As I type, polling booths in South Australia are set to close at any tick of the clock. I do so from the studios of ABC Television in Adelaide, where I’ll be standing in for Antony Green, who spends the evening grappling with Tasmania’s high-maintenance electoral system. Obviously I won’t have much to offer in the way of live commentary on this site, but here’s a thread where you can call the toss as the results roll in.
South Australian election live
A thread for discussion of tonight’s South Australian election count as the results roll in.
Sky reporting exit polls 52-48 to Libs with 3% swing in marginals so easy Lib win.
Then again, they also said that last time.
[GhostWhoVotes @GhostWhoVotes 17m
#Newspoll SA Exit Poll Who will win: ALP 21 LIB 61 #savotes #auspol
That would be about 24-25 seats to the Libs, not counting Mt. Gambier. Wait and see, obviously, but that kinda is what my gut’s been telling me all day.
My gut’s been telling me “Tim Tams” all day. Let’s wait for NUMBERS.
As I said in the other thread… let’s remember Newspoll’s Federal Election exit poll, which had the LNP winning 97 seats and Griffith at 50/50…
I mean, I fully expect a Liberal Government one way or another… but Australia still isn’t really that good on exit polling.
All the best with your commentary on the ABC William!
To be quite honest, I’m more interested in the Legislative Council results than the House of Assembly ones.
Go Bilbo on Aunty.
I’m sure William had more hair last time I saw him.
Listen to ABC Radio coverage.
For what it is worth Liberal Jamie Briggs did not seem confident of the Liberals claiming Ashford but extremely confident of picking up Torrens.
Michael Atkinson seems to be a bit worried about Giles.
Well we know who is to blame for that.
Lots of insight from guests on ABC24 suggesting the close marginals are seats to watch. Who would’ve thought?
The SA ABC panel is way less tribal than the Tas ABC one. Green got the short straw on that front.
Watching Hamilton Smiths eyebrows is the only entertainment so far excluding William.
How come the ABC vote totals are going backwards?
Well, bad weather here is making my TV signal constantly cut out, so I might have to endure without the ABC hijinks
So did you!
I cannot stand Vicky Chapman, she just annoys me every and any time I hear her.
There used to be a tradition years ago where election night coverage was a time to just step away from partisan positions in the interests of informing the brewers
I think nick Minchin is one of the first I saw throw that in the bin and if has got worse since.
I imagine watching Abetz tonight will be even more stomach churning than usuall.
So did you!]
That’s true actually.
When I put on the TV and said to Mrs Diogenes (who has seen William once before) that William was on, she said which one is he. I replied the one whose hair looks like mine.
[I cannot stand Vicky Chapman, she just annoys me every and any time I hear her.]
Most people in the Liberal Party think the same.
Actually I find Minchin way more charming and with greater personality than Abetz.
Vicki Chapman sounds like one of those British Tories. You know the ones who think they’re aristocracy?
Yeah Minchin is charming, like a rattlesnake. Ask Malcolm turnbull.
I’ve met Minchin and he is actually quite pleasant. You’d never know how evil he is.
Experience has taught me it’s often the charming ones you have to be wary of. Minchin comes across as quite engaging and personable, despite having a ruthless, cunning undercurrent.
At least the discussion on the SA panel is a long more diplomatic as compared to the one of the Tasmanian panel. Abetz and O’Connor are at it.
What a shame for Jay!
The Federal factors and the unpopularity of Shorten was the extra bit of lead in the saddlebags that’s cost him a surprise win!
Everyone has their human side. Minchin quit politics after his son was badly injured in a boating accident. My former boss has a lot of respect for him. But he was the intellectual leader of climate denialism in the Liberal Party.
Minchin is the ultimate political powerbroker. A whatever it takes man. Labor isn’t the only party with them.
Yes rossmcg but only Labor assassinates first term Prime Ministers.
Seems much of the swing to the Libs has come from others, yet others are on track to win 2 seats.
If edwina wants to get on the table and dance, it may be a tad premature.
Minchin quit parliament, I doubt he has quit politics.
That is a pinch of a quote from the late Tony Benn.
Erica Betz,what a nasty piece of work he is.
On early votes the swing against the ALP is going to the Greens.
[But he was the intellectual leader of climate denialism in the Liberal Party.]
As well as the scientific evidence around exposure to second hand smoking and its manifest harmful effects.
I know I shouldn’t reply to you… Tories knife first term premiers and chief ministers
Early figures might be misleading but it seems we are not heading to the close election that Newspoll indicated, more of a Reachtel result election.
ESJ @ 31, you’re 2 and a half years early with that statement
Can anyone name any seats changing hands yet? The ECSA site is pretty useless so far,
Edi @38… on what grounds are you suggesting this?
It looks even closer than I was anticipating.
Portolesi and Fox GONE!
The ECSA website has crashed.
[Portolesi and Fox GONE!]
ABC says otherwise, no seats have changed so far. Get your knickers wet somewhere else if you wish to provide false facts on an election thread.
Interesting that the Green vote seems to be increasing, albeit slightly.
(Of course, there’s still plenty of time for that to change)
Silly ruawake k.c – hartley is there on abc website. Dont worry Bright is Gooorne to – itll show up shortly
According the ABC radio Hartley and Bright are down as losses . Also Tom Kenyon in trouble in his seat. Big swings in Mawson as well. Giles might be in trouble as well.
Colton update: 43.8% caica (alp) at Henley south booth. 38.1% Barrie (lib). Greens 10.2%. FF 2.2%.
Ed?? Edwina ?? St John
Only you could be stupid enough top think that Shorten could have any effect on the SA Election