Newspoll: 55-45

Breaking news: Newspoll has Labor’s lead down from 56-44 to 55-45. Since you all know about it by now, a link will suffice (although I will observe that Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings seem to have bottomed out). Here’s a first: Essential Research has the same result as Newspoll, with Labor’s lead plunging from 59-41 to 55-45. Further questions focus on the parties’ capacity to handle various issues, emissions trading schemes and climate change, and perceptions of politicians’ honesty (better than you might think).

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

2,843 comments on “Newspoll: 55-45”

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  1. [Here’s a first: Essential Research has the same result as Newspoll]

    Actually, it’s a third: The 15th March and the 7th December 2008 results were the same as well.

    Just sayin’ 😛

  2. Funny that the MSM have stopped reporting any polls that aren’t positive for Malcopops & the Coalition, I wonder why(rolls eyes)?

  3. Wow! There have been some significant movements in the questions dealing with economic management over the last few months.

    Has anyone kept a copy of the 2 March breakdown of responses for ‘Neither’ and ‘Don’t know’?

    I’d be interested to see if the movements are driven by people making up their minds, or by changing their minds

  4. Frank @ 412

    “it is the Kath & Kims that decide Elections”

    Your constant unjustified attack on the Greens with such vitriol suggests to me that you have too much red meat in your diet. You need to eat more vegetables. Try a tofu burger instead of a BigMac. As Climate Change manifests itself more so will the Green vote increase. Labor and the Greens are a natural synergy. Learn to love your lentils otherwise you will be known as the “Kel Knight” of the Labor Right.

  5. BBill @ 3 – there was an unadorned and quite detailed piece about the Newspoll on the ABC’s News Radio at 8:30.

  6. OK I found it -(now that I am unemployed, I have too much time to spare)

    For most questions, the number of “don’t knows’ have fallen 2-3%.

    There are also some big increases in “neither” category… at Labor’s expense, but providing little gain to the Opposition

  7. Here’s a sensible court decision, from one of the apparently many smart and savvy US Federal Court judges (unlike the Supreme Court, unable to be completely stacked by Bush):
    [US Must Release Gitmo Evidence: Judge
    A federal judge on Monday ordered the US Justice Department to publicly reveal allegations and evidence in more than 100 pending cases of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.]

    That will be interesting reading. I wonder how many proven monsters there really are.

  8. “Radio Liberal Party”, otherwise known as 2GB in Sydney, this morning was again bleating about the “Rudd tantrum on the plane”, and the poor flight attendant getting abused – someone should tell them this stuff is old news.

  9. Oz – The legal position has changed now though after the Supreme Court ruling last year bringing at least some of the cases under US courts – whereas before Bush was able to rely on the contention they were outside the jurisdiction. I think this order is enforceable – Justice Department officials potentially before the court facing detention if they dont’ comply etc.:
    [Hogan’s order came almost a year after the Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo detainees have a right to challenge their detention in US civilian courts under the writ of habeas corpus. Monday’s ruling could potentially apply to 107 habeas cases.]

  10. Riddle me this –

    The roads budget for NSW has been leaked to the opposition and the media but there’s two completely different takes on it by the Herald and the Telegraph.

    The Herald says “The big choke: roads lose out in Rees budget”.

    The Telegraph says “PREMIER Nathan Rees has approved a rapid acceleration of major road projects across Sydney and NSW, with a record $4.4 billion expected to be announced in the state Budget in two weeks.”,22049,25572394-5006009,00.html

  11. Frank Kelly and Michelle Grattan discussed Newspoll on RN at 7.40am. They agreed that Turnbull’s position had improved slightly but he was still miles behind.

  12. Not sure if it’s been discussed already (likely has been), but dumped 2007 ALP candidate for Franklin and ETU Tasmanian secretary Kevin Harkins is set to be endorsed as the number 1 candidate on the Tasmanian ALP ticket for the next election at the expense of Government Whip Kerry O’Brien.

  13. Oh and additionally Australian Manufacturing Workers Union secretary Anne Urquhart for the third spot, Helen Polley expected to keep the second spot on ticket.

  14. Possum @ 21
    What a shame it was only ‘tried to go the biff’.
    What do you say to a coalition member with two black eyes?
    Nothing, he’s already been told twice.

  15. [Rumors are flying that Alby Shultz has just tried to go the biff with Chris Pearce in the Coalition party room meeting]

    My money’s on Alby

    ps i loved his adventure movies back in the 80’s

  16. No 14

    Like any other promise from the NSW Government, don’t expect delivery until 2098.

  17. No 10

    Radio 2GB continues to smash its rivals in the ratings so I don’t think they care what you think evan.

  18. No 16

    Sound decisions from Anna Bligh. Of course, if the Liberals had done this, it would be the end of the world as we know it on Poll Bludger.

  19. [Mr Squiggle get a job and stop being a dole bludger.]
    Stop using tax payer subsidised libraries and lecture theatres.

  20. [Mr Squiggle get a job and stop being a dole bludger.]
    GP at least Squiggle is on PB while off work not while working.

  21. [Sound decisions from Anna Bligh. Of course, if the Liberals had done this, it would be the end of the world as we know it on Poll Bludger.]
    Fortunately the LNP is the natural party of opposition in QLD. Think about it G.P., the conservatives have won ONE election in the last 22 years.

  22. No 31

    Gary, there are such things as lunch breaks. Since you are a champion of unionism, you should know this by now.

  23. [Rumors are flying that Alby Shultz has just tried to go the biff with Chris Pearce in the Coalition party room meeting! ]
    I’m not surprised this has happened. Pearce sounds like Huckleberry Hound. There’s only so much of his voice that one can put up with.

  24. No 32

    It was the same for Labor when Bjelke-Peterson was in power ShowsOn. Don’t get too carried away.

  25. [Gary, there are such things as lunch breaks. Since you are a champion of unionism, you should know this by now.]
    WOW! G.P. discovers that unionists eat lunch.

    They give you such a well rounded education at your tax payer subsidised university.

  26. [It was the same for Labor when Bjelke-Peterson was in power ShowsOn. Don’t get too carried away.]
    The only difference being that Sir Joh was a criminal.

  27. No 36

    ShowsOn, I pay my way at university. Unfortunately, had I entered uni this year, that would not have been an option. Shame on Rudd for encouraging dependency on the state.

  28. No 37

    Don’t worry, Labor has had its fair share of criminals over the years. In NSW, Mr Orkopolous springs to mind.

  29. [Gary, there are such things as lunch breaks. Since you are a champion of unionism, you should know this by now.]
    And without them you’d be lucky to have a lunch break.

  30. [ShowsOn, I pay my way at university.]
    You didn’t pay for the library or the lecture theatres so you, like Mr Squiggle, are using a public resources.

    All you have to do is admit it. Unlike you I don’t think it is bad that Government’s subsidise some things.

  31. [Not that I particularly care.]
    Just give me the phone number of your boss and I’ll let him/her know you’re happy to go without a lunch break. I’m sure you and he/she can arrange something.

  32. [# 37 ShowsOn (the graceless one), you’re safe in the knowledge you can’t defame a deceased person.]
    #43 David Charles (the idiotic one) Oh, how unfortunate! Hopefully scientists can figure out how to bring Joh back so I can defame him properly.

  33. No 44

    Of course I didn’t pay for the Library and Lecture theatre, but that is not the point. My tuition fees contribute to their upkeep and maintenance.

  34. [Of course I didn’t pay for the Library and Lecture theatre, ]
    Thank you for admitting it, now please, STOP sucking off taxpayers!

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