Essential Research: 54-46 to Coalition

Newspoll has conducted its usual fortnighly poll from a normal sample of 1151, but for some reason The Australian only provides results for preferred Labor leader. This offers yet more evidence that Julia Gillard is now less popular than Kevin Rudd, with the former favoured by 29 per cent against 36 per cent for the latter, with 10 per cent opting for Wayne Swan. The Australian’s report leads with the news that “only one in 10 voters back Wayne Swan as their preferred Labor leader”, which hardly comes as a surprise. Swan’s inclusion in the mix distinguishes the poll from previous Newspoll efforts six weeks ago and early last year, as does a six point hike in the undecided rating from 19 per cent to 25 per cent.

Today also saw the weekly Essential Research poll, which had Labor slipping another point on two-party preferred to trail 54-46. The Coalition is up a point on the primary vote to 47 per cent, with Labor and the Greens steady on 35 per cent and 11 per cent respectively. Contra Nielsen, the poll finds a slight increase in support for the carbon tax, with support up five points on a fortnight ago to 39 per cent and opposition down two to 49 per cent. If “the money paid by big polluting industries was used to compensate low and middle income earners and small businesses for increased prices”, support is 51 per cent (down three points) and opposition 33 per cent (up three points). Support for the National Broadband Network has increased since a dip in February, up six points to 54 per cent with opposition down three to 28 per cent. There are also two questions on Israel-Palestine which do not to my mind prove terribly illuminating.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,311 comments on “Essential Research: 54-46 to Coalition”

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  1. BB – just ran off your comment for OH. Can you hear him cheering you? He wants to know how you can express that so well when the ‘idiots on the box can’t string 2 honest words together’.

    I think you’ve got another fan.

  2. bg

    [It would be a deeply emabrrasing show trial. It is the sort of case a defendant would rather plead guilty to that go to trial.]

    Maybe not with those penalties. Those are serious jail time.

  3. [Well I’ve learnt something – not that I practice in the area any more. I didn’t know there was a ‘victim’ in possession of pornography offences.]

    I wasn’t sure about it at first myself, but if you look at the legislation it’s clear.

    [I’m not sure what that element would mean or how it would be proven.]

    I’d hazard to guess it would have to be so clear that the person was under the age of 14 that the accused could not have ‘not known’. If it was unclear whether or not the person was under 14, you couldn’t really prove the accused knew otherwise unless there was ‘smoking gun’ evidence (e.g. written notes).

  4. BTW

    Have we established if Newpoll asked about 2PP and PP when polling last weekend? I would seem extraordinary if they polled only on preferred Labor leader and not on other factors.

  5. [Maybe not with those penalties. Those are serious jail time.]

    it depends how the SA courts mete out punishments for similar offences. Perhaps for a first offence, cooperation with police and a good record of community service he would get off lightly. Or perhaps the judge would look to make an example of him.

  6. [Tom Hawkins
    Posted Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 4:17 pm | Permalink

    Will ‘he’ invoke the ‘Townsend’ defense?

    “I was only carrying out research Your Worship”]

    That is the most likely defence I can think of. Or otherwise it was someone else using his computer.

  7. Just had to turn the sound off on SKY — Morrisson spouting his usual crap. Though, watching his facial expressions without sound is extremely comical!

  8. I’ve observed (when watching Morrisson) that when he says something nasty about the govt. he gets a similar smirk to the Costello used to have. A coalition affliction perhaps?

  9. ltep

    I’d hazard to guess it would have to be so clear that the person was under the age of 14 that the accused could not have ‘not known’. If it was unclear whether or not the person was under 14, you couldn’t really prove the accused knew otherwise unless there was ‘smoking gun’ evidence (e.g. written notes).

    Yes, I think so. Makes you wonder how old the kids in the images are … *shudder*.

  10. Julia’s most eloquent and passionate supporter on the CPRS and Carbon Tax is Ted Baillieu. Vex News quotes extensively from his recent public speeches. (2009). Libs in Vic are said to be appalled.

  11. victoria – I reckon John Della Bosca is totally useless on Sky so I guess that’s why they keep using him. A Labor bloke who doesn’t stand up for them much and doesn’t say much of any consequence on the program.

    I hope he proves me wrong but his past performances have been underwhelming in the face of the Opposition spokesman.

    Stephen Jones has a bit more get up and go.

  12. [ulia’s most eloquent and passionate supporter on the CPRS and Carbon Tax is Ted Baillieu. Vex News quotes extensively from his recent public speeches. (2009). Libs in Vic are said to be appalled.]

    There’s a good advertising for Labor (use its own money). Just line up all the conservatives who’ve made positive comments, including Abbott’s ‘simple tax’ stuff – keep it simple and run it often.

  13. jv
    If I got it right, the judge in recent sentencing used the concept of what I suppose was a generic victim. The perp’s connection to the generic victim was that he created the generic victim by providing a market.

  14. Another solid performance on the ASX today with the 200 closing above the 4900 mark.

    The AUD is headed towards US $1.10. What an amazing reflection of the strength of the Australian economy that is?

    Of all the developed nations coming out of the GFC, we are No.1 😉

    All credit must go to;
    1) the strength of our financial institutions,
    2) the monetary policy of the Reserve Bank,
    3) the excellent management of the economy by the government from its stimulus which avoided a recession.

    Along with the benefits to our economy from avoiding a recession, everybody’s super accounts are higher today because of the governments initiatives.

    So what will the MSM continue to report?

    More waste from school halls and pink batts propaganda of course. Oh and problems caused by a few asylum seekers which have no bearing whatsoever on our lives.

  15. jaundiced view@2192

    Where is the victim in these charges? I thought they were just charges of possessing child pornography?

    Strangest question I’ve read in a long time…….would have thought the answer was blindingly obvious….

  16. [David@bigpond
    Posted Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 10:07 am | Permalink

    Someone had to put some focus on the negative issues around the program.]

    So you’re saying the efforts of Abbott, Hunt and News Ltd on the negative issues have been ineffective?

  17. God! Paul Kelly is so…….. sheesh — anything I say will be against the rules!

    Billbo — seriously — the state of the Australian press requires at least some moderate swearing!

  18. Forget about the “waste” nonesense dished up by the Coalition and the MSM!

    The budget would have been in a worse shape than what will be delivered in the budget had Australia fallen into recession.

    So how much effect did the governments stimulus really have on our economy?

    Why don’t we ask the bloke from Access Economics Chris Richards the bookmakers who were betting on it, to find out?

  19. Perhaps there’s some “legal” definition of a victim…..but I would have thought any reasonable human being would understand/accept that each and every child in child pornography images is a victim…..

    The whole thing is sickening…..

  20. In some ways its a simple question/answer, in others not. If you saw a picture of another crime, for instance, would the victim of the crime be a victim of your viewing the picture of the crime? It’s only because of the type of crime that the child’s ‘victim’ status is the same in both instances.

  21. GD I meant in here.

    Actually Abbott has been effective in getting his negative message heard much to my surprise. Mind you given the performance of the government he hasn’t had to put much thought into it. Abbott is never likely to win an election but he may just end up PM by default.

    Heaven help us. Gillard/Swan replaced by Abbott/Joyce. Thank God the country basically ticks along regardless most of the time.

  22. [Have we established if Newpoll asked about 2PP and PP when polling last weekend? I would seem extraordinary if they polled only on preferred Labor leader and not on other factors]\

    has any one tweeted franklyn to ask if its in his desk third draw,
    the third draw is uually the kitchen draw where the unwanted things to
    till you throw them out.

  23. The person who put up the allegation against the MP on Wikipedia is the same person who took down allegations of an elecotral nature against a Vic Lib MP.

    Surely the hacks can stay out of this.

  24. [I’ve observed (when watching Morrisson) that when he says something nasty about the govt. he gets a similar smirk to the Costello used to have. A coalition affliction perhaps?]

    Another manifestation of the sour grapes/born-to-rule churlishness that defines these misfits.

  25. [ Keiran Gilbert virtually said this morning from Japan that JG is on trial while o/s and …. what is she going to do about China. Gawd, I’d love that little smarmy smartarske to be told he’s about as important as a flea on a dog.]
    I don’t call him “Fool Gilbert” for nothing!

  26. .[ Mind you given the performance of the government he hasn’t had to put much thought into it]

    i would say more likeley the performace of the media

    come on the minsiters say whats going on everyday, day in day out.
    its only picked up by is here in cyber space
    if you go to the labor ministeral statments and news out puts for the day you will be amazed at what is never publsihed.

    i ask you to do it on a daily basis for a week and learn

  27. The person I mentioned above added this to the Swan Wikipage

    [Swan is also known for his fiery temper. During a televised interview with Channel 9 on the 21st of August 2010, he went into a defensive verbal tirade at one of the panelists speaking with him.]

    Ah, the underground wiki wars.

  28. [Actually Abbott has been effective in getting his negative message heard much to my surprise.]

    First rule of advertising … people forget ‘good service’ within 2 years … they remember bad service for a lifetime! It was why Goldstar changed its name to LG. Telstra needs to do the same.

    Coalition have used this strategically — to fool the bulk of Australians into believing the most successful economy in the world is floundering. Front and centre is the terms ‘waste’ ‘bad’ ‘stop’ MSM laps it up. Snappy and easy to put on a headline.

    Meanwhile good govt is being rubbished.

  29. [hat is she going to do about China. Gawd, I’d love that little smarmy smartarske to be told he’s about as important as a flea on a dog.]

    what is she going to do about China,

    tweet him ask him, he seems to know all the answers

  30. Prime Ministers are constantly on trail They face the court of public opinion every day. In the end ( Menzies excepted) they all lose.

  31. italy

    they had 15th refugees turn up this week
    but dont tell the people in this country they would start imagining all sorts of things.

    how will there economy cope with that.
    and also greece, i think you are joking really though,.

  32. [what is she going to do about China,

    tweet him ask him, he seems to know all the answers]

    He will give the Robb answer – “I’m not the Government”

  33. Not a good day for the government – asylum seekers rioting is always a plus for the Liberals.
    Chris Bowen will have to start deporting some of these people.

  34. [i think you are joking really though]

    I was joking about the country ticking along regardless. Since the end of WWII, Italy has been averaging close to one change of Government per year – yet they still make great cup of coffee.

  35. [Not a good day for the government – asylum seekers rioting is always a plus for the Liberals.
    Chris Bowen will have to start deporting some of these people.]

    Yes, he could start by deporting some of the Liberals.

  36. [BB – just ran off your comment for OH. Can you hear him cheering you? He wants to know how you can express that so well when the ‘idiots on the box can’t string 2 honest words together’.

    I think you’ve got another fan.]

    Thanks to youse all for the appreciation.

    I just had to get it off my chest.

  37. bg @ 2236, I think Swan is more amazed by the level of stupidity associated with questions asked by some journalists, which may cause him to react in a fiery temper sort of way.

    Still, at least he confronts questions and does not walk away from them like Abbott. But nothing will ever top Abbott’s stone silence and shake of the head in that Riley interview. 😆

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