full five candidate complement do so to take advantage of the Optional Preferential rule

    The Greens have no chance of electing two candidates in any region yet they have run five candidates.

    The candidate deposit should be increased to $5,000 per candidate. A party/group should only receive a deposit refund for one candidate for every 5% of the vote.

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