YouGov Galaxy: 53-47 to state Labor in Queensland

The same poll that had the federal Coalition retaining a slight lead in Queensland goes solidly the other way on state voting intention.

The Courier-Mail today has part two of its YouGov Galaxy poll of Queensland, conducted on Wednesday and Thursday from a sample of 900, this time dealing with state voting intention. Interestingly, the state result is quite a bit better for Labor than the federal one, recording Labor with a 53-47 lead on two-party preferred, compared with 52-48 at the previous such poll in February, and 51.2-48.8 at the November election. The primary votes are Labor 38% (up one on the previous poll in February, and compared with 35.4% at the November election), Liberal National Party 35% (down one, 33.7% at the election), One Nation 12% (up two, 13.7% at the election) and Greens 10% (steady, 10.0% at the election).

UPDATE: Personal ratings are 46% approval (up two) and 38% disapproval (steady) for Annastacia Palaszuczuk, and 31% (up two) and 28% (up three) for Deb Frecklington, with Palaszczuk leading 47-27 as preferred premier, out from 42-31.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

6 comments on “YouGov Galaxy: 53-47 to state Labor in Queensland”

  1. Jack Aranda – yes, for these QLD only Galaxy polls they always do just one sample and ask people about both levels of govt. I sometimes wonder if they always ask fed before state, state before fed, or if they mix it up between respondents.

  2. Joe2
    It’s official, #Budget2018 bombed.
    “A mini budget early next year before the federal election is a live option being considered by the Turnbull government” it is reported by Daily Telegraph, where Mal’s mob feed Rupert. #auspol

    This mob are just abusing the political process! A Mini Budget has traditionally been used when an unexpected economic catastrophe occurs and needs prompt action by the government, NOT so as to enable a useless bunch of clowns to shovel more bribes at the electorate before the election because they are drowning in rivers of revenue!

  3. This government will try anything to stay in power, it’s the Machiavellian dirty tricks handbook!.
    and the stupid public fall for it!.
    I hope the public wake up soon.

  4. That Galaxy poll on the federal voting intentions in Queensland showed a 2% swing to Labor on the two party preferred and 3% on the primary vote compared to the last election. That would mean the Coalition losing five to six seats, Peter Dutton would stand a reasonable chance of being defeated in Dickson.

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