As reported by The Guardian, the latest fortnightly Essential Research poll finds approval of Scott Morrison’s handling of COVID-19 at 61%, which is off from a high of 72% in June. Approval ratings for state governments in New South Wales as well as Victoria are also trending gently downwards, with both having lost two points in the past fortnight, leaving them at 59% and 47% respectively. The Western Australian government continues to lead the field on 84%, though this too is down two on last time, with due regard to the very small sample size.
The poll also suggests Australians are unsentimental about civil liberties in the face of COVID-19, with 65% favouring closing the border to all foreign travellers and 52% supporting dedicated quarantine facilities for convalescents. Concerning outbreaks at aged care clinics, 42% blamed the providers, 30% the federal goverment and 28% state governments, and 70% believed the situation had been aggravated by long-term under-funding. The poll also gauged support for taxpayers to underwrite new gas infrastructure at 27% for, 27% against and 32% for neither. The poll was conducted from 1068 respondents from Thursday to Sunday; the pollster will publish its full report will be published later today.
UPDATE: Full report here. It should be noted that the 61% approval rating for handling of COVID-19 related to “the government” rather than Scott Morrison.
We also had on Friday one of the occasional Roy Morgan polls on federal voting intention, which finds the Coalition lead out to 54-46 from 51.5-48.5 when the last such poll was published in mid-July. The Coalition is up 2.5% on the primary vote to 46%, with Labor down one to 32.5%, the Greens steady on 11% and One Nation up half a point to 3%. The poll was conducted over the previous two weekends by phone and online interviewing from a sample of 2841.
Victoria @ #40 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 8:30 am
‘So what you gonna do Scomo?’
Whatever he likes.
Listening to it right now!
It’s not just the “escape” from Victoria, it’s his previous history of ignoring planning rules as well.
Sukkar will get a slap on the wrist and Saint Scotty of the Marketing will be trying to find something, most likely Dan Andrews based, to distract everyone with in the hope that it all goes away. All no doubt ably supported by Demon Lord Rupert.
guytaur @ #50 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 6:39 am
You’re always so full of absolutes, when much doubt exists.
To make statements like this halfway through the epidemic is asking for trouble.
Can anyone tell us what the World will be like in 12 months time?
If reality is catching up, then why are movements like Qanon gaining such a following?
I never supported Dr Finkel’s appointment, but I’m a very small cog in the wheel.
Lizzie, there was also a contradiction in what she said. Mick Mac was saying yesterday for people to move to get jobs in the country and today Sports Rorts was saying baristas are not skilled to do at work.
Mundi ‘‘So what you gonna do Scomo?’’
My guess is that HE will hire another friend on the public payroll to keep Jenny company.
So glad that ABC Sydney have Jack the Insider speaking out against the Qanon cult just now. ABC702 discussing it now.
Cheers for Senator Hanson-Young.
148 new cases in Vic. Not as good as yesterday, but would suggest that the downward trend is continuing.
Victoria 148 corona cases and 8 new deaths.
Gee, did some of the cartoonists from the US suddenly wake up to reality or what?
100%. I honestly feel really sorry for the decent Americans who are stuck in a country with an entrenched two party establishment and no preferential voting. Don’t even get me started on the joke that is the Electoral College system either.
This article on Qanon-“The loony of the looniest”….dangerous when they promote anti vaccine as we face this Covid scourge.
148 today, 222 same time last week.
The trend is looking ok.
How wacko are the Qanon conspiracy nutters ? I thought this was a parody, a piss take but nope. It was a ‘serious’ post on a RW site .Will not bother linking to site.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #53 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 8:48 am
‘Can anyone tell us what the World will be like in 12 months time?’
I can tell you what Australia will be like.
Scrooter & Co will have recently been re-elected.
And Labor’s long winter of ‘opposition’ renewed for another three years.
Alpha Zero @ #63 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:07 am
Coalition primary up 2%
The trend looking fcked.
Apropos Qanon and deep state cults, my OH reminded me of the Opus Dei friends of his family who were also Knights of the Southern Cross, a secretive Catholic group. I then I remembered Rupert Murdoch belonged to this group, visiting the pope.
This is the only link I can find but I know there were others;
In spite of an increase today, Victorian new cases are trending the right way.
Seven day moving average: today 184, a week ago 307, peak 573 on August 5.
Is Jack the Insider no longer at the Australian?
This is why the media and Libs attacking “Dictator Dan” is not only unfair, but ignorant of laws.
You are the one doing the absolute denying change is happening.
Mundo, you are an absolute and utter total bore. Get a new shtick or get a new hobby because following politics isn’t for you.
You seem to expect that anything and everything an Opposition says (in your case you only target the Federal ALP) must be the feature story on every page of an 80 page newspaper, and every story on a half hour TV news bulletin and every post on all forms of social media.
It doesn’t work that way. Oppositions don’t get that sort of media oxygen. Never have, never will.
As the Oppositions of every state govt are also experiencing but you don’t waste a moment slagging them because that is not your shtick.
I hate coming here and scrolling through so many utterly pointless posts by you. We get it. We got it the first time, we got it the 1000th time. You just don’t seem to get that it is not the role of any media to give endless coverage to anything and everything an Opposition party says.
And they do say it. You can find all those things repeated ad-nauseum on the countless ALP social media feeds and media releases.
Get another shtick or get another hobby. I only come here a few times a day to have a quick, and hopefully enjoyable read, and I reckon I’m not the only one who is well and truly over your repetition.
Even nath is more readable these days. That good behaviour bond that William has put him on seems to be working.
Maybe I need a new hobby…
It’s just doing what they have always done from the get go. Play despicable politics with this pandemic.
It has been some time since I agreed with Peter Van Onselen who agrees with Jeff Kennet:
Gene Miles
Use the Block feature to save your sanity. 🙂
guytaur @ #74 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 7:17 am
I’m in denial by suggesting things are more complex and uncertain than what you think?
😆 😆 😆
You seem to base your assessment on a large dose of hope, I hope you are right, but …
lizzie @ #79 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:22 am
Just kidding. 😇
Lizzie I love “Dictator Dan”
Gene Miles @ #75 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:18 am
Except in the RGR years when almost every ABC News bulletin led with “The Federal Opposition says…”.
Barney in Tanjung Bunga @ #46 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 8:36 am
Yes, but if they didn’t have that they’d just come up with some other excuse. One ex post facto justification is as good as any other.
lizzie @ #73 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:16 am
It can be all of that, and politically effective too. 🙁
Gene Miles @ #70 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:18 am
‘It doesn’t work that way. Oppositions don’t get that sort of media oxygen. Never have, never will.’
The media was embedded with the Abbott opposition.
Everything written or reported about the Gillard government was done so through the prism of the Abbott opposition’s response.
You need to pay attention or find a new hobby.
Morrison & Co is a trainwreck or it isn’t.
Can’t have it both ways.
Thank you for your concern and advice.
Mundo will give it due consideration.
Of course you could join Lizzie in her little echo chamber bubble where pretty soon the sun will be shining out of Scrotter’s arse.
Bucephalus and right-wingers. You don’t get the point. The rules will be made by the Health CMO.
Do you know what the other states emergency powers currently are?
I’ve got all day.
a r @ #79 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:29 am
Not according to Gene ‘politics-is-Me’ Miles.
I agree with John Hewson on how things are changing.
Edit: Not exactly a radical leftie.
Tuesday, August 25, 2020 at 9:22 am
Gene Miles
Use the Block feature to save your sanity.
Lizzie, I don’t log in. I just come here when I can and read as many pages as I have time for. I don’t even know how to quote properly, as you can tell.
I have other duties and commitments but I enjoy following politics. ‘Enjoy’ may be the wrong word in the current environment and even most of the past 25 years.
C’est la vie.
CH7 is “helpfully” suggesting that lockdown may last for another 12 months.
Lizzie so it should be “Dictator Doc” 🙂
Spray @ #78 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:28 am
…the ABC ‘ the Abbott Broadcasting Corporation’ as some of us called it.
Remember Miles?
I wouldn’t be sending out Mikakos to sell the 12 month extension. Was just on 774, sounds very fragile like she has lost all confidence.
No cases of c.19 reported today in Queensland.
Gene Miles
I don’t even know if logging in is necessary to use “Block”.
I’m glad you enjoy some of our nonsense, anyway. 🙂
Gene Miles:
I think mundo started off being genuinely concerned about the ALP, but as more people started responding with aggravation to him, his comments are now a kind of sport.
I’ve long been of the view that if people simply ignored the flaming those commenters would change their tune or go away.
Bucephalus @ #77 Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 – 9:21 am
What you mean is, you agree with PvO when he agrees with YOU.
“Mundo, you are an absolute and utter total bore. Get a new shtick or get a new hobby because following politics isn’t for you.”
Mundo is making a very valid point, all be it in a rather unusual way lol. If things continue as they are then Labor is indeed on track for another term in opposition. That outcome is certainly not set in stone – a lot can and will happen between now and the next election – but based on how they are travelling right now it is fair to say that Labor is not in a good place. And yes, we need to be fair and acknowledge that it is a difficult time to be an opposition leader, but Albo was being the ineffective disappointment that he is long before COVID rocked up, so I’m not sure he can use that as an excuse forever.
What. You switched over from listening to your man Mitchell over at 3aw.