Courtesy of Peter Brent at Mumble comes the first heavy duty opinion poll of the Tony Abbott era. The two-party vote shows little change, with Labor’s lead down from 57-43 to 56-44. However, it seems rounding might have smoothed the result out a little: the Coalition is up three points on the primary vote to 38 per cent (the Liberals on 34 per cent have swallowed a point from the Nationals) while Labor is steady on 43 per cent. No approval ratings on Abbott were sought, but his 60-23 deficit on preferred prime minister compares with 65-14 against for Turnbull last week and 63-22 a fortnight previous. The poll offers further evidence that the popular notion that Abbott has a particular problem with women voters is a load of hooey.
UPDATE: Essential Research: 58-42, unchanged on last week. 21 per cent of respondents say the Abbott ascendancy makes them more likely to vote Liberal; 33 per cent say less. Lots of questions on leadership perceptions, almost all of it more favourable to Rudd than Abbott.
Step 1: Go Firefox ==> Tools ==> click Add ons
Step 2: Select the Greasemonkey addon ==> click Options
Step 3: Highlight stfu and click Edit
Step 4: Now this will get a little tricky for non-techko. Firefox will probably ask you to nominate a program to edit the script file which is a text file. You have to select Windows Notepad.exe editor in your Windows directory.
Step 5: This is what you will see if notepad is open:
[// ==UserScript==
// @name stfu
// @description silence of the spam
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
Array.filter( document.getElementsByClassName(‘comment-author-bob1234’), function(elem){ = ‘none’;
Step 6: You copy the complete Array function and change “bob1234” to another poster, so the stfu script will look like this:
[// ==UserScript==
// @name stfu
// @description silence of the spam
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
Array.filter( document.getElementsByClassName(‘comment-author-bob1234’), function(elem){ = ‘none’;
Array.filter( document.getElementsByClassName(‘comment-author-marg’), function(elem){ = ‘none’;
Step 7: Save the script file you have just modified.
Step 8: Exit Firefox and you might to start Firefox twice (dont know why). Mushy will probably say this is not very elegant, as i am not a programmer.
Step 9: No guarantee it will work for you but it works for me. Good luck and enjoy. There is no reason why you cannot keep on “adding” other posters that annoy you.
Love this:
@description silence of the spam
[silence of the spam]
Starring Anthony Hopkins
Thanks, Boerwar @ 3091 and zoomster, for the article link, agreed interesting. The take over by the conservatives makes for an unhappy and just as dysfuntional party/coalition.
[Very interesting article; suggests the moderates have been snookered, by giving them positions in shadow cabinet which impose cabinet solidarity upon them but doesn’t give them any real power to control policy; and by recruiting enough of the potential floor crossers in the Senate to ensure that there aren’t enough of them left to get the CPRS passed.]
Yes, interesting article.
And even if they don’t toe the line, they have to consider preselection for the next election if they cross the floor.
But if they are willing to risk that, there is no reason why they can’t cross the floor, knowing that their shadow ministry position will be withdrawn.
Puts them in some position of influence until they cast their fate to the winds.
But I’m not at all sure that’s the way politicians’ minds work. They do work, don’t they?
Barnyard as the prime witness for the counter argument.
I used to think that Abbott was the best thing the Labor party had going for it, but with Joyce, it’s a close run thing.
And we’ve heard zip from Bronny so far.
It’s a good time to be a political junkie.
Roll on the end of the silly season and the first sitting of parliament next year.
[Step 9: No guarantee it will work for you but it works for me. Good luck and enjoy. There is no reason why you cannot keep on “adding” other posters that annoy you.]
Bugger, doesn’t work for me ;-
But thanks for trying.
I do hope that General Abbott has not put too much of a damper on his Shadow Retail Cabinet of Opposition Colonels habit of shooting first and then maybe thinking about it later.
Joyce did look peevish afterwards. He is not used to being told to stfu; he is not used to the notion of self discipline, or discipline by anyone else. No fun. *hint to potential biographers: check for possible early mishaps with potty training*.
Finns, if everyone keeps consigning posters who annoy them to the outer darkness, isn’t there the risk that the amigos will end up speaking only to each other, Bushfire Bill speaking only to whomever else he reckons is worth considering, the techy challenged among us (that’s me, for starters) utterly confused by people responding at tangents all over the place and William finally deciding he’shad enough and declaring a Bryan Palmer?
[William finally deciding he’shad enough and declaring a Bryan Palmer?]
Hurriedly makes sign to avert the evil eye…
Who wants to take bets on how long Barnyard will last as a shadow minister?
I say 3 months at the most! 😀
Boerwar, I laughed when the Shadow Ministry was revealed in all its glory. I’ve got a laugh out of it every day since. I think Joyce incapable of the sort of discipline required of a shadow cabinet position, which is why I’m betting on his head to explode first.
Harry, not many posters annoy me here. But bob1234 was annoying and the only one. it was just a technical challenge.
Frank, you might have to “View source” to find out the real string to be used. What you see on this web page is not the real name used.
The Bludgers: a distant mirror to the Coalition?
HSO – I’ll back up those comments. Finns I think you may have started something sinister.
[Joyce did look peevish afterwards.]
Saw Joyce on Sky and I think he indicated he wasn’t happy with the decision by Abbott. OH and I both said that he might decide to toss the job in if he can’t open is big mouth whenever he wants to.
The best retail politician in Australia just loves his oral gratification.
[Finns I think you may have started something sinister.]
BH, i didnt start this. Like i said, it was just a technical challenge. Anyway, you have control at all times.
What did I miss?
Did William ban Bob?
Look, Joyce is just telling it as it is.
If you city dwelling, soy latte drinking elites can’t take the truth, that’s your get out.
So what if the Chinese and the Japanese and the USA and everybody bloody else stops trading with us or loaning us money?
Barnaby’s an accountant, he’ll pull a few bucks out of the trust fund and noone’ll be the wiser. Float a couple of offshore companies, keep the books in Tuvalu, she’ll be apples.
We might have to get back to relying on good old Aussie know how, but geesh. Better’n having to deal with those overseas types, some of who don’t even speak English real good.
zoomster, I just wanted to point out it could get very crazy, not tempt in any way. Personally, I just scroll. Works for me.
evan14, when do we count the 3 months commencing? Tuesday?
stop tantalising us with impossible dreams…
Finns – I’m so technically ignorant that I couldn’t understand a thing in your post so I’ll just do the scrolling through Bob’s stuff too.
Evan14 – you little ripper Pricey’s gone but not before the PM spoke to him this a.m. He did a good job on the ETS but the rednecks listening won’t be changing their minds any time soon.
Of course when Joe came on he couldn’t help but bag the PM. Joe is a lost little fella at the moment and the media have given up their love affair with him because Barnyard is so much more ‘interesting’. Might end up in a beaut bunfight between Joe and Barnyard yet. I give Joyce less than 3 months starting from when he got the job.
[Finns, if everyone keeps consigning posters who annoy them to the outer darkness, isn’t there the risk that the amigos will end up speaking only to each other, Bushfire Bill speaking only to whomever else he reckons is worth considering, the techy challenged among us (that’s me, for starters) utterly confused by people responding at tangents all over the place and William finally deciding he’shad enough and declaring a Bryan Palmer?]
Perhaps that is the price to be paid to minimise the outbreaks of ALP hack vs Green hack bushfires and boring the sh!t out of the rest of us.
Don’t think William has done any banning of Bob, Evan 14. However, Musrum posted a techy way of being able to edit out a specific poster and Finns has done some further experimenting with it. I got worried about it getting a bit crazy.
I think it may be called social engineering.
Joyce looked peevish and also a bit confused. All those years of throwing his food on the floor and being patted on the head for it – the best retail politician in Australia.
Now, stfu. He is being asked to unbend the banana.
As well as guessing how long Barnyard remains in the shadowy opposition bench, you would also need to specify if Barnyard quits or is fired by People Skills.
Who’s taking the bets?
Boerwar, I think it may be called an enterprise fraught with unforeseen consequences.
The next time Abbott declares the climate is cooling I want whoever is interviewing or hosting him to ask him why then does he need a climate change policy? Or better still a radio shock jock listener to ring in and ask him.
Barnyard is a loose cannon right now.
Imagine the consequences if he was dropped from the shadow ministry!
Hell hath no fury like a Barnyard chucked on the dung heap. 👿
Nah, I shouldn’t wish for such goodies when christmas is so close anyhow.
Boerwar, I still don’t understand what the term “retail politician” means. What, they sell themselves? I’d have thought there was another term for that.
Harry: We could all do with a break from Bob1234! 🙂
BH: No surprise Hockey made an appearance on “The Angry Ant’s” final show, because Mrs Price works for him.
Rudd seems to handle these shockjocks well, Neil Mitchell especially!
Please, please, can we have a debate on Lateline between Tanner and Barnyard? 😉
cf ‘retail’ politician.
It could be a sort of upwardly-mobile wannabe lower middle class thing. Or it could be about rough trade. I am not sure.
It’s Time, I’ll plump for Barnaby quitting. He won’t be able to cope with the self discipline and self censorship required. As Boerwar noted, he’s been getting patted on the head for too long for incoherent, nonsensical, sometimes incomprehensible rubbish. He probably didn’t understand why he got thumped over the head and told to shut up, rather than how brilliant he is.
[The next time Abbott declares the climate is cooling I want whoever is interviewing or hosting him to ask him why then does he need a climate change policy?]
Shouldn’t he be asked for his climate warming policy?
New thread.