Newspoll: 53-47

The Australian reports the latest fortnightly Newspoll has Labor’s two-party lead at 53-47, up from 52-48 last time. Both parties have dropped a point on the primary vote, Labor to 39 per cent and the Coalition to 40 per cent, with the Greens steady on 12 per cent. Kevin Rudd’s personal ratings are now those of a political mortal: his approval is steady on 50 per cent, but his disapproval has crept up another two points to 40 per cent. Tony Abbott’s dicey ratings have improved, his approval up three to 44 per cent and disapproval down two to 37 per cent. Rudd’s lead as preferred prime minister is down from 58-26 to 55-27, equalling a poll conducted during Malcolm Turnbull’s brief honeymoon as the narrowest margin since the government was elected. Further questions on other leadership options and climate change produce results consistent with what we’re seeing elsewhere. Full tables here.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,732 comments on “Newspoll: 53-47”

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  1. Whoever set up the Tony – nearly – meets – his – maker stunt should be prosecuted for endangering life, or whatever the charge is.

  2. [Bronwyn Bishop, the defence rests. ;)]

    Actually Bronwyn Bishop has the gift of making any frock look like a bad drag act 🙂

  3. That may be the case, Ltep, but on the face of it, there appears no connection whatsoever between the functions and funding of Medicare activities and the administrative operation of an environmental improvement issue.

  4. Michael Atkinson is a total gooose.

    With SA election writs to be issued on Saturday 20 February, he finally got around to making his regulation on 18 February 2010:-
    17—Prescribed classes of material (section 116)
    (1) For the purposes of section 116(2)(e) of the Act, material in a public forum
    within a journal published in electronic form on the Internet is prescribed.
    (2) In this regulation—
    journal has the same meaning as in section 116 of the Act;
    public forum means a weblog, survey or other forum in which members of
    the public may post comments.

    IMHO the exemption only applies to forums on The Advertiser site – not to all forums.

    SA Government Gazette, No 10 Page 855

    [ This is NOT my name and address ]

  5. Morgan’s comments are their usual hooty self. Where have we heard this line before?

    [Kevin Rudd’s long honeymoon seems to be nearing its end]


  6. [Truck driver near miss Abbott]

    [Abbot, sex is hard on the road]

    Why did the truck driver really swerve,
    was Tony coveting his drivers ass.

    Its time for Tony to come clean and tell us what the truckie saw.

  7. According to that Morgan link,

    [The Morgan Poll was the most accurate of all polling companies at the 2007 Federal Election for both primary vote and two-party preferred predictions.]

    So why does at least one poster here think that there is a 5% Labor bias to the Morgan figures that must be discounted?

  8. [So why does at least one poster here think that there is a 5% Labor bias to the Morgan figures that must be discounted?]

    These posters will claim Morgan got lucky on the last poll and point to volatility in the year prior.

  9. So what will the Libs tactics rabble dream up for QT on Monday? My bet it will be batts again – but that would be dumb as all Garrett will do is talk about his changes.

    Will they have the brains to drop it?

  10. Thomas Paine
    If you havent seen it already, HangSeng has been falling like a stone this morning trade, -2.4%
    Shanghai remains closed for New Year – reopens Monday.

  11. [Any truth in the rumour I’m starting that the minibus was full of nubile young Abbott groupies?]

    Jonathan Whatshisname at The Drum yesterday did mention the passengers in the minibus waving and yahooing to the cameras as the incident occurred, saying that this would likely be er… not highlighted.. in the MSM.

    For my part I think I heard somewhere that the passengers in the bus were all nude.

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