EMRS: Liberal 46, Labor 29, Greens 19 in Tasmania

Two steps forward and one step back for Tasmanian Labor, in its long slow road to recovery after the rout of last year’s election.

The latest quarterly reading of Tasmanian state voting intention from EMRS records a slump in Labor support following its post-election recovery, down five points on the February poll to 29%. This helps make room for gains for both the Liberals, up four to 46%, and the Greens, up four to 19%. Will Hodgman’s lead over Bryan Green as preferred premier has increased from 48-26 to 52-24. The poll was conducted last Tuesday to Friday from a sample of 1000; I believe their method is live-interview phone polling.

Author: William Bowe

William Bowe is a Perth-based election analyst and occasional teacher of political science. His blog, The Poll Bludger, has existed in one form or another since 2004, and is one of the most heavily trafficked websites on Australian politics.

6 comments on “EMRS: Liberal 46, Labor 29, Greens 19 in Tasmania”

  1. http://kevinbonham.blogspot.com.au/2015/05/emrs-liberals-regain-ground-and-would.html
    EMRS: Liberals Regain Ground And Would Be Returned

    Their method is indeed live-interview phone polling; I was polled by them six months ago. I believe they’re landline-only but don’t know this for sure.

    I also have other recent Tas articles re the Greens for those interested:

    What Happens In Kim Booth’s Recount?


    Greens Change Leaders and Replacing Milne as Senator

    And I have a Not-A-Poll on the sidebar where readers can say who should be the new Tas Greens Senator; Nick McKim has dominated all the various versions of the poll that I have run with various candidate mixes.

  2. I think the idea that Tasmanians in any electorate are going to remember what wood waste burning is, whether or not it is or isn’t in the RET, and which party was or wasn’t for it 18 months before they’re stood in the ballot box, is thoroughly fanciful.

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