Pennsylvania minus four weeks

As Barack Obama weathers the Reverend Jeremiah Wright controversy, Hillary Clinton misspeaks. Compare and contrast …

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,114 comments on “Pennsylvania minus four weeks”

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  1. GG @ the thought of waking up next to the cardigan commando is well…
    or the ‘Sparkling Bludger’…more toga lifting I say, just ask EC, sniff the roses, retreat, contemplate…& whatever…go with the bowe

  2. 1101

    It’s very sweet Jen, and much nicer than any allusion to red Cambodians, but it makes me sound a bit like a Kiwi soprano, and well, I sing bass.

  3. Hi codger,

    I am so pleased I can speak with my very own personal stalker.

    You call me “horse” for reasons I do not know. But, neither does anyone else.
    Isn’t that funny having a private little joke that no one else can share.

  4. 1103
    Kirribilli Removals Says:
    it makes me sound a bit like a Kiwi soprano, and well, I sing bass

    there is a um….cure for that Kirri, aka Pol Pot reincarnated, though you may not enjoy it, nor might Mrs Kirri! 😉

  5. MayoFeral- I was so pleased to see that the US made the UN accept the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot as the legitimate government of Cambodia despite the genocide, after having been overthrown by the Vietnamese. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.

  6. codger,

    I am very pleased to have pet stalker. It is the most exciting thing that has happened to me since I sneezed a minute ago. Smurf Blue is my favourite colour so do the right thing and frock up. If you want to hover around my house, let me know, and I’ll organise some coffeee and dumb nuts.


  7. I see in my absence around the premier state there has been an element of cabin fever involving possible changes in gender orientation. It is a long campaign but I don’t think we need go that far – unless of course it’s something you have been inclined towards anyway.

    Seems to me a competition is in order to distract us a little and I propose we pick the date on which one of the two remaining Dem candidates announces they are pulling the pin. See, no assumptions about who that candidate might be, so it would be an even-handed competition, but that being so, contestants would nominate:

    1. The date and time of day for the announcement (US time), and;
    2. The candidate to make the announcement.

    (Giving the time of day will ensure a winner.)

    There are some key dates, for primaries, the convention etc., but I suspect those formal dates may not be when this event occurs

    I would get a nice bottle of red to the winner, but perhaps others could donate a prize as well, if able to. What do you reckon?

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