The Courier Mail has results of a YouGov Galaxy poll of state voting intention in Queensland, which has Labor leading 51-49, down from 53-47 at the last such poll in May. The primary votes are Labor 35% (down three), LNP 37% (up two), Greens 11% (up one) and One Nation 10% (down two). Annastacia Palaszczuk is down five on approval to 41% and steady on disapproval at 38%, while Deb Frecklington is steady on 31% and down two 26%. The poll was conducted Wednesday and Thursday from a sample of 800, and will hopefully be followed tomorrow or the day after by a set of federal voting intention numbers.
YouGov Galaxy: 51-49 to Labor in Queensland
A post-election bounce for Labor washes out in the latest Queensland state poll, as Annastacia Palaszczuk takes a five point hit on her approval rating.
It would be interesting to find out the various issues in the various parts of Qld. to achieve these latest results or whether the movement is explained statistically. These results seem about par or thereabouts.
There’s no accouting for taste, the rare and lovely Annastacia Palaszczuk having the measure of Deb Frecklington, who reminds me of of a young Bronnie.