ReachTEL: 54-46 to LNP in Forde

It’s still early days in the life of Peter Beattie’s bid for federal parliament, but a ReachTEL poll suggests he is taking on a considerable challenge in contesting the marginal LNP seat of Forde.

A snap ReachTEL automated phone poll of Forde, conducted immediately after today’s big news, suggests Peter Beattie has his work cut out for him in overcoming the 1.6% Liberal National Party margin in the southern Brisbane fringe seat. The poll has LNP member Bert van Manen leading Beattie by 48.3% to 39.9% on the primary vote, and by 54-46 on two-party preferred. The sample size on the poll is 725.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

492 comments on “ReachTEL: 54-46 to LNP in Forde”

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  1. I think they took that picture in Sideshow Alley today. You have to put ping pong balls in their mouth to win a prize. Every child wins a prize.

  2. [guytaur
    Posted Thursday, August 8, 2013 at 10:58 pm | PERMALINK

    Google Tom Watson. Its that Labour MP]

    Abbott must be giggling himself to sleep tonight…..I know I am!

  3. centre

    the greens want to whitant labor – they think they are an alternative government. this is folly. they could have been an effective third party however their policies are not clear. the green/left thing does not quite work. and far toooo much emotionalism and knee jerk – the refugee policy is crazy bring down the border welcome the world stuff

  4. ML

    Yeah a victim of Murdochs phone hacking in the country is so going to work for Abbott with all that support Murdoch is giving Abbott

  5. ML

    [So let me get this straight:

    {…} Gillard was getting beaten by Abbott so they brought in Carr brushing an Aboriginal candidate aside]

    I left you to get this ‘straight’ but you mangled it. Oh dear …

  6. i dont hate greens or disagree with many policies however and very annoyed they are not up to job they have set themselves – it is a great tragedy – we need another third party simple as that (and it wont come from queensland red necks

  7. Whats the prize? Des Hardman on a stick or skewer… So what did Hardman get for stepping aside. A weekend at Edddie Obeide ‘s ski lodge…

  8. [ Abbott must be giggling himself to sleep tonight…..I know I am! ]
    you’ve been painting a rather alarming picture of yourself tonight mod lib

  9. SportsBet have been showing $1.20 Beattie and $4.00 LNP since this morning shortly after the news broke. It’s a logical reaction by the bookies which is why we have to take the ReachTel poll with some caution.

  10. So Forde is $1.22 Labor and $3.30 LNP and it’s a ‘Labor lock, don’t even bother’.

    But federally it’s $1.25 LNP and $4.20 Labor but it’s ‘still anyone’s game, the polls will turn’?

    I’d suggest all marginal seats are anyone’s game, and the entire election is anyone’s game.

    The pre-emptive popping the corks/suicidal tendencies in this place based on random polling is hilarious.

    Wait for the Nielsen and Galaxy on the weekend, and the Essential. Then you can start to gauge, good or bad.

  11. i think today went well beattie at least stopped to company tax gazump of lower interest rate – what other tricks in store by labor – enough memes going around to disquiet public – labor deserve resounding victory, a chance to govern without the scourge of msm/abbott litany of lies and bullying

  12. GUYTAUR354

    MOD LIB Knows who Tom Watson is the man who almost single handly brought down TA’s and way he is going on MOD LIB’s great supporter old Rupe over phone hacking in UK I am sorry to see CM has been boned by Col A, they were a decent paper for News Ltd. Hope Paul S and Dennis A will be OK?

  13. “Rudd was getting beaten by Abbott so they knifed him for Gillard”


    “Gillard was getting beaten by Abbott so they brought in Carr brushing an Aboriginal candidate aside”


    “Gillard was getting beaten by Abbott so they knifed her for Rudd”


    “Rudd was getting beaten by Abbott so they brought in Beattie brushing aside the endorsed local candidate”


    I suppose one out of four is alright.

  14. [you’ve been painting a rather alarming picture of yourself tonight mod lib]

    It has been a very funny night for me!

    I was reading all these posts with everyone getting all excited about this Tom Watson choppy. I thought to myself- WOW- is there some election game changer about to happen, then I googled who it was and couldn’t stop laughing!

    Anyhow, much more than enough mischief for tonight……Good night all!

  15. Rossmore

    Um yes.

    Sportsbet v Reachtel

    I think the bloke from Reachtel better go and do another poll 😯

    Dawson is the big one to watch in QLD 😉

  16. gloryconsequence

    true true 20% still swinging i’d guess – end of next week the jelly starts to set and things get sticky one way or other – i already pop champagne sorry esp now the young libs here have gone for beauty sleep

  17. Beattie may help Labor win Forde, but this fantasy he is going to roll through QLD seats like a Tornado for Labor is a joke.

  18. Tom Watson is a true old school Parliamentarian … He stood up to Murdoch for years, as a result was subject to endless smears and innuendo by News, but ultimately was vindicated thru Levenson. We need more of his ilk on both sides of the political divide.

  19. Hey Mari 🙂

    Good to see you about. I have been following your posts with interest.

    Yes I know ML knows, but challenge has to be made and I do try and keep it polite.

  20. one thing – the stakes of election have gone up in first week. cant believe turnbull complacently boasts of long time friendship with murdoch – he should be more careful

  21. For goodness sake, this state exceptionism is getting damned tedious. You are sounding like americans.

    Living on the other side of an imaginary line on the ground does not give anyone any special super-powerful genetic material. If Qld soil had any magic powers then the rest of the population would have got their fair share by eating Qld bananas.

  22. [New2This
    Posted Thursday, August 8, 2013 at 10:43 pm | PERMALINK
    You make it sound like 1939 sprocket_ Do you goose step and wear a brown shirt…]

    And you make it sound like 1984. George Orwell would see great similarity with his frightening world at the domination Murdoch propaganda has over his sad and deluded employees.

  23. New2This
    Posted Thursday, August 8, 2013 at 10:57 pm | Permalink
    My Say A pair of clowns in front of the ci====rcus tent. The only thing missing is the ping pong balls…


    well u must be new to media or advertising the

    courier mail have don’t a great add for labor

    smiling happy faces,

    they and u just don’t get it

    like those adds on tv the ones that are funny and they get your attention

    mr beattie will win that seat hands down ,
    u know like clowns do a circus every one loves them

  24. Puff, by the time a banana tree has processed and transported the material of Queensland soil into its fruit, the magic has been extracted by the tree itself.

  25. Mod Lib@370

    you’ve been painting a rather alarming picture of yourself tonight mod lib

    It has been a very funny night for me!

    I was reading all these posts with everyone getting all excited about this Tom Watson choppy. I thought to myself- WOW- is there some election game changer about to happen, then I googled who it was and couldn’t stop laughing!

    Anyhow, much more than enough mischief for tonight……Good night all!

    You really are clueless.
    If he gets here (and I havent seen it on his twitter account as confirmed) Watson will have the authority from his position on the Leveson enquiry to remind people here of the criminal tendencies of news corpse.
    Should get a few of the undecideds thinking at the very least.

  26. Puff made me think of something

    the courier mail cover looks very American to me

    now I wonder who thought of that, ?

    its so unaustralian

  27. [Wait for the Nielsen and Galaxy on the weekend, and the Essential. Then you can start to gauge, good or bad.]

    First sensible thing Ive read here in a few pages.

    Labor are a bit under the money at present. Maybe 1- 1.5%. But not much.

    Some LNPers here are getting rather over-excited, but on the basis of what? Alleged internal polls (oh please, Ive written better hype myself) and today’s quick Reacharound in Forde, which was clearly useless, since Beattie will PWN that seat in a sunday stroll.

    Getting a bit over-confident, are we? Well guess what?

    I like that. 🙂

  28. New2this is a reincarnation of someone else who also was best ignored. Its reappearance was a real Grima Wormtongue act.

  29. Centre I worked out six to be sure Centre however that depends on what happens in TAS and WA.

    I think Labor are looking ok to pick up 3 or 4 in QLD but it’s anyone’s guess after that. The two northern seats will be crucial.

  30. Henry

    I have seen it confirmed. Posted earlier the start of the conversation where Latika Bourke of all people convinced him to come.

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