A Galaxy poll in today’s Courier Mail offers yet more evidence that the Liberal National Party’s Campbell Newman experiment is working, and that the Bligh government is cruising for a bruising at the election to be held no later than June next year. The LNP has a crushing two-party lead of 63-37 and a primary vote of 52 per cent, refuting any suggestion the Queensland/Australia party might upset their applecart. Labor is once again presented with the depressing spectacle of a primary vote with a two in front of it (28 per cent).
While the voting intention numbers are worse than the worst yet experienced by federal Labor, Anna Bligh has personal ratings to make Julia Gillard at least mildly jealous: 40 per cent approval against 56 per cent disapproval. However, she compares rather less well with her opponent Campbell Newman, who has 55 per cent approval and 28 per cent disapproval: outstanding figures for an Opposition Leader. He also leads 55 per cent to 38 per cent as preferred premier.
All numbers brought to you by GhostWhoVotes.
8 hours with no comment????
I predict Premier Newman in 2012.
There you go.
Fuck this. I’m moving to Tasmania.
On the bright side, it’ll probably only take two years or son to get back to the polls when we discover that the LNP actually is as useless as fried shit-on-a-stick.
[refuting any suggestion the Queensland/Australia party might upset their applecart]
thats a pity, would have liked to see katters party with the balance of power
Katters party will dilute the vote, Mod Lib, Newmans jumping ship in brisbane and leaving a tunnel mess won’t help him either!.
These numbers definitely put paid – for now at least – to the postings of some that the LNP support is crumbling etc.
According to the C-M the others vote has increased to 10% so the Mad Hat party is having an effect according to them.
Posted Saturday, August 27, 2011 at 9:59 am | Permalink
Katters party will dilute the vote, Mod Lib, Newmans jumping ship in brisbane and leaving a tunnel mess won’t help him either!.]
I suspect he is going to be OK actually, notwithstanding all those things you have put in his negative column.
In the positive column there is a +27% approval and a 26% lead in the TPP vote (in an OPV setting thats massive).
Premier Newman is gonna be a reality. Upside for Labor is at least it is just a unicameral legislature, so they don’t have to worry about entrenching extra Liberals in an upper house. But still. Wow.
Mod lib
We will see, the LNP were going to “ROMP” home last time, but failed miserably.
Never underestimate the LNP ability to shoot itself in the foot. 😆
If Qld wants to elect an LNP government, good luck to it; I don’t live there. (Except for QLD PBers – I would feel bad for them.
What Puff. The world in Qld arent going end tomorrow mate, its just a conservative government get ready because I think you may have a decade or more or it
why the jibe at Julia Gillard in a poll on Queensland?
Wouldn’t Tony Abbott be equally jealous of Newman’s “outstanding figures for an Opposition Leader”?
Appears that the msm “anything-negative-about-the-PM-must-be-inserted-into-copy-however-irrelevant-to-the-topic” disease is spreading!
While the ALP are disliked in Qld, Bligh is popular with the public, so Qlders are saying, we do not like your mob, but we like you, you are just stuck with an old government/incompetant government. At least there is hope that
This is in stark contrast with Gillard, most of Australia is saying we dislike your party and, we dislike you as well
This is in stark contrast with Abbott, while most of Australia is saying we dislike you, most of Australia is saying but we dislike Gillard much more then you, and if we had to choose which person we dislike less, Abbott would be PM. And we like your party much more then the ALP
So the jobe at Julia is warrented, while you could have a jobe at Abbott… Abbott has a consolation that, dispite being less popular then Newman …. he gets to be PM according to the polls
[This is in stark contrast with Gillard, most of Australia is saying we dislike your party and, we dislike you as well]
I’m beginning to think you have a problem with WOMEN, she has more intelligence and ability than you EVER will!.
Grow UP!.
I hate liars, I hate backstabbers, and I do not want a country ran by a citizen’s assembly and led by a person who do not know if he/she is real
If Abbott does those things, I would not vote for him either
It has nothing to do with Male or Female, and everything to do with what people had done
There is a reason the ALP is not hitting 30s in primary, and Gillard is having problem getting back to -30 in Net satisfication. From those, every sane person would come to the same conclusion.
ie Australians do not like what the ALP is doing, and they do not like Gillard
pm presser coming up on sky
[pm presser coming up on sky]
resigning already?