Newspoll: 55-45 to Coalition in NSW

The Australian has published Newspoll’s latest bi-monthly New South Wales state poll, and it finds the Labor government continuing its slow-motion journey to disaster. Labor is down two points on the primary vote to 30 per cent, the Liberals are down one to 36 per cent, the Nationals are up two to 6 per cent, and the Coalition’s two-party vote lead is up from 54-46 to 55-45. Most significant is the consistency of these results from one poll to the next, which unmistakably recalls federal polling in 1995/96 and 2007.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

65 comments on “Newspoll: 55-45 to Coalition in NSW”

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  1. GG

    Quite simply – Union NSW have shown that they run NSW Labor, be it the Electricity sell off, determining who the primier is. Or the public sector reform. This is an issue as NSW Labor is a major donar to the PSU, and NSW currently have no money to buy hospital supplies.

    The public sector had grown so large in the last 10 year, that the state currently does not have any money to spend on infrastructure. Where do you think the money will come from to improve NSW infrastructure?

    While you are still in the denial camp, as are some of the Liberals who think Howard won’t lose that last Fed election. Most of the public have made up their mind. Keep living in the past.

  2. dovif,

    Back to union bashing. Good for you!

    So you are admitting that cutting jobs and slashing services will be an important part of O’Farrell’s hidden agenda should he be lucky enough to be elected? Should the Libs publicise this or leave it to Labor to reveal it in the caring sharing way that they are renowned.

    If you read my posts, all I’ve said is that the Libs lead is not insurmountable at the moment and that if the Government gets its act together then they have a reasonable chance of being re elected. What people are saying now is indicative. What they say at the election will be decisive.

    As for Howard, there is about half the Liberal Federal parliamentary team that think John Howard won the last election.

  3. I can’t understand Greens who won’t preference the better alternative. As a keen surfer and diver, I, for example, would always preference the party that supports marine parks; and the LibNats want a 10year morotorium on them. Letting your vote exhaust is implicitly saying that you don’t have a preference between this policy or the policy of gradually extending marine parks, as Labor has supported. As an envrionmentalist I find that pretty unforgivable.

  4. Provided it’s slimming down the PS to direct money to front-line services, that’s good policy….but it needs to be sold well.

    That’s what stuffed Debnam last time; Labor ran those godawfully annoying “Ken Bruce has gone mad!” ads claiming Debnam would slash doctors, nurses, teachers, etc..and Debnam couldn’t articulate a clear response.

    Expect to see plenty of “fat cats and Labor mates taking money away from front-line health” rhetoric in the lead up to 2011.

  5. Oh please, the Terror and the Herald just make up this stuff when they can’t find wacky world or celebrity sexuality stories to report on.

  6. [While you are still in the denial camp, as are some of the Liberals who think Howard won’t lose that last Fed election. Most of the public have made up their mind. Keep living in the past.]


  7. Oz,

    Fair point re the “wolf crying” of Benson. However, the level of detail and the obvious Della Bosca sourcing would indicate something is about to happen. Perhaps it is the old build the momentum for a change until it becomes a fait accompli trick.

    Clearly, no one else is prepared to snatch the leadership.

  8. If D-B did take over as leader:

    a) Would he stay in the LC or move down to the lower house?
    b) If he does move, which seat would he decide to run for?

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