ReachTEL has returned to the Victorian state polling game after a three-month diversion for the federal election, producing better results for the Napthine government than the recent Newspoll with primary votes of 43.4% for the Coalition (including 4.3% for the Nationals), 35.8% for Labor, 11.0% for the Greens, 5.8% for the Palmer United Party and 4.1% for others. Using preferences as per the 2010 election, and making no distinction between the Palmer United Party and the others vote, this translates as a 51-49 lead to the Coalition on two-party preferred. It was related in comments that Daniel Andrews nonetheless has a slight lead over Denis Napthine as preferred premier, which I take to have been 52.5-47.5. The poll also gauged opinion on the governments handling of education (11% very good, 22% good, 40% satisfactory, 15.5% poor, 11.5% very poor), health (6.3%, 18.7%, 30.6%, 21.1% and 23.4%) and transport (6%, 18.7%, 30.6%, 21.1% and 23.4%). Most of these numbers are courtesy of Generic Leftist on Twitter.
UPDATE: Full results, including approval ratings for Denis Napthine and more issues polling, here.
Saw Napthine on Wednesday, he looked in the pink, Premiership suits him.
What limited reporting there is on the antics of Victoria’s Parliament indicate that the Westminister system of Parliamentary democracy
– is being sorely tested
– has been redefined
What happens with Shaw and Smith as the knife edge Parliament is due for elections in November 2014
Daniel Andrews has a slight lead over Denis Napthine. Ballieu is no longer leader
Andrews as preferred premier!
I knew he’d do it; and it would take a while.
The Tories in Victoria just don’t know who to have in charge. Ted was a confused and pained mess, Napthine is too busy ensuring that the East-West tunnel remains a secret document whilst the parliament is in tatters.
Matthew Guy says “half of parliament” is talking to Geoff Shaw. He says it’s both sides, but I don’t know what Labor would be saying to him. I suggest it’s mostly the LNP half pleading and grovelling, and they would only be doing that if he hasn’t changed his mind on the Speaker.
In the Oz today Geoff Shaw says he still does not support Smith as Speaker, but he always does not support Labor’s tactics to disrupt parliament. He hasn’t decided what he will do. So, fun and games today at 2.00pm. You can get to the article via Google:
always => also