The Galaxy poll of Queensland for which federal results were provided on Friday evening now comes through with state results. It shows the Liberal National Party government’s lead steady at 57-43, the previous poll having been conducted in late March, and Campbell Newman’s lead over Annastacia Palasczcuk little changed at 54-31, down from 55-29 last time.
Galaxy: 57-43 to state LNP in Queensland
Hands up who cares about a Queensland state poll right now? Well, here’s one anyway.
no interest in queensland per se?
Staying on message is seen as a strength normally. There must come a time, however, when it becomes a liability, when it’s been repeated over and over so many times the audience realises it’s being conned, fed rehearsed, pre-digested, focus-group tested waffle. Taken for mugs.
What has the long term trend been? I’m unpleasantly surprised to find Newman this popular. I thought he’d be more on the nose.
Smallvox there are improving signs in QLD. I work in a professional services organization at the pointy-end of construction and there are improving conditions, not big at this time but much more consistent than six months ago.
Newman is not perceived to be as evil as often portrayed here.
I keep hearing how unpopular Newman is and how he is Rudd’s main hope ……
Perceptions and wishes are not reality dovif. September 7th will be the final judge.