Breaking news: Newspoll has Labor’s lead down from 56-44 to 55-45. Since you all know about it by now, a link will suffice (although I will observe that Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings seem to have bottomed out). Here’s a first: Essential Research has the same result as Newspoll, with Labor’s lead plunging from 59-41 to 55-45. Further questions focus on the parties’ capacity to handle various issues, emissions trading schemes and climate change, and perceptions of politicians’ honesty (better than you might think).
2,843 comments on “Newspoll: 55-45”
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[Explain how that post constituted “stifling political debate”? Did Bob have your internet connection cut off temporarily?]
No, the Tofu Brigade decreeing that only William and Antony have the right to predict Poll results and that lowly ALP people doing the same should be ignored.
Now THAT is stifiling political debate, why are the former two the ONLY Barometer in predicting results ? Results on paper only mean so much – why everyone INCLUDING William and Antony were predicting a Carpenter Govt re-election based on the new boundries etc – and we all know what happened there.
The Moral Supiority of Tofu Brigade is their own impediment of any sort of MASS Elevtoral appeal.
[Old news I know, but here’s how Albie Balboa explains himself to the electorate!]
LOL! I love this part where Alby sinks the boot into Turnbull:
[Mr Schultz believes urban based members of the Liberal Party do not understand the intricacies of being a rural/regional Liberal representative.
“It’s disappointing when they meekly roll over to the demands of an urban based leader with no idea or passion for the views of the rural and regional rank and file members.”]
[No, the Tofu Brigade decreeing that only William and Antony have the right to predict Poll results and that lowly ALP people doing the same should be ignored.]
Again, you have the right to your opinion, but you have failed to explain why any of us should believe that your opinion has more truth or substance to it over the lines of Antony or William. This is the question you fail to answer.
Swan discovers common sense:,,25592198-601,00.html?from=public_rss
[Thats right, completely ignore what I said. I clearly said that you have a right to your opinion but why should anyone believe it over Antony Green and William Bowe? Everyone in the psephology world knows them. Who are you exactly?]
So again, my opinoin isn’t Valued because I am not William Bowe or Antony Green.
My original point stands -the Tofu Brigade only believe in political freedom of speech whien it fits their own world view and that only Messers Bowe & Green are to be believed for predicting political results.
It’s no wonder I hate the Greens with a passion when you get stupid statements like that – we in the ALP have NEVER questioned other supporters right NOT to make a political prediction., but it’s quite acceptable for the Tofu Brigade to do so.
You lot are your own worst enemy.
[You lot are your own worst enemy.]
Pot, meet kettle.
[No, the Tofu Brigade decreeing that only William and Antony have the right to predict Poll results and that lowly ALP people doing the same should be ignored.]
I don’t see how this stops you from just explaining how and why that assertion is wrong.
Accusing someone of stifling political debate itself is an attempt to stifle political debate. As long as people comply with the forum rules, anyone can write whatever they want here, it isn’t like we are in China were you have real debate stifling via internet thought policing.
[Again, you have the right to your opinion, but you have failed to explain why any of us should believe that your opinion has more truth or substance to it over the lines of Antony or William. This is the question you fail to answer.]
Do you ask the same of others on this Blog like Phespos, GG, Vera etc ?
If not, then you are displaying spectacular double standards cos I DARE expose the Tofu Brigade for what they are.
[Pot, meet kettle.]
Speak for yourself Generic Heffalump – the MASTER of the Personal Attack.
William and Antony are much more likely to be correct than us so their opinions carry more weight than us mere mortals. Except on by-elections. ll the rules go out the door in them.
[Swan discovers common sense:]
Excellent. This looks like a decent compromise.
Of course you wanted him to completely scrap the reforms, which he has not done.
[Mr James said the only downside could be if Senator Faulkner chose to retire at the next election, thus requiring the prime minister to find another defence minister.]
What is James waffling about – Faulkner is 55 years old, has been a Senator for 20 years. Why would he retire?
No 2811
Well, it’s better than nothing. At least most workers are not left worse off.
[Accusing someone of stifling political debate itself is an attempt to stifle political debate. As long as people comply with the forum rules, anyone can write whatever they want here, it isn’t like we are in China were you have real debate stifling via internet thought policing.]
You haven’t read Bob1234’s comment basically imploring people to IGNORE my predictions in preference to William & Antony is in effect stifling MY right to express an opinon and to make a prediction on an election result.
No 2809
This, from the guy who calls people tofu and Heffalumps. The height of imbecility Frank.
2804 – The mark of an excellent treasurer and excellent government GP.
[William and Antony are much more likely to be correct than us so their opinions carry more weight than us mere mortals. ]
Diog, you just speak for yourself
[The Government will also introduce tougher annual reporting requirements and review existing rules for valuing shares and options under the new proposal, which is set to apply from July 1. ]
Maybe some people who bleated should have stayed mute. 🙂
[Well, it’s better than nothing. At least most workers are not left worse off.]
And the system won’t be open to rorting. Everyone is happy G.P.!
[You haven’t read Bob1234’s comment basically imploring people to IGNORE my predictions in preference to William & Antony is in effect stifling MY right to express an opinon and to make a prediction on an election result.]
I still don’t see how it is stifling anything. You can make as many predictions as you like, Bob has told people not to trust your predictions, but ultimately other people will make up their own minds.
People may be persuaded one way or the other if Bob and yourself explain in detail WHY you hold your differing opinions, because ultimately, opinions are more persuasive when they are backed up with evidence.
[This, from the guy who calls people tofu and Heffalumps. The height of imbecility Frank.]
Heffalump is a form of Elephant which is part of your Avatar.
What did you say about Pots and Kettles ?
The Rudd/Gillard Government: Taking from poor working families and giving it to selected better-off working families and to corporate shareholders. This one should stick in the craw of all those amongst us with a genuine interest in social justice.,28124,25592024-36418,00.html
WAYNE Swan has bowed to business and union pressure and unveiled major changes to his budget crackdown on employee share schemes, including lifting the threshold at which a $1000 tax break is available to people earning $150,000.
Antony Green and William Bowe are respected commentators and have explained why they believe the Greens will retain Fremantle.
Frank is a pro-Labor anti-Green blogger with no reputation and the very light explanation he has provided as to why he believes the Greens won’t retain Freo just doesn’t ring true.
Why should we believe Frank over these two respected commentators?
This is not stifling debate nor personally attacking nor any other accusation you care to throw at me in the absense of informed reasoned debate from yourself Frank.
[I still don’t see how it is stifling anything. You can make as many predictions as you like, Bob has told people not to trust your predictions, but ultimately other people will make up their own minds.]
In my opinion it equates to silencing your opponents.
But of course that is the Modus operandi of the Tofu Brigade – It’s MY way, or the HIGHWAY.
I think Huey Lewis describes perfectly people like Oz, Rebbeca and other like minded Green Syncopats.
Flame War:
A war in which everyone keeps getting scorched until the fuel is all burned up and nothing is left but the taste of ashes in the mouths of the warriors.
[Frank is a pro-Labor anti-Green blogger with no reputation and the very light explanation he has provided as to why he believes the Greens won’t retain Freo just doesn’t ring true.]
And according to the Tofu Brigade it is a Crime against humanity to do so.
[Why should we believe Frank over these two respected commentators?
This is not stifling debate nor personally attacking nor any other accusation you care to throw at me in the absense of informed reasoned debate from yourself Frank.]
I have REPEATEDLY given reasons why you and other Greens are wrong – but you prefer to arttack the poster PERSONALLY, than debate the issue at hand.
THAT is the difference, and the height of hypocrisy as if myself or anothe ALP person did the EXACT same thing to you, you cry croccodile tears.
But of course the truth HURTS when the shoe is on the other foot.
The Green supporters should harden up, Labor gets called socialist, communist, etc. We have chardonnay socialists, latte sippers etc.
The rabble get -well the rabble, the Nats get Agrarian Socialists and other impolite things. The Democrats were the pixies at the bottom of the garden.
So tofu gobblers – get used to it, if you really aspire to be a political party. 😛
[In my opinion it equates to silencing your opponents.]
Frank, more double standards and hypocrisy. Lest we forget that you supported the Idiot for Cabramatta, Nick Lalich, when he banned local residents from a council meeting on the basis of their political affiliation.
[In my opinion it equates to silencing your opponents.
But of course that is the Modus operandi of the Tofu Brigade – It’s MY way, or the HIGHWAY.]
If you have been stifled, how were you able to put forth this view?
By all means keep saying that Labor will win back Fremantle at the next election. We can just bring the statement up as an inaccurate prediction if Carles retains the seat.
One has to wonder why Frank has to put words in capitals to debate.
I got a bit of surprise the other day when I thought I saw your avatar on the wall of a building… I had thought it random, ignorant that I was, but it must be a symbol for something?
No 2830
You should ask ShowsOn the same question.
[Frank, more double standards and hypocrisy. Lest we forget that you supported the Idiot for Cabramatta, Nick Lalich, when he banned local residents from a council meeting on the basis of their political affiliation.]
And as I pointed out, the Mayor was following ESTABLISHED Council Standing orders on the issue and that your mob failed to raise their concerned via the PROPER Channels.
BIG Difference.
Frank, drop the hate.
[ I had thought it random, ignorant that I was, but it must be a symbol for something?]
Socialist International. 😉
[You should ask ShowsOn the same question.]
HEY come ON i HAVE been TRYING to BREAK that HABIT!
For some reason I can’t post in the NSW thread (Won’t let me log in).
This article quotes a NSW Nielsen poll with a 53-47 2pp.
Is that new?
[BIG Difference.]
No difference at all. Lalich banned dissenting opinion and now you’re crying foul about the same issue. Except, of course, when it’s Labor doing the banning.
Don`t expect to keep the primaries of most of the “Chardonnay socialists” and “Latte sippers” or indeed their preferences in many seats (not to the Libs but to Green non-exclusion).
[One has to wonder why Frank has to put words in capitals to debate.]
It is called EMPHSISING a point.
Soething that the Tofu Brigade can’t stomach it seems.
[By all means keep saying that Labor will win back Fremantle at the next election. We can just bring the statement up as an inaccurate prediction if Carles retains the seat.]
If I am wrong, I will say so, but I’m not the one saying that Greens retaining it will be a forgone conclusion, unlike the Gloating Tofu Brigade – even William and Antony said it wll be LIKELY – which means that on paper it may be so, but don’t take it as gospel.
S.A. government won’t be giving BHP $160 million for the Upper Spencer Gulf desal plant. That’s the desal plant that BHP needs in order to expand the Olympic Dam mine.
New thread.