Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor

Newspoll has both major parties up on the primary vote, Scott Morrison’s standing recovering somewhat, and generally positive results for federal and state governments on handling of coronavirus.

For all that our world may have changed over the past three weeks, Newspoll has not: The Australian reports the latest result has Labor’s lead steady at 51-49. There has, however, been primary vote movement in favour of the major parties, with both up by two points: the Coalition to 40%, Labor to 36%. The Greens are down one to 12%, One Nation unchanged on 4% and others down three to 8%.

As with Essential Research, Scott Morrison has recovered somewhat from his post-bushfire slump, with his approval rating up three to 41% and disapproval down five to 53%. He now holds a 42-38 lead over Anthony Albanese as preferred prime minister, who led 41-40 last time. Albanese’s net rating has also improved, his approval rating up one to 40% (The Australian report says down three, but I believe it has its wires crossed from the preferred prime minister movement) and disapproval down four to 40%.

In other findings, 75% support the government’s decision to abandon a budget surplus in favour of economic stimulus; 51% believe the federal government has managed preparedness for the crisis well; 66% are satisfied with federal and state government efforts to inform the public about the virus; but only 47% feel the same way about managing its economic impact.

UPDATE: The Australian’s reportage rather downplays the fact, but the poll found only 33% were satisfied with the economic response of governments (the question emphasised “both federal and state”) to the coronavirus outbreak, with 47% dissatisfied. The 75% rating in favour of stimulus did not relate specifically to the government’s policy, but to the general notion that “the Morrison government should provide a stimulus package to safeguard the economy”, with only 14% favouring the alternative option that it “should prioritise its promise to deliver a budget surplus”.

For the other questions, 76% of respondents were worried about the economic impact of the outbreak, versus only 20% for confident; 51% were worried, and 47% confident, about the preparedness of the public health system, for which 51% were satisified with the federal and state government response and 33% dissatisfied; and 63% were confident, and 35% worried, about “the amount of information available to Australians about how to protect themselves”, for which 65% were satisfied and 28% dissatisfied with the federal and state government response.

The poll was conducted Wednesday to Saturday from a sample of 1501.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

1,631 comments on “Newspoll: 51-49 to Labor”

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  1. “Mexicanbeemer says:
    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:17 am
    No one will be nationalising private hospitals”

    No. I can imagine though that there might be a need to use the facilities for a period, and the staff.

  2. “Roger Millersays:
    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:24 am
    We could spend money to install fibre broadband networks. They would pay for themselves in a very short time.”

    Do that as well. There’s going to be plenty of people needing work.

  3. Late Riser says:
    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 12:13 am
    I’m falling asleep at the keyboard RI. Sorry. I’ll check back in the morning, for now hoping your nephew and his mum are recovering and that you have resisted.

    LR…sorry…been away from the computer….thanks for your inquiry. My Sister-in-law and my nephew show some signs of improvement tonight….fever abating, but otherwise still strong symptoms…I’m not fearful for them now, but we’re watchful. I’m ok too, thanks.

    I really deeply hope the transcript above is correct – that the State will be shut down for 2 weeks. The virus is spread by humans. If we curtail human mixing we can arrest the spread. If that can be done the pandemic might be averted. The measures listed are intense but they might work. The McGowan Government will deserve the gratitude of every West Australian if the steps succeed. He will have prevented a great tragedy. They are in total contrast to the dithering and fumbling of the LNP in Canberra, who are without any question the most incompetent, bungling cowardly idiots ever to hold office in this country.

  4. Roger Miller says:
    Wednesday, March 18, 2020 at 1:01 am
    “this is the rumour tonight from this morning’s WA Cabinet meeting effective from tomorrow until 31/3 we are going into lock down.”
    Lifted verbatim from Malaysian announcement. I dont think so.

    Really? That would be very disheartening.

  5. Blobbit
    That is a possibility and this is why we have more resources than some people seem to think we do but its all about how is the pandemic being managed and while the states seem to be getting it together they are still faced by Morrison’s lack of leadership.

  6. Blobbit

    On a related issue. The government could invest massively into its own pumped hydro. Energy storage is one thing we absolutely need in spades.

  7. BB
    I appreciate Rhwombat’s((sp?) posts, and advice. I am perfectly capable of looking up anything I do not understand but that I have not had to do so far.

    I appreciate too, the work on the ‘front lines’ by our medical, nursing et al people and want to register my thanks to them.

    How about we all not fight in William’s supermarket aisles and just discuss/argue and be nice to each other.

    Everyone, it might be worth remembering the PBer you are insulting might be fighting for their life in an ICU bed in a few weeks.

    BB, i really like your writing style, telling of your experiences in the areas you were in. Can we have some more like those, please/ You have a way of using humour to get a point across.
    I also took note of that WHO recipe, and the discussion about the types of metho after that.

    For the PBer who mentioned it, I followed up on Zoono and got some before they sold out. And sent some to my overseas and in Australia progeny.

    It is expensive and it seems there are no reported experiments to see whether is really does stay on the hands for eight hours even when washing during the day, but I will add it to my regime. That is one of the beauties of PB, the varied useful information from people from all different spheres.

    BB Thank you for posting that email from your ex-supplier, it was good to read. On-the-ground information is great

    End of Ramble. Also thanks to our Overlord, The Magnificent and Verily Revered William Bowe.

  8. Holdenhillbilly

    ‘People with blood type A may be more vulnerable to infection by the new coronavirus, while those with type O seem more resistant, according to a preliminary study of patients in China …. they found that blood type A patients showed a higher rate of infection and they tended to develop more severe symptoms’

    Not what I wanted to hear 🙁

    In other news, UEFA have cancelled the Euro2020 football championships due this summer
    UEFA EURO 2020 was scheduled to take place in twelve cities across Europe from 12 June to 12 July 2020. The proposed new dates are 11 June – 11 July 2021.
    2:20 PM · Mar 17, 2020·Twitter Web App

  9. Also I am worried sleepless about my progeny and grand-daughter overseas.
    Ditto to my progeny working in a remote, as in hundreds of miles from a small hospital, Aboriginal community. He says Conovirus is inevitable there, and it will be hell when it comes. The community, as they all do, has a store, fuel stop, school, nurses station and a doctor who comes once a week. If we think we are badly off with no toilet paper, wait until the elderly and health-compromised of all ages in these communities end up with Covid19.

  10. The …Federal Reserve announced it was creating a Commercial Paper Funding Facility (CPFF), to support the flow of credit to households and businesses amid the Covid-19 crisis. The move will allow the Fed to buy up short-term debt issued by companies, supporting activity and jobs across the economy. In addition, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin said at a press briefing that the administration is looking at sending direct cash payments to Americans as part of a massive $850 billion stimulus package.

  11. USD850 billion stimulus in the US…equivalent to about AUD110 billion here…sounds right…what are governments for if not to support the economy….

  12. The Danish Prime Minister has said the government prohibits crowds of more than 10 people as of Wednesday to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
    Jordan’s King Abdullah has approved a law that gives the government sweeping powers to enforce a state of emergency to help it combat the spread of coronavirus, state media said.

    The royal decree gives Prime Minister Omar Razzaz extraordinary powers under a defence law enacted in times of war and disasters to enforce curfews, closing businesses and placing restrictions on freedom of movement of people.

    The cabinet announced the closure of all government agencies except hospitals from Wednesday and ordered private firms to also close their offices and send employees home.

    All shops in malls would be shut apart from those selling food and medicine. Gatherings of more than 10 people will be banned.

    These kinds of measures should be in force in Australia….


    The Catholic church in England and Wales has not suspended services but has introduced a series of measures to reduce infection including: advising against physical contact between priests and members of the congregation when giving communion; suspending the sign of the peace; removing holy water stoups; banning veneration of relics and the cross on Good Friday by kissing or physically touching them; no longer sharing hymn books and missals; and advising elderly and vulnerable parishioners to stay away from large parish gatherings.

    After consulting Islamic scholars, the Muslim Council of Britain has advised mosques in the UK to suspend all congregational activity, including Friday prayers.

    It said: “The obligation for Friday prayers is very important to Muslims up and down the country. Given the overwhelming majority of Muslims identify with their local mosque, its centrality to communal activities should not be understated. The choice therefore to suspend all congregational activities, is not one that has been taken lightly.”

    Some gurdwaras have cancelled Nagar Kirtans, the Sikh religious processions that are a key part of Vaisakhi celebrations next month, and usually attract thousands.

    Most synagogues in the UK have not suspended services but are following guidance about physical contact and hygiene.

    Rabbi Jonathan Romain of Maidenhead synagogue said: “It is a really tough call. My heart tells me to keep services going for those who wish to attend and for whom both the religious and social experience is very important. My head tells me to cancel services in those people’s own health interest and to think of what is best for them medically, even if they do not. Sadly, I know my head will win over.”

    Make believe games suspended …excellent…

  14. NIH/CDC/UCLA Study: Coronavirus is stable for hours on surfaces

    The virus that causes COVID-19 can survive for hours to days in aerosols and on surfaces, according to new research from the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and universities.

    The study, published today in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that SARS-CoV-2 was detectable for up to three hours in aerosols, up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard and up to two to three days on plastic and stainless steel.

    NIH scientists advise that people clean and disinfect frequently touched objects using regular household cleaning sprays.

  15. Massive stimulus package could cost up to $1 trillion, per reports

    Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is discussing a stimulus plan that would include sending out $250bn worth of checks to Americans, amounting to two weeks of pay, by the end of April, according to multiple reports.

    Mathias Cormann will be shocked….

  16. “Lars, Briefly has been granted a special COVID-19 detection spell. It is similar to what Margaret Court uses to ward off the disease.”

    Gratuitous, disgusting comment. No need for this type of snarling, below the belt attack on what was a reasonable post.

  17. RI
    Knowing Morrison’s habit of following America’s lead we will probably see Morrison make similar announcements here.

  18. Mexicanbeemer @ #1619 Wednesday, March 18th, 2020 – 3:04 am

    Knowing Morrison’s habit of following America’s lead we will probably see Morrison make similar announcements here.

    Don’t bet on it. Apparently the $750 that is being made to people on Newstart will be quarantined for those on the cashless debit card system. They just can’t stop being cruel bastards.

  19. All that Back in Black Boasting has proven to be unfortunate hubris by Morrison and Frydo..

    By Shane Wright
    March 17, 2020 — 9.43pm

    The federal budget deficit could hit a record high $100 billion and public debt approach $1 trillion as the government lifts spending to fight a “coronavirus recession” while its revenue sources collapse and costs go up.

    Ahead of the government’s second multibillion-dollar stimulus package and a string of measures from the Reserve Bank aimed at propping up the economy, new analysis of the pressures on the nation’s finances suggest the biggest deficit in dollar terms on record.

    BIS Oxford Economics on Tuesday said instead of the forecast $5 billion surplus this financial year, the government was facing a deficit of at least 2.5 per cent of GDP or well above $40 billion.

    The biggest hit to the budget comes in 2020-21 in which the government had been expecting to post a surplus of $6.1 billion. Instead, BIS expects it to be a deficit of at least 5 per cent of GDP or $100 billion.

  20. Funny handshakes suspended..

    “In view of the latest UK government advice on the coronavirus pandemic, the Masons have suspended all lodge and chapter meetings within England and Wales for a period of four months, with immediate effect, says an official communication from the Grand Master, HRH the Duke of Kent.“

  21. I still haven’t figured out how places like Coles are going to function under the maximum 10 people in one place together rule?

  22. Good morning Dawn Patrollers I will try to limit the focus on Covid-19 as it’s too depressing for me to trawl through it all. For some reason my mind goes back to the last line delivered in the seminal Australian crime series Blue Murder’s police character wo uttered, “The job’s f***ed!”.

    On that note Ross Gittins says that this crisis will turn our lives on their head for so much of this year that we’ll remember it for the rest of our lives and won’t fail to tell our kids about it in years to come.
    Matthew Knott reports that the Trump administration is preparing to unleash a massive US$1 trillion economic stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including rapid cash transfers to most Americans, emergency business loans and a bail-out for the airline industry.
    The Australian Red Cross says it needs 14,000 donors before Easter to help ward off a blood shortage, as thousands of people confine themselves to their homes to curb the spread of coronavirus.
    The AFR says that the priority now is trying to hold things together.
    Alan Joyce is a canny operator. As the ravages of the coronavirus began to hit the airline hard, the Qantas boss announced he would take no salary for the rest of the year; no salary for the rest of the financial year that is. Who will the Government bail out? Michael West investigates Australia’s institutions that are Too Big To Fail.
    Simon Benson reports that a government rescue package to protect tens of thousands of businesses facing collapse will be targeted at saving jobs and propping up the aviation, tourism and hospitality sectors, which have been devastated by the COVID-19 economic fallout.
    If you really want to feel bad read this contribution from Chris Uhlmann.
    Paul Kelly writes, “This is a genuine crisis and genuine crises can only be countered­ by open-ended and high political­ declaration. It is important to follow the medical and economic advice. But officials are officials. They cannot change the course of history. That is the job of leaders acting with decisiveness.”
    According to Shane Wright the federal budget deficit could hit a record high $100 billion and public debt approach $1 trillion as the government lifts spending to fight a “coronavirus recession” while its revenue sources collapse and costs go up.
    The Treasurer has conscripted top officials of the RBA, big banks and power companies to work out plans to shield hundreds of thousands of businesses from bankruptcy writes Karen Maley who says Frydenberg is facing the fight of his life.
    Tony Walker explains how a lack of confidence in US leadership is adding to coronavirus panic.
    The Age editorial says that Australia needs to go hard and fast to tackle coronavirus.
    Sam Maiden Reports that Peter Dutton is suspected of passing on the coronavirus to a Sydney businessman at a Liberal fundraiser dinner attended by the Prime Minister and multiple cabinet ministers.
    Australians are more concerned about the economic consequences of the global coronavirus outbreak than their own personal health, new research has revealed, however two-thirds are increasingly worried about the availability of health services writes Rob Harris.
    The Morrison Government has announced a $17.6 billion economic stimulus package to stave off a looming recession but will this work? Alan Austin recalls lessons from the GFC ten years ago.,13696
    Coronavirus testing explained: Think you’ve got COVID-19? Here’s what you need to know.
    Psychologist Jill Newbie advises us how to manage our anxieties during this crisis.
    Funerals are being conducted virtually or downsized and mourners asked not to embrace as the industry gears up for a potential spike in deaths due to COVID-19. Funeral directors are preparing for a worst case scenario as they push for national guidelines on how to best handle the pandemic.
    Michelle Grattan with the latest on parliamentary arrangements for next week.
    A national organisation representing Australia’s welfare recipients has called on the government to suspend mutual obligations to prevent people having their payments suspended during the coronavirus crisis.
    The COVID-19 pandemic will only get worse and the situation has not been helped by weak political leadership but Dr Martin Hirst says he’s preparing, not panicking.,13694
    A team of Singapore-based scientists has uncovered the first glimmer of hope that the COVID-19 virus could be mutating into a less virulent strain after discovering key protein suspected to affect the virus’s transmission and severity has disappeared in some patients. Let’s hope this turns out to be so.
    Nick McKenzie and Chris Masters say that no Australian could now credibly deny that a small number of our special forces soldiers committed executions of Afghans, such was the power of a video obtained by Four Corners and broadcast on Monday night.
    As COVID-19 shuts down festivals and mass gatherings around the world, entertainment editor John Turnbull considers the impact of coronavirus on movies and the cinema industry.,13699
    Here’s how to live without toilet paper.
    Trump sees the coronavirus as a threat to his self-interest – not to people says Adam Gaffney.
    Pauline Hanson’s One Nation has come under fire for derogatory comments posted on its Facebook pages about women appearing at the federal Parliament’s family law inquiry. The Law Council of Australia (LCA) has written to the inquiry head, Liberal MP Kevin Andrews, saying it wants the inquiry to be “discontinued” because it was no longer confident it would be conducted in “a genuine, open-minded and respectful way”. It was bound to happen!
    The woman is a shocker – in every possible way!
    To finish on a light note (for some) . . .

    Cartoon Corner

    David Rowe

    Alan Moir

    Simon Letch

    John Shakespeare

    Dionne Gain

    Matt Golding

    Andrew Dyson


    From the US

  23. Matthew Knott reports that the Trump administration is preparing to unleash a massive US$1 trillion economic stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic, including rapid cash transfers to most Americans, emergency business loans and a bail-out for the airline industry.

    Trump’s response is said to be based on a new report compiled by British researchers from Imperial College and shared with the Trump White House warns that, in the absence of drastic and coordinated government action, the novel coronavirus could kill as many as 2.2 million people in the United States alone.

    The report is here –

  24. Cud Chewer says:
    Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 9:13 pm

    Spain bringing into emergency public ownership all private hospitals.

    How would that work here?

    When the shit hits the fan.

  25. Feds’ 100-page coronavirus plan warns it will ‘last 18 months’ and cause ‘critical shortages’: report

    The federal government’s plan for responding to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic was obtained by The New York Times.

    “A federal government plan to combat the coronavirus warned policymakers last week that a pandemic ‘will last 18 months or longer’ and could include ‘multiple waves,’ resulting in widespread shortages that would strain consumers and the nation’s health care system,” the newspaper reported.

    The document warned of ongoing shortages.

    The document was marked, “For Official Use Only // Not For Public Distribution or Release.”

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