Newspoll: 56-44

The Australian reports the latest Newspoll has Labor’s two-party lead steady at 56-44. Kevin Rudd’s preferred prime minister rating is up four points to 65 per cent, and Malcolm Turnbull’s is down one to 21 per cent. More to follow.

Also today was the latest weekly Essential Research survey, which has the Labor lead widening from 58-42 to 60-40. Also featured: “how important are the following issues in deciding how you would vote at a Federal election?” which party do you think best at handling them; the global financial crisis; climate change; and a broad-brush question on “independent Senators and government legislation”.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,740 comments on “Newspoll: 56-44”

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  1. Listening to C-Span who are having a talk back forum with a German and UK jounalist taking questions from the world public. Mostly with regard to Obama and the G20.

    Not encouraging hearing most US callers being thick as two bricks. But are fielding some interesting questions.

  2. Dario, I have season one on DVD but never watched it. It’s on my list of 1,000 things I must do before I die. I might just ramp it up a position or two.

  3. Is season one totally self contained or will I also have to watch the later seasons to reach a satisfactory conclusion?

  4. I’m refreshing Sky News site and the SMH page to see the poll results but nothing so far. I’ll have to hit the sack and catch up with the good news in the morning. I agree with the earlier post that Rudd’s preferred PM numbers are insane. I reckon if Turnbull’s shadow ministry received a call from the pollsters they’d vote for Kev as well.

  5. Turnbull’s dog whistle on China is a bit risky and could end up harming them and helping Rudd.

    Everyone was (is) hoping for China to be the economic savior and they are aware that our decade of prosperity relied a fair amount on China. Close relationships with China will be viewed as a positive as well as the dog whistling negative. But if the recession deepens people will forget the xenophobic side of the equation and hope for more special deals with China. And with Rudd being the China expert…

    Tunbull and Hockey can also be called on their dog whistling on race with a reference back to the Howard years which I think people realise the Liberals were pretty grubby.

    Turnbull could in fact be simply giving some good highlight to one of Rudd’s abilities.

  6. [Turnbull’s dog whistle on China is a bit risky and could end up harming them and helping Rudd. ]

    Especially in WA where there is a lot of Chinese Investment in the North West and it may harm the WA Libs as well.

  7. [Turnbull’s dog whistle on China is a bit risky and could end up harming them and helping Rudd. ]

    Given that Howard has met her as well, this whole thing is just doomed to fail

  8. China obviously has much to learn. Russia, Israel, the USA and others have been electronically raiding computers around the world ‘undetected’ for ages. It is not surprising China is trying the same but obviously not as clever as the others yet.

  9. The Rudd PR machine is a little bit disappointing though. These sorts of attacks by Turnbull and Co are perfect opportunities to turn a negative focus back on them. There is a lack of sophistication from them.

    Really they only need to mention how much our ecnomy has depended on them, and the world recovery dependent upon them and jobs in WA, Qld etc depend on China and having a mature adult relationship with them…..and a dog whistling etc…

  10. [“Mr Zhou was a guest of the Australian Government during the first week of November 2008,” confirmed a spokeswoman for Mr Rudd in an email last night in response to questions earlier yesterday.

    “Mr Zhou is one of approximately 200 foreign government representatives the Prime Minister has met with since the last election,” she said, referring further queries about his itinerary to the Chinese embassy.

    The fact of Mr Zhou’s visit is unremarkable, as China typically sends one member of the ruling standing committee member to Australia each year.

    This year’s visitor was Mr Li.]
    The dog whistling is alive and well at The Age even with this explanation being given.

  11. Perhaps the premiers could make it a law that all bikies had to wear some sort of identification badge? Then the police could arrest all the bikies without the badge, for not wearing it, and all those wearing the badge, for being a bikie.

  12. The Age attacking from the left. I guess it made someone feel good about themselves.

    How many people do Ministers and PMs quietly meet during the year including correspondance? It would have to be par for the course, but they don’t mention this.

    Funny though if it was a German, USA, English meeting it wouldn’t be news at all. It only is news if it includes a bit of dog whistling.

    PM secretly meets with a variety of German ministers or some such…yawn. Not news. Who cares?

  13. [The more I watch Gillard, the more I’m convinced Labor should dump Rudd.]

    at 74%??? Hahahahahahahahaha, one of your finest GP 😀

  14. [PM secretly meets with a variety of German ministers or some such…yawn. Not news. Who cares?]

    Don’t you remember Hitler??? I think we should give the SMH a call…

  15. Oh dear… what to do with Turnbull. Might as well give Jockey or People Skills a go at the Opposition leadership. 😀

  16. [Mr Rudd, who left Australia last Monday to meet new US President Barack Obama in Washington and is now in London for the Group of 20 summit, enjoys a 74 per cent approval rating, with only 22 per cent disapproving.]

    Rudd is going to be the envy of the show.

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