Tasmanian election minus one day

On the eve of the Tasmanian election, another poll suggesting the Liberals will emerge as comfortably the biggest party in a hung parliament.

On the eve of the Tasmanian state election, the print edition of The Mercury (no report online that I can see) reports polling conducted a fortnight ago for an undisclosed private client by Freshwater Strategy points to a seats result of Liberal 15, Labor nine, Greens four, Jacqui Lambie Network three and independents four. The poll reached 800 respondents in each of the five electorates, with the report relating results in Lyons of Liberal 38%, Labor 23%, Greens 13% and JLN and independents 11% each; in Bass of Liberal 40%, Labor 26%, Greens 10% and JLN 10%; in Braddon of Liberal 49%, Labor 15%, JLN 13% and independents 10%; in Clark of Liberal 26%, Labor 21%, Greens 20% and independents 28%; and in Franklin of Liberal 33%, Labor 27%, Greens 13% and independents 17%. The independent results would seem to bode well for John Tucker in Lyons and David O’Byrne in Franklin, and for two independents to be elected in Clark inclusive of incumbent Kristie Johnston.

For a good deal more on Tasmanian state election polling, see Kevin Bonham. I am presently in my usual election eve scramble to get my live results facility in place, which if all goes well will offer results by party down to booth level (which in 2021 at least were unique to this site) in both tabular and mapped form.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

105 comments on “Tasmanian election minus one day”

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  1. Gympie, you are either a brilliant performance artist or the dumbest man alive.

    Anybody who has spent any time editing Wikipedia knows full well how difficult it can be to get images – even official promo pics – to meet the websites’ strict copyright rules.

    And even if that wasn’t the case, the idea that the absence of a candidate’s image on a Wikipedia page means, well, much of anything is completely insane, especially when you’re talking about a local government election. The idea that it’s part of a nefarious scheme by the obvious political powerhouse that is the Brisbane Labor Party goes well beyond insanity to… Well, I don’t even have a word for that.

  2. “So what Asha said then.”
    No. One comment was about my perceptions of Labor strategy, the next comment was about being allowed to register Green as a Party name.

  3. One comment was about my perceptions of Labor strategy, the next comment was about being allowed to register Green as a Party name.

    The sentiment expressed in my initial response can be equally applied to your post about The White Party.

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